On this day, Xi Zhicai finally returned to Luoyang.

He went home, changed some clothes, and hurriedly went to see Cao Pi.

But he remembered what Xi Yu said to him, and he decided not to reveal the news that Xi Yu was getting better for the time being.

Cao Pi has been particularly happy recently since he had the opportunity to cooperate with ninjas.

But tell a few confidants that Xi Zhicai must not know about this matter.

It would be bad if the news got out.

Their main purpose is to guard against Xi Yu.

Although Xiyu is still in a crazy state now, maybe he will get better one day.

"Mr. Cao, you look very happy. I wonder if your subordinates encountered any happy events while they were not here?"

"Okay, let's talk about you first. How is the actor doing now?"

Xi Zhicai showed a sad look.

"It's still like that. I really didn't expect it. Madness can bring people to this point."

"Ji people have their own destiny. I believe that my uncle will get well in the end."

Xi Zhicai immediately took out a letter and said that it was a letter written by Zhuge Liang and entrusted him to bring it back.

"It seems that my letter has been received. Okay, I'll read it later. You can take a good rest."

Xi Zhicai resigned.

Cao Pi opened the letter.

Moreover, the letter asked him to release Zhao Yun as soon as possible.

Since it was a misunderstanding, there was no need to trap him here.

It makes no sense. They said it so lightly. Do you want to release the person?

You don't take yourself seriously enough.

He burned the letter directly, so he ignored it.

However, after a while, I felt something was wrong. Maybe I really wanted to send Zhao Yun back?

Because if it is not sent back, the Youzhou side will be dissatisfied and may start a war.

By the way, you might as well discuss this matter with Dachuan.

Didn't Okawa tell him his location?

It's better to go find him now.

But he remembered what Okawa once said.

There are no special circumstances where searching is not allowed.

But now it seems to be a special situation.

At night, a ninja suddenly came to Cao Pi's room.

Cao Pi was overjoyed.

"Great. During the day, Cao was planning to go find Dachuan. I didn't expect you to come."

He really didn't want to call himself Cao, and he was really uncomfortable with it.

But there is no way.

"Oh, I wonder what you want from Dachuan?"

Cao Pi told him about the letter written by Zhuge Liang.

The ninja scolded Cao Pi.

What they need is to let Cao Pi expand the territory and then satisfy their interests.

It makes no sense that such a trivial matter should bother them.

Cao Pi was very dissatisfied. He felt like he had become someone else's slave.

He regretted dealing with them more and more now.

But I also think that I have to rely on other people’s strength to accomplish great things.

So he said with a smile that they shouldn't bother them with these little things.

But I still hope they will come up with an idea.

Moreover, Zhao Yun is also a very important figure in Youzhou. If it is not handled well, it will affect the whole body, so it has something to do with major events in the future.

After listening to his words, the ninja felt that there was some truth to it, so he said: "In that case, just kill them directly. In this way, won't the Youzhou side attack as you mentioned? Wouldn't it be better for us to catch turtles in a jar again?" "

But Cao Pi was a person who cherished talents, and he did not want to kill Zhao Yun directly.

The ninja glanced at him.

"What, you can't do it? If that's the case, then ask me what I mean? What do you want to do?"

"In that case, let me think about this matter again."

The ninja sneered.

Cao Pi quickly asked him what he was doing here today.

"We'll talk about this later. Do you want to kill Zhao Yun or not?"

Cao Pi suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

He didn't understand how this ninja got involved with him.

I was just asking casually, why didn't I tell me what was going on?

The man suddenly grabbed Cao Pi's collar.

"Cao Pi, when Zhao Yun wanted to kill Sima Yi, I saved Sima Yi."

Although Cao Pi hated him for holding him like this, he still nodded.

"You think, if Zhao Yun is put back, he will tell all the secrets of our ninjas. Then how can you keep it secret?"

Cao Pi was shocked.

Yes, why didn't you think of this problem?

"So you know what to do."

Cao Pi nodded.

At this time, he had firmly determined that Zhao Yun must be killed no matter what.

Next, the ninja told what happened here.

Tell Cao Pi before leaving.

He will come again tomorrow.

If Zhao Yun's body cannot be seen, Cao Pi can just let Cao Pi take care of it.

This night, Cao Pi couldn't sleep at night.

It seemed that Zhao Yun was bound to die, but he really didn't want to take action.

In the early morning of the next day, he once again called Sima Yi to his side.

"Zhongda, I have a very important matter now, which must be solved by you."

"Lord, what happened?"

Cao Pi then explained the relevant situation.

He now doesn't know whether he should kill or not, so he must let the other party give him an idea.

Sima Yi said: "Since Mr. Cao has cooperated with Dachuan and others, it seems that he must be killed. Indeed, if Zhao Yun goes back and reveals this secret, it will be over."

But he saw that Cao Pi still had a look of embarrassment on his face.

"Lord, you must think that he is just a talent, but you have to understand that there are so many talents."

Cao Pi nodded.

"In that case, let's kill him."

Then, Sima Yi ignored an idea.

"Lord, I have an idea that will ensure that he will not die, but he can also give an explanation to Dachuan and others."

"What. What's going on"?

Sima Yi said that he suddenly remembered that he knew a makeup artist. You can hide the real Zhao Yun, and then let people pretend to be Zhao Yun.

Then kill the fake one, wouldn't there be an explanation?

"Oh, there is such a magical place in this world?"

Moreover, Sima Yi analyzed that the fake Zhao Yun could completely confuse the fake with the real one.

He will find someone with a very similar appearance from the cell, but now he has to quickly find the makeup artist, who is an old man hidden among the people.

Sima Yi handed over the matter to him.

But as soon as Sima Yi left, a soldier walked in. He was one of the soldiers responsible for guarding the Song family's father and daughter.

"My lord, something very strange happened."

"If you have anything to say, tell me quickly."

The soldier said that they had been observing for several days, but suddenly discovered that the Song family and his daughter had not come out of the house.

They felt it was very strange, and they knew that Song Datian often hunted.

But why didn't he show up?

So, a few people hurried to the door to take a look and found that the room was already empty.

"What? Such a thing could happen, haven't you been watching? How come it escaped from under your noses?"

"Yes, lord, so this is what we find very strange."

Cao Pi slapped that video.

"Asshole, you can't even do these little things, believe it or not, I'll kill you with a knife?"

Cao Pi drew his sword and was about to kill the soldiers.

The soldier was so frightened that he quickly knelt down and begged for mercy.

"Please forgive me, Lord. We don't dare to delay. We all take turns to rest at night, making sure our eyes never leave there."

Cao Pi immediately put down his sword.

Could it be that the father and daughter disappeared mysteriously like the ninja? How can this be?

Cao Pi decided to see it in person.

When Cao Pi arrived here, several soldiers felt that their faces were really ugly.

They knew that they were doing something bad and Cao Pi would definitely kill them, but they still wanted to talk about the relevant situation.

"Lord, this is really strange."

Cao Pi then pushed open the door of the room and took a closer look.

Several soldiers said that they had also looked and found nothing at all. It turns out that the mechanism will automatically heal after a certain period of time.

There was another mechanism that could be opened in the underground passage, but Song Datian did not tell Song Meijiao.

Because after all, with his daughter following him, there is no need to worry about this issue at all.

Cao Pi reprimanded the video of the speech.

"Do I still need you to explain how I do things?"

The soldier was so frightened that he didn't dare to say anything.

Cao Pi refused to let go of any corner. Sweat appeared on his face and he didn't understand what was going on.

He knew that there must be a secret passage in this room.

When he brought up this topic, several soldiers said that they had also thought of this, but the problem was that they had not found any secret passage at all.

"I believe that I can definitely find it. You can search with me now."

Although many people agreed to come down and search together, they didn't have any hope at all. If it weren't for Cao Pi's order, they probably wouldn't have agreed.

But it was Cao Pi who finally discovered the secret passage. Cao Pi thought it must be a mechanism, but he opened it and found that a big hole was indeed exposed.

Several soldiers were dumbfounded, and Cao Pi sneered.

"Did you see that? You are still not careful."

Several soldiers had very ugly faces.

And Cao Pi told them to let them go down. If they could really find the father and daughter, they would be able to make up for their mistakes.

This time the mistake is no longer a concern.

Several soldiers were overjoyed and walked away quickly, but after a while, they felt that they should not have any hope. Maybe the father and daughter had left long ago.

As for Cao Pi, he went back to wait for the news.

On the other side, Song Datian and Song Meijiao finally arrived at Youzhou territory that day.

They also saw the special prosperity here in Youzhou.

"Daughter, have you seen it? It's so wonderful here under the management of the opera master. Many people are looking forward to coming here!"

"That's right, Dad, didn't you say that the actor is crazy?"

"But he's crazy and things are in order here."

But at the same time, he also said that they came secretly this time, because if normal people think about it, there is a system.

You can't stay too long, because you're afraid that people will occupy the resources here.

"Dad, why didn't you tell me earlier? If we stay here, wouldn't we be kicked out?"

"No, of course dad will find a way."

Song Datian has already thought of telling his daughter's true identity at the critical moment, so that his daughter can stay.

The father and daughter found an inn and stayed there.

Song Datian said that over time, Cao Pi's soldiers will definitely discover the secret.

Maybe we'll find a secret passage, but even if we find it, it doesn't matter.

They've arrived here now.

Song Meijiao nodded.

Once here, she also felt a sense of security.

She thought again of her days at Meng Huo's place, which were really dark.

"Daughter, daddy will tell me another secret later."

Song Meijiao laughed.

"Dad, do you have any other secrets you want to tell your daughter?"

"Dad, I'll give it a try first. When it's time to tell you, I will definitely tell you."

At night, Song Dacai revealed the secret.

"Daughter, you may be a little surprised by what I'm telling you, but it's true."

It was the first time that Song Meijiao saw her father look so serious.

Finally, Song Datian told Song Meijiao's life experience.

Song Meijiao was stunned.

"No way, Dad, you lied to me, right?"

"I know you won't believe me after I tell you. Have you never considered it? We look nothing alike."

And he said, how could you use such words to deceive people?

"Daughter, you are a descendant of the royal family. Letting you live in my family has already made you feel wronged."

Song Meijiao really couldn't accept the news.

Instantly, her tears flowed out.

But Song Datian still felt sorry for her.

But after I said these words, I finally felt better.

"How could this happen? How could this happen?" Song Meijiao kept mumbling.

"Daughter, I know you can't take this news, but it's a fact."

Song Dadian knew that his daughter would have to take time to digest the news.

Finally, he exited the room and returned to his room.

After half an hour, Song Meijiao knocked on his door.

"Daughter, have you accepted this fact?"

"Dad, since what you said is true, even if I don't accept it, it is still a fact."

At this moment, Song Meijiao had become very calm.

But he said that no matter what, his father will always be his father.

He would never recognize his ancestor and return to his clan, but he wanted to be by his side forever.

After Song Datian heard this, he felt very moved.

"My daughter, what nonsense are you talking about? You will get married in the future, how can you stay by your father's side forever?"

"No, daddy, my daughter wants to be by your side forever and never get married."

"This is not okay."

And Song Meijiao finally understood why her father always refused for various reasons when someone proposed marriage in the past.

It turns out that my bloodline is very noble.

But he suddenly had some doubts, why did his father say such things to him at this time?

"Dad, why didn't you tell me about this before?"

And he also understood why his father wouldn't let him marry Cao Pi.

Because in the eyes of the emperor, Cao Pi was a bad person after all.

"I believe you have guessed that dad does not want you to marry Cao Pi. Moreover, dad has a selfish intention and hopes that you can marry the actor."

This time, Song Meijiao was speechless again.

Dad would actually have such thoughts?

"The actor is not an ordinary person, so if you are lucky enough to marry him, dad thinks it is a blessing."

But Song Meijiao shook her head.

Maybe Xi Yu is very capable in running the country, but that doesn't mean she has feelings for him.

My father's blind worship seemed to go too far.

"Of course, my daughter, my father will not force anyone to do anything. You should think about it yourself. In addition, we will discuss all this after meeting the actor."

"Dad, didn't you say that the actor is crazy?"

"Yes, he is indeed crazy, but he must get better at some point. My daughter, can you marry him when he gets better?"

"Dad, I just asked this, why did you ask me this instead?"

"Okay, this is just my idea, but no matter what, we must ask for Xi Yu's protection."

"Dad. From what you said before, this actor is also a great prince. So if we took refuge with him, if my identity is exposed, wouldn't I be exploited?"

And if you don’t tell your identity, people will just think that you are an ordinary person, and will they accept you?

"Daughter, you are very considerate. Let's go and seek refuge with him, but we can't tell you your identity. It means that because Meng Huo and Cao Pi are trying to rob you, we can't live any longer, so we have no choice but to come and seek refuge with him."

But at the same time, Song Datian sighed again.

It would be best if the actor was doing well.

It's a pity that now he has become crazy.

It would be nice if Xi Yu wasn't crazy.

Then he would definitely take them in immediately.

"Okay, daughter, it's getting late. Get some rest. Tomorrow we'll go to the theater to try our luck. If they really don't accept us, we'll make other plans."

Song Meijiao returned to the room, but tonight, she really couldn't sleep.

She never thought that she still had such an identity.

She was also considering what it would be like to live in the royal family.

Will she also have to go through a series of bloody storms?

Because after all, this is a chaotic time of life.

Also unable to sleep was Song Datian.

Although Song Datian's heart dropped, he felt that his daughter might be uncomfortable.

He even regretted a little. Shouldn't he tell his daughter about this?

Wouldn't it be better to just let him live a normal life?

Although the daughter is not her biological child, she has developed a deep feeling for her.

It has become very quiet outside, and the bright moon shines brightly on the ground.

Song Datian kept looking out the window.

Forget it, don't think about it so much.

Anyway, what needs to be said has been said. (End of chapter)

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