Guan Yu immediately resigned.

Xiyu felt that Youxin was tired and took a rest immediately.

After a while, he started announcing that he was getting better.

He then asked the secret guards to do this.

The news spread quickly in Youzhou.

He believed that as long as word spread in Youzhou, other places would gradually know about it.

When the people knew the news, they were very happy and they were overjoyed.

Some people even want to come to the theater to watch it.

As a result, there was an endless stream of people at the entrance of the theater and it was overcrowded.

After Xi Yu learned about this, he decided to find a public place to meet everyone.

In the end, I chose to stay on the tower because this way I could avoid this situation.

When they learned that Xi Yu was about to appear, many people were very happy and wanted to rush to the tower to admire Xi Yu's grace.

They also ran quickly to the tower. Xi Yu also wanted to take this opportunity to talk about his love for the people and the impact of his mistakes during this period on them. He thought this was a very good opportunity.

Soon, he rode his bicycle to the tower.

He also met many people on the road, and he kept waving to them. This feeling made him feel very comfortable.

Finally, Xi Yu came to the tower. Many people cheered enthusiastically, and the applause was naturally very warm.

Xi Yu waved to everyone to stop clapping.

Everyone slowly stopped, and he thought, it would be nice if there was music.

At this time, you can express your feelings and be more emotional.

"Okay, thank you very much, everyone." Xi Yu cleared his throat and looked at everyone.

Next, he gave a speech and thanked everyone for their concern and concerns about him.

And although I didn't do it unintentionally during this period, I did a lot of wrong things and caused a lot of harm to everyone.

And when he was explaining, he also paid attention to cadence, and his voice was just right.

So this emotion also infected many people around me.

Many people even shed tears, and some told Xi Yu not to be mentally burdened.

Xi Yu also said that this period of time was also a test for Youzhou. He has now found out the reason, so he said that this kind of thing will not happen again from now on.

Xi Yu feels that he has done a good job because he has touched many people.

The scene once again burst into warm applause.

Soon, Xi Yu asked everyone to leave and thanked everyone again for paying attention to him during this time.

Some people even go to pray to gods and worship Buddha.

Although he doesn't approve of this method, he at least knows that everyone's intentions are good.

After returning, he felt very happy.

And this news slowly spread to Guan Yu's mansion, and Song Datian and his daughter also knew about the situation.

Song Datian said: "Daughter, this time Xi Yuyi gave a speech, and many people came."

"He's trying to win people's hearts, but it's really good."

"Yes, my daughter does win people's hearts, but if he can do this, he is better than others."

Both father and daughter have an idea, that is, since Xiyu is getting better, they should go and see him.

"Dad, when are we going to meet?"

"Let's discuss it with Governor Guan before we discuss it."

"Dad, in this case, let's go find Governor Guan."

Song Datian felt that his daughter was very strange.

Why are you so anxious?

He looked at her with doubtful eyes, and suddenly his daughter's face turned red.

"Dad, didn't you say you wanted me to marry the actor? So I have to get to know him well now."

Song Datian laughed.

It seems that my daughter has developed feelings for a man for the first time.

But that's also a good thing.

"Daughter, although dad just said that, if you don't agree, it doesn't matter."

When he said this, Song Meijiao became even more shy.

"Okay, daughter, I know what you are thinking, and we will definitely see you."

On the other side, Sima Yi and Mr. Wang finally arrived in Luoyang.

And the ninja has appeared next to Cao Pi.

Ask him if Zhao Yun is dead.

Because Sima Yi hadn't come back yet, Cao Pi could only act perfunctorily.

"Because we Central Plains people need to check the date and feng shui, so this person cannot be killed at will. There must be no bloody disaster."

Then he specifically talked about some knowledge in this area.

The ninja was particularly unhappy.

"Why do you Central Plains people have so many things to do?"

"So Zhao Yun will die sooner or later, just one day earlier and one day later."

After a while, the ninja left, and Sima Yi also arrived.

But Cao Pi was not sure whether the ninja would see this scene.

He asked Sima Yi to quickly take Mr. Wen to the prison to find a prisoner to come out, and then he would make up according to Zhao Yun's appearance.

Soon, a prisoner entered Zhao Yun's cell.

Zhao Yun didn't understand what they were going to do, but he didn't ask. Until a while later, when he saw Mr. Wen holding some tools and looking at himself and the unconscious rice, he felt particularly strange.

So he asked: "What's going on with you?"

Mr. Wen also told the truth of the matter.

Zhao Yun was shocked.

"What do you mean?"

Sima Yi was also present at the time.

He said he was doing this all for Zhao Yun.

It is to avoid Zhao Yun's death.

How could Zhao Yun not know good from evil?

"What do you mean by changing things like this?"

Sima Yi pointed at the prisoner and said that he had committed a capital crime and would die sooner or later, but it just made him die early.

Zhao Yun knew that Cao Pi did this to bribe him.

But he once again made it clear that there was no use in doing this.

He will never surrender.

Sima Yi did not answer again.

However, Zhao Yun was tied up now, and he had no room for resistance.

Although he was scolding on the surface, it could not change the facts at all.

Sima Yi told Mr. Wen not to be affected.

Make up how you want to wear it.

At this time, Sima Yi suddenly had an updated idea.

Another Zhao Yun should be found, and then a fake Zhao Yun should be allowed to die.

Let another fake Zhao Yun return to Youzhou.

Wouldn't it be better to become their own Zhao Yun?

There was a smile on his face, but Zhao Yun knew that he was full of evil in his heart.

Sima Yi also witnessed Mr. Wen's makeup skills, which were really very high.

And even if he was disturbed, he would not be affected at all.

After an hour, Mr. Wen finally came up with a fake Zhao Yun.

It's really possible to confuse the fake with the real.

"Mr. Wen, your skills are really great."

Mr. Wen smiled.

Sima Yi asked him to go out to a private corner to talk.

Tell him to get another Zhao Yun out.

"why is that?"

Sima Yi also told the situation.

"Mr. Wen, I have told you the truth, which proves that I am very sincere. I hope you will not leak this secret."

Mr. Wen seemed hesitant.

"Don't forget, but after giving you ten thousand taels of gold, can't I ask you to do one more thing?"

Mr. Wen finally knows what it means to take advantage of others and be soft on others.

"It doesn't matter, now that it's like this. I promise you."

Sima Yi didn't expect that he would be so easy to talk to.

So I once again found someone with a similar figure to Zhao Yun, and once again asked Mr. Wen to put on makeup.

The second Jia Jia Zhao Yun also appeared.

Sima Yi was very satisfied and went to Cao Pi with two fake ones.

Cao Pi also felt very happy after seeing it.

And the first fake person asked the second fake person what the writing session would be like?

After learning about the situation, he became indignant.

Cao Pi said: "You have committed a capital crime and must die, and he will be released sooner or later."

The second counterfeiter’s name is Zhai Rongping.

And the first fake Zhao Yun was naturally killed.

After Zhai Rongping saw it, he felt very shocked.

But Sima Yi told him not to be afraid.

Next he has an important task, which is to pretend to be Zhao Yun and return to Youzhou.

And during this period of time, he must learn Zhao Yun's demeanor, and he must not go wrong.

After returning home, naturally I will inquire about inside information.

And once he does it well, he will be rewarded, and at the same time, his family and Duke Cao will also take care of him.

When Zhai Rongping heard this, he knew that Sima Yi would definitely take his family as hostages, so he frowned.

Sima Yi said: "On one side is heaven and on the other side is hell. I believe you will make the right choice."

Zhai Rongping smiled and was finally willing to agree.

Sima Yi said he could train him now.

Because he also had a pretty good grasp of Zhao Yun's demeanor and movements.

As for the real Zhao Yun, he was moved to a cell.

Guaranteed that ordinary people will not find it.

Sima Yi also told him that he would tell himself when he had made up his mind.

He will be entrusted with important tasks at that time. Of course, he may not be allowed to fight on the front lines, but at least he can be given an idea or something.

"I've already said it, you should give up."

Mr. Wen has completed the task, but it is almost night.

Sima Yi said to arrange a place for him and go back tomorrow.

Mr. Wen suddenly became solemn and solemn.

"Mr. Sima, there is no need to go to such trouble."

Mr. Wen sighed.

Before Sima Yi could react, Mr. Wen quickly ran towards a wall.

Then his head immediately hit the wall and blood flowed.

At this moment, Sima Yi was confused, and then he quickly asked: "Mr. Wen, what do you mean?"

He quickly went to help Mr. Wen.

Mr. Wen said painfully: "I have violated my oath, so I don't want to live anymore. I can't do anything that violates my principles."

After that, Mr. Wen died.

Sima Yi didn't expect that he would be so strong, so the savior hurriedly buried him.

Perhaps I had already thought of doing this when he came.

He immediately told Cao Pi the news.

Cao Pi was also very sorry, but he also admired Mr. Bai in his heart.

"Aren't you going to be his family? Tell his family about this, and then reward them with something."

Cao Pi said to Sima Yi.

Sima Yi agreed.

The next day, when Sima Yi came to Mr. Wen's home, he told his son the news.

Wen Xiaochang couldn't believe his ears.

Sima Yi told him that no matter what, people cannot be resurrected after death, and he hoped that he would be able to grieve and accept the change.

Wen Xiaochang also made a fuss for a while. But I finally accepted the fact.

Of course, all this is a story later.

That night, the ninja came to find Cao Pi again.

I just wanted to confirm whether Zhao Yun was dead or not.

He put the person pretending to be Zhao Yun on the ground.

When the ninja arrived, Cao Pi stood up immediately.

"Cao has killed Zhao Yun, please check."

Cao Pi's heart skipped a beat, even though the makeup was a bit unreal.

But will it be seen by ninjas?

The ninja knelt down and examined it carefully.

I found that there was no problem, and the other party was indeed dead.

"very good."

The ninja said these two words, and Cao Pi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It seemed that the other party really didn't see anything.

And the ninja left immediately.

Just like that, he came quietly and left quietly.

After a while, Cao Pi laughed.

I originally thought that this secret guard was everywhere, but now it seems that may not be the case.

They did not appear in the cell.

He didn't dare to put a smile on his face, what if this ninja came back again?

The next day, the Song family father and daughter appeared next to Guan Yu.

Hope to meet Xi Yu.

And they also heard that Xi Yu was getting better.

Guan Yu said, "The actor is very busy and may not have time to see you."

"Then please give us a recommendation from Governor Guan." Song Datian said shamelessly.

Guan Yu glared at him.

Moreover, Guan Yu also sent people to investigate the matter.

There is no result yet, let them wait.

After a few days passed, the Guan Yu faction's personnel investigated and found out that this was indeed the case.

It is said that Cao Pi was even angry about this.

When Guan Yu was about to tell Xi Yu, soldiers suddenly came to Guan Yu.

It was said that the actor wanted to meet the father and daughter.

Guan Yu was overjoyed that it would save him a trip, so he asked the officers and soldiers to take the father and daughter away.

It turns out that Xi Yu heard Guan Yu say last time that the girl was very beautiful, so she wanted to meet her.

I don’t know if this girl is more beautiful than Xi Shi.

At this moment, he kept thinking about this girl's appearance in his mind.

He also felt that he was a little lewd.

But he knew this was the nature of men.

A normal man would look like this, with a smile on his face.

He didn't even notice that Ouyang Linlin had appeared at the door. It wasn't until he felt that the sunlight was blocked that he opened his eyes.

"Oh, madam, why did you arrive so quietly?"

"I was quiet there, and I didn't know what you were thinking, but you were so fascinated."

Xi Yu smiled and let Ouyang Linlin in.

Ouyang Linlin asked: "What were you happy about just now? Can you tell me?"

Xi Yu said a little embarrassedly.

Suddenly his face turned red.

But he knew that Ouyang Linlin was too kind to him, and he couldn't hide anything from her.

He then said that a father and daughter were coming to find him.

But after he talked for a while, Ouyang Linlin saw it.

"Do you think she is particularly beautiful, so you really want to meet her, or even take a concubine?"

Xi Yu said, "Why do you think so?"

But the more coquettish he was, the more Ouyang Linlin thought it was right.

If Xi Yu didn't have this intention, he would definitely say in a high-sounding way that he was considering the interests of the people.

But he said no such thing.

Xi Yu suddenly asked back: "If I really want to take a concubine, will you be willing?"

"If I say I don't want to, what can I do?"

Xi Yu said nothing. This was the tragedy of ancient women. They had no right to choose at all.

Just like the queen is already very precious, but the emperor cannot avoid concubines.

"Okay, I'm thinking about the people of the world." Xi Yu laughed.

But to Ouyang Linlin, his smile seemed particularly vulgar.

"By the way, why did you come to my room?"

"It's nothing. Actually, I just want to ask about Zhao Yun's situation."

Ouyang Linlin said that logically she should not pay attention to these things, but she is still a little worried.

When this issue was mentioned, Xi Yu felt very angry.

"I'll wait a few more days. If Zhao Yun still doesn't come back, I'll go find out."

Xi Yu said harshly.

On the other side, Cao Pi finally learned the news that Xi Yu was getting better.

That's what the ninja told him.

When Ninja told him this, he couldn't believe it.

"The people here are just drunkards. The news is too backward. They are not as good as me."

The secret guard spoke to him unceremoniously.

"Why did my uncle suddenly get better? What if he stayed crazy forever?"

Cao Pi sighed deeply, and the secret guard immediately laughed at him.

"So what if he is crazy? He has been crazy during this period. Which of you dares to touch him?"

Cao Pi nodded, and the secret guard told him that it would be better to cooperate with them. Just stop thinking about anything else.

"Yes, sir, you taught me the right lesson."

In Chang'an, Liu Xie also heard the news.

And the reason why he knew. It was Xi Yu who sent someone to tell him.

Liu Xie burst into tears with excitement.

"Great, uncle is finally getting better."

The soldier who reported the news said that the actor was very busy, otherwise he would have come to explain the situation to His Majesty himself.

"No, I know that my uncle has many things to do. As long as he can do well, I will be very happy."

This time, Xi Yu also sent soldiers to bring many gifts, so Liu Xie naturally wanted to return the gifts.

The soldier refused, saying that the opera master had given instructions to the emperor not to return the gift.

Because the emperor once remembered him and even prayed for himself to avoid disasters.

As long as you have yourself in mind, there is no need to return the gift.

In the end, Liu Xie didn't force it anymore. (End of chapter)

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