Another guard said: "Why should we be angry with her? We'd better go back quickly."

The guard stopped talking.

That night, the three of Wenxuan were arranged to a place.

But she was not with two men, and the guard was very considerate. After all, men and women were not close to each other.

Wenxuan sneered.

"What you consider is still very important."

Wenxuan said: "Let me ask you one last time, do you really want to lock me here? If it delays tomorrow's class, you can take care of yourself."

The two guards still didn't believe what she said, thinking that she should just ask for her own blessings.

"Okay, I have already said what I said. If you don't admit it, then there is nothing I can do."

Soon, the next day arrived.

Ouyang Linlin said that she would cook herself today and make some breakfast for Xi Yu. When she walked into the kitchen, the genius had just dawned, and the chef had just entered. He was deeply surprised to see her coming.

"Hey, madam, why are you here? Don't worry, there is nothing wrong with our food."

Xiaohong said: "Miss, he is going to cook by himself today."

Because the actor has recovered now, the chef felt very happy after hearing this.

"What did you say? Is the actor getting better?"

Ouyang Linlin felt very relieved, because the situation of the actor concerned everyone's heart.

The chef asked in detail when this happened, and he also wanted to see it for himself.

Ouyang Linlin also answered.

"So today, no matter what, you have to let me cook in person."

The chef didn't object anymore.

Finally, the sky slowly became brighter, and Ouyang Linlin asked Xiaohong to carry the meal she had made to Xi Yu's room.

However, when he knocked on the door, he found that Xi Yu was not there at all.

"Strange, what's going on? Why did you go out so early in the morning?"

Then I asked other people.

No one knows what happened.

Xiaohong said: "Then we have to put down the food first, miss. There are secret guards by the actor's side. There is absolutely no way that anything will happen to him."

"Normally nothing will happen, but isn't it a special situation now? What if his illness relapses? How can he be cured?"

"Don't worry, Ji Ren has his own destiny, he should be fine."

Besides, when the three of them were drinking, they were naturally followed by secret guards.

However, the secret guard did not come out in time to stop him yesterday. Instead, he wanted to tell Guan Yu the news this morning.

Guan Yu had just finished his business and was about to have breakfast in Zhengchun when he suddenly noticed an extra figure in the room.

He felt startled.

But he understood that this was a secret guard, so he quickly bowed respectfully.

"I don't know what's going on with you."

The secret guard told him everything that happened last night.

Guan Yu was shocked, how could he be like this?

So he immediately sent someone to find the two guards who patrolled yesterday.

Soon, two guards came to Guan Yu.

Guan Yu's face was livid, and compared with his originally red face, he looked even more calm and confident.

So they didn't know what happened, and hoped that Guan Yu could make it clear.

Guan Yu asked: "You are in big trouble. Let me ask you, didn't you arrest three people last night?"

"Yes, Governor Guan, there were a few troublemakers yesterday, and they said some strange things, but I didn't expect that this little matter was not hidden from you."

They thought Guan Yu would praise them, but Guan Yu's face was still very ugly.

"Prince Guan, what happened?"

"Do you know that you are in big trouble?"

The two guards didn't know what was going on and quickly asked people to explain.

Guan Yu told the news reported by the secret guard.

Several guards were stunned.

What? Yesterday there was a person who was an actor?

What is going on?

Guan Yu asked: "Where did you keep it? Take me to see it quickly."

The two guards did not dare to stay longer and hurried over.

Wenxuan was not worried at all in the room because she knew she would be able to go out sooner or later.

How happy she felt when she saw Guan Yu arrive with a livid face and two guards who were on patrol yesterday.

She understood immediately and must have said this from the secret guard.

But why didn't the secret guard stop him last night? It seems just to make them look embarrassed.

It seemed that this secret guard was also very sinister, so Wenxuan immediately put on airs and waited.

At this moment, two guards opened the door.

Guan Yu met Wenxuan.

He and Wenxuan had a close relationship.

"It turns out to be Miss Wen."

Wenxuan sneered and said nothing at all.

Guan Yu then reprimanded these two people. They were indiscriminate at all. How could they get people here casually?

But Guan Yu heard them say that Xi Yu is getting better now, but is it true?

Excitement was written on his face.

"But, here's the thing. Last night, I introduced someone to the actor. The three of us were very excited. We may have spoken a little louder, but there was no one in the other rooms at that time, and we couldn't make any noise. I don’t know what’s going on with the waiter in the shop, but we insist on letting them arrest us.”

The two people quickly apologized to Wenxuan, and they remembered Wenxuan's words last night.

No wonder, the woman spoke so righteously at that time.

Wenxuan sneered and didn't answer at all.

So Guan Yu said good things and hoped that Wenxuan would leave quickly.

And I also hope to be able to say good things in front of Xi Yu.

"The actor is probably awake now. Why don't you go see him? I'm just a small person, so you should go see him." Wenxuan said.

Guan Yu quickly asked the two people where the opera manager was.

"It's in the next room."

So he opened the door.

now. Xi Yu also happened to wake up.

Although he drank heavily last night, he has sobered up now.

He saw Guan Yu first and was stunned for a moment.

Only then did I realize that I had arrived at another place.

Guan Yu burst into tears immediately.

"Player, you are finally feeling better."

Xi Yu asked: "Why am I here?"

At the same time, he saw Dongfang Hong, who was still lying on the ground, and the two guards outside, looking embarrassed.

He immediately understood that they had captured him last night.

Sure enough, I heard Guan Yu say: "Master Xi, these two bastards don't know you, so I hope Xi Xiong can forgive them."

At this moment, Dongfanghong also woke up immediately.

He felt particularly surprised.

Suddenly he also saw Guan Yu, and immediately understood that it must be Guan Gong.

At the same time, Xi Yu's face looked ugly.

Xi Yu asked, "You're awake."

The other party nodded, and then Guan Yu glanced at the two guards.

The two guards also immediately came to apologize to Dongfanghong.

"Tell me the specifics of last night." Xi Yu asked.

The two guards said that because the actor was drunk yesterday, he was reported by two people.

After understanding what happened, Guan Yu apologized again.

Xiyu waved his hand.

"You can't blame them both for this."

Xi Yu asked if the secret guard had delivered the news.

Guan Yu answered truthfully.

Xi Yu said: "Get out of here quickly."

The secret guard came out immediately.

Xi Yu said: "The secret guards didn't do anything wrong last night. They were performing their duties. If they were drunk behind the scenes or acted out of control, it is indeed my fault."

The secret guard said that Xi Yu actually did not affect others at that time because there was no one in the surrounding rooms.

It doesn't matter how loud they talk.

"Then let me ask you, why didn't you show up last night to prove my identity?"

The secret guard was a little at a loss.

Guan Yu smoothed things over.

"Drama Master, don't blame him. Even if he comes out and reveals your identity, these two people probably won't recognize you."

Xi Yu said that no matter what, if he really lost his temper when he was drunk, he must be punished.

Guan Yu was surprised.

"Master Xi, who can punish you, could it be Your Majesty? But His Majesty is so far away."

"What do you know? If I ever do something bad, people will naturally punish me. Fortunately, I didn't do anything last night."

At this moment, Wenxuan suddenly walked to the door silently, listening to the new conversation.

She suddenly realized that what Xi Yu said was very reasonable.

She was very angry yesterday and thought that these guards should be with her.

Only now did I realize that I wanted to use Xi Yu's name to reprimand others.

Subconsciously, he has classified himself as Xiyu's friend.

So there seems to be some privilege, which is not a good thing.

Xi Yu concluded.

In short, these two guards did nothing wrong.

Because I was very drunk at the time, it was normal for me to be misunderstood by others.

So just officially launch an investigation.

He just looked at Wenxuan.

"Maybe you are dissatisfied, but think about it, if it wasn't the three of us last night, but ordinary people, would they have to be released immediately? They must go through a procedural investigation."

Wenxuan nodded silently.

Dongfanghong immediately gave Xi Yu a thumbs up.

The two guards finally breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.

Guan Yu asked: "So, does it mean that they will be fine?"

"But not only are they fine, but they are praised."

The two guards also quickly thanked Xi Yu.

After Xi Yuxi told them, they should not make this matter public.

"My subordinate understands."

Guan Yu then asked who Dongfanghong was.

"This is a talented man I know. Okay, let's not make any announcement about my recovery for now."

Xi Yu then took the two people away.

Guan Yu said he hoped they could stay here for breakfast.

Xiyu waved his hand.

"No need."

Then, Xi Yu asked Wenxuan to take him to visit the college.

Then don’t forget to write a book later.

Wenxuan asked: "What book are you writing?"

"I want to open a psychology school. Let him write a book about psychology." Xi Yu answered.

Wenxuan burst out laughing.

"Why are you laughing? This is a serious matter."

"I guess there is no position now, so you deliberately arranged a position for him, right?"

Xi Yu did not deny this.

"That's true. The actor saw that I had no food to eat, so he arranged such an errand for me."

Dongfang Hong's face was also full of smile.

When Xi Yu returned to the mansion, he found breakfast already in the room.

He asked who did this?

One soldier said it was Ouyang Linlin who did it.

Xi Yu tasted Ouyang Linlin's craftsmanship and found that it was really good. He knew that the other party had put a lot of effort into it.

After a while, he came to Ouyang Linlin's room and thanked her.

Ouyang Linlin asked: "Husband, where have you been?"

"Yesterday I was just happy, so I drank some wine, so I got high and stayed in an inn."

He did not tell the real situation to prevent the other party from worrying about him.

"I'm so happy that you cooked for me yourself."

"Husband, this is what I should do. What do you think?"

"It's so delicious. I never thought you could make it so delicious."

Ouyang Linlin said that she was originally an eldest lady and didn't often cook, but she did learn some. She didn't expect that this skill was quite good.

"Husband, if you want, I can do it to you as much as you want in the future."

But Xiao Hong immediately objected. If this was really the case, wouldn't the young lady be exhausted to death?

"Whatever you said. It's a great honor for me to be able to do it for my husband." Ouyang Linlin seemed to be filled with excitement.

Xi Yu grabbed her hand and said, "Yes, I should feel honored."

Xi Yu said that in fact, he also envied that kind of ordinary family, with a husband and a wife.

But he is in a high position, so he may not be able to do that, but he will be exposed to both rain and dew.

Of course, Xi Yu also understands that he is actually very selfish.

Ouyang Linlin said: "By the way, you are getting better now. Do you want to go to Xi Shi's place to see her?"

"What? Aren't you jealous? Are you willing to let me go there?"

"To be fair, I will definitely feel uncomfortable, but I know I can't stop you, so I will support you."

Xi Yu did feel a little itchy, but he thought it would be better to talk about it in a few days.

On this day, Zhuge Liang suddenly received a letter, which was actually written by Cao Pi.

He felt very strange, why did Cao Pi write to himself?

He opened the letter curiously.

But when he saw the question about Zhao Yun, he decided to tell Mrs. Ouyang quickly.

When he came to Mrs. Ouyang's room, he found that Xi Yu was also here.

He was simply stunned. When did Xiyu get better?

How come I don’t know anything about it?

"Don't be surprised, I'm fine now."

Zhuge Liang immediately knelt down and saluted Xi Yu.

Xi Yu asked him why he came to Ouyang Linlin. He said that because he didn't know that Xi Gong was getting better, he naturally came to Ouyang Linlin to ask questions.

"Okay, you can tell me now, what's the matter?"

Anyway, Ouyang Linlin was not an outsider, so Zhuge Liang handed over all the letters directly.

He said: "I don't understand why it says that I should collect it?"

When Xiyu opened the letter, he was shocked. It turned out that something was really wrong with Zhao Zilong.

This Zhao Zilong is simply too impulsive.

"He really shouldn't have gone there."

Then Ouyang Linlin asked what was going on and could she have a look?

Xi Yu also handed the letter to her.

She also felt very unhappy.

Cao Pi was very polite in his letter.

It is said that Zhao Yun came here because of a misunderstanding.

Although he didn't say anything, it was already hinted that it was impossible to successfully get the other party to go back.

Zhuge Liang said: "Player, now that you have recovered, what should you do if you say this?"

Xi Yu said that he would not let the other party know about his recovery for the time being, but the letter mentioned that Xi Zhicai left quickly, which could be done.

As for Zhao Zilong's issue, I'd better think it over carefully.

Although the other party acts recklessly, he must not ignore the other party.

Xi Yu suddenly looked at Zhuge Liang calmly.

"I heard that when I was crazy, you were unreasonable to Xi Shi?"

Zhuge Liang knew that he would have to face such a problem sooner or later.

Of course he wouldn't lie and nodded immediately.

"You are so brave, you dare to do such a thing"!

Zhuge Liang said that he did everything for the benefit of the public, and that he had already been punished at that time.

But if Xi Yu still wants to punish himself, that's okay.

Ouyang Linlin also immediately begged for mercy.

"Husband, Zhuge Kongming's actions are indeed inappropriate, but he is doing it for your own good after all, so let's forget about it."

Xi Yu gave Zhuge Liang a vicious look.

"You take some time to apologize to Xi Shi. You don't have to tell me after you apologize. Just be honest with yourself."

This point made Zhuge Liang feel very embarrassed.

"What's wrong? Is this difficult to do?"

Zhuge Liang said that he could be punished, but it was impossible for him to apologize.

Ouyang Linlin quickly winked at Zhuge Liang.

"General Zhuge, don't be too stubborn."

Zhuge Liang added that if he didn't sincerely apologize and was just acting on occasion, what would be the use?

Ouyang Linlin advised Zhuge Liang to stop talking.

Xiyu waved his hand.

"Forget it, if that's the case, then you don't have to go."

After that, Xi Yu left angrily.

Zhuge Liang didn't say anything, but left.

Xiaohong felt very confused and asked Ouyang Linlin, what was going on? Is the actor angry?

"My husband must be angry, but he also understands that if Zhuge Liang really doesn't want to go, there is no use in going."

Xi Yu returned to the room and began to think about Zhao Zilong's problem.

I also thought about asking the secret guards to rescue Zhao Zilong directly, but it seemed that this method was inappropriate.

Since someone has written a letter to me, I must also give an explanation.

He kept moving around the room. (End of chapter)

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