The secret guard said to Zhao Haiming: "You are responsible for all this. So next, you must die."

Zhao Haiming nodded.

"I still said the same thing. I have calmed down a lot now. It's just that I can't see the actor getting better with my own eyes."

The secret guard slapped him.

"Humph, you wish he would never get better."

Zhao Haiming knew that it would be useless to explain himself.

The secret guards quickly executed him.

Then, the secret guard quickly reported the news to Ouyang Linlin.

Let Ouyang Linlin go to the corner to take a look at his body.

After that, he planned to use fossil powder to melt him away.

Ouyang Linlin waved her hand.

"I believe you. I won't go and see it. I can't stand the bloody color."

On the other side, Song Shuwen came to a valley to collect medicine.

Several soldiers immediately surrounded the valley to protect him.

After all, his body is a bit old. So the process of collecting herbs is also a bit slow.

Finally, in this valley, he found the two medicines he needed, and he felt very happy.

He made a recipe, which required more than thirty kinds of traditional Chinese medicine to treat Xi Yu's illness.

But there are only two medicines that are rare in the world. Fortunately, he found them.

Just buy the rest from the Chinese medicine shop.

The soldiers were relieved when they learned that he had successfully collected the medicine.

It seems that the day when Xiyu returns to normal is finally not far away. It was already evening when they returned to the theater.

Song Shuwen said that he would buy medicine tomorrow, and then he could boil the medicine until Xiyu drank it.

But that night, Cao Pi was upset because after all, Song Meijiao had not been found yet.

Facing Song Datian's questioning, he had to be gentle and comfort him.

Song Meijiao was at Meng Huo's place, thinking about how to leave.

She knew that although Meng Huo said that he would fall in love with him willingly.

But after all, there must be a time limit.

The point is that she really wants to spread a message to her father.

That night, just as she fell asleep, she suddenly heard someone shouting: "Brothers, kill the enemy quickly."

She looked out the window and saw people from her own tribe fighting with people from other tribes.

Probably people from other tribes came to compete with them for water sources and territory.

During the day, she learned that there were some small tribes in Nanzhongnan, and they came to search for them from time to time.

Originally, Nanzhong was also composed of several small tribes.

But later, Meng Huo used his wisdom and ability to unify the entire Nanzhong.

It seems that they still want to break away from the rule of the Central Plains.

She also saw that hateful man, Meng Huo, fighting with the enemy with a spear.

At the same time, he was cursing.

Po Meng shouted: "Brothers, kill all these enemies, and we will have barbecue to eat."

These words immediately shocked Song Meijiao.

What? They want to eat human flesh, is that okay?

This place was so terrifying that she couldn't help but scream.

As a result, several sisters in the same room as her woke up and asked her what she was doing.

Only then did these sisters know that there was a war outside.

They told Song Meijiao that these were very common things.

"Oh my God, it's so scary."

And the victory this night ultimately belonged to Meng Huo.

Meng Huo captured many enemies and ordered his subordinates to kill them all.

And really have to cook their meat.

Meng Huo decided that he must go to Sichuan and Shu to attack the next day.

We need to negotiate with Zhang Lu.

From then on, they did their own thing without interfering with each other.

Early the next morning, Meng Huo came to see Song Meijiao.

"Beauty, have you thought it through?"

"I hope you let me go. Even if you do good deeds, God will bless you. If you continue to do bad things, there will be serious consequences."

Song Meijiao also knew that these principles probably didn't make sense.

But he still tried to speak, and sure enough, Meng Huo became furious after hearing this.

"Bitch, you actually told me these fallacies. The reason why I came to see you this morning is because I have to negotiate with Sichuan today. I think you are my lucky star. As long as I see you, victory will definitely belong to me. mine."

After that, Meng Huo walked out and shuttled away with five thousand elite soldiers.

In recent times, Zhang Lu has been developing his missionary career, and has actually relaxed a lot about the management of Sichuan and Shu.

But fortunately nothing big happened here.

This place must be easy to defend but difficult to attack. No one has attacked yet.

Therefore, Zhang Lu was even more immersed in a happy state.

While he was feeling proud, suddenly a little soldier walked in.

"General Zhang, someone from Nanzhong is here."

Zhang Lu was very surprised, what happened over there at Nanzhong?

It turned out that Meng Huo first sent one or two soldiers at the front so that he could report the information in advance.

"They said they were here to negotiate."

"What negotiation? What negotiation?"

The soldiers who reported the news did not dare to answer.

"In that case, call someone in."

Soon, the two soldiers who had taken the lead walked in.

These two soldiers were very domineering, and naturally they were ordered by Meng Huo.

They directly told Meng Huo's purpose of coming, so that they had an idea, and Meng Huo soon led his soldiers.

Did Zhang Lu start a crime?

"This is unreasonable. Are you openly provoking me?"

The two soldiers just sneered and didn't speak at all.

Zhang Lu shouted loudly: "Someone, drag them two out."

But both soldiers made bold statements, even after dragging them out. He couldn't change Meng Huo's mind.

If these two were killed, it would only increase Meng Huo's bad temper.

At that time, the consequences will be even more unimaginable.

Zhang Lu is not an impulsive person. Why did Meng Huo's wings suddenly stiffen?

In this case, don't impulsively kill two people and see what happens next.

In the end, he decided not to kill his two soldiers.

The two soldiers looked at each other and smiled victoriously, because everything was as Meng Huo expected.

Many people think that Meng Huo is a reckless hero.

But they didn't know Meng Huo, they had already figured out Zhang Lu's character.

Of course, even if Cao Pi comes to help, Meng Huo will not be afraid.

The two soldiers temporarily retreated.

Half an hour later, Meng Huo's army had arrived in Sichuan, and two soldiers stood in the sun to greet them.

Meng Huo asked them what the situation was, and the two of them told the relevant situation.

Meng Huo laughed loudly.

"That's right. Let him relax for a while and let his morale be affected for a while. Then we can attack again."

On the other side, Zhao Yun finally arrived in Luoyang today.

He planned to start assassinating Sima Yi tonight.

He stayed in an inn, put down his things and horses, and then came to the street and began to ask others about Cao Pi and Sima Yi.

As a result, before I could inquire, I heard a noise coming from a tea shop.

"I heard that Mr. Cao is paying attention to the disappearance of a civilian girl and is looking for her."

"Oh, which girl is missing and so lucky? It is worth looking for by Mr. Cao himself."

"I don't know yet. It is said that the girl is as beautiful as a flower. She is a girl named Song from a family in Qingfeng Village."

"This means that Duke Cao has taken a liking to her."

"That's true."

Zhao Yun then came among the people talking and asked them what was going on.

Zhao Yun thought to himself, wouldn't it be possible to find Sima Yi if he found Cao Pi? If Sima Yi cannot be killed directly, then it would not be bad to kill Cao Pi.

After all, they are all the same.

Several people were talking, and then they saw a stranger arriving. They felt very strange.

Zhao Yun immediately bowed respectfully and said that he liked to hear some stories very much, so he asked the brothers to tell them again.

Those few people saw his gentle manner and seemed to have no ill intentions.

So I talked about the relevant things.

"My dear brother, you don't know, it stands to reason. It's a good thing that Duke Cao likes this girl, but both father and daughter are very strong-willed."

"And I heard that one night, this woman disappeared. Now Cao Pi has sent many people to look for her, but really trying to find her is like looking for a needle in a haystack."

At this moment, a man suddenly passed by the door of the store, it was Jia Quan.

Jia Quan happened to come to the county town to do something. He heard everyone talking about it and was very angry.

"Hey, why are you talking about my cousin?"

Everyone was surprised.

Jia Quan walked in, looking particularly excited.

"If you can provide clues to find my cousin, I will be very grateful, but if you are talking behind my back, don't blame me for being rude."

So several men started to quarrel with him.

In fact, it was just a normal statement, and it was not involved in a personal attack. Why is this person unhappy?

"It turns out that girl is your cousin, but so what? Don't you want everyone to talk?"

Jia Quan was also very unhappy because of his cousin's disappearance.

So it's like I have lost my mind at this moment.

Insisted on arguing with a few people.

Zhao Yun thought to himself that this man was related to Song Datian, so maybe he could find a clue from him.

So, he rushed to Jia Quan.

"Brother, don't be impulsive."

He forcefully pulled Jia Quan away.

"Who are you? Let me go."

"Brother, peace is the most important thing. You will be killed if you are so impulsive."

Helpless, Jia Quan was finally pulled away.

Zhao Yun said to Jia Quan: "Let's find a place to have a good chat."

The two people came outside. Although Zhao Yun was angry, he still wanted to find a way to pry open each other's mouth.

Jia Quan said: "Brother, there is no need for you to help me. You should let me kill those beasts."

"Okay, okay, actually, I don't mean any harm. Just calm down. I can understand your mood."

Next, he kept chatting with the other person, asking where the other person lived and so on.

The other party also told him his home address and specifically said that he was coming to buy some medicinal materials nearby.

"But I heard that the old thief Sima Yi actually went to your cousin's house to propose marriage on behalf of Cao Pi. Is there such a thing?"

"Yes, those people have told you."

"In that case, do you know where this Sima Yi lives? Or can you help me find him?"

Zhao Yun said that he would never let his help go in vain.

Jia Quan felt very strange.

"If you're looking for someone, why do you have to go through me? Besides, how can I help?"

Zhao Yun said that he could lie that his cousin had been found, then report the news to Sima Yi, and then try to lure Sima Yi or Cao Pi out alone.

Jia Quan was startled and took several steps back.

"Brother, what do you want to do?"

"To be honest, this Sima Yi and I have a sworn hatred. He must be killed. Brother, I hit it off with you, so I'll tell you the truth."

Jia Quan was shocked.

"I can't do this. How can you come to me when life is at stake?"

He was so frightened that he left quickly. Zhao Yun knew that he did not dare to do it, so he did not force it.

However, Zhao Yun followed him quietly. I hope that a breakthrough will be opened from him.

On the other side, in Youzhou, Song Shuwen had woken up.

He is now asking people to buy medicine quickly.

The servants knew that since it was related to Xi Yu, they naturally hurried to do it.

After a while, the medicine was finally bought.

Song Shuwen quickly asked his servants to prepare the medicine.

At this moment, everyone was very excited.

Moreover, Song Shuwen personally watched, hoping not to let anyone ruin the process of decoction.

At the same time, he asked someone to inform Ouyang Linlin's maid Xiaohong.

After a while, Xiaohong walked in.

She asked Song Shuwen, after these medicines are cooked, will Xiyu get better immediately?

"Not necessarily. You have to drink it and observe it for a few days, but there should be no problem."

After Xiaohong heard this statement, she finally felt a little happier.

But Song Shuwen also said that there are always surprises in everything, and no one dares to make a complete guarantee.

Xiaohong knew that Song Shuwen was being modest.

Since he said that, there is no big problem anymore, right?

But I have never seen the other party's medical skills. It's still an unknown number right now.

Ouyang Linlin also arrived at the pharmacy soon.

Xiaohong walked out quickly.

"Miss, you seem to be a little weak. Why are you here?"

Ouyang Linlin said that she is not a waning person.

She was more sad about her father's words and the situation of the actor.

But nothing happened in itself.

And now that the medicine is almost finished cooking, he will naturally be very happy.

He hoped to feed Xi Yu himself.

But Song Shuwen said that she could just go home and wait, because he would notify her after the medicine was cooked.

"No, I'm still waiting here, just like Dr. Song. Don't you also want to stay here with me? I'm not worried either."

Song Shuwen saw that she was determined to do this, so he had no choice but to agree.

Finally, half an hour later, the medicine was ready.

Song Shuwen asked several servants to carry it, and two women followed behind.

They came to Xiyu's room together, Xiyu was still lying there.

When you enter the room, for Ouyang Linlin, she sheds tears first.

Song Shuwen also immediately advised her that there was no need to be so sad because. It's time to give Xi Yu the medicine.

Several servants helped Xi Yu up.

Ouyang Linlin personally gave Xi Yu the medicine as promised.

Ouyang Linlin showed great nervousness.

My hands even trembled a little when I was giving the medicine.

Xiaohong then said: "Miss, it's better for the slave to come. In fact, it's just to help the actor get better. What's the difference who gives the medicine?"

But Ouyang Linlin has made up her mind.

She must serve her husband personally.

Xiao Hong also knew that the young lady had a very stubborn temper, so she had no choice but to step aside.

But Ouyang Linlin finally stabilized her hand, and then successfully fed all the medicine into Xi Yu's mouth.

But now she can't wait to see Xi Yu get better.

So when she saw Xi Yu still unconscious, she was very angry.

"Divine Doctor Song, please explain to me what is going on."

Her eyes were extremely wide and she looked extremely scary.

Song Shuwen explained to him that he would need to be in a coma for a few days. This was a necessary procedure. Of course, generally speaking, these medicines would not cause problems.

Xiaohong also immediately persuaded her: "Miss, Divine Doctor Song told this slave just now, so you must not be anxious."

Only then did Ouyang Linlin realize that she had been a little too irritable just now.

Yes, what's the basis for getting so angry?

She quickly apologized to Song Shuwen.

Song Shuwen said that he didn't care at all, because after all, he understood what the other party was like.

"Madam, you are like this because you care about the actor."

Song Shuwen said that he would go back to rest now.

But Ouyang Linlin said she would stay here, and Xiaohong said, "Miss, don't stay here. Didn't Doctor Song say that? It will take several days to wake up."

"But I still hope to be here. I hope that when my husband wakes up, the first thing he sees is me."

Xiaohong then quickly asked Song Shushuwen for help.

Song Shuwen said: "Of course Madam is sincere, but even so, you can come back in three to five days. When the actor wakes up, you will be the first one he sees."

"You mean at least three days?"

"Yes, the actor will not wake up within three days. Madam can go back and rest."

When Ouyang Linlin heard what he said, she had no choice but to let Xiaohong help her back to the room.

Before leaving, Ouyang Linlin glanced at the secret guard, hoping that the secret guard would protect Xi Yu.

During these three days, at this critical moment, don’t let anyone get close to you.

Immediately, a voice came from the darkness.

"Madam, just don't worry. Even if I don't risk my life, I will definitely protect the safety of the actor."

When Ouyang Linlin returned to the room, she was still a little sad.

She grabbed Xiaohong's clothes.

"Xiao Hong, what if we still can't succeed this time?"

"Don't worry, we will definitely succeed this time. I think Doctor Song is not an ordinary person."

Xiaohong actually didn't believe in Song Shuwen's medical skills.

But now she must use this method to comfort Ouyang Linlin. (End of chapter)

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