On the other side, Meng Huo and his soldiers finally arrived at Zhang Lu's territory.

Zhang Lu also immediately sent troops to greet him.

But Meng Huo laughed loudly and looked majestic on his horse.

"General Zhang, why are you doing this? I'm here to negotiate with you this time, and I'm not trying to attack you. What are you doing?"

Zhang Lu said fiercely: "Since you are negotiating, why do you need to bring so many soldiers?"

Meng Huo explained that everyone had been living in a barbarian land, so they wanted to see the scenery here.

"Meng Huo, you thief, you put it nicely, since you want to see the scenery, why not go to Chang'an and Luoyang? Isn't the scenery there better than here?"

Meng Huo said he would go there in the future, which proved his ambition.

In the future, we will also go to other places to compete for territory.

Meng Huo said: "My two leading soldiers must have told you the truth, so now I hope to have a good negotiation with you. I wonder if General Zhang can give you some face?"

Someone had already given Zhang Lu some advice before, so there was no need to confront Meng Huo head-on.

Anyway, now Zhang Lu is actually Cao Pi's man. When the time comes, he will ask Cao Pi for help, and he will definitely not be ignored.

Zhang Lu thought this suggestion was good, so he tried to restrain himself.

Don't be impulsive.

Although he now wants to kill Meng Huo.

"Okay, if that's the case, then I'll sit down and talk to you, but the conditions you put forward don't mean that I will completely obey them. Do you understand?"

Meng Huo laughed loudly and asked the soldiers to guard here.

He took only a few cronies to Zhang Lu's room.

There were also some missionary materials on Zhang Lu's case file, so he was quickly cleared away.

Meng Huo had also heard about Zhang Lu's missionary work before and felt that this was something women should do.

Men should be motivated to start a business.

Meng Huo sat down immediately.

Zhang Lu said: "You said that Nanzhong wants to be independent?"

"Yes, this is an inevitable trend in the future."

Moreover, he was politely informing Zhang Lu now. Even if Zhang Lu didn't agree, he wouldn't be able to stop him.

"So when the time comes, let's not quarrel."

"Meng Huo, why do you suddenly have such thoughts? You should understand that there are many small tribes around you. If you become independent, you may have to face it all by yourself."

Meng Huo waved his hand.

He seemed to have expected that the other party would say this.

"General Zhang won't bother with this. Of course, if General Zhang can't make the decision, you might as well tell Duke Cao. In short, from now on, I, Nanzhong, will definitely break away from the rule of the Central Plains and stand on its own."

Zhang Lu wished he could punch him to death, but he still smiled.

"I wonder why Meng Huo suddenly had such an idea?"

Several cronies brought by Meng Huo. It felt like Lu had been kicked in the head by a donkey.

Who is willing to accept the rule of others when given the opportunity to stand on his own?

Isn't this just a nonsense question?

And Meng Huo also told him the reason, which was that he was punished because he broke the national law once.

That's why I came up with this idea.

It turned out that Chief Meng Huo was troubled by this incident.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, this is just a trivial matter.

"As long as you are willing, continue to be loyal to Nanzhong. In fact, this general can take care of you."

The implication is that you can turn a blind eye to Meng Huo's crimes.

Because Zhang Lu also considered that if Xi Yu and Cao Pi went to war in the future, he could also use some of Meng Huo's strength.

But if Meng Huo becomes independent now, Cao Pi will lose a big arm.

Therefore, he absolutely does not want this matter to be completed.

He immediately thought of Sima Yi.

This matter should be told to Sima Yi as soon as possible.

He is resourceful and may be able to make suggestions, so now a drag-out decision must be implemented.

Meng Huo said that no matter what the other party said was so high-sounding, he could not change his mind at all.

"Chief Menghuo, as you said, I can't make the decision myself now and I have to ask for instructions. So after you leave today, I have finished asking for instructions. I will send someone to inform you at that time. What do you think? "

Meng Huo smiled slightly and touched the beard on his chin with his hand.

"Of course you can, but there is a time limit. If I don't get any news after ten days, you're welcome."

Ten days later, if his legal status is not recognized, he will force his independence and will also capture Sichuan and Shu.

"General Zhang, I am different from you. You spend more time on preaching, while I am training troops. Now, I am very powerful."

Zhang Lu looked at Meng Huo fiercely. What he hated most was that some people thought that he only preached without doing his job.

"Okay, then Chief Meng, you also have to think about it. If Mr. Cao doesn't agree, we will have a battle when the time comes. Then I will see how strong you are, General."

Meng Huo stood up and said, "Okay, brothers, we can leave."

Zhang Lu naturally stopped saying polite words to him.

After they all left, Zhang Lu was so angry that he almost overturned the table.

Several confidants around him did not dare to speak.

"Tell me, are you all mute? So what should we do next?"

"General Zhang, don't be angry. Just as you said, shouldn't we quickly go to Duke Cao for help?"

Zhang Lu sighed. In fact, he should ask Cao Pi for instructions now.

But I don’t agree with it in my heart.

Although he also wants to take sides, he can leave if there is a chance in the future.

But he didn't expect that before he could escape successfully, Meng Huo had already proposed to escape from him.

As a result, his territory is getting smaller and smaller.

"Okay, in that case, which one of you is willing to go to Luoyang to report the news?"

But at this moment, several confidants looked at each other, as if no one wanted to go.

Zhang Lu asked fiercely: "What's the matter with you? You are needed at a critical moment. Why don't any of you move forward bravely?"

Several people lowered their heads.

Zhang Lu finally looked at a stout man.

"Ma Wenbin, I leave it to you, are you confident to complete it?"

Now that his name had been called, the man named Ma Wenbin had no choice but to bite the bullet and agreed.

"You must live up to General Zhang's trust. Remember, when you go, you must first find Sima Yi and discuss with him. After all, he has many talents."

"Okay, General Zhang, I remember everything."

Ma Wenbin is also considered a general in the army, so it is okay to let him go.

Zhao Yun followed Jia Quan secretly.

Jia Quan didn't notice until Jia Quan returned home.

But Zhao Yun did not act immediately, he decided to outsmart him.

He thought it would be best to lure Sima Yi or Cao Pi out and do it himself.

Because it is a bit difficult to break into their home rashly.

Especially Cao Pi, he will definitely lay a dragnet.

When the time comes, things can't be done and things get messed up.

After that, he slowly returned.

After Meng Huo and others left, they were all very happy.

Especially his men seemed to feel that victory was just around the corner.

When Meng Huo returned to the tribe, he went to find Song Meijiao again.

Song Meijiao's attitude was still the same, but Meng Huo didn't get angry because he was so happy.

"Beauty, I have already said that I will definitely let you fall into my arms obediently."

After that, he left immediately, leaving the other party feeling baffled.

Why are you so happy today?

Could it be said that what he said in the morning has been successful?

Another long night has come.

Song Meijiao wiped her tears, how on earth could she see her father?

She also tried to escape today. After all, she knew some martial arts.

She found that in front of these elite soldiers and generals, they were of no use at all.

Therefore, she could only accept her fate.

Just after Meng Huo returned to the room, several soldiers also told him about this girl's martial arts skills and tried to escape.

It made Meng Huo feel very surprised.

"Oh, that's really interesting."

Seeing Meng Huo smiling, the soldiers knew that today they were beaten by Song Meijiao, and Meng Huo would definitely not let them make the decision.

Seeing the unhappy looks on their faces, Meng Huo said: "Aren't you happy because you were beaten and I couldn't make the decision? But didn't you also attack her? She didn't escape in the end, wasn't it? ?"

Several soldiers nodded.

"Okay, I already know this matter in my mind. You can go back first."

After several soldiers retreated, Meng Huo asked his servants to prepare a pot of wine.

He wanted to have a good drink today, and he even felt that his good days were coming.

Not only did he break away from Sichuan and Shu, he also wanted to expand the territory of Nanzhong.

In the future he will go to the Central Plains and become a real emperor.

Initially, he didn't have this idea and just hoped to be independent.

But now, he felt that his heart was beginning to swell.

It was already late at night, and when Cao Pi was about to go back to his room, he was still a little upset.

Unable to find Song Meijiao, not only could he not give Song Datian an explanation.

Of course, the most important thing is that if this girl is captured, even if it is given to me, can I still want it?

Why would God be against me?

Why do I always get blocked when I want to find a woman?

He became even more upset after a while, and then began to curse God for being unfair to him.

Because I was so upset, I didn't fall asleep at all for a while.

It wasn't until he was about to fall asleep that he suddenly noticed a figure in the room.

He thought his eyes.

Rubbing his eyes, he found that it was indeed the case.

He shouted: "Who is it?"

"You'd better not speak, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous."

Cao Pi heard it very clearly, and there was indeed someone in the room.

But the doors and windows were closed properly, how did this person get in?

That can only mean that this person has been hidden in advance.

Who is so bold? Is he an assassin?

Cao Pi was a little scared, but on the surface he still pretended to be very calm.

"Who are you, your Excellency? What do you want to do when you enter my room privately?"

Cao Pi vaguely saw the figure coming towards him.

There seemed to be a very thick aura about him.

"Mr. Cao, don't panic. I'm actually here to help you."

Cao Pi felt inexplicable.

If the other party wants to help him, why can't he show up openly and openly?

The other party also said that there were several guarding soldiers outside who had been knocked down by him.

So if Cao Pi wanted to find someone else to ask for help, it would be very difficult.

"Who are you anyway?"

Cao Pi wanted to hold a lamp in his hand and see the other party's appearance clearly.

The other party said: "I am not a beautiful woman. Why does Mr. Cao have to hold the lamp? Wouldn't it be better if we just talk like this?"

Then, the man sat down on a seat.

Cao Pi put on his coat and immediately stood up and sat by the bed.

The man said: "Mr. Cao, you should know that your opponent Xi Yu has secret guards, and my role is equivalent to that of a secret guard."

Cao Pi was stunned for a moment, then became ecstatic.

Yes, I am very envious and hope to have a secret guard like Xi Yu around me.

But he knew that this was unrealistic.

He couldn't bribe Xi Yu's secret guard. The key was that he couldn't get close to him at all.

I heard that those secret guards were all dead soldiers, and now this person said that he could help him.

Could it be that he is the secret guard?

"Are you the person next to Xi Yu?"

"That's wrong. He is really one of his people. Did you think he would come to help you?"

Cao Pi knew that the other party seemed to be really helping him, and the tension in his heart finally slowly faded away.

He also understands that there is no free lunch in this world. If people come to help him, they must have a purpose.

"Then what do you mean? Just tell me quickly."

"Mr. Cao, let me tell you straight. I wonder if Mr. Cao has ever heard of Japanese ninjas?"

Cao Pi felt his head was in a daze.

What ninja?

I have never heard of it!

The man said that although Cao Pi didn't speak, he seemed to be able to see Cao Pi's eyes clearly.

"It seems that Mr. Cao has never heard of it. Then I will tell you about it."

The man then explained it to him.

They also learned ninjutsu, so they would also hide in secret.

So they are willing to help Duke Cao.

Some people are willing to appear at Cao Pi's side to help.

Cao Pi was overjoyed.

"That's great. As long as you can help me, I will benefit from you."

"Mr. Cao is really happy. Let's talk about the benefits next. Because you and Xi Yu are bound to have a battle, so if we succeed in the future, you must give us a lot of territory."

Cao Pi was stunned for a moment. Although he knew that the other party had a purpose, he didn't expect it to be like this.

And he also knew that the other party would definitely open his mouth.

Then, the man talked about several territories.

These are important towns in the entire Central Plains. If they were given to others, wouldn't they be invaded by these people in the future?

Cao Pi was so angry that his lungs were about to explode.

He and Xi Yu are both from the Central Plains.

Their fight is also an internal fight.

But if an outsider comes in...

Then wouldn’t he become a sinner through the ages?

So at this moment, he was hesitating.

The other party seems to have known for a long time that he would give it careful consideration and would not agree directly.

Otherwise, it would be extremely abnormal.

Cao Pi knew that it seemed impossible to refuse rashly now.

It is possible to kill yourself directly.

He then said: "Can you give me a certain amount of time?"

"Okay, then Mr. Cao had better tell us how many days it will be. If it takes too long, it will be bad."

Cao Pi said it would take three days.

He decided to discuss it with others within three days.

"Well, in that case, I hope you keep your promise, and you should also understand that I can break in here quietly, so you want people to guard against me or attack me, which is impossible."

After that, his body was like a ghost and he left immediately.

Cao Pi saw this kind of ninjutsu alive and was really shocked today.

But next, if he is discussing with others and this person breaks in again, what should he do?

At this moment, Cao Pi couldn't sleep even more.

On the second day, Cao Pi hadn't woken up yet, so he quickly sent someone to find Sima Yi.

At the same time, he thought of Xi Zhicai and didn't know when he would come back.

Many people can't stand Xi Zhicai now, but he feels that if the other party is here, he will definitely come up with an idea.

Sima Yi had not finished breakfast at home when he heard someone coming to tell him that something was wrong with Cao Pi.

He arrived without stopping.

"I wonder why Cao Pi asked his subordinates to arrive so early in the morning?"

Cao Pi then told him about his encounter with the ninja yesterday.

"What, there is such a thing?"

"I wonder, Sima Zhongda, have you heard of the existence of this Japanese ninja?"

Sima Yi shook his head.

"Okay, but I have personally seen what that man is capable of, so what do you think of his conditions?"

Cao Pi also said that if he is perfunctory for the time being, he will betray his trust in the future. This is probably impossible.

"Besides, this is not my style."

"Mr. Cao, my subordinates actually think that we can agree to it. If he can really help us, that would be great. Although we are on par with Xiyu now, once we start a war, we cannot be particularly sure. Moreover, Xi Yu is an expert in using troops, so his men are particularly brave, and many battles are won by surprise."

Cao Pi stared at Sima Yi.

"Do you think I should conspire with foreign enemies?"

Of course Sima Yi understood Cao Pi's ambivalence.

You can attack your own people however you want, but once foreign enemies invade, it will be infamous for eternity.

It is impossible for Cao Pi to be insulted after his death.

Sima Yi said that there is no better way now, so why not let everyone come and discuss it.

"Okay, if that's the case, I'll call everyone together soon."

After a while, Cao Pi gathered many people together.

Some people agreed with Sima Yi's opinion, but some people thought that the Japanese were bullying others too much. How could they casually agree to their requests?

People in the Central Plains have an old saying since ancient times, it is better to have broken jade than to have it intact.

Even if Xi Yu couldn't fight, it was still a vigorous battle. How could outsiders come to help? (End of chapter)

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