There were many servants in the yard, and they felt very strange when they saw this scene.

They even felt that their own eyeballs were not enough.

Xi Yu greeted them.

Let them confirm that Xi Yu is finally getting better.

"Player, you are finally healed."

Xi Yu smiled. He had been walking with the two ladies for a long time. Although he was very familiar with this place, he had not walked like this for a long time, so he felt particularly strange.

Ouyang Linlin told him that Wenxuan had already started prenatal education in the mansion.

Xi Yu was surprised.

"Is there such a thing?"

"Husband, is this advice you gave her?"

Xiyu nodded.

She said that Wenxuan was also thinking about Xi Yu, and the two of them could meet tonight.

After a while, when Xi Yu returned to the room, Xi Zhicai's feet had been bandaged.

"Okay, brother, there's no need to leave in a hurry this time. Let's rest here for a while."

"Brother, I estimate that after too long, Mr. Cao will be particularly anxious."

"Brother, what's the point? Although I got better today, I will announce it to everyone in a few days. If Cao Pi asks, can't you just say that I got better in a few days?"

"Brother, do you still want to hide this news?"

"Yes, let's hide it for a while. So it's better not to let everyone know for now."

Xi Zhicai was about to go back to the room, and Xi Yu helped her.

Xi Zhicai said: "Brother, even if you want to hide it, someone already knows it, and maybe the news will spread."

"Let's talk about it later."

Next, Ouyang Linlin told Xi Yu something.

It's about Xi Tzu.

That day, everyone regarded Xi Shi as the source of cholera and wanted to eradicate her.

"What? Why is Zhuge Liang so confused?"

"Husband, you can't actually blame him. After all, he was thinking about you at the time."

On this day, Cao Pi sent Ma Wanbin back, saying that he had been very busy recently and would send troops to Sichuan and Shu in a few days.

"Mr. Cao, why is this? If I go back in disgrace this time and can't explain anything..."

Coincidentally, Sima Yi was right next to Cao Pi.

Sima Yi blinked at Cao Pi.

Cao Pi finally decided to send two thousand soldiers to follow Ma Wenbin.

"Mr. Cao, are these two thousand people relatively small?"

Cao Pi was unhappy to see him, but said that his soldiers had other uses.

And hasn’t it been said recently that Xiyu is crazy? He was planning to send people to attack Xi Yu.

Ma Wenbin didn't believe what he said at all.

Xiyu went crazy, not just for a day or two.

Why didn't he do it sooner or later, but why did he attack when he needed to borrow troops?

This is obviously a lie.

I can't believe his lies.

But he also understood that two thousand soldiers could be considered to take care of himself.

If I say anything else, I probably won't get any.

But Ma Wenbin actually felt very incomprehensible.

In fact, it stands to reason that Cao Pi should fawn over Zhang Lu, after all, he still needs Zhang Lu's help.

But now he seems a little unwilling to help.

Soon, Cao Pi ordered a general and then two thousand soldiers to follow him.

But Cao Pi was quite interesting, and these two thousand soldiers were considered elite soldiers.

Ma Wenbin himself is a general.

Naturally very clear.

This time when I go back, I will be able to explain everything.

Of course, according to Zhang Lu's temper, Zhang Lu would definitely disagree.

But it doesn’t matter. Anyway, I have tried my best. If I don’t agree, there is nothing I can do.

Soon, evening came.

Cao Pi rang the promise that the ninja made to him, and it was estimated that it would only come today.

So that night, he didn't fall asleep, but sat in the room.

After a while, he turned off the light. Until now, he still didn't understand what this ninja was doing.

It's like subverting your own cognition. How could they walk in quietly?

Entering through the wall, but why is there nothing happening on the wall?

He really felt that he couldn't understand it.

After a while, the ninja came indeed, with a very cold expression.

The face is leaking now.

When he appeared, Cao Pi was particularly scared.

"Mr. Cao, let me ask, have you already thought about it?"

"Yes, I have already thought about it."

"Is this a decision made by Duke Cao alone, or is it the result of discussions with the princes and nobles?"

"Why, is it necessary to know this?"

"Yes, you are right. To be specific, someone from our place will come to see you tomorrow morning. Don't keep your word then, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous."

"How many people are there in your organization? Who is your person in charge? If I want to find you in the future, how can I find him?"

"Mr. Cao, you have asked too many questions. Of course, these will all be answered tomorrow morning."

Cao Pi nodded.

"Okay, I'm leaving now. You can have a good sleep tonight."

After that, the ninja left immediately, and Cao Pi finally had a good sleep.

He was still a little panicked.

I think he is really worried that he will be infamy for thousands of years in the future.

But it doesn’t matter, let’s get over the current difficulties first.

Now, he felt confident in dealing with Xi Yu.

The next day, several people he sent to Nanzhong finally came back and told what happened.

What made Cao Pi happy was that the person was finally found, but he was also very angry.

People in this tiny place dare to steal women from him.

This is really unreasonable.

He immediately sent someone to find Song Datian and told the matter.

"Mr. Cao, are you telling the truth?"

"How could I lie? Now you can go back. Then we will catch turtles in a jar."

Song Datian agreed.

But Cao Pi brought up the old matter again and still hoped to marry Miss Song.

"Mr. Cao, are you taking advantage of others' danger?"

"Old man Song, you have to understand that no matter what, it was my people who found out the news about your daughter, and I am sincere to your daughter."

Cao Pi said that if Song Dadian was not willing, he would hold Song Dadian here and go to his home alone.

Song Datian became anxious, what should he do now?

And Cao Pi knew his own family.

At this moment, Song Datian had to make a clear reaction, and he finally felt that he should agree to his request first.

Then think about it in the long term.

"Okay, in that case, I have to listen to our opinions."

Cao Pi laughed loudly, knowing that the other party would eventually be afraid of his power.

After that, Cao Pi led his troops and marched with Song Datian.

On the other side, Meng Huo and his men finally arrived at Song Datian's home, only to find that the door was locked.

So he quickly asked Song Meijiao what was going on.

Song Meijiao said: "What else could be going on? Of course it's because you arrested me and my father went to find me."

But Meng Huo didn't believe that Song Meijiao would live here at all.

"You are so beautiful, how could your father allow you to live in such a remote place?"

But several subordinates said that it was indeed true. When they arrested Song Meijiao, they administered the drug here.

Only then did Meng Huo believe it.

Song Meijiao said fiercely: "Oh. You sent me back now, all because of you. My father is missing. What do you think you should do?"

Meng Huo said: "In this case, we have no choice but to wait here."

Then he asked a few of his subordinates to go to the village to inquire about whether they had seen Song Datian.

Once you have news, you must report it to yourself as soon as possible.

However, several people searched for a long time but could not find out the news about Song Datian. They only heard that Song Datian's daughter seemed to be missing, and then they went to look for her.

Where he went, no one knows.

After Meng got the news, he felt very frustrated.

Song Meijiao said: "Okay, you have dropped me off, you can leave now."

"Stinky girl, how could you do this? I told you that I would propose marriage to your father."

At this moment, a soldier shouted: "Chief, someone is coming over there, it seems like someone is riding a horse."

Meng Huo looked quickly and found a man riding a horse majestically. This was Cao Pi.

There was a soldier behind him, and the man on the horse was none other than Song Datian.

Song Meijiao was particularly happy.

"My father is here."

She ran over quickly and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw her daughter was intact from the hall, but she didn't know whether her daughter had lost her virginity.

For this reason, Cao Pi was very excited when he saw Song Meijiao.

Song Meijiao ran a few meters and stopped immediately.

She saw Cao Pi's lewd smile. Although she didn't know who the other party was, she seemed to have guessed it.

Maybe it must be Cao Pi.

The horse finally stopped in front of Song Meijiao, and Cao Pi immediately got off the horse and introduced himself.

Song Meijiao ignored him at all and headed towards the second horse.

Song Datian also immediately dismounted and hugged his daughter.

"My daughter, are you okay?"

"Daddy, everything is fine with me."

Meng Huo from a distance looked at Cao Pi in surprise, and then asked several people if they knew this man.

"Chief, we see him so up and down, but we don't know who he is."

However, Cao Pi had already discovered Meng Huo, and it seemed that this guy was Meng Huo.

Cao Pi pointed into the distance and said, "Are you the Meng Huo dog thief?"

Meng Huo was startled, then immediately rode over and pointed at Cao Pi.

"Who are you and how do you know my name?"

Cao Pi reported himself to his family.

Meng Huo was surprised. After all, Cao Pi was also a great prince.

Song Meijiao thought to herself that her guess was indeed correct.

Song Datian quickly pulled his daughter into a corner and asked her if she had lost her virginity or something.

Song Meijiao told him the relevant situation.

He was relieved to learn that his daughter had not lost her virginity.

Meng Huo asked Cao Pi, "Why did you kidnap Miss Song's father?"

"Asshole, if you hadn't taken Miss Song away, how could his father have found me?"

As the two people were talking, they started shouting.

The men and horses on both sides also began to compete, and Song Datian took Song Meijiao's hand and hurried into the house.

Meng Huo was finally defeated, and with the interaction of several subordinates, he quickly escaped.

In the end, Cao Pi didn't catch up, remembering that it was more important to do business.

Song Datian told Song Meijiao that in order to deal with Cao Cao, he could only agree to Cao Pi's marriage proposal.

But what her daughter thinks about it is up to her.

If Cao Pi really used force, it would be better for his daughter to be perfunctory, agree, and then slowly think of a solution.

He also briefly told the story of how he went to find Cao Pi.

At this moment, Cao Pi started knocking on the door.

Song Datian knew he couldn't escape, so he had no choice but to open the door.

Although he and his daughter knew some boxing and kicking skills, they still suffered a loss in front of Cao Pi's people, so they could not make mistakes.

After Song Datian opened the door, he only let Cao Pi in.

Cao Pi smiled and asked everyone else to wait outside.

Cao Pi asked Song Meijiao.

"Miss Song, you have already agreed to my proposal, but you came in a hurry today, mainly to ward off the beast Meng Huo, and you did not bring a betrothal gift. I will give you the betrothal gift sooner or later."

Song Datian quickly turned his face to the wall.

Song Meijiao said: "My father agreed, but that doesn't mean I agree."

She also said that Meng Huo also made such a request to her, and she would not agree to it.

Is it because she looks so beautiful?

If that's the case, why not just ruin her face.

She picked up a knife and started to slash her face.

Cao Pi was shocked.

"Miss Song, what are you doing?"

"If you insist on doing this, then I have no choice but to do this."

At the same time, he turned his head and blinked at Song Datian.

Song Datian immediately acted with her.

"Daughter, why are you doing this? Actually, if you think about it carefully, Mr. Cao is not bad."

"Whatever you think, but I won't agree."

Song Datian then looked at Cao Pi.

"Mr. Cao, you think it's better to forget it for now. I will definitely go back and persuade my daughter."

Cao Pi didn't know whether the father and daughter were acting or if it was true.

But the woman was holding a knife, so he had no choice but to leave for now.

But after he walked far away at the same time, he told a few soldiers that they had to stay nearby, and when he returned, he would send others to follow the soldiers on duty.

The father and daughter must not be allowed to escape, let alone be taken away by Meng Huo.

In the room, Song Meijiao asked: "Dad, do you think they will give up?"

"Daughter, have you seen this? They have actually sent people to guard here."

Song Meijiao looked outside, and several Cao soldiers immediately arrived near the woodpile.

It seems like we really have to stay here.

"Dad, what should we do next? My daughter threatens to die, but my daughter will not really die."

"Daughter, the top priority is that we have no choice but to go to Youzhou."

Song Meijiao felt confused. Why did she go to Youzhou?

"Dad, my daughter doesn't understand what you mean."

"Daughter, let's go there to seek refuge with the actor. Although the actor has become crazy now, we still have to go there."

A person like Song Meijiao who doesn't care about business has heard of Xi Yu's name.

"With the protection of the actor, we will definitely sit back and relax."

Song Meijiao thought for a while, and what her father said seemed to make sense.

However, now that Cao Pi has sent people to guard here, how can they leave?

"Daughter, don't worry, I'm going to tell you a secret now"!

Song Datian suddenly laughed.

"Dad, what's the secret?"

"Actually, dad has two secrets, but dad can only tell you one now."

"Dad, please tell me quickly."

Song Datian looked outside.

"Dad, they are far away and won't hear you at all. In fact, it's not bad for them to stay here. At least they can protect us."

"Daughter, you are right. What I want to tell you is that there is a secret passage in your room."

At this time, Song Meijiao felt very confused.

"What did you say? Dad, there is such a thing"!

Next, Song Datian went to Song Meijiao's room.

Then he and Song Meijiao opened the bed and moved it one meter to the south.

Song Meijiao saw a black pattern the size of a fist under the bed.

"Daughter, as long as you follow this mechanism, the ground will crack, and we can get out of here through a secret passage."

It was the first time that Song Meijiao knew that there was such a situation in her family.

"Dad, what's going on? Why is there such a thing at home?"

"Don't worry about so much for now. Let's go to Youzhou through this one, but we must prepare a lot of food and transportation."

This time, Song Meijiao finally became happy.

"But dad, even if we go to Youzhou, will the people there take us in?"

"Don't worry, dad, I believe it will happen. Even if it doesn't work, let's at least give it a try. At least we can escape from here."

Song Meijiao nodded, and then Song Dadian began to prepare to pack things, but he couldn't do it too obviously, so as not to be seen by people in the dark.

After Xi Yu returned to the room, Ouyang Linlin accompanied him in.

"Husband, you should take revenge for the death of your brother."

"Yes, of course I will take revenge. How could the matter just be forgotten like this?"

Ouyang Linlin suddenly started crying.

My father’s bones were also buried outside, and there was only one cenotaph in my hometown.

Xi Yu heard Ouyang Linlin say that Zhao Yun had been there before, so could he meet Zhao Yun now?

"Husband, it is said that Zhao Yun has not appeared for several days. It is possible that he went there secretly."

"What? Such a thing could happen?"

Ouyang Linlin said it was just a guess, and she didn't know exactly what happened.

Xi Yu still asked someone to find Zhao Yun.

Until it got dark, Zhao Yun was not found, so the messenger had to come to report.

Ouyang Linlin said: "It seems that my guess is correct. Zhao Yun did go alone."

"Nonsense, just nonsense!"

Xi Yu knew he should take revenge, but he shouldn't be so reckless.

At this moment, footsteps sounded outside. Ouyang Linlin looked and saw that Wenxuan had arrived.

Ouyang Linlin quickly opened the door.

"Wenxuan, you came just in time, my husband has already woken up."

Wenxuan immediately smiled.

"Great, let me in quickly." (End of chapter)

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