When the shopkeeper went to look for the waiter, he found that he could not find it.

He had no choice but to come back and tell Guan Yu in disgrace.

Guan Yu slapped him and said that the death of his third brother must have something to do with the waiter in the shop.

The shopkeeper also felt that this might be the case.

Why did the waiter leave at this moment? So I sent someone to the waiter's room to have a look.

He was particularly aggrieved when he found that his things had been packed away.

He really didn't know why the waiter did such an impulsive thing.

But later I realized that it must be because Zhang Fei had a bad temper that the waiter in the shop killed him.

He once again came to Guan Yu in disgrace.

I made my attitude clear and decided to report to the official immediately.

Guan Yu said coldly: "I am the official, you must explain it clearly to me today."

This incident also attracted the attention of officers and soldiers patrolling outside.

So Xiyu finally knew.

Xi Yu then found out the location of the inn where the soldier was and hurried there.

Guan Yu has already sent people to find the waiter.

Although, he also knew that this matter was very slim.

Because people are probably already far away.

It must not be caught.

Guan Yu grabbed the shopkeeper's collar.

"You said why you put the two of us in two rooms. If we were placed in one room, these things would not happen."

Guan Yu now wanted to kill the shopkeeper, and the shopkeeper quickly begged for mercy.

He said that this incident was indeed an accident, and begged Guan Yu to let him go.

At this moment, Xi Yu had arrived.

"What exactly is going on?"

When Guan Yu saw Xi Yu arriving, he let the shopkeeper go.

The shopkeeper left quickly like a thief.

Guan Yu burst into tears.

"Master Xi, you are very kind to come. Please avenge your third brother."

Xi Yu asked him to elaborate.

Guan Yu told him about the two people who came to drink last night.

Moreover, Zhang Fei had a particularly hot temper, and he probably offended the waiter, so he was assassinated by the waiter.

But even so, this waiter shouldn't be so cruel.

Xi Yu came to Zhang Fei's body.

Look at his eyes wide open.

He remembered that when the real Zhang Fei died, wasn't he also killed by a little person?

I didn't expect it to be the same in this life. It seems that this is destined to be like this.

Xi Yu asked Guan Yu.

"Since you knew he had a bad temper, why did you come out to drink with him? Why didn't you stop him when he was bad-tempered?"

Guan Yu suddenly slapped himself.

I really didn't expect this to happen.

Xi Yu wanted to say something else, but after thinking about it, he realized that it had already happened and it would be useless to say more.

"The third brother died on the body of a little person. That really makes people feel useless."

Guan Yu said that he already regretted it and should have persuaded Xi Yu to go back, but he refused to listen.

Xi Yu is now considering a question. Now that Zhang Fei is dead, who should handle Wuhuan's affairs?

Guan Yu's cry was particularly sad.

He couldn't bear it, so he walked out immediately.

After a while, Guan Yu also came out.

He hoped to send someone to spread the news to Liu Bei.

Xiyu nodded.

Then, Guan Yu endured his grief and came to the Governor's Mansion, and then sent someone to immediately pass the news to Liu Bei.

We must hurry up and tell Liu Bei as soon as possible.

And the entire city has begun to arrest the waiter, and his portrait has been posted in every corner.

Once someone can provide clues, they will receive many rewards.

The day passed and no one could provide any information.

The soldiers sent by Guan Yu had already arrived at the gate of Fangjun's palace.

The eunuch at the door immediately stopped the soldier.

"We have something important to see Mr. Liu, please let us know."

"Where are you from?"

"He came from Youzhou."

When the gatekeeper heard that Xi Yu was coming, he immediately went in to report it.

Liu Bei was reading a book and was surprised when he heard someone reported that someone was sent from Youzhou.

"Since you are coming from Youzhou, please invite people in quickly."

Soon, the soldiers saw Liu Bei and immediately saluted.

And told the story of Zhang Fei's death.

"what are you saying?"

Liu Bei felt like he had received a thunderbolt today, and he couldn't believe his ears.

Until the soldiers said it again, he immediately started crying.

"What's going on? Why did my third brother die unexpectedly?"

He almost became unsteady, but fortunately several eunuchs came over quickly and supported him.

"Lord, please don't let anything happen to you."

A eunuch said quickly.

Liu Bei was crying and said that he should prepare the carriage quickly. He now wanted to go to Youzhou quickly.

"Mr. Liu, don't you still have a lot of things to deal with during the morning court tomorrow morning?"

"What is more important than the death of my third brother? You should stop talking nonsense."

The eunuch immediately went to hire a carriage, and Liu Bei asked the two soldiers to wait for a while while he went on his way.

Along the way, Liu Bei kept crying.

The sound at the scene became even more shrill.

Especially at this night, and we also passed a valley on the way.

There happened to be a few crows flying by, which made his voice sound even more unpleasant.

By late night, both the coachman and the soldiers were tired.

But Liu Bei still asked them to reach Youzhou as soon as possible.

However, the coachman almost fell down while pulling the carriage.

Liu Bei also almost fell down.

At this time, Liu Bei ordered them to quickly find a guest to rest.

It was already very late, and when they finally found the inn, the waiter was unhappy and started to quarrel with them.

Liu Bei was in a particularly bad mood, so he beat the waiter severely.

"My third brother is dead, but you bully me like this. What's going on?"

The waiter in the shop felt that he was a lunatic.

But thinking that so many people came all at once and there was money to be made, so I finally swallowed my anger.

That night, Guan Yu could not sleep peacefully.

The body was still lying in the inn.

He wants to keep vigil here in person.

Of course Xi Yu didn't accompany him.

Instead, he went back early.

Although Xi Yu also felt that Zhang Fei's death was a pity, her feelings for him were not particularly deep.

Today, there is very little business in the inn. Everyone knows that someone has died and they don’t dare to stay here anymore.

The shopkeeper was very worried, but he didn't dare to drive Guan Yu away.

In addition, Zhang Fei did have something happen here.

And Guan Yu was an official.

He could only lament that his life was not good enough to encounter such a thing.

Guan Yu said silently: "Third brother, second brother will definitely avenge you."

Next, he started talking to himself, talking about the process when the three people met.

He has gone through a series of ups and downs, but now that his third brother is dead, it feels like he is having a dream.

He beat his chest and cried.

"Third brother, you told me this was a dream, right? Please tell me."

However, no one answered him.

The windows were not closed, and a gust of cold wind happened to blow.

Especially since it was already winter, the wind was even more biting, making Guan Yu shiver the whole time.

When Guan Yu went to close the window after a while, he found that it was raining outside.

He thought it was God who was shedding tears for Zhang Fei.

On the other side, in South Central. Meng Huo led troops to fight again today.

Both sides still had their own injuries, because the elite soldiers of both sexes brought by Cao Pi were not freeloaders after all.

Meng Huo found that the morale of the soldiers on his side was somewhat affected.

He established a grand blueprint for them, to destroy Sichuan and Shu, then attack Luoyang, and even secretly attack Jiangnan.

The Central Plains will definitely be occupied in the future, but after a few days, everyone found that things were not so easy to handle.

Meng Huo was thinking, how can we win better?

He suddenly thought of Han Chong.

Didn't Han Chong say there was a way?

He wanted to call Han Chong immediately.

Han Chong walked in immediately.

"Chief, what do you want from your subordinates?"

"Let me ask you, didn't you say you were pretending to be a ghost? What exactly is going on?"

"Don't worry, my subordinates have already sent people to do that."

"Then tell me, how do you do it?"

Han Chong told the relevant things.

It turned out that he found an old wizard.

The old wizard was good at climbing over walls and walls, so he let the old wizard break into Zhang Lu's house and speak to Zhang Lu.

Zhang Lu was also worried at the moment.

I originally thought that I could catch the little thief Meng Huo easily.

I didn't expect it to be so difficult to deal with.

And this was even after Cao Pi sent troops.

If it were just his own men who went there, they would have been killed long ago.

If there is anything else, let’s talk about it tomorrow. Anyway, I’m already very sleepy today.

Just as he fell asleep, the wizard appeared at his window.

And this wizard has another ability, that is, he can change his face.

This is also the secret method of a special sect in Sichuan and Sichuan.

"Zhang Lu, you should get up."

The old wizard's side shouted from outside.

Zhang Lu thought it was a dream and woke up immediately.

But the voice was so clear.

He originally thought it was an auditory hallucination, but found that it was not.

The voice came again outside, this time in a higher pitch.

He suddenly felt very strange, so he quickly asked: "Who is he?"

"I am your ancestor, please open the door to welcome him."

Although Zhang Lu believed in Wudou Mi Cult, he was not particularly confused.

It's probably someone pretending to be, right?

"You bastard, why don't you open the door quickly?"

Zhang Lu was startled and quickly opened the door.

But he saw a man in Taoist robes appearing under the moonlight.

He quickly asked: "Who are you?"

"Didn't I tell you? I am your ancestor."

When Zhang Lu insulted him like this, the old wizard immediately changed his face in front of him.

Red faces, painted faces, and blue faces are constantly appearing.

Zhang Lu was shocked.

Immediately afterwards, the old wizard transformed into Zhang Daoling's face.

Zhang Lu shouted loudly.

"You should admit it now, I am your ancestor."

At this moment, Zhang Lu did not doubt anything anymore, but quickly knelt down.

"Meet the Patriarch."

Seeing him looking so respectful, the old wizard felt very funny.

"Okay, my good disciple, get up quickly."

"Disciples and grandsons don't get up, they are here to listen to the teachings of their ancestors."

"I ask you to get up, you just get up, why are there so many problems?"

Zhang Lu quickly stood up and invited the wizard in.

He felt very excited. He didn't expect that after practicing for so long, he finally met his ancestor.

Then, he shed tears. The old wizard wanted to laugh very much, but he held it back in time.

"I wonder what the ancestor taught me when he came here?"

Zhang Lu planned to hold the lamp, but the old wizard said it was not necessary.

He didn't want others to know that he was here.

Zhang Long said: "Yes, it's my disciple who is too abrupt. Ancestor, please tell me if you have anything to say."

"Your mission is to pass on the Five Pecks of Rice teaching so that more people can obtain the true way."

"Yes, Disciple Sun has been doing this."

"Really? Have you been doing this all along? But now you have begun to pursue power."

"Back to my ancestor, I have no disciples."

"You still said no, but now you are very ambitious. I will bless you in heaven and let you sit here, not to seize the territory here and feed the people, but to let you preach better."

Zhang Lu still wanted to speak, but the old wizard stopped him.

"Don't defend yourself. Don't you have any desire for power in your heart?"

Zhang Lu immediately knelt down again.

He said he did have an idea for a moment.

"Okay, get up."

Zhang Lu stood up immediately.

The old wizard continued his lecture.

"Well, now that I have admitted it, I will forgive you. Now I want to talk about the war between you and Meng Huo."

"Ancestor, if you have any instructions, please tell me."

Zhang Lu's eyes lit up.

If the ancestors can give me some pointers, maybe I can win the battle.

The old wizard immediately straightened his face.

"Look at you, why are you so happy? What I just said is absolutely correct. You are just greedy for the world."

Zhang Lu felt as if a big stick had hit him on the head.

He had no choice but to restrain his mind. In front of his ancestors, any thoughts he had had no escape.

"All the gods in the sky met and came to a conclusion. That is, Meng Huo is the true master, and the stars in his sky are flourishing."

After hearing this, Zhang Lu felt very puzzled.

But he also knew that his ancestors should not be wrong, so a look of embarrassment appeared on his face.

"Don't you believe what I say?"

"Disciple and grandson don't dare. Disciple and grandson naturally believe in the words of the ancestor. So they dare to ask the ancestor and grandmaster, what should the disciple and grandson do?"

"Of course I won't resist and let Meng Huo occupy this territory. As for your fate, I will naturally arrange it."

After hearing this, Zhang Lu felt very shocked.

"Don't hesitate for a moment. This proves that you are ungrateful to me."

With no choice, Zhang Lu had no choice but to agree.

"In this case, you should have an idea of ​​what to do tomorrow. I'm leaving."

"Ancestor, where are you going? Get some rest tonight."

"Asshole, I'm going back to heaven now, how can I live in this place of ordinary people?"

The old wizard tossed his sleeves and left.

Zhang Lu sent him out of the door.

The old wizard asked him not to see him off, because the process of his ascension to heaven could not be seen by mortals.

After all, Zhang Lu's cultivation is not enough.

Zhang Lu had no choice but to be so frightened that he quickly returned to the room.

This night, he seemed unable to sleep.

He never expected that the Patriarch would appear.

Han Chong told Meng Huodu his plan.

Meng Huo smiled and said, "Is this plan feasible?"

"Chief, just don't worry. Zhang Lu is so superstitious that he will definitely be fooled."

"If that's true, that would be great. We can occupy that place without spending a single soldier."

While the two of them were talking, a sudden sound of wind and grass came.

It turns out that the old wizard who flew over the roof and walked over the wall is back.

"Old wizard, you are back."

Han Chong was overjoyed and hurried to greet him.

If this thing is really done, his position in Meng Huo's heart will become even more important from now on.

This old wizard is his bridge to victory.

"Yes, I'm back."

He nodded slightly to Meng Huo and did not perform any other courtesy.

Although Meng Huo was a little angry.

But thinking that the other party was a strange person, he had no choice but to endure it.

Han Chong asked him to tell what happened tonight.

He told the story and said that Zhang Lu was very scared and would definitely act in his own way.

Meng Huo laughed loudly.

"That would be great."

He said that if he really won, he would reward the old wizard heavily.

"Chief Meng, you're welcome. Han Chong and I are good friends, so we should help him."

After hearing this, Han Chong was extremely happy, just to let Meng Huo know his importance.

Meng Huo's heart was relieved.

He quickly arranged for the old wizard to rest.

Soon, Han Chong came to the old wizard's room.

"Old wizard, maybe Zhang Lu believes it, but his subordinates may not believe it. What should we do?"

"I have also thought about this issue. Let's see what happens tomorrow. If he doesn't do what I say, then I will have to continue to look for him."

Han Chong nodded and then retreated.

On the other side, Liu Bei came to the inn and lay on the cold bed.

Every detail of the encounter between the three people came to mind.

"Third brother, are you really dead? Can you give me a dream tonight?"

He felt very resentful. Now that he had arrived in Youzhou, why couldn't Xi Yu protect Zhang Fei's safety?

Speaking of which, it's my own fault. Why did I send Zhang Fei to Youzhou?

"Third brother, it was eldest brother who harmed you. You must forgive eldest brother."

Then, he cried harder.

After a while, a middle-aged man in the next room knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" Liu Bei was suddenly startled.

"Hey, what's going on with you? Why are you crying here in the middle of the night? Isn't it affecting other people's rest?"

"I have sad things in my heart, am I not allowed to cry?"

"You are too unreasonable. You have important things to do, so why do you come to stay at the inn?" (End of chapter)

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