Zhang Fei stayed with Guan Yu for a day or two, and Guan Yu told him to leave. After all, Wuhuan still had many things to deal with.

"Hey, if anything happens over there, I'd better stay with my second brother."

But Guan Yu's face looked a little ugly.

"What's wrong, second brother, don't you hate my little brother and don't want him to stay here?"

"How is this possible? I'm just worried about what if something happens and I can't find you? It's like something happened to Wuhuan last time. Isn't it all because you don't take it to heart?"

Guan Yu was very unhappy after hearing what he said.

He said that he finally met his second brother, how could he leave casually?

Unless the second brother hates himself and won't let himself be here.

And staying here by yourself can be considered as having received Xi Yu's consent.

"Forget it, in that case, you can stay, lest it seems like I'm trying to drive you away."

Only then did Zhang Fei become happy.

He also proposed that he would invite Guan Yu to a restaurant for a drink tonight.

They kept getting drunk.

"Why go to a restaurant? What can't you eat at home?"

"No, go to a restaurant, it's a different kind of atmosphere."

And Zhang Fei also said that as long as he drinks tonight, he will be happy.

Come tomorrow, he will ride off immediately.

Guan Yu patted him on the shoulder.

"In that case, let's make it a deal. Let's go to the best restaurant in Youzhou tonight."

Zhang Fei laughed loudly.

In the evening, the two of them came to the most famous restaurant in Youzhou, called Chengnan Restaurant.

This building is seven or eight stories high, and you can see some of the surrounding scenes from the highest floor.

After Zhang Fei stayed for a few days, he also discovered that the folk customs here are really very simple.

Many people have a very good life when they are young.

So as soon as he sat down, he sighed.

Guan Yu asked: "Brother, why are you sighing?"

"Second brother, I sigh that Youzhou is really great."

"Youzhou is great, and your second brother is the governor. You should be very happy."

"Second brother, do you really know nothing?"

Zhang Fei complained.

Every time he said something bad about Xi Yu, his eldest brother would always oppose him.

But in fact, the more he saw the development here, the more he felt sorry for his eldest brother.

It would be great if the eldest brother could become such a great prince.

It's a pity that my eldest brother's life is really not good, and the journey has been so bumpy.

Guan Yu touched the beard on his chin and didn't say much.

"Second brother, are you a little aggrieved too?"

"Third brother, even if you are aggrieved, what's the use? After all, we are not the old Taoyuan three sworn brothers."

At that time, the three people were very motivated and wanted to start a big business.

But where did you expect to be blamed everywhere in the end?

Zhang Fei shouted and asked the waiter to bring the wine.

The waiter immediately brought them drinks and asked them to order.

Zhang Fei asked Guan Yu to open it.

Guan Yu said: "Just bring the best dishes in your store."

When the man saw that Guan Gong's face was red, he immediately asked: "Are you Guan Gong?"

Guan Yu nodded.

The waiter at the shop started teasing him because Guan Yu's face looked so familiar.

Zhang Fei scolded angrily.

"What are you doing, mother-in-law and mother-in-law? Why don't you hurry up and get up?"

The waiter was so frightened that he left quickly.

Halfway through, he remembered that he should salute Guan Yu.

So he immediately knelt down.

Guan Yu waved his hand, indicating that he didn't have to do this.

After the waiter left, Guan Yu said to Zhang Fei: "There is no need to do this to the servants."

"Why is my second brother so nice to them? They are just servants."

Soon, the wine was served. Zhang Fei poured it for the two of them, and then took a quick sip himself.

He still complained about his elder brother.

"Okay, third brother, not only the eldest brother is talking about you, but the second brother is also talking about you. The actor is managing many places very well now. As long as the people are happy, it is better than anything else."

"Second brother, why do you even say that?"

Zhang Fei spoke so loudly that other guests also looked at him.

Zhang Fei shouted: "What are you looking at?"

Several people saw his fierce look, and no one dared to talk to him.

Guan Yu told him that he was now the governor.

Your own words and deeds are also very important.

So Zhang Fei must not make trouble again.

Zhang Fei sighed.

I feel like I have a lot to say in my heart, but I can't say it out at all.

That's why he resorted to drinking to drown his sorrows.

Guan Yu thought to himself, even if he had a lot to say, why not say it in his own home?

Wouldn't it be embarrassing to have to come here?

But it suddenly occurred to me that even if I spoke at home, the secret guards would probably hear me.

Thinking of the secret guard, he thought of a terrible fact.

So he advised Zhang Fei that the next two people would only talk about brotherhood and romance.

"Second brother, if you ask me to talk about romance, that would be too difficult for me. I am a rough old man and illiterate."

"After all, I'm not much stronger, but I'm just practicing calligraphy. Of course, my eldest brother is the most knowledgeable among us."

"That's why I feel sorry for my eldest brother."

Just as the topic was about to change, Guan Yu quickly changed the subject.

Just ask him what people in Wuhuan are wearing and what specialties they have there.

Although Zhang Fei doesn't have a particularly strong sense of responsibility, he does understand a little bit.

So he quickly spoke.

Guan Yu thought that he finally brought the topic back.

But what he didn't expect was that after a while, Zhang Fei brought the topic back again, still talking about Xi Yu.

Guan Yu had no choice but to drag him through another topic.

Until Zhang Fei finally drank enough.

After a while, the waiter came over again and advised Zhang Fei not to drink anymore.

Zhang Fei cursed angrily.

"What's wrong? Do you think I can't pay?"

"Sir, no, drinking too much is not good for your health. This is what our shopkeeper said."

Zhang Fei immediately cursed.

At this moment, Guan Yu did not scold him anymore, because Guan Yu also drank a lot.

Guan Yu felt dizzy, as if there were hallucinations around him, as if the whole house was spinning.

He was soon lying on the table.

The waiter at the shop asked Zhang Fei to pay quickly.

Because Guan Yu has fainted.

If Zhang Fei can't come up with the money and his wife eats the overlord meal, he will be reprimanded.

Zhang Fei slapped the waiter fiercely.

"Do you know who my second brother is? You actually dare to ask my second brother to pay. Could it be that my second brother is a defaulter?"

The waiter was very aggrieved. He had seen arrogant customers, but he had never expected such arrogant ones.

"Why don't you get out of here quickly?" Zhang Fei scolded angrily.

When the waiter saw that many of the customers around him had dispersed, he said that it was getting late and their store was about to close.

Zhang Fei slapped him again.

"I'm here to be happy, not to be angry. If you talk nonsense again, be careful to tear your mouth open."

The waiter had no choice but to retreat temporarily.

When he returned to the backyard, the shopkeeper asked him if he should close the door.

He just told what happened.

The shopkeeper cursed angrily.

"What can you do? You can't even do small things like this."

"Shopkeeper, that black-faced man is really arrogant. Otherwise, shopkeeper, please come over."

The shopkeeper slapped him a third time.

"You bastard, if I can go, what else do I need from you? I do everything myself, so can you not come tomorrow?"

The waiter felt really wronged, so he went to persuade Zhang Fei again.

Zhang Fei took a tea bowl and hit him in the face.

Fortunately, he hid quickly and the tea bowl fell to the ground along his hair.

Otherwise it would blow his mind.

He doesn't dare to care anymore now.

Forget it, no matter how the shopkeeper scolds him, he should bear it.

After a while, the shopkeeper saw that Zhang Fei was still talking to himself and talking crazy things.

Guan Yu was already lying on the table, so he scolded the waiter again.

The waiter thought to himself that he was provoking someone because he just wanted to make a living. He didn't expect that he would be scolded everywhere tonight.

The shopkeeper also personally came to persuade Zhang Fei, but at this moment Zhang Fei had also fainted on the table.

Helpless, the shopkeeper asked the waiter to quickly send the two people to the guest room.

Ask them for money tomorrow.

The waiter thought to himself, wouldn’t it be over already? Do not allow yourself to be reprimanded.

Wouldn't it be possible for the shopkeeper to drive him away himself?

After the waiter returned to the room, he was still a little aggrieved.

I have never suffered like this before.

That guy with the black face.

He had to kill him.

The more he thought about it, the more he tried to get into trouble, the more he wanted to kill Zhang Fei.

Soon, the depth became deeper and deeper, and the surrounding area became quieter and quieter.

The waiter then entered the backyard of the inn.

He must get a knife now, and then kill Zhang Fei.

But where to get a knife?

He suddenly remembered that there were a lot of knives in the warehouse behind, so he might as well go there and get them.

Finally, with the help of the moonlight, he found it, and then he headed towards Zhang Fei's room.

Moreover, the shopkeeper deliberately put Zhang Fei and Guan Yu in two rooms respectively, just to ask them for more rent.

When he arrived at the door of Zhang Fei's room, he found that the door was not closed.

That's right, because the person inside has fainted, how could he get up and close the door? So I pushed it away effortlessly.

He came to the bed viciously, but was startled.

Because Zhang Fei had his big eyes open at the moment.

After all, I was reprimanded by him, and I still have some conditioned reflexes.

Therefore, he couldn't help but tremble.

Then I wanted to leave immediately.

But suddenly another problem was discovered.

Zhang Fei was actually motionless, and seemed to be snoring.

No way?

What's the matter?

The waiter did not leave, but observed carefully.

I found that it was indeed the case. My eyes were wide open, but I seemed to be asleep.

No, are there still people who sleep with their eyes open?

I have never heard of it, it is simply unbelievable.

No, it must not be like this.

This guy must have known that he was going to harm him, so he was prepared in advance.

Scare yourself with your eyes open.

Yes, it must be like this. You'd better run away quickly.

He came to the door and closed it, feeling it was too dangerous.

If the other party asks tomorrow.

He said that he was worried that the other party would not have a quilt to cover him, so he wanted to come and get him a quilt.

If that's the case, then we really need to get him a quilt.

And Zhang Fei did not cover himself with a quilt.

The quilt was leaning against the wall.

So I have to go in.

He walked in again and came to the bedside, still looking at Zhang Fei by himself.

He tried to get the quilt, but found that Zhang Fei was really motionless.

He also gently shook Zhang Fei's arm, but Zhang Fei still didn't move.

He had confirmed it at this time.

Zhang Fei just fell asleep. As for why the CPPCC's eyes were asleep.

He himself felt really baffled.

Now that I'm asleep, why am I still afraid of a bird?

At this moment, he immediately put the knife on Zhang Fei's neck.

When he saw Zhang Fei motionless, he laughed in his heart.

It seems that my guess is completely correct.

In this case, then I must accept his life and report to the Lord of Hell.

He gritted his teeth, and then went to touch Zhang Fei's head. Bloodstains suddenly appeared on Zhang Fei's neck.

At this time, Zhang Fei finally woke up.

He screamed and suddenly saw the waiter stabbing him.

"What do you want to do?"

At this time, he seemed to have sobered up.

The waiter in the shop made a decisive decision and must not let him take the initiative.

Otherwise, your life will be over.

He then quickly stabbed Zhang Fei in the heart.

"Beast, I have to beat you to death."

He stabbed crazily, with only hatred in his eyes, and he had forgotten everything.

Finally, Zhang Fei lost his breath.

He felt Zhang Fei's breath and felt very happy.

His face was also very ferocious.

Now that Zhang Fei was dead, he ran out quickly.

He absolutely can't stay in this store any longer. He needs to run away now.

He may have to hide around and live a homeless life in the future, but he has no regrets.

Because it has to be done.

At this moment, Xi Yu had just fallen asleep when he was suddenly awakened by a nightmare.

In his dream, he dreamed that Zhang Fei was killed.

Moreover, he was killed by two little people and his head was beheaded. And he was in Shu Kingdom at that time.

Xi Yu immediately sat by the bed and recalled the dream carefully, feeling that it was so real.

And Zhang Fei did die in the hands of little people.

But traveling here by himself has changed Zhang Fei's history.

He probably wouldn't be treated like this again.

So why should I worry about him?

It was actually disturbed by a dream.

It's so ridiculous.

When Xiyu lay down, he suddenly couldn't sleep.

This is obviously a dream, why does it feel so real to me? Could it be that something happened to Zhang Fei?

Xi Yu didn't know when he fell asleep.

He carefully considered Liu, Guan, and Zhang and found that Guan Yu was relatively loyal.

Guan Yu was regarded as Guan Gong by later generations, mainly because he was loyal to Liu Bei.

Maybe you can still feel that you are relatively loyal to yourself.

As for Liu Bei, he is still so hypocritical, although he now takes care of him and gives him a territory.

Everyone believes that if there is a chance, the other party will betray them.

Of course, such an opportunity probably won’t happen.

Liu Bei's strength cannot exceed his own.

And how Liu Bei treats himself, Zhang Fei will also treat him.

Therefore, the two of them only surrendered on the surface, but could not surrender in their hearts.

By the way, I allowed Zhang Fei to go to Guan Yu's place to reminisce about old times, but I don't know if he has left or not.

After a while, he fell asleep.

The next morning, when it was just dawn, soldiers came to disturb Xi Yu.

At that time, Xi Yu did not wake up and felt a little unhappy.

But I know there must be an emergency, otherwise, others will not disturb me.

"What happened?"

The soldier who reported the news quickly knelt down.

It was said that a murder occurred in a large restaurant in Youzhou, and the deceased was said to be Zhang Fei.

"What did you say? It's Zhang Fei?"

Xi Yu thought to himself that he just had a nightmare yesterday.

Unexpectedly, something like this happened again. Is there any sign of it?

He then asked the soldier to describe what happened.

The soldiers listened to the people on patrol.

And he spoke out what was on his mind.

Early this morning, Guan Yu got up and realized that he was drunk last night.

It's all because of Third Brother's fault. He insists on letting me drink so much. He's still not happy if he doesn't drink.

Fortunately, nothing major was delayed.

It seemed that someone had brought it to me after I fell asleep, but my bed was very big, but Zhang Fei was not there.

So he hurried to his counter and asked the shopkeeper what was going on?

The shopkeeper told me what happened last night. Said another person was in the next room.

"That's unreasonable. Do you want to ask me for more money? Why aren't we in the same room?"

"You will definitely be very crowded in one room, so we arranged two rooms."

What the shopkeeper said was reasonable.

Guan Yu snorted coldly and ignored him.

He then went to find Zhang Fei in the next room.

However, he was shocked when he saw the bloody scene.

He yelled loudly, and then quickly shook Zhang Fei's body.

After confirming that Zhang Fei was dead, he came to the shopkeeper again and asked what was going on.

The shopkeeper was startled and hurriedly came to the room, also distraught.

Guan Yu grabbed his collar and asked him to give an explanation quickly, otherwise his hotel would be destroyed.

The shopkeeper said he didn't know.

"Asshole, you clearly said just now that it was you who carried us to the room, why couldn't you explain clearly?"

The shopkeeper told Guan Yu to let him go, and he would go find the waiter and ask him if he knew the situation.

Guan Yu had no choice but to let go of him.

So, the shopkeeper hurriedly went to find the waiter. (End of chapter)

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