Until night, Xi Yu didn't wake up.

Both women were a little disappointed.

They lay down next to Xi Yu and fell asleep.

Sun Shangxiang said to Ouyang Linlin: "Don't be anxious, maybe your husband will wake up tomorrow."

"hope so."

Wenxuan also left Ganmei's residence.

She also misses Xi Yu very much.

When he arrived at the door of Xiyu's room, he heard a voice coming from inside.

She felt very strange, and when she got closer, she realized that it was Ouyang Linlin.

Ouyang Linlin also immediately noticed a voice coming from outside, and quickly asked: "Who is it?"

"It's me." Wenxuan replied immediately.

Ouyang Linlin got out of bed and opened the door.

"It turns out to be Miss Wenxuan, why are you here so late?"

"Have you forgotten? Didn't I already perform prenatal education on Mrs. Gan?"

Ouyang Linlin just remembered this. Yes, she almost forgot.

Wenxuan asked how Xiyu was doing.

"It's still the same. Doctor Song said he woke up in the past few days, but I don't know whether it's true or not. Sister Sun and I will stay here until my husband wakes up."

Wenxuan said a few more words and then left.

After returning to the room, Sun Shangxiang asked: "Miss Wen, do you like your husband?"


Sun Shangxiang had a deep sense of crisis.

Ouyang Linlin also thought about it. If her husband really married Wenxuan, she should accept it calmly.

But she also felt that this was not the case. Wenxuan was more appreciative of her husband, and there should be no love between men and women.

She told Sun Shangxiang her analysis.

"Sister, even so, after a long time, feelings may develop. We have to guard against it."

Ouyang Linlin didn't say anything. Even if she was trying to defend herself, how could she be able to defend herself?

Wenxuan returned to the room and Xiaocui prepared foot washing water.

"Miss, you must have gone to the actor's room, right?"

"How did you know?"

"Miss, your expression is written all over your face!"

Wenxuan blushed.

"Okay, go to sleep."

Wenxuan understood that maybe he had fallen in love with Xi Yu.

After all, she cannot accept the thoughts of people of this era.

Xiyu, as a fellow countryman, made her feel special joy everywhere.

But she also knew that if Xi Yu didn't mean anything to her, she wouldn't force him.

Besides, she simply cannot accept polygamy.

Maybe she needs a lot of adaptation when she comes to this society.

However, she has never been able to admit this.

Then, she thought of Dongfanghong again. Isn't that also a fellow countryman of hers?

But she doesn't like his character.

She even felt that she might stay here forever.

But it doesn't matter, it's good to think about being single, but my parents are a little worried.

I just ask myself to go on a blind date as soon as possible.

The reason why he stayed in Youzhou College was actually to avoid going home.

Just a few days ago, Dad sent a special letter asking him to solve this problem quickly.

And that night, several people sent by Cao Pi came to Nanzhong.

They went away on fast horses.

A few people went to a place first and settled down.

The next day, they got up early and asked the nearby villagers. What kind of person is Meng Huo?

Many people felt miserable when they mentioned Meng Huo.

Sometimes, Meng Huo would burn, kill, loot, and often rob women.

This morning, Song Meijiao couldn't bear it any longer and took the initiative to find Meng Huo.

Meng Huo was very surprised.

"Beauty, have you already thought about it?"

Song Meijiao took out a dagger.

Meng Huo was surprised.

"What do you want to do?"

Song Meijiao put the dagger on her neck.

"I wish you would just let me go, otherwise, I'd rather die."

Meng Huo was startled.

"Don't be impulsive."

At this time, there were many soldiers outside, rushing in quickly, ready to attack Song Meijiao.

Meng Huo reprimanded them.

"You all go out, what's the matter with you?"

Several soldiers had no choice but to go out.

Meng Huo laughed dryly.

"Is it because I'm too nice to you? When I fell in love with a woman before, I was always a bully and I never treated people so well."

Song Meijiao's eyes flashed with poisonous letters.

"I just don't know what courage you have to take your shamelessness for granted, as if you like women because you have a gift for them."

Meng Huo clenched his fists and let out a cold breath.

"Do you really think I don't dare to kill you?"

"It doesn't matter. Just try to kill him if you come. Even I am going to die now. My only regret is that I can't stay by my father's side and serve him."

Meng Huo was shocked when he saw that she was about to put the dagger on her neck.

"Beauty, don't be impulsive."

"I ask you, will you let me go?"

Meng Huo seemed defeated and sighed.

"Beauty, I am sincere to you. I am different from other women. They are just playthings. After my divorce, if you have any conditions, just put them forward."

Meng Huo said that he was an orphan and could take Song Meijiao's father over and he would provide for him like his own father.

"And you have also seen that many brothers listen to me. In the future, I will get more land in the Central Plains. By then, you will be like a queen."

But these tempting words were of no use to Song Meijiao.

"Don't use these words to humiliate me. I have made up my mind and will never stay here."

"Stinky girl, it seems that you are drinking as a penalty instead of eating the toast."

Meng Huo has never been as at a loss as he is today.

Is it possible that he really wants to let the other person go?

But what a pity that would be, wouldn't the duck you got fly away?

His chin was trembling a little, as if he had countless things to say but didn't know what to say.

Song Meijiao was actually betting. Of course, she didn't want to die.

But she had to use this method. When she saw that the other party was hesitating, she suddenly became elated.

Maybe the other party will really give in.

"Let me go now, I don't want to waste any more time." Song Meijiao accidentally made a cut on her neck, and blood quickly poured out.

This frightened Meng Huo.

"My beauty, what are you doing? Is there anything that cannot be discussed?"

When he was about to come over, Song Meijiao said, "Don't come over, otherwise, I will really kill myself."

"Okay, okay, I won't go there."

He quickly stopped and stopped walking forward.

Meng Huo hesitated for a moment and finally said, "Okay, I'll send you back."

At this moment, Song Meijiao felt very incredible. Has he become so good?

Meng Huo then said that he would go to her house to propose marriage with sincerity and some cattle and horses.

He will definitely impress Song Datian with his sincerity.

Song Meijiao was about to say, let him give up this idea, but she wanted to go home first.

If you argue with him, you may not be able to go back.

She finally nodded, and Meng Huo asked people to prepare the betrothal gift quickly, as he was going to propose marriage.

At this moment, many people were surprised. It seemed that Meng Huo had really fallen in love with this woman.

Otherwise, it won’t cost a lot of money, and there is no need to make any special preparations for the betrothal gift.

Just some gold jewelry and cattle and sheep.

Meng Huo took many people and set off with Song Meijiao.

Not long after they left, Cao Pi's people came here.

After inquiring about the situation, they learned that they had already gone to propose marriage, so they quickly chased after her.

However, they were not familiar with the road at all.

They took the main road, while Meng Huo and others took the small road.

They chased for a long time without catching up, but they also got a clue, which was a good thing.

They were ready to go back quickly to report the news.

Anyway, Song Datian is still there.

Just let him go home and wait, but several people also knew that Cao Pi also fell in love with a girl.

Therefore, there must be a battle with Meng Huo.

Cao Pi went to see Zhao Yun again and asked him if he had thought about it now.

"Thief Cao, it's impossible for me to surrender to you. You must give up."

"General Zhao, you should understand that I think you are a talented person, that's why you speak like this."

"I'm not a talented person, and you won't care about me."

"Zhao Yun, I'll give you three more days. If you don't surrender after three days, you will be responsible for the consequences."

Cao Pi left angrily. He now felt that Sima Yi's words were correct.

He needs to contact Ninja immediately.

The ninja said that he would come to him after a certain time, and he must agree now.

So what if it leaves an eternal reputation?

In fact, he opened up more territories and expanded his territory in order to leave wealth to future generations.

A new day has arrived. Ouyang Linlin had already gotten up from the bed.

As soon as she put on her shoes, Sun Shangxiang also woke up.

After a while, Xiaohong came to deliver food to them.

After they finished eating, Song Shuwen also came over.

"Madams, has the opera master not woken up yet?"

Ouyang Linlin nodded.

Xiaohong asked: "Shenyi Doctor Song, are your words correct? Are you like those doctors, without any ability at all?"

Ouyang Linlin asked Xiaohong not to talk nonsense.

"Miss, he said that the actor will wake up in three to five days. Today is already the fifth day."

"Miss, you remembered wrongly. This is only the fourth day. Of course, nothing can be so absolute. You have to know that I am a doctor, but I am not a god."

"Yes, Doctor Song, as long as you try your best, there will be no problem."

But Song Shuwen didn't seem to hear it and just stared at the bed.

The three women felt very strange and asked him what he was doing.

"It's moving, it's moving. I saw the actor moving just now."

But the three women looked toward the bed.

"Where's the movement?"

"I confirm that I saw Chu Chu clearly just now."

The three women looked at each other. After all, Song Shuwen was old, and it was normal for his eyes to be a little dim.

But then, no matter what Song Shuwen thought, Xi Yu didn't move again.

Therefore, the three women thought he was hallucinating.

He was extremely anxious and secretly shouted: "Player, Master, are you waking up soon?"

Ouyang Linlin thought to herself that it would be nice if she could see such a scene, even if it was a hallucination. Now he missed the days when drama was normal even more.

Xiaohong cleared the plates and left.

All three of them looked at the bed at the same time.

Ouyang Linlin said, she didn't even want to blink her eyes for fear of missing such a wonderful scene.

After a while, the three of them saw Xi Yu's eyelashes moving at the same time.

"Great, it's really the actor who has moved."

Sun Shangxiang screamed.

Ouyang Linlin even shed tears.

But at the same time, they were worried that Xi Yu would return to his original appearance after he woke up.

Finally, Xi Yu opened his eyes.

Ouyang Linlin quickly grabbed his hand.

"Husband, are you really awake?"

Xi Yu looked at everything in confusion.

Then he looked at the two women.

"Why are you all here?"

Then read Song Shuwen again.

"Who is this old man?"

Ouyang Linlin was so happy that Xi Yu finally returned to normal.

"Husband, do you know what you have been through recently?"

Xi Yu sat up with Sun Shangxiang's help.

He felt a little dizzy in his mind and asked, "What happened?"

But the two women just cried and didn't speak at all, leaving Xi Yu confused.

"Hey, what's going on with you guys, or tell me quickly what's going on?"

Sun Shangxiang and Ouyang Linlin were very excited, and they seemed to be rushing to talk.

Xi Yu asked, "What are you doing? Come one by one."

Then she looked at Ouyang Linlin.

"It's up to you to tell me."

Ouyang Linlin wiped her tears and told Xi Yu a series of recent events.

And it has been more than two months.

Xiyu was shocked.

"What? Such a thing actually happened?"

Ouyang Linlin suddenly cried and specifically told about Ouyang Fu's death.

"Are you serious?"

Xi Yu then looked at Sun Shangxiang.

He seemed unable to digest the news.

But Sun Shangxiang nodded quickly.

"Oh my god, what did I do? How could this happen?"

Xi Yu's face was full of annoyance.

"Okay, husband, no matter what, you just need to wake up and it will be fine."

Ouyang Linlin grabbed his hand and turned her head away.

Xi Yu looked at Song Shuwen.

"Are you a miracle doctor? Did you make me feel better?"

Song Shuwen nodded.

Sun Shangxiang also explained to him that Hua Tuo had passed away, and this person was Hua Tuo's junior brother.

Sun Shangxiang seemed to have remembered something.

"By the way, husband, I'm going to call my eldest brother."

She walked out quickly.

Xi Yu asked Ouyang Linlin.

"Who is she talking about? Is it Sun Ce who is here?"

No, that’s when the big brother Xi arrived.”

Xi Yu knew that his eldest brother was worried about him, so he asked Cao Pi to come and take a look.

Xi Yu said: "I am a right person myself. I never expected that I would make such a mistake."

He slapped himself suddenly, and Ouyang Linlin grabbed his hand.

"Husband, you must not be like this. It's because you were poisoned."

Xi Yu's line of tears actually stayed.

This is the first time Ouyang Linlin has seen Xi Yu cry since she met Xi Yu.

She knew that Xi Yu was very upset, although he was not to blame for this matter.

Xi Yu then looked at Song Shuwen.

"Please tell me, the miracle doctor, what's going on."

Doctor Song said that he had read it from ancient medical books.

There are symptoms similar to Xi Yu's, but he doesn't know what kind of poison was used.

Ouyang Linlin said that they had been to Qingzhou before, and Cheng Yu and the others had been to the secret passage, but no clues were found.

Xi Yu said: "No matter what, I have to figure it out."

He asked if anything big had happened during his recent madness.

Ouyang Linlin explained the relevant situation.

Except for the question of someone causing trouble in Wuhuan, basically there was no major incident.

"Maybe some people don't know whether I'm really crazy or just pretending to be crazy, so they don't dare to act rashly."

"Yes, that's what my husband is like."

When Sun Shangxiang told Xi Zhicai the news, Xi Zhicai was very happy.

He didn't even have time to put on his shoes, so he came here quickly.

Sun Shangxiang said: "Brother, please put on your shoes."

But Xi Zhicai ran faster than a rabbit.

He finally came to Xiyu's room.

"Brother, you finally woke up."

He was so embarrassed that he hugged Xi Yu, and Xi Yu also hugged him.

"Brother, I really miss you."

"Brother, don't say anything anymore, as long as you wake up."

Ouyang Lingling glanced at Sun Shangxiang. They planned to exit and leave the stage to the two brothers.

Song Shuwen was also very sensible and walked out with them.

The two brothers talked for a long time.

But Xi Yu later discovered that Xi Zhicai's feet were bleeding. It turned out that he came here with bare feet.

"Brother, what are you doing?"

"I was very excited when I heard the news that you woke up, so I forgot to put on my shoes."

Xi Yu then called Song Shuwen in and asked Song Shuwen to quickly get him some medicine.

After that, he said to Song Shuwen: "After you treat me, you can just give me a price for the medical expenses."

Song Shuwen said that he came here because something happened to the actor, and he cared about the people of the world, so he treated him for free.

"How is this possible? You traveled thousands of miles to come to me..."

"No, as long as the actor can get better, I hope that after the actor unifies the Central Plains, he can make the people's lives better and better. I am very happy."

Xi Yu wanted to say something else, but Song Shuwen waved his hand.

"Okay, I'd better hurry up and give Brother Ling some medicine."

Xi Yu then got off the bed. When he walked to the yard, he saw that the sun was becoming extremely bright.

And the secret guard suddenly appeared next to him, saying that he had been rude to Xi Yu because Xi Yu often did some shocking things.

He had no choice but to make Xi Yu unconscious.

"You did the right thing. I can imagine how hateful I felt at the time. Well, if nothing happens, just step back."

The secret guard retreated, and Xi Yu and the two ladies prepared to take a stroll in the yard. (End of chapter)

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