Wenxuan rushed in quickly and saw Xi Yu smiling at him.

Xi Yu said: "I have been thinking about you during this period."

Wenxuan suddenly burst into tears. She had been looking forward to this moment for a long time.

But she found that when this moment came, she still couldn't help herself.

Ouyang Linlin found a reason to leave.

She believed that nothing would happen between two people, a man alone and a woman alone.

Wenxuan cried even harder.

At first it was thundering but not raining, and then it started to cry loudly.

Xi Yu said: "Look at you, what you look like, don't cry."

But he wasn't scolding her either.

Because Xi Yu was still smiling at that time.

She finally wiped her tears and said that she was so out of character.

But she was so happy to see Xiyu getting better.

Xi Yu asked her to sit down quickly.

"I feel like I have become a sinner through the ages during this period. The evil I have done makes me feel very painful."

He added: "There is a saying that goes well, if I don't kill Boren, Boren will die because of me. That's the truth."

"I believe everyone advises you not to feel uneasy. It is not your own behavior."

"Despite what he said, he still felt that something was wrong."

Next, the two people chatted a lot.

The first is the issue of prenatal education.

"How is it? Is it effective?" Xi Yu asked.

"Of course it has an effect, and the effect is still very obvious."

"Look what you said, it's like my son has been born."

"Hey, what you said is that you favor boys over girls. Who says you must be a son? You might be a daughter."

Xi Yu expressed helplessness.

"My children all like it. By the way, I woke up and I have to go see Ganmei."

"Then I'll go with you."

The two came to Ganmei's room together.

Ganmei didn't know about Xiyu's recovery.

The girls who were serving Ganmei shivered as if they had seen the god of plague when they saw Xi Yu arriving.

When Wenxuan was about to speak, Xi Yu pulled her arm.

Then he walked in and looked at Ganmei lying in a daze on the bed.

When Gan Mei saw Xi Yu, she was stunned for a moment.

Then, he saw Xi Yu smiling at him.

"Husband, are you feeling better already?"

"Yes, I have changed for the better."

Ganmei also shed tears of excitement.

I didn’t expect that Divine Doctor Song was really capable.

She wanted to get up immediately.

At this time, several girls realized what was going on and hurried over to pay homage to the opera master.

At the same time, they were going to help Ganmei.

Xi Yu said: "There is no need to get up."

Ganmei said she was afraid that she would not be able to see her father when her son was born.

This is great.

Wenxuan pouted.

"Madam, why do you say that? Does it have to be a son? Maybe it's a daughter."

Xi Yu said: "I said the same thing just now, and he criticized me."

Several little girls felt that Wenxuan's words were too impolite.

Everyone hopes to have a son, especially in such a big family.

And this is Xi Yu's first child. How could she say such treacherous words?

Gan Mei was also a little embarrassed. Why didn't she know this truth?

But he thinks that a boy is more attractive.

"Okay, I made a mistake. Anyway, what I meant was that it would be great for my children to see their father sober."

"Master Xiu, if that's the case, let's talk to each other. I'll go back first."

Gan Mei said that she felt very happy that the other party had been with her these two days.

Xiyu nodded.

Suddenly, Wenxuan said: "By the way, Mr. Xi, I still have something I haven't said to you. Please come out to me."

Xiyu followed her out.

"What's the matter with you?"

"I'm going to meet one of our fellow villagers again."

Of course Xiyu understood what this fellow meant, so he asked her what was going on.

So, she told her about meeting Dongfang Hong.

"Oh, there's this thing, so are there other fellow villagers of ours in this world?"

"Who knows? Maybe. But he hopes to teach at Youzhou College."

"Okay, let's give it a few days. When I officially announce that I am well, I can meet him and see if he is suitable. I can't just appoint him casually because he is our fellow countryman. I have to treat the children Responsible."

"I understand this and that's what I told him."

Wenxuan nodded and officially went back.

When Xiyu stayed in Ganmei's room, the little girls were very knowledgeable.

They waited outside and allowed the couple to talk properly.

Xi Yu was full of things to say, so he asked Gan Mei if he had used fetal gas during the period when he was crazy.

"No, because they also advised me to stay strong no matter what."

"Is that what happened? You might as well finally think about it."

After that, Xi Yu touched Ganmei's belly.

"My child, you have to come out quickly, daddy misses you so much."

Ganmei felt baffled by being called daddy.

"Husband, what is daddy? What does daddy mean?"

"That's what dad meant."

"How come I've never heard of this dialect?"

Xi Yu quickly lied.

Once when I was conquering a tribe, there was a tribe that was called that.

The couple talked for more than an hour.

When Xiyu returned to the room, he felt very warm.

He Ganmei talked for so long that he even forgot all the troubles outside.

Sometimes he even envies an ordinary family, being able to enjoy family happiness and not care about the disputes outside or the wind and rain outside. This is such a happy thing.

But he knows that he still has his own mission, because more people also like to live a beautiful pastoral life without the threat of war.

And I have to be the leader and lead them to a better place.

So I can't immerse myself in the gentle land.

Don't be immersed in family happiness.

He can only rest when the world is unified.

Talking about a world of great harmony may be a very joking thing, but people always have to have dreams.

He had also thought about implementing a constitutional monarchy, and he was willing to work hard for this system.

Gradually it finally got dark.

Song Meijiao and Song Datian packed some personal belongings, and they brought some dry food with them.

Song Datian told Song Meijiao that in fact, there was no need to take too many things, just bring the expenses.

If they walked through that secret passage, they could walk out in a few hours.

Then avoid Cao Pi's people.

Song Meijiao finally understood why her father never moved.

But she was curious.

"Dad, who dug this secret tunnel, and why was it dug here?"

"Daughter, please stop asking so many questions now, okay? Daddy will tell you everything slowly in the future."

That night, the father and daughter opened the secret passage, and then took Huo Zhezi and began to enter the basement.

Song Datian told his daughter.

"You just need to hold my hand. Don't be afraid. We just go down a few steps and then we can go down."

It's not very deep down there.

"Dad, where is this passage? Where does it go through?"

"It leads to a cave. You'll know when the time comes."

The father and daughter soon arrived underground.

Song Meijiao felt very fresh.

And it's very warm inside. It happens to be winter now, but I feel comfortable in a place like this.

In addition, if they walk for a while, their bodies will sweat, and they will feel particularly warm.

"We are not in a hurry. Anyway, we just need to avoid those people, so if you are tired at any time, you must say it."

"It's okay, Daddy, I can still leave."

But after reading a few steps, Song Meijiao was still a little tired.

"Let's find a place to lie down for a while now."

Song Datian also prepared the straw mat, slowly unfolded it, and then slept here with his daughter.

"Daughter, you don't need to light the stove here, how comfortable it is."

"But dad, tell me, will those soldiers discover this secret passage? Will they also walk in?"

"Don't worry, they can't think of coming here, so just keep your heart in your stomach."

Father and daughter slept very soundly.

They didn't know what time it was when they woke up, it was probably daytime.

Daughter, have you rested well? If we have a good rest, we can go back.

"Okay, Dad, let's continue on our way."

Next, their speed increased significantly.

When they actually walked out of the hole, they found that the exit was extremely small and they had to drill down.

But when they left this small hole, they found that the front was like a water curtain hole.

Song Datian explained that the location of this place is particularly secretive, and most people would not walk in after seeing the flowing water painted here.

Of course, even if you walked in, you wouldn't have thought that there would be a secret passage leading to your home.

"So, daughter, we should be more careful now."

When they walked out, their shoes were soaked.

But they were particularly happy.

On this day, Xi Yu found Song Shuwen, because Song Shuwen also planned to say goodbye to him.

"Divine Doctor Song, can you stay here?"

"Master Xiu, do you want me to stay here?"

"Yes, I need a miracle doctor by my side most. Just like in the past, Divine Doctor Hua was not around, so once a major illness or incurable disease appeared, he would always travel thousands of miles to look for it. Moreover, if this soldier were to When the time comes, it will be very troublesome to catch a cold, get a cold, or get strange illnesses, because the doctors around you are not always so good at medical science."

Therefore, Xi Yu wanted to hire Dr. Song with a high salary to stay by his side.

Treat yourself, your wives, the soldiers, and the generals.

Song Shuwen didn't agree first because he wanted to keep a low profile and live in seclusion among the people.

"Of course, Divine Doctor Song will not force anyone to do anything. If you are not happy, you can leave naturally, but I hope you will think about it carefully. In this way, you have to stay for one day, okay? If you don't agree, then you can leave. .”

Song Shuwen also agreed.

After a while, a secret guard suddenly appeared beside Xi Yu.

Xi Yu said angrily: "I didn't let you come out, what's the matter?"

"Master Xi, I want to tell you about the traitor, a soldier named Zhao Haiming."

"Zhao Haiming, what is this for?"

The secret guard told the story about Zhao Haiming and Cao Pi.

"What? There is such a thing? It is simply unreasonable."

He also asked the secret guard to talk to several brother secret guards to see if there was anyone like this in the military camp. Once there was one, he must report it to himself.

Xi Yu looked at the time and saw that the Chinese New Year would be coming in half a month.

After the beginning of spring, it seemed that I had to settle accounts with Cao Pi properly.

By the way, didn’t Zhao Yun say he had already gone there? If this is the case, then the message should be delivered quickly.

Could it be that Zhao Yun has already killed Sima Yi but has not yet sent the message?

But don’t let him get into trouble.

Meng Huo and others returned to Nanchong in embarrassment.

Meng Huo was so angry that he almost fell ill. He had never felt such cowardice before.

It seems that he is really going to rebel.

Not only must they occupy Sichuan and Shu first, but they must also march into Luoyang and destroy Cao Pi in the future.

Although he knows that his strength is not yet up to this level. But I absolutely cannot be so controlled by others.

Many soldiers also heard about Meng Huo, and they talked about it privately.

However, some girls who were caught cheating felt that Song Meijiao was particularly lucky.

Why don't they get such treatment?

They also hope to be released as soon as possible.

After getting up today, Cao Pi has been waiting for the arrival of the ninja.

But this time the ninja went to meet him openly.

There were three men in total. They were all dressed in black and had lively and cold faces.

One of the leaders had a mustache.

He told Cao Pi to just call himself Dachuan.

From now on, he will be responsible for connecting with Cao Pi.

One of the two men he brought had met Cao Pi before.

Although these three people were particularly cold and arrogant, Cao Pi had to bow to them respectfully.

"Cao Pi, weren't you concerned about where we were yesterday? We usually don't have any fixed place, but for the time being, I'll tell you that we are at a Plum Blossom Inn in the south of the city. If there are any special circumstances, you can go to us, but there is nothing. , you can’t disturb me privately.”

"Yes, Mr. Okawa. I know."

But Dachuan slapped the table angrily, and his face became even colder.

Cao Pi felt confused?

"Mr. Okawa, did I say something wrong?"

"What do you call me in front of me? My Lord? Bastard, that's what you call your own people. Do you dare to call me that in front of me?"

Cao Pi was very angry. No one had ever spoken to him like this before.

Even when Liu Xie sees him, he must be polite.

He suddenly felt as if he had lured a wolf into the house.

But now that it's reached this point, it's impossible for me to refuse.

He still bowed to the other party.

He knew he had to lower his profile and get what he needed first.

"Mr. Okawa, what should I say?"

"From now on, you must call yourself Cao in front of our people. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Cao knows."

Cao Pi smiled. Although he was very angry.

He had long known that the other party would not give him a good look, so he proposed to meet him by himself without letting any entourage follow him.

If that's the case, wouldn't it mean that people saw how embarrassed he was?

Okawa quickly took out a picture scroll from his sleeve and slowly unfolded it.

Cao Pi originally thought it was a famous painting, but found that it was actually a map of the Central Plains.

And there are many places marked on the map.

He immediately said that the place marked would be their territory in the future.

Cao Pi took it over and was suddenly stunned. These are some important places in the Central Plains.

These people have simply too much appetite.

But he showed a slight dissatisfaction, and Okawa slapped the table again.

"What's wrong? Cao Pi, don't you agree?"

Cao Pi really regretted that his intestines were green.

If he actually gave the great country to outsiders, it would be better to let Xi Yu seize it.

Or to other princes.

Once these people occupy these territories, who knows what they will do to the people of the Central Plains?

"No, how can I feel dissatisfied? Cao will definitely create a great cause with you and achieve a win-win situation."

Okawa showed a cold smile.

"What you said sounds like some nonsense."

After that, Dachuan asked Cao Pi to prepare food for them.

"Aren't you pretty beauties here? Let me watch some singing and dancing."

Cao Pi had no choice but to ask people to make arrangements quickly.

After a while, some girls started dancing.

But Okawa and the other three people all looked lewd.

Cao Pi thought about it and thought they would only get angry, but he didn't expect them to have such expressions.

Cao Pi could imagine what they were going to do next.

These girls will probably be ravaged by them.

But it doesn't matter, they are just some untouchables anyway.

After watching the singing and dancing, Okawa asked the girls to retreat.

Because Dachuan also understands the principle of taking a long-term view to catch big fish, and it is not easy to go too far now.

Because the matter between him and Cao Pi is still a secret.

If everything is done too much, it may spread more and more widely, which is detrimental to their plans.

Cao Pi also decided that this matter must not be made public, and he would only let a few of his confidants know about it.

Instruct them that no one can let the news out.

Because he also wants to confuse Xi Yu and let Xi Yu know that he is very incompetent and dare not fight with him.

Once the Western Region is eliminated, Liu Xie can be controlled.

You can hold the emperor hostage to order the princes.

And when the critical moment comes, it can be replaced.

When he thought of this, he felt particularly happy.

After a while, Cao Pi went to see Zhao Yun again.

"General Zhao, have you thought about it?"

Zhao Yun looked at him coldly.

"I have made it very clear, let me surrender. You have to give up on this. If you want to kill me or cut me into pieces, please do as you please, but if you want me to rebel, this is absolutely impossible." (End of Chapter)

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