"In that case, Zhao Yun, don't blame me for being rude to you."

After Cao Pi left, he immediately began to write a letter and had it sent to Youzhou.

It was written on the envelope that Zhuge Liang should receive it.

Cao Pi thought for a while and decided that he had to write down a person in charge.

And in the letter, he asked Xi Zhicai to come back quickly, no matter what Xi Yu's current situation was.

Xi Zhicai was talking with Xi Yu in the room.

Xi Yu was also particularly concerned about Xi Zhicai's warmth and sent someone to buy cotton-padded clothes.

"Brother, please put on this cotton-padded coat first. Later, you can ask your younger siblings to sew cotton-padded coats for you. This will express your love for you even more."

"Thank you, brother. I think Mr. Cao is thinking about me every day now. I sneeze sometimes, so I have to go back in a few days. I feel relieved to see you getting better."

"Okay, in a few days, I won't keep my brother, but I have to go to Qingzhou to check and see what's weird about that place."

Xi Zhicai was shocked.

"Brother, please don't go."

My brother is finally getting better. What if he goes to that place again and is contaminated with something not long ago?

And when Xiyu was crazy, wizards and witches also came here.

Although it had no effect in the end.

But Xi Yu was once thought to be possessed.

Xi Yu was particularly moved.

"Brother, I know you will advise me, don't worry, nothing will happen. I also really want to find out what's going on. Maybe there will be people like me in the future."

Xi Zhicai added that he had heard from Ouyang Linlin that Cheng Yu might have sealed the place so no one would go in.

"Brother, why are you so persistent? You still have a lot of things to do."

Xi Zhicai said that if he had to inquire about that matter, then at least send someone to go there. There was no need for Xi Yu to go there in person.

"Okay, brother, I'll know what's going on, so you don't need to persuade me."

Xi Zhicai was helpless.

My younger brother is actually quite stubborn in a certain aspect, just like me.

"Okay, you just have to know what's going on, but you must pay attention to safety."

What puzzled Xiyu was that there were so many people entering there at that time, why did he have to be in trouble?

Is it because he is the first person?

By the way, I'm getting better, but I haven't gone to see Xi Tzu yet. But the decision should be made in a few days, to stabilize things first.

The sound of footsteps came, it was Song Shuwen's arrival.

Song Shuwen said that after careful consideration, he was willing to stay here.

Xiyu was overjoyed.

"Divine Doctor Song is so good. If you have any requests, you can make them."

Xi Yu said that there is a basic salary here. Regardless of whether you see a doctor or not, you have a fixed salary every month. Medical treatment is another matter.

Song Shuwen said: "Yes, Mr. Xi, you have been so kind to me, and I am already grateful to you. How can you make additional demands?"

He said he initially liked a low-key life, living in seclusion at a small restaurant.

But I also considered that the actor thinks about the people of the world.

Why can't I sacrifice my own ideas?

So, he stayed in the end.

"Master Xiu, it's your spirit that conquered me."

Xiyu laughed.

Just ask Song Shuwen to step back quickly.

On the other side, Ma Wenbin finally returned to Sichuan.

When Zhang Lu heard that only two thousand soldiers had arrived, he was naturally very angry.

At the beginning, Sima Yi used his sharp tongue to let himself join Cao Pi's camp.

He didn't expect that people didn't take him seriously at all.

Although he has become the Lord of Sichuan and Shu, he shouldn't bully others like this.

Ma Wenbin said that he had tried his best and hoped that General Zhang would punish him.

"Okay, I understand, you tried your best, why should I punish you?"

But Ma Wenbin also said that Cao Pi was not completely uninterested.

The two thousand soldiers he sent were all elite soldiers.

"Even he understands that if Meng Huo really takes over this place, he will also suffer losses."

But Ma Wenbin doesn't think so.

He felt that Cao Pi didn't seem to care much about this place.

But he didn't tell Zhang Lu about this idea.

Zhang Lu said that after a while he began to think about Meng Huo's affairs.

Then ask someone to check the date to see when the march will take place.

Ma Wenbin knew that Zhang Lu believed in this aspect particularly.

But he also knew that before Zhang Lu found out the date, Meng Huo might attack.

"Okay, General Ma, you've worked hard too. Go and rest for a while."

"Okay, I will resign."

Here Zhang Lu was about to check the date, but over there Meng Huo suddenly fell ill, so for a while everything was peaceful in both places.

Another day passed, and Xi Yu planned to meet Dongfang Hong.

He seemed a little impatient to wait.

And just in time, Lu Su arrived.

Lu Su had already listened to Wenxuan describe the process of Xi Yu's recovery.

When Lu Su saw Xi Yu, he immediately fell to his knees.

"Master Xi, you finally woke up."

"Get up quickly, what are you doing?"

Lu Su said that he was excited and burst into tears immediately.

Crying like a tearful person.

"Okay, okay, if you keep doing this, it will make me feel like a sinner even more."

Lu Su said that when Xi Yu was going crazy during the ribbon-cutting that day, he was not allowed to attend.

This Xiyu has also been to the academy before.

The students were still worried about causing trouble, but at least they didn't.

"Master Xi, I wonder if you have any impression of this matter?"

Xi Yu shook his head.

"Of course I don't remember anything."

Xi Yu asked again about the specific situation of the academy.

Knowing that everything went well, I felt relieved.

In the evening, Xiyu went to Ganmei's room early to wait for Wenxuan.

Wenxuan felt strange when he saw him here.

"I'm here specifically to see you, that Dongfanghong. Please take some time to arrange for me to meet him. Do you want to see if he is free tomorrow?"

"Didn't you say it would take a few days?"

"But now I can't wait any longer. I want to see what this fellow is like."

"Okay, I understand, I'll make arrangements right away."

The next day happened to be a weekend.

Wenxuan found Dongfanghong.

Dongfanghong is planning tomorrow's performance.

I was very happy to hear that Wenxuan had arrived.

"Miss Wenxuan, is our fellow villager already awake?"

"Yes, he plans to meet you."

"What did you say? Do you really want to see me?"

His face lit up with excitement.

"Of course, yes, but the news that he is getting better is still a secret for the time being. He plans to talk about it in a few days."

Wenxuan believes that there is actually no difference between a few days earlier and a few days later.

I really don’t know why Xi Yu insists on talking about it for a few days.

Dongfanghong said: "How about I go visit him at night? After all, there are many things to do during the day."

"Okay, let's go together tonight, and I'll make an appointment with you then."

In the evening, Wenxuan came to make an appointment with Dongfanghong.

The two of them went to see Xi Yu together.

Only then did Wenxuan tell Dongfanghong that he would have to go to prenatal care at night.

"What? You are actually giving prenatal education to Xi Yu's wife, can she agree?"

"Yes, and I was chatting with her while doing prenatal care."

While the two were chatting, they unknowingly arrived at the door of the theater again.

They quickly arrived at the door of Xi Yu's room.

Xiyu is reading a book.

When I heard footsteps, I immediately opened the door.

I saw Wenxuan arriving with a stout man.

He thought this must be Dongfanghong.

Dongfanghong was very happy, but she remembered that this was an ancient society, and proper etiquette should still be observed.

He immediately saluted Xi Yu.

Xi Yu asked: "Are you Dongfang Hong?"

"The villain is Dongfanghong."

"In this case, we are in the same place, so there is no need for you to pay these false courtesy to me."

"But after all, this is an ancient society, and proper etiquette must be observed."

"Okay, don't be polite, you have to come in quickly."

And Wenxuan said: "I have brought him here, and now I am going to Mrs. Gan's place."

Xiyu nodded.

After Wenxuan left, Dongfanghong also entered the room.

Xi Yu said not to be restrained here.

He said he would treat each other as brothers.

Although Wenxuan is his fellow countryman, she is a woman after all.

Dongfang Hong smiled and said: "Drama Master, do you trust me so much? Don't you think I'm here to lie to you?"

"How is that possible? Since Wenxuan said so, I believe you. Also, you can just call me by my name in private from now on, because Wenxuan is also called that."

"In that case, I won't be polite."

After communicating, Wenxuan discovered that the other party was particularly knowledgeable.

He is also from a major.

But I came here because of an accident.

"Xi Yu, you should know that I want to teach at Youzhou College. I believe Wenxuan has already told you about this."

"Yes, he told me."

"So you see if I'm suitable. Of course, I know that maybe the school's quota is already full, so I can't rush in."

Xi Yu said he had already investigated. There is really no shortage of teachers at the moment.

But he could create a new class.

"About psychology, I wonder if the other party is familiar with it? If possible, I will let you become a psychology teacher."

The other party was overjoyed.

"That's great. I actually studied psychology in my previous life, although I wasn't very good at it."

"That's fine, but in this ancient society there is no need to be too sophisticated. I believe you are completely competent."

But Xi Yu said that there are currently no teaching materials in this area.

Since the other party has learned it, he must write the teaching materials. When the teaching materials are written, and he has passed the review, he can start the course.

"But don't worry, I won't let you write in vain. I will give you the royalties when the time comes."

"Thank you very much, Mr. Xi."

The two people were talking, and before they knew it, it was already late at night.

They still have a feeling that they met too late.

Wenxuan even came to them specially to take a look.

"Oh my god, it's getting late, why don't you guys take a rest?"

Xi Yu said, "You're here just in time. Let's go outside and have some supper together."

Wenxuan asked in surprise: "Xi Yu, don't you still want the news about your recovery to spread?"

"But I'm really happy today. I can dress up a little and the three of us can go out without getting drunk."

"Okay, in that case, I'll accompany you."

Xi Yu dressed up, and the three of them finally arrived at a tavern.

The three of them found a room and had a great time tonight, as if they had found a past life.

At this moment, Xi Yu was no longer a prince that everyone looked up to, but became a child.

They were all here to let themselves go, and before they knew it, their voices were getting a little louder.

Although the store they were looking for was closed at night, their noise was too loud, which aroused the waiter's curiosity.

The waiter came to the door of the room and eavesdropped, and suddenly found that these three people said some very strange words, some words that he could not understand at all.

He also eavesdropped here for a long time.

The three people were so excited that they were just immersed in their own personal world, so they didn't even notice that anyone was eavesdropping outside.

The waiter in the shop quickly reported the matter to the shopkeeper.

Originally, the shopkeeper was already asleep, and I felt particularly dissatisfied when he woke me up.

"Master, you'd better go take a look and see if those people have any mental problems? If they don't pay or cause trouble, they'll be in trouble."

The shopkeeper had no choice but to quickly put on his clothes and go to the door of the room where the three of them were eating.

He originally thought that the waiter was just making a fuss and talking drunkenly. Why was he acting like this?

But the waiter in the shop said that by eavesdropping on the conversation, he learned that the man had been drinking, but the woman had not drank at all, but the woman's speech was also abnormal.

When the shopkeeper heard this, he realized that they were really speaking abnormally.

So I pulled the waiter's clothes off.

The two people walked out temporarily.

The shopkeeper said: "In that case, report it to the official immediately."

"But it's already this time."

"That's right, but I remembered, aren't there still patrolling guards? Why don't you tell them."

The waiter immediately went to do it.

Fortunately, I saw two patrolling soldiers not far away and immediately told them the news.

The soldier asked: "Aren't these people going to give you money?"

"No, they said some crazy things. I feel very strange. I'd better ask the two officials to take a look."

Several people were also willing to go with him.

Xi Yu and Dongfang Hong were both very drunk.

They immediately fell asleep on the table.

Wenxuan laughed to himself.

"Do you think you two need to be so high?"

However, both of them had already passed out, so I had no choice but to stay here with them.

She plans to open a few rooms later, and then ask the waiter to accompany her to get the two grown men out.

When he was about to go out, he happened to hear a knock on the door.

She opened the door and found two patrolling guards.

"Okay, it's nice of you to come, please do me a favor."

She planned to get the two men into the room.

The two people were naturally very angry.

Who is this? He actually treated himself as a servant.

"Who are you three? What is your relationship with those two drunkards?"

one of the guards asked.

This time, Wenxuan felt very uncomfortable.

Even on patrol, one should not be so domineering. How did Xiyu teach them?

We can be strict with criminals, but why are we the same way with our own people?

"What are you talking about? The three of you are still making trouble. You probably have unknown origins and must come with us."

Wenxuan was particularly angry.

"What did you say? Our origins are unknown? Do you know who I am?"

She didn't want to use Xi Yu's identity to talk about things, but she saw a few people acting arrogantly.

She planned to use Xi Yu's reputation.

"Who are you? The actor and I are friends, and I am a teacher at Youzhou College."

"It's unreasonable. Sure enough, you guys have a problem and you dare to pretend to know the actor. What's your plan?"

Wenxuan's explanation of his identity is absolutely true.

"If you don't believe it, you can ask Ouyang Linlin."

"The more you say it, the more outrageous it becomes. He actually lied about knowing Mrs. Ouyang. It is unreasonable and treasonous."

"You are simply unreasonable. I have told you, why don't you believe me?"

"It's a joke. We believe whatever you say. Do you feel comfortable treating us like monkeys?"

Several soldiers wanted to take them away by force.

Wenxuan thought to himself, well, you'll be responsible for the consequences. She's not willing to defend herself yet.

Several guards had to carry the two drunkards on their backs.

Wenxuan was walking at the front. When he came to the counter, Wenxuan glared at the waiter.

"I guess you were the one who tipped off the news."

But the waiter in the shop blushed and said nothing.

"Huh, first of all, they eavesdropped on our conversation. Then they went to report it to them, but I can tell you. The consequences that follow are not something you can bear."

After they walked out of the door, the waiter looked at the shopkeeper and said, "Did you see it? They are so arrogant, so they must be punished."

The shopkeeper nodded and immediately came to several guards, ready to bribe them.

Let them punish these three people well.

Several guards did not accept it.

"We are a very disciplined team. If the opera masters find out, they will beat us to death, so take your money back quickly, but if they want to cause trouble, we will naturally not let them go."

The shopkeeper had no choice but to take the money back.

And when everyone was walking, they still looked completely confident.

It made several guards feel very incredible.

He did bad things, but he was still able to walk confidently. This is enough.

After walking for a while, Wenxuan asked: "Where are you taking us? Are you going to see Guan Yu?"

"Bastard, are you allowed to call Governor Guan Yu by his name? Little people like you have no chance to meet him. Of course we have a place to arrange for you."

"Okay, it's best not to let us see Governor Guan, otherwise, you will be the unlucky ones then."

One of the guards was about to speak, but another colleague shook his head. (End of chapter)

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