Early the next morning, Sima Yi took thousands of gold and treasures to find a makeup artist hidden in the mountains.

The makeup artist is an old man. He has lived in the mountains for many years.

Sima Yi went there with several soldiers at that time.

But Sima Yi told them that they must keep the secret.

The old man was smoking a cigarette outside the fence outside the yard, looking particularly sad.

Suddenly, when he saw Sima Yi and others arriving, he thought they had gone to the wrong door.

Sima Yi said respectfully: "Are you Mr. Wen?"

Mr. Wen was stunned for a moment, and then asked: "Who are you and how do you know me?"

Sima Yi said with a smile: "It seems that we have found the right one. We are specially here to give something to Mr. Weiwen."

Then, Sima Yi asked the soldiers to enter the courtyard.

The other party felt baffled.

"Wait a moment and explain clearly what is going on?"

"Mr. Wen, I have admired you for a long time. I know that you are very good at disguise, so I hope you will come out."

The other party's expression changed drastically, as if he had encountered the most terrifying thing in the world.

He waved his hands desperately.

"How can this happen? Don't talk nonsense."

"Mr. Wen, why do you have to hide it?"

A young man came out of the yard.

Wearing a commoner.

"Dad, who is he?"

He felt very puzzled when he saw Sima Yi and others dressed very luxuriously.

How come there is such a person coming and going in their family suddenly?

Mr. Wen immediately entered the room, his mood was particularly complicated.

Sima Yi and others went in.

Mr. Wen's son Wen Xiaochang knew their purpose after hearing Mr. Wen's explanation.

He then said: "My father has already said that he will never put makeup on others again. This was an oath back then and he cannot break it."

He knows his father better than others, and that is what he has said, and he must do it.

Mr. Wen also said: "Yes, what my son said is very correct, so you should go."

But Sima Yi saw that both father and son were particularly concerned about the gold and jewelry.

Of course, seeing how difficult their family conditions are, it would be strange if they didn’t care about these things!

Sima Yi has already mastered their psychology, so he will not leave even if the other party does not let him leave.

At this time, a little girl's cry came from another room.

Wen Xiaochang hurried to the room.

"Okay, kid, don't cry. Daddy will take you to the doctor right away."

At this moment, Sima Yi once again inquired about a piece of information.

It seems that Wen Xiaochang's child is sick and will probably need a lot of money for medical treatment.

This way you can make better use of it.

"Mr. Wen, your granddaughter is seriously ill? Can I take a look?"

Mr. Wen nodded.

Sima Yi immediately came to another room.

I saw a little girl of five or six years old lying on the bed.

"Excuse me, what's going on with this kid?"

"I have a strange illness, and the doctor said I don't have a few days left to live."

Although it was in front of the little girl, Wen Xiaochang also said it.

He also said that he had asked the little girl to visit the ancestral grave a few days ago.

Because a small coffin has been bought for her.

Sima Yi asked: "Why did you do this? Won't this little girl feel sad when she hears it?"

"It doesn't matter, just let her know this first so that she won't be afraid when she actually moves in."

When he said this, he was naturally very sad.

Sima Yi asked the little girl what was going on.

Wen Xiaochang couldn't explain it at all, because he couldn't speak too professional words.

Sima Yi added: "Actually, there are many miracle doctors who can save your daughter. I think I have seen similar scenes before."

But the other party said that he had no money at all.

"But haven't I come to give you money? As long as you can agree to let your father come out, won't this matter be easy to handle?"

Wen Xiaochang shook his head.

He said that his father was a very stubborn person, how could he agree?

"Doesn't he care about his granddaughter?"

Next, Sima Yi also came to Mr. Wen and said, "Your son has prepared a coffin for your granddaughter. Are you clear about this?"

Mr. Wen shed tears.

He said that it was because of this incident that he was smoking a cigarette outside and sighed.

"But don't you know that you are so confused? For a so-called oath, you actually do this and disregard your granddaughter's life. You have no money. I have already sent you all today. You should take your granddaughter to see a doctor quickly. .”

This is where Mr. Wen is confused. He doesn't want to break his oath.

But I really hope that my granddaughter can get better.

"You are so stubborn, do you want a vow or a granddaughter? It's up to you."

Wen Xiaochang also walked in quickly.

He said: "Dad, let's agree to his request. These country doctors are not very skilled in medicine at all."

Mr. Wen once again felt special pain.

"Dad, I think this gentleman is right, you shouldn't care about face."

Mr. Wen finally nodded.

"Okay, I accept, I agree to this young master's request. I am willing to do makeup for others."

Then he asked his son to take his granddaughter to the doctor quickly.

But he must ensure that his granddaughter is well before he leaves with Sima Yi.

Sima Yi thought to himself, this is not possible, because this person must be invited back quickly.

Because he has made a promise to the ninja, Zhao Yun must be killed today.

"Mr. Wen, the matter is extremely urgent. I hope you can go quickly."

Wen Xiaochang also said, just ask him to go quickly, and he will take his granddaughter to the doctor. When his father comes back, won't he be able to see her?

"Well, if that's the case, then I'll go with you sir."

Sima Yi went to the room to see his granddaughter again, and then said: "Don't worry, you will get better. Ask your father to take you to see the doctor quickly."

He also touched his granddaughter's head.

The granddaughter is still crying.

And he finally left with Sima Yi.

Sima Yi was full of joy along the way.

Naturally, he has also seen many strange people among the people, and their tempers are particularly weird.

Just like this old Mr. Wen, he always sticks to it because of a vow.

If it weren't for his granddaughter being sick, he probably wouldn't have accepted those gifts.

He also felt that it was such a waste that Cao Pi asked him to bring so many gifts.

Just for one Zhao Yun, why go to such trouble?

It seems that Cao Pi likes Zhao Yun very much, but can Zhao Yun really work for him in the future?

Cao Pi ordered the soldiers to search for the Song family father and daughter through secret roads across the country, but in the end they found nothing.

The soldiers finally found the exit, but they believed that the father and daughter had already gone far.

They had no choice but to go back and report the information.

When Cao Pi learned of this, he ordered all the soldiers to be killed.

Naturally, the soldiers quickly begged for mercy, but their screams were quickly drowned out.

When Sima Yi brought back Mr. Wen, Cao Pi finally became happy.

Then he began to rush to find the death row prisoner. Make him look like Zhao Yun.

On the other side, Xi Yu finally returned to Youzhou from Qingzhou.

Ouyang Linlin told Xiaohong to observe at all times and to report to her as soon as possible when the actor comes back.

So Xi Yu returned to the room and was about to change clothes when Ouyang Linlin had already started knocking on the door.

"What are you doing here? How do you know I'm back?"

"Because I asked you to ask specifically."

After hearing this, Xi Yu was a little unhappy.

"I'm sorry, husband, I'm doing this for your own good."

Xi Yu's face looked a little better.

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

"I just want to ask if you went to Qingzhou to find out anything?"

"It is indeed effective." He also told Song Shuwen the results of his query.

"In that case, you should get more rest."

Xi Yu said that he was going to start publicizing his recovery soon.

Now he wants to go to Xi Shi's room to take a look.

Xi Shi has become quite haggard recently, but she still looks particularly beautiful.

When Xi Yu came to the door of the room, the little girl felt someone outside and quickly opened the door.

But what she saw was Xi Yu arriving, as if she had seen a ghost.

Xi Yu said: "You don't have to be afraid, I have already recovered."

The little girl was dumbfounded and looked at Xi Yu carefully. It seemed that he was indeed much normal.

Only then did he feel happy, and then he quickly let Xi Yu in.

However, when Xi Shi saw Xi Yu, she seemed to be very indifferent.

Now there were waves in his heart.

She suddenly burst into tears and told her grievances.

And hoped that Xi Yu would send him away quickly.

Xi Yu said: "I have accepted your grievances and reprimanded Zhuge Liang severely. Don't worry, no one will do anything to you as long as I am here."

Moreover, Xi Yu said that he had a strange illness and was now cured, so he would be able to protect Xi Shi if there was a chance in the future, so that she should stop thinking wildly.

When the opportunity is right, he will marry Xi Shi.

"Master Xiu, I hope you will let me go quickly."

After that, she quickly knelt down in front of Xi Xiyu.

She said that when Xiyu went crazy, she also hoped to leave quickly.

Now that the actor is getting better, she must ask for help again.

"Nonsense, this is absolutely not allowed."

"Player, how can you force me to be your wife? No, it should be a concubine. If I don't agree, you can't force me to do anything, right?"

Xi Shi added, "This Xiyu is very kind to others and the people. Why do you have to force yourself like this?"

Xi Yu also realized that he had gone too far.

But he knew that the reason why his mood changed drastically was because he was obsessed with Xi Shi.

He tried his best to become gentler.

He said he only did this because he liked Xi Tzu.

The first time I saw Xi Shi, I couldn't help myself.

These words could not move Xi Shi at all.

Because I don’t know how many people have praised my appearance or even peeked at me.

"Okay, I'll give you a few days to think about it, and then I hope you can agree."

Xi Yu left domineeringly.

Xi Shi stood up.

The little girl said: "How can the actor be so domineering?"

In fact, Xi Shi also has a slight affection for Xi Yu.

After all, this is the first man I have seen since coming to this world.

She sighed.

"But no matter what. No matter what, it's better if he gets better than if he doesn't."

Song Datianhe and Song Meijiao came to the theater.

They don't have to be secretive, but are open and aboveboard, because it is impossible for anyone from Cao Pi to come here.

When they arrived at the entrance of the theater, they immediately attracted the attention of the soldiers.

Because I saw them looking around, as if they were particularly curious about everything.

"Who are you? How can you be so sneaky?"

"We are here to meet the actor, could you please let us know?"

Song Meijiao asked in a low voice: "Dad, isn't the actor crazy? Should we find someone else?"

"Daughter, it's not like I don't know."

The soldiers quickly asked him who he was.

"To be honest, we came to Youzhou secretly to seek refuge with the actor."

He said that he had arrived and would be punished by Youzhou law, but he would bear all the blame on himself and never let anything happen to his daughter.

And if their daughter hadn't been forced to do anything, they wouldn't have been able to come here.

The soldiers guarding the gate already knew that Xi Yu was getting better.

But Xiyu hasn't really made it public yet, so they have to pretend not to know.

A soldier gave him an idea and asked them to find Guan Yu.

If you have any difficulties, let Guan Yu handle them.

After all, Guan Yu is now the governor.

The father and daughter thought to themselves that this was fine, as long as there was someone who could receive them.

Then as time goes by, when Xi Yu gets better, they will definitely have a chance.

Finally, they found out where the governor's mansion was, and then went to find Guan Yu.

Guan Yu was practicing calligraphy at home when he suddenly heard a report from the guard at the door.

He said that a mother and daughter came to find him.

He felt strange.

"What kind of father and daughter are they? Why did they come to see me?"

The soldiers explained the simple situation.

"They are here to seek refuge anyway, and the old man has admitted that they came here illegally."

Guan Yu thought to himself that since they came here secretly, they had committed a crime and dared to come to him. It seemed that they really had something to hide.

So, he said: "Okay, let them all come in."

At the door, Song Meijiao didn't hold out much hope.

They are just ordinary people. Can they see this governor whenever they want?

But Song Datian said that he would definitely see it.

"Dad, why are you so sure?"

"Dad has already investigated before and found out that this actor is different from others. He is very close to the people, and his subordinates are also like this."

Sure enough, after a while, the soldiers announced that they could enter.

The father and daughter were very happy and saw Guan Yu immediately.

But Guan Yu's red face did make them feel particularly fresh.

So they just kept watching.

Guan Yu coughed.

Only then did the father and daughter realize that they were a little out of sorts.

Song Datian wanted to immediately tell him that he was from Luoyang.

It was extremely difficult for them to get here.

If you are guilty of illegal immigration, then just put all the sins on yourself.

"Dad, what are you talking about? How can you let something happen to you alone?"

The father and daughter started to argue here.

"Okay, stop arguing, don't you take me seriously?"

The father and daughter stopped talking.

"What are you two doing standing here? Sit down and talk if you have anything to say."

The father and daughter immediately sat down.

Guan Yu asked them to tell what happened in detail.

The two people explained the specific situation.

"What? Then Cao Pi actually did this?"

"Not only Cao Pi, but also Meng Huo of Nanzhong."

However, Guan Yu did not know who Meng Huo was.

"So we heard that the opera master was a kind-hearted man, so we came to seek refuge with him, hoping that Governor Guan would grant us permission."

And they also went to the entrance of the theater.

It was the soldiers who brought them here.

Guan Yu thought to himself that he must not let them know that the actor was getting better.

Because the actor has not made it public now, why should he cause this trouble?

"Since you can trust the actor, you can live here by yourself for the time being, and we can talk about the rest later."

After Guan Yu gave this order, the father and daughter felt particularly happy.

I didn't expect things to go so smoothly.

After that, Guan Yu quickly sent his servants to let them stay.

The two men immediately saluted Guan Yu and thanked him.

But Guan Yu also said: "The governor will also investigate this matter. If you deceive the governor, the consequences will be disastrous."

"Don't worry, Governor Guan, how could we deceive you?"

Soon, servants took the two women away and arranged accommodation for them.

Guan Yu thought this matter was particularly important, so he had to tell Xi Yu about it.

When Guan Yu came to the entrance of the theater, two soldiers asked, had the father and daughter gone to see him?

"Yes, they did go."

"Guan Gushi, if we let them go there, will it cause trouble for you?"

"No, you don't think too much. It's normal for them to come to my place. I will also investigate whether they are telling the truth, so this time I am here to report to the actor."

Guan Yu met Xi Yu.

"What's the matter with you? You came to see me?"

Guan Yu then told the relevant matters.

"Oh, there is such a thing."

"Although they are just minor figures, they are still related to Cao Pi, so my subordinates arranged accommodation for them."

Xiyu nodded.

"Yes, you did the right thing. In that case, let them stay here."

"But I don't know if what they said is correct."

"Whether it's correct or not, you just investigate."

But Xi Yu also told Guan Yu to pay attention to safety.

What if these two people really have any evil intentions?

"Yes, Mr. Xi, you will definitely pay attention first."

"Okay, if nothing happens, you can leave." (End of Chapter)

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