Xi Yu thought about it for a long time, but couldn't come up with a perfect solution.

He finally decided to use the most primitive method, which was to ask Zhuge Liang to reply directly.

So he quickly sent someone to call Zhuge Liang.

Zhuge Liang thought it was better to apologize to Xi Shi.

So, he was a little unhappy.

After Zhuge Liang saluted, Xi Yu talked about the letter.

"So you really have to reply to the letter. After all, I can't come forward yet. After writing the letter, just ask my brother to send it back."

Zhuge Liang was delighted, and then asked Xi Yu what should he write?

"Just write, since it's a misunderstanding, send Zhao Yun immediately."

Zhuge Liang thought to himself, can it be written so straightforwardly?

"How can we not try? Of course, Cao Pi must want to put forward some conditions, so let him reply again and set a time for him. After my brother returns, Zhao Yun must be sent back within five days, and It is alive, otherwise there will be consequences at your own risk.”

But Zhuge Liang still thought that even if he wrote it like this, Zhao Zilong might be mistreated, which would be detrimental to him.

And maybe Cao Pi will definitely use various methods to recruit Zhao Zilong. After all, Zhao Zilong is a talent.

"Okay, you don't need to think so much now, just do as I say. I believe Zhao Yun will not be abused, and Cao Pi knows it well."

Zhuge Liang immediately resigned.

At the same time, Xi Yu asked someone to call his brother quickly.

After Xi Zhicai arrived, he asked, "Brother, what can I do for you?"

"Brother, just go back, I'm afraid I won't keep you here either."

Xi Zhicai said that he really wanted to go back, but seeing Xi Yu like this, he still felt a little baffled.

"Brother, what happened?"

Xi Yu told him the relevant things, and then after writing the letter, he took him back directly.

"Well, I will go back as soon as possible. I hope Cao Gong can really put Zhao Zilong back."

He said that he would also tell Cao Pi about this matter after he returned.

"Then brother, why don't you say anything about your recovery? Then how long are you going to hide it?"

"Let's talk about it in a few days. By the way, brother, I plan to go to Qingzhou secretly. Although you won't let me go, I can't go alone."

Xi Yu said that since he had made his decision, it was okay not to tell his brother.

But because his brother is a relative, he still wants to say something.

But don’t try to persuade me again.

Xi Zhicai nodded.

"Okay, I understand what you mean. I can give you a ride if we are on the way. Unfortunately, the road is not particularly smooth, and we will have to go our separate ways sooner or later."

"I can just go by myself."

Zhuge Liang quickly finished writing the letter and then handed it to Xi Zhicai.

He set off immediately, but the two brothers were still a little sad when they parted.

Zhuge Liang gave the letter to Xi Zhicai, and Xi Yu left him in the room again.

"I wonder if the actor has anything else to do?"

"I want to discuss some issues with you, such as military strategy. I wonder if you have time?"

Zhuge Liang was overjoyed, and he was naturally very happy.

Next, the two people chatted, and half a day passed before they knew it.

So Zhuge Liang was left to have dinner with him at noon.

"Kong Ming is really grateful for the food given by Meng Xigong."

"Okay, you just need to serve me well."

Zhuge Liang smiled. After a while, he found that the other party didn't move his chopsticks at all. He felt very strange.

"Master Xiu, what happened? Why do you have such an expression all of a sudden?"

"I've heard something before, but I don't know if I should tell you."

"Master Xi, if you have anything to say, just say it."

"I know you will definitely object to it and even feel uncomfortable after I say it, but I still want to tell you that I heard a rumor that you complained about me for a while."

Zhuge Kongming felt very strange. When had he ever complained?

"Drama Master, there is no such thing. I don't know where you heard about it, but don't just tell it by hearsay."

Seeing the panic on his face, Xi Yu felt funny.

"Actually, it's normal for everyone to talk about me behind the scenes."

"But the villain really has no complaints against the actor. Let me remind you that when I sent Zhang Fei to Wuhuan to make the decision, you seemed dissatisfied."

Zhuge Liang was surprised. He had indeed told several people at home.

Now Liu Guan and Zhang have been assigned a good destination, but their talents have not yet been fully utilized.

He was drinking to drown his sorrows at that time, but he didn't expect that Xi Yu would also hear these words.

From now on, doesn’t it mean that I have no privacy, so is it okay to say or do anything in the future?

Xiyu laughed.

"You don't need to be nervous. The reason why I opened the door and told you this matter is to prove that I have no intention of blaming you."

He must have a frank talk with Zhuge Liang today.

Because he remembered the situation in Shu in his previous life.

Although Liu Bei is not a genius, he has many shortcomings. Even Xi Yu in this life has realized his hypocrisy.

But one thing cannot be denied, that is, Liu Bei can recruit a lot of talents.

But since Liu Bei died, many people thought Liu Chan was incompetent, but this may not be the case.

The key problem is that Zhuge Liang is very hands-on.

He has arranged everything.

Therefore, in the end, there was no one available in Shu, and it became a situation where Shu had no generals and Liao Hua became the vanguard.

Of course, there are many objective laws for the demise of a country.

But Zhuge Liang is indeed not a very good leader.

Therefore, Xi Yu will not use him more seriously, but only hopes that he can make suggestions.

"Zhuge Liang, we just talked about military affairs and strategy. You are indeed a genius in this aspect, but if you were in my position, do you think you would be able to rule a place better?"

Zhuge Liang was surprised. He said that he had never thought of reaching the level of Xi Yu.

"Don't be nervous. I'm just saying what if. Why are you so scared?"

Now if Zhuge Liang was placed in this high position, Xi Yu asked him what he would do.

Zhuge Liang then said that he would imitate Xi Yu and love the people like a son.

"Okay, Zhuge Liang, maybe you don't know what you are talking about. Let me give you an example."

"Kong Ming is all ears."

Zhuge Liang said that if there was a war, Zhuge Liang would have a plan, know how to fight, and be good at using troops.

Even if he doesn't show up, he can still understand the scene and know the entire battlefield like the back of his hand.

Then the soldiers will be told what to do.

Very straight will come up with great tips.

Zhuge Liang was shocked. He did have such thoughts in his heart.

If he is really in charge, he will give the soldiers a clever plan so that they can be separated on the road at a critical moment, but he will not tell them beforehand.

He had never told anyone else about this secret idea.

How did Xiyu know?

"In addition, if you are in my position, you will be very worried. But if you want to be like that, you will be very tired. But as for your subordinates, they are very relaxed. Even if they want to be tired, they will be tired. You give bans because you think your ideas are more correct than theirs."

Zhuge Liang was a little dissatisfied with this.

"What, are you dissatisfied with what I say? Just like I was talking about the overall situation with you just now, you are indeed a genius, but you won't give others a chance to show their talents."

Xi Yu said that as a true leader, if he had to do everything by himself, he would be exhausted and would not achieve any good results.

Therefore, talents must be cultivated at critical times, but Zhuge Liang does not have the ability to cultivate talents.

After saying this, Zhuge Liang suddenly felt like a blow to the head.

He discovered that Xiyu was the roundworm in his stomach.

"Master Xi, I feel that you understand me better than I do."

"I'm just telling the truth, so each of us lives in a team. Don't have any bad thoughts. The reason why I arrange things this way and not that way is for my own purposes."

Zhuge Liang nodded silently.

Xi Yu said: "So some people are suitable to be leaders, some people are suitable to be military advisors, some people are suitable to be literary, and some are suitable to be martial arts. These cannot be forced."

Zhuge Liang stood up immediately, feeling a little arrogant as he passed by.

Think you're just a genius.

But today I discovered that he and the other party were not on the same level at all.

Seeing him look so adoring, Xi Yu felt very funny.

How happy it is to have a big shot in ancient times admire me so much.

"Okay, I hope this meal will be beneficial to you in the future."

"But can I change it?"

"You don't need to deliberately change. I just want you to recognize what you need to do."

After that, Zhuge Liang went back.

Xi Yu quickly came to Ouyang Linlin's room.

Tell Ouyang Linlin that he wants to go to Qingzhou secretly to see what is going on in that place?

Ouyang Linlin was surprised. She had the same idea as Xi Zhicai, and they both advised you not to go. After all, that place was too dangerous.

"No, you also know my temper. If I don't find out the truth of the matter, I will never give up."

He said that he would not say goodbye to the ladies one by one, but would let her say goodbye to the other ladies.

"Okay, husband, I hope you will pay attention to safety along the way. Do you plan to bring Divine Doctor Song with you?"

Xiyu nodded.

After that, Xi Yu called Song Shuwen and prepared to go to Qingzhou.

Then the two of them have to dress up.

Song Shuwen also asked: "Player, is it really necessary to do this?"

"Yes, it is very necessary. Are you afraid?"

"Of course I won't be scared anymore. Actually, I'm a little curious, little one."

Soon, the two of them dressed up, took their luggage and hit the road.

And Xi Yu also knew that Xi Zhicai was on his way now.

After all, Song Shuwen was a little thin and a little old.

So Xi Yu specially got him a cotton-padded coat.

The two of them were riding horses along the way, talking while talking, and they were very happy.

When they arrived in Qingzhou, they first came to the Governor's Mansion.

The soldier guarding the gate was very happy when he saw Xi Yu arriving and saluted immediately.

Then go in and report.

It was only when he was about to enter Cheng Yu's room that he suddenly remembered, hadn't he heard that Xi Yu was crazy? Could it be that he is getting better now?

When he told Cheng Yu about this, Cheng Yu couldn't believe it.

"Are you sure you didn't lie to me?"

"Master, how could I dare to lie to you? That is indeed the actor himself."

Cheng Yu hurried out to greet him.

When he came to the gate, he saw Xi Yu wearing a straw hat.

But looking like this is indeed a joke.

And Xi Yu immediately took off his hat. Revealed his true face.

Cheng Yu was quite excited, his arms trembling.

"It's really a craftsman. The villain really thought it was a soldier who deceived his subordinates."

Xi Yu smiled, and finally walked in with Song Shuwen.

After entering the hall, Xi Zhicai specifically pointed Song Shuwen to Cheng Yu.

"It's all because of Divine Doctor Song that I was able to get better. I didn't know how many bad things I did when I was crazy."

"You're being serious, Mr. Xi. As far as my subordinates know, he did some ridiculous things, but it's not a big crime."

Cheng Yu asked Xi Yu what he was doing here this time.

Xi Yu directly explained his intention.

Cheng Yu said that the place had been sealed by him, and there was no need for Xi Yu to worry about someone being poisoned again.

"No, I still hope to find out what's going on. Even if it doesn't happen here, maybe similar situations will happen in other places."

Seeing that he insisted on doing this, Cheng Yu had no choice but to cooperate with him.

However, seeing that it was getting late, Cheng Yu suggested that it would be good to continue tomorrow.

"That's fine. Let's have a good gathering today and then check this place out tomorrow."

Cheng Yu said that he actually wanted to destroy that place, but felt it would be too much of a waste of time and money.

"No need to destroy it, I have to figure out what is going on."

Early the next morning, Xi Yu ate some breakfast in a hurry and asked Song Shuwen to follow him to investigate.

But Song Shuwen ate very slowly. Song Shuwen wanted to stop eating quickly, so he had better go quickly.

"You'd better finish eating before talking."

"But Mr. Xi, you are so anxious to wait."

"It's okay, don't worry, I'll wait for a while."

Cheng Yu had already sent troops to wait, and then the large forces began to set off.

However, Xi Yu still didn't plan to disclose the fact that he was getting better, so he deliberately put on a disguise to avoid being recognized by the people.

Finally we arrived near the mountain.

Xi Yu was full of emotions. It was here that he met Xi Shi, so the disaster happened. He didn't know whether it was a blessing or a curse.

The scene was really sealed off, and there were people specially guarding it.

Cheng Yu began to order the soldiers to evacuate quickly and let the two actors go in.

Of course, I also have to accompany him.

When the three people walked in, Cheng Yu was still a little scared.

Xi Yu said: "If you are afraid, why not go outside instead of following us."

"No, Mr. Xi, the little ones are not afraid."

He wanted Xiyu to be afraid of nothing, so how could he be timid?

Song Shuwen suggested that he might as well be at the front.

After all, he was a doctor. He also told Xi Yu that if something went wrong with him, he would ask him to send him back to his hometown.

"Divine Doctor Song, don't say such depressing words. Maybe I will be the first one to enter that place, so nothing will happen to you. Others should be fine."

Song Shuwen nodded, but despite this, everyone still had to be cautious.

Finally, the three of them arrived at the place where they met Xi Shi last time.

Xi Shi's appearance appeared in his mind again.

But Cheng Yu cursed in his heart, it was really beautiful that was ruining the country.

Although Xi Yu got a beautiful woman, he almost put himself into a point of no return.

"Okay, Divine Doctor Song, you can check it out carefully and see what the situation is."

Song Shuwen kept watching the scene, and then squatted on the ground and smelled the soil.

He just asked Xi Yu to stay back at the same time.

After half an hour, he was still frowning.

Xi Yu told him that if he couldn't find out clearly, forget it. They had already been here anyway, so they gave up.

Song Shuwen said nothing and was still studying in depth.

Finally, after a while, Song Shuwen's face showed a smile.

"Yes, Mr. Xi, you are right. There is indeed a flatulent air where the coffin is. This comes from ancient times, so it will confuse people and become like you. Only the first one People you come into contact with will behave like this, because the aura has already reached your body. If the actor had not come alone at that time, but there were many people, the situation might not be so serious."

"So that's what happened, will this happen again in the future?"

Song Shuwen also said that it is difficult to say because he does not know where these ancient things are still found.

"Aren't there a lot of ancient things?"

Cheng Yu quickly asked.

"No, I'm talking about things like ancient corpses. If you only keep some items, it won't be a problem." Song Shuwen said.

Xi Yu nodded, as long as he figured it out.

Cheng Yu said: "Drama Master, you have found out the reason now that you are here. Let's find a way to destroy this mountain."

For Cheng Yu, this mountain is a very unlucky one.

"No need, after all, this has a commemorative significance. Because it was here that I met Xi Shi, so I'd better keep it."

But Xi Yu asked Song Shuwen, after all, the place where he was poisoned was unclean. Can it be cleaned up?

Song Shuwen suggested that putting some lavender here can remove some bad smells.

Xi Yu asked Cheng Yu to handle the matter quickly.

"Okay, I obey."

After they finished this matter, another day passed.

Cheng Yu asked Xi Yu to stay for one more day and it wouldn't be too late to leave tomorrow.

Xi Yu said that after leaving tomorrow and returning to Youzhou, he would be able to disclose his situation to outsiders. (End of chapter)

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