When Zhao Yun got up that day, he wanted to find Jia Quan again.

He saw a clear sky outside. He remembered that Song Shuwen said he was going to collect medicine, but he didn't know whether he had succeeded or not?

I hope that after I finish my work, Xiyu will get better after returning home.

Suddenly a gust of wind blew. After all, it was winter, and his body was very cold.

But the desolation in his heart was even greater.

He believed that Ouyang Linlin would be very happy after he killed Sima Yi.

Although he couldn't tell Ouyang Linlin when he left.

Because once you tell the other party, you may not let yourself come over.

Of course, he did this not only for Ouyang Linlin, but also for Xi Yu.

This Sima Yi was so bold that he actually ate, drank, and defecated on top of Xi Yu's head. How could he endure it?

Finally, he came to Jia Quan's home.

Jia Quan was feeding fish at home and felt that the sunlight around him was being blocked.

The first thing he saw was a pair of stiff shoes.

When he raised his head, he saw that it was Zhao Yun.

"You? How could it be you? How could you find me at home?"

Zhao Yun also told him the truth.

He had already followed the other party that day, so he found this place.

"What? You're following me, what are you doing?"

Zhao Yun also said it very politely.

He still hopes to get the other party to agree to help him.

"I want to ask you, who are you and why do you do this?"

Zhao Yun thought that since he was asking someone to do something, he had to tell the truth.

When he revealed his true identity, Jia Quan was surprised.

First it was Cao Pi, and now it was Xi Yu. How could a small person like me meet such a person.

Jia Quan was thinking that his uncle had revealed his sister's identity and he must not marry Cao Pi. So judging from this site, Cao Pi is his uncle's enemy.

So Zhao Yun's idea was not bad. He really hoped that Zhao Yun could kill Sima Yi or Cao Pi.

But if he really did this, wouldn't he be beheaded?

He glared at Zhao Yun.

"Even if I help you, wouldn't I also be in trouble?"

Therefore, Jia Quan thought that the other party had a bad idea.

He also came up with an idea to let Zhao Yun find Sima Yi himself.

Just say that you have found your cousin, and then lure her out, right?

"No, they will definitely recognize me, and it is only appropriate for you to go. After all, you are a relative of your cousin."

"But even so, you are still harming me. How can I agree?"

Zhao Yun promised Jia Quan that after he completed this matter, Zhao Yun would definitely escort him to safety.

You can even let him live in Youzhou, and Cao Pi will never find him from now on.

Jia Quan waved his hand.

"No, I can't get involved with you because of this matter. You also saw that I still have a manor and a small farm here."

Zhao Yun wanted to kneel down to Jia Quan and hoped that he would do so.

However, Jia Quan seemed to understand his thoughts.

"Even if you kneel down and beg me, I won't agree."

Zhao Yun felt helpless.

But he also knew that he could not force others to do anything. When he was about to leave, Jia Quan stopped him again.

"What's wrong? Are you willing to help me?"

"No, I just want to tell you something. In fact, you started in the wrong direction."

Zhao Yun looked at him carefully, not understanding what Jia Quan meant.

"At first you just asked me to go there in the name of a relative, but why didn't you stay at the door of Sima Yi's house? He will definitely come out. Wouldn't it be better if you just kill him?"

Zhao Yun thought about it, that was true. Why didn't he think of this?

He was momentarily enlightened.

"Great, thank you for your advice."

Jia Quan said: "This is a simple question, but you have made it complicated."

Zhao Yun laughed loudly, and then immediately went to find Sima Yi.

He decided to start with Sima Yi. As for killing Cao Pi, it would be as difficult as climbing to the sky.

As dusk approached, he finally found out where Sima Yi lived. It happened that there was a tea shop opposite the house.

So, he chose to stay.

Just keep an eye on Sima Yi to see when he appears so that you can take action.

But it was getting later and later.

It is estimated that Sima Yi will not come out today.

Then we can only wait until tomorrow.

Song Shuwen said that it would take at least three days for Xi Yu to wake up.

But this day, Ouyang Linlin couldn't bear it anymore.

I went to the room specifically to take a look.

She also asked Xiaohong to tell Ganmei about it.

"Miss, is it appropriate to tell the eldest lady? If Xiyu really doesn't wake up..."

Ouyang Linlin glared at her.

Xiao Hong quickly slapped her mouth.

"Bah, bah, bah, it's so unlucky for me to speak so early in the morning."

"Just go and tell her quickly. Besides, the eldest lady also knows about Divine Doctor Song. She must also be thinking about it. No matter what, the result must be told to her."

Xiaohong hurriedly went to find Ganmei.

When Ganmei heard Xiaohong tell her about this, she smiled and said, "I was planning to go find someone to ask. Fortunately, you told me."

But Xiaohong also discovered that the other party didn't seem to have any hope, and she didn't want to say any more words of comfort.

Ganmei said: "Okay, you can go back. Thank you for telling me such good news."

She was very pleased when she heard that Ouyang Linlin was guarding Xi Yu.

She said that if her stomach wasn't so heavy, she would have gotten over it.

"Okay, madam, you don't have to go there, just wait for the good news."

When Xiaohong approached Xiyu's room, she heard voices inside.

She felt very strange, it turned out to be the voice of a young lady.

Ouyang Linlin held Xi Yu's hand and was talking to herself.

She told the story of how she first met Xi Yu.

At that time, I was just an innocent girl, and she was still in love with someone else.

At that time, she hated Xi Yu very much, but later she really fell in love with him.

And I believe that Xi Yu also likes him, but he has been embarrassed to say it.

The two of them seemed to have gone through a lot of hardships.

But now, there are two men in my life.

One is unconscious and crazy, and the other is dead.

She started crying as she spoke, and before she knew it, Xiaohong had come to her side.

"Xiaohong, when did you come in?" Ouyang Linlin quickly wiped her tears.

Xiaohong comforted her.

"Miss, after all, the master has passed away. People cannot be resurrected. I hope you can express your condolences. If the master were still in heaven, he would be unhappy when he saw you like this."

Ouyang Linlin sighed.

"Xiao Hong, tell me, when my husband wakes up in the future, if he knows that my father is dead, will he be particularly sad?"

Xiaohong didn't expect him to ask such a question.

So he said: "He will definitely be very sad, because he won't be able to bear it when he sees you sad."

Ouyang Linlin also said that sooner or later, she would have to find out what caused her husband to be in such a situation.

If there were human factors behind it, he would definitely not let it go.

Because if dad hadn’t gone looking for a miracle doctor, nothing would have happened.

"By the way, miss, is this the end of the matter? Shouldn't we take revenge?"

"But now it has been proven that it is related to Cao Pi. We can't take revenge directly yet. Let's wait until my husband wakes up."

Xiaohong added that Zhao Yun had this idea, and the lady should actually support it.

Ouyang Linlin said: "By the way, you mentioned that Zhao Yun is here. It seems that you haven't seen him for several days. He was the one who brought Divine Doctor Song back, but he didn't show up when Divine Doctor Song was treating his illness."

Xiaohong said that Zhao Yun must be very busy, and it would be normal for him not to come.

However, Ouyang Linlin noticed another meaning.

She asked Xiaohong to go find Zhao Yun and tell him that she had something to do and just ask him to come here directly.

"Miss, what do you want to see him for?"

"Are you asking too many questions?"

Xiao Hong said oh and hurried out to look for Zhao Yun.

After half an hour, she came back.

She was panting from exhaustion.

She said she couldn't find it after searching for a long time, and she also went to the military camp.

Ouyang Linlin said: "It seems that I have guessed right. She must have gone to kill Sima Yi or Cao Pi privately."

"What do you say, miss, that he would do this?"

"This is just a guess on my part, but I feel it should be like this."

Xiaohong became worried.

"In this case, wouldn't he be in danger?"

"Yes, others should listen to Zhou Yu."

But Ouyang Linlin was also very moved.

But she told Xiaohong at the same time.

After all, this is my own guess, so please don't tell anyone about it.

"Miss, don't worry, I will do this even if you don't tell me. Also, miss, should we go back to the room? Even if you have to stay here, won't Divine Doctor Song tell you? It will take three days. after."

Ouyang Linlin nodded and said, "Yes, let's go."

The two men eventually returned to the room.

On the other side, Xi Shi stayed in the room.

She didn't bother going out these days because she knew she wouldn't be able to go out either.

After listening to the little girl's words, she learned that people outside seemed to hate her less now, and that the limelight had probably passed.

But the last time Zhuge Liang approached a Taoist priest to kill her still made her worried.

She didn't know if this would happen again?

And the little girl is coming in from outside at this moment. He told Xi Shi that a miracle doctor came and said that he had given Xi Yu the medicine yesterday.

Maybe Xiyu will wake up in a few days.

Xi Shi said: "I really hope he wakes up soon, otherwise I will become a sinner through the ages."

She said that after Xi Yu woke up, she must tell Xi Yu to leave, even if she just knelt down, even if she went on a hunger strike, she would do it.

But she didn't know whether the hunger strike was effective.

She once used this method to threaten the secret guards, but it had no effect at all.

The little girl said: "Miss, if the actor really wakes up, with his wisdom he will definitely be able to find out what caused him to be like this, and then your innocent injustice will be cleared, so maybe You won’t have to leave then.”

Xi Shi sighed.

"Maybe that's true."

Then, the little girl stared at Xi Shi carefully.

Xishi asked: "What's wrong? Is my face dirty? You have to look at me like this."

"No, miss, I think you are so beautiful even when you are worried."

Xi Yu smiled faintly.

He has heard more than a few people say that he is as beautiful as a flower.

So there won't be much of a surprise.

On this day, Zhao Yun got up early, hoping to see Sima Yi leave.

He knew that Sima Yi was now considered a military advisor to Cao Pi.

So he will definitely appear often to find Cao Pi.

The hard work paid off, and half an hour later, he finally saw Sima Yi appear from the window.

Moreover, Sima Yi was traveling alone, which made him even more elated.

The chance for revenge has come.

He quickly went downstairs and hid the dagger in his sleeve.

Soon, he arrived below, about twenty meters away from Sima Yi.

He looked at Sima Yi in front of him very sharply.

Old man, I guess you still don’t know that today is your death anniversary.

He walked quickly, and Sima Yi didn't know that someone was dealing with him behind him.

Until Zhao Yun was close to him, he felt a strong wind.

He immediately turned around and saw Zhao Yun's fierce face.

Zhao Yun stabbed him with a dagger.

"Beast, I'm going to send you to see the King of Hell today."

Sima Yi quickly ran away and shouted: "You are Zhao Yun, what are you going to do?"

"I have to kill you."

Sima Yi was so frightened that he ran away, but Zhao Yun quickly caught up with him.

He grabbed his neck with one hand and was about to stab him with the other hand when a gust of wind suddenly appeared in the dark. A figure appeared quickly and immediately kicked Zhao Yun aside.

Zhao Yun was startled and found that it was a man wearing black clothes and his face was covered.

He was shocked.

"who are you?"

He thought, isn't this Xi Yu's secret guard? But Xi Yu's secret guards could not come to help Sima Yi.

Sima Yi walked away from the gate of hell and kept patting his chest.

This was really dangerous just now.

But he didn't understand why the other party wanted to help him.

And soon, the man in black grabbed him and walked quickly.

When Zhao Yun went to chase them, he found that they had gone far away.

Zhao Yun was very frustrated. He understood. It seemed that Cao Pi had many masters here.

The man in black put Sima Yi in a corner and told him to wait here while he went back to deal with it.

Soon, the man in black came to Zhao Yun's side.

Zhao Yun asked: "Who are you and why do you want to help Sima Yi, a thief?"

But the other party didn't speak at all and just attacked Zhao Yun.

Zhao Yun then fought with him and found that the opponent's moves were particularly sensitive.

But he is really no match for others. He is very fast.

Zhao Yun was knocked to the ground by him. At this time, the man in black shouted at Sima Yi.

"Hurry up, show up quickly, go home and tie him up with a rope. Wouldn't this be a great achievement?"

Sima Yi was very happy, thanked the man in black, hurried to his home, and asked his servants to take out the rope and tie up Zhao Yun.

Zhao Yun just kept asking who the man in black was, but the man in black insisted not to tell.

Sima Yi asked Zhao Yun: "Why do you want to kill me?"

"You thief, did you kill Ouyang Fu?"

In fact, of course Sima Yi understood why Zhao Yun came, but he did not admit it at all.

"We have already sent you a letter, but there is no such thing at all, General Zhao."

"Gou thief, you are slandering others, Sima Dog thief, if this person hadn't helped you today, do you think you could have escaped my dagger?"

Sima Yi also understood that the man in black helped him because he wanted to send Zhao Yun to Cao Pi.

So he glanced at a few servants.

"You follow me quickly to see Duke Cao."

As for the man in black, he also followed him and asked Sima Yi to walk slower. He had something to say.

Sima Yi nodded and finally slowed down.

Several servants took Zhao Yun forward, who had been tied into a rice dumpling.

Zhao Yun cursed loudly in front.

Sima Yi bowed respectfully to the man in black.

"Thank you again for your help."

"Do you know who I am?"

Sima Yi could actually guess it, but he didn't dare to say it.

"Sima Zhongda, you are really very smart. You have obviously recognized me, but you are embarrassed to say that I am a Japanese ninja. It was the day I went to see Cao Pi."

Sima Yi thought about it, and it was indeed similar to what he had guessed.

It seemed that his every move had been discovered by others, so he smiled and said: "It turns out he is a hero. Regarding this matter, Mr. Cao also told me that when I see him today, he is really worthy of his reputation."

"Do you know why I saved you just now?"

Sima Yi said: "I am stupid, I hope you can make it clear."

"I just want you to see our power and understand our sincerity. We are here to help you."

Sima Yi knew that if the other party didn't help him today, he would be dead. Thinking about it now, he still felt scared.

He also understood that he owed someone a favor today, so he had to speak for him in front of Cao Pi.

He smiled and said: "When Mr. Cao came to see me, I said that I was willing to cooperate with you, but Mr. Cao was still hesitant, and many people were opposed."

"Of course we understand that there will be many people who will object, so we need Mr. Sima even more at this time. Mr. Sima, what do you think?"

Sima Yi said he would do his best.

"Okay, Sima Zhongda, with your words today, we can feel at ease. Well, remember to tell Cao Pi that today's matter has a lot to do with me. Otherwise, you will never see him again. .”

After the ninja finished speaking, he left immediately.

Sima Yi felt that all his clothes were almost soaked.

He immediately headed towards Cao Pi's palace.

Several servants were already waiting for him at the palace gate.

Because without Sima Yi's leadership, the soldiers guarding the gate would not let them in.

When Zhao Yun saw Sima Yi coming, his eyes showed a sharp light. (End of chapter)

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