Because Liu Bei was in a bad mood, he seemed to have lost his mind at this time, so he yelled outside.

At this time, if there is a third person present.

It must not be obvious that he is a prince.

He even turned into a scolding man.

People outside banged on the door.

After a while, the door opened.

Because Liu Bei didn't kill him inside.

The middle-aged man was extremely thin, but his eyes were very shrewd.

He asked Liu Bei, what does this mean?

Although he saw tears on Liu Bei's face, he didn't mean anything pitiful.

Liu Bei said fiercely: "You are so merciless. My third brother is dead, and you still say this to me."

"Bastard, if someone dies in your family, what does that have to do with me? Since someone dies, why don't you have a funeral at home and come out here to fool around?"

Liu Bei stood up, his hands trembling.

Although he has no power to restrain a chicken.

But he definitely couldn't let this matter go.

He must ask for an explanation.

"I have to fight for you today."

When Liu Bei took action, the man in the middle grabbed him and threw him into the yard.

"It's okay to disturb my rest without apologizing, but you still treat me like this."

Waking up two soldiers in the other room.

They immediately asked what was going on.

The Mid-Autumn Festival man told the situation.

These two soldiers were sent by Guan Yu.

They absolutely must protect Liu Bei's safety.

However, we cannot blatantly say that Liu Bei is correct.

One of the soldiers told the man to go back and rest first.

The two of them are willing to apologize on behalf of Liu Bei.

The middle-aged man said viciously: "When I go back and hear him howling there again, don't say I'm rude."

The middle-aged man finally returned to the room.

The two people then came to Liu Bei's side, hoping that he would stop making trouble.

His mood is understandable, but after all, he cannot delay his rest.

After Liu Bei was told this, he felt that his bones were about to break.

"I feel so much pain. You must beat that man to death."

"Mr. Liu, you'd better stop making trouble. Let's go and rest quickly."

The two people carried Liu Bei out forcefully and got to the bed.

When Liu Bei still wanted to shout, a soldier said that if he shouted again, he would be polite.

I could only cover his mouth.

Liu Bei pointed at his waist, which was particularly painful.

"Mr. Liu, you'd better calm down for a while. Where can I go to ask for a doctor at such a late hour?"

One soldier was particularly disgusted.

But another soldier thought they were following Guan Yu's orders.

Guan Yu is Liu Bei's second brother.

No matter what, they couldn't let anything happen to Liu Bei.

In this case, why not go to the doctor yourself?

"Then I'll go with you."

"You should still watch him here and don't let him cause trouble again."

Next, Liu Bei never shouted again, but just cried quietly.

Soon, the doctor came over and prescribed some medicine.

But after all, he was injured by a fall, and it is considered chronic. He will definitely not get better tomorrow.

Early the next morning.

Xi Yu received the message from the secret guard.

There is also news about Zhang Lu.

"Master Xi, a very strange old man found Zhang Lu last night."

Then he explained the specific situation.

Xi Yu knew it well.

This man was probably sent by Meng Huo.

Because now the two sides are equally matched, and no one can deal with the other.

Therefore, it is normal to come up with such an idea.

The secret guard heard another piece of gossip at the same time.

But this one hasn't been figured out yet.

It seems that Meng Huo will send a team to attack Jiangnan.

"What? Jiangnan is my territory now. If he dares to attack Jiangnan, he is seeking death."

And Xi Yu thought to himself that if he really did this, he would be either arrogant or extremely confident.

Otherwise, how can we make enemies everywhere? He asked the secret guard to continue paying attention.

The next day, when Zhang Lu woke up, he remembered the scene where he met the Patriarch yesterday.

He confirmed that it was definitely not a dream, but real.

Ma Wenbin saw his frown and asked, "Chief, what happened?"

"Last night, I encountered a very strange thing. I saw the ancestor."

Ma Wenbin was stunned for a moment, knowing that he was crazy.

"General, in these troubled times, please don't think too much."

"How can it be just random thoughts? I've seen it myself."

So, Zhang Lu explained the specific scene.

"He can change his face back and forth, and finally transformed into the appearance of the Grandmaster. Do you think, if he is not the Grandmaster, how could he be so powerful?"

Ma Wenbin felt that Zhang Lu would not lie to him.

Could this really happen?

""Okay, so what did the Patriarch say to you? "

Zhang Lu then told the relevant situation.

"General, you must not believe these words. This is obviously a deliberate prank by Meng Huo and others. You must not be fooled."

Ma Wenbin really hates each other.

It’s really annoying to insist on believing in the Five Pecks of Rice religion.

Bad things will be in his hands.

He knew that Zhang Lu would be furious after he said these words.

Sure enough, Zhang Lu slammed the table down angrily.

"Yesterday I really saw the ancestor's spirit appear. How can you say that?"

Ma Wenbin took several steps back.

"Then what do you think about it, General? Are you really not resisting?"

"The Patriarch said that we will not resist when their army arrives. We can just agree to their demands. As for the return journey of me and the soldiers, I believe that the Patriarch will not care about it."

Zhang Lu also said that he was not interested in marching and fighting.

Not interested in running a place either.

It's just for missionary purposes and better convenience.

Ma Wenbin was worried.

Zhang Lu's idea would be chewed to the core, leaving no general behind.

"General, you must think twice before you act."

"Ma Wenbin, if you keep talking nonsense, I will kill you."

Ma Wenbin had no choice but to retreat.

Then he told the news to all the soldiers.

After hearing this, many people felt very puzzled. Is this really a big deal?

Wouldn't that mean leaving the archers here to others?

Ma Wenbin knew that many people could not persuade Zhang Lu, so he came to the soldiers sent by Cao Pi.

The leading soldier was named Liu Xuecheng. He is considered a commander of thousands in the military camp.

"General Ma, what's wrong with you? You look worried."

Ma Wenbin told Liu Xuecheng about the matter.

Liu Xuecheng cursed angrily: "This is nonsense. We are here to help him. If he wants to give up the archers here to others, then what are we doing here? Why don't we all leave."

His speaking voice was also extremely loud.

Zhang Lu happened to pass by and stared at Ma Wenbin.

"What do you mean? How can I not follow the instructions of my ancestor?"

Liu Xuecheng said: "You can do as you are told. Then we will leave immediately. Then we can just go back and resume our lives with Duke Cao."

Liu Xuecheng did what he said and then summoned all the soldiers.

Everyone needs to leave together.

"It's not that we don't help Zhang Lu, but that Zhang Lu himself is willing to surrender."

The soldiers themselves didn't want to be here.

The conditions here are too difficult.

Ma Wenbin advised Liu Xuecheng not to leave.

He blinked, now Zhang Lu is considered a fool.

What would happen if he left?

But Liu Xuecheng didn't listen to him at all.

They eventually left.

Ma Wenbin stamped his feet.

He knelt down to Zhang Lu and then bowed three times.

Zhang Lu said: "What do you mean?"

"Since you have already planned to give this place to others, what's the point of us staying here? Why don't we just leave."

When Ma Wenbin was about to stand up and leave, several generals suddenly came to Ma Wenbin's side.

"General Ma, we are going to take you as the leader now. Zhang Lu has become crazy now. We have to tie him up."

Zhang Lu was shocked.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Who said I'm crazy? I'm very normal. I did see the Patriarch last night."

Several people stopped paying attention to his clamor.

They surrounded Zhang Lu.

"General Zhang, since you insist on doing this, we can only push General Ma to be our leader."

Ma Wenbin didn't expect that this would be the case.

He didn't really want to leave just now, he was just saying angry words.

He would never allow Sichuan and Shu to fall into the hands of others.

He suddenly felt that the generals had good intentions.

He had no intention of calling the shots here.

But Zhang Lu is absolutely not allowed to make this place extremely messy.

So Ma Wenbin quickly said: "Yes, we must not let Zhang Lu destroy us."

Zhang Lu's face became very ugly.

"Are you going to rebel openly? You will be punished by Grandmaster."

Several people knew that Zhang Lu wouldn't listen to anyone now.

Now I completely believe that scam.

They lied to him just because they caught on to the weaknesses in his character.

But he still tried his best to be fooled.

Zhang Lu looked at Ma Wenbin.

"I really didn't expect that you would have such thoughts."

He thought what happened today was just Ma Wenbin and a few people acting.

Ma Wenbin already had a disobedient heart.

Several generals didn't say anything nonsense and quickly arrested Zhang Lu.

Some people grabbed their arms, some grabbed their legs, and some covered their mouths.

Finally, they imprisoned Zhang Lu in a woodshed.

The soldiers began to be led by Ma Wenbin.

Ma Wenbin asked them to quickly chase the people brought by Cao Pi.

Liu Xuecheng was walking on the road when a soldier suddenly arrived on a fast horse and told them to go back quickly and told them what happened.

Liu Xuecheng did not expect this to be the case.

If this is really the case, then it would be unreasonable for him to forcefully leave.

In fact, he mainly wants to protect everyone.

And among the two thousand soldiers he brought, nearly two hundred died.

Every death of a soldier pained him.

"Now that Zhang Lu is temporarily under control, let's go back."

His men were also somewhat reluctant, but eventually went back.

On the other side, Meng Huo and others launched another attack today.

He originally planned that since things were going so smoothly, he would just bring fewer people with him.

However, Han Chong told him that he should bring more people to prepare.

What if something unexpected happens again today?

Meng Huo said: "Didn't you say that as long as the old wizard appears, he will be sure of victory?"

"Chief, even though you say that, we still have to be careful."

Meng Huo thought about it and felt that what he said made sense.

In the early morning, Liu Bei and others continued on their way.

Liu Bei seemed to be on the point of crying.

In an instant, his appearance became much more haggard, as if he had aged by more than ten years.

He finally realized that he shouldn't have quarreled with others last night.

It's all because of being extremely anxious that they lose their minds.

However, the plaster that the doctor made for him was quite effective.

He felt his waist was a little better.

At noon, they finally arrived in Youzhou.

Guan Yu didn't eat anything today and stayed with Zhang Fei's body.

And so far, the whereabouts of the waiter have not been found.

Xi Yu can't say that he particularly likes Zhang Fei, but Zhang Fei is also an important figure.

Even if he died, he would never remain indifferent.

He also kept sending people to check, and came to the inn again today.

The shopkeeper's head felt dizzy.

He knew that after these few days, his business would not be very good.

After all, everyone has a shadow in their hearts.

When he saw Xi Yu arriving, he quickly saluted.

He also said that Guan Yu doesn't eat or drink now.

Xiyu nodded.

"I already know."

He naturally understood Guan Yu's mood.

After all, they can be considered brothers from life to death.

After a while, Zhuge Liang, Jia Xu, Zhou Yu and others also came to visit.

There is also the fake Zhao Yun, Zhai Rongping and so on.

In short, some important officials around Xi Yu are here.

Xi Yu came to Guan Yu and hoped that he would quickly build a temporary court hall.

Because someone wants to come to worship.

Guan Yu nodded.

But I really am not in the mood to do such a thing now.

Xi Yu arranged for others to do it quickly.

So, this temporary mourning hall was set up in the lobby of the inn.

But the innkeeper thought this was very unlucky, but he didn't dare to say anything.

After all, this person who died was no ordinary person.

Just after the construction was completed, Liu Bei arrived.

However, Liu Bei was still feeling uncomfortable, so he was helped by two soldiers.

Although there were many people standing in the mourning hall, including Xi Yu.

But Liu Bei didn't seem to see it.

Just staring at Zhang Fei's tablet on the table.

Then he shouted loudly.

"Third brother, why did you abandon me?"

He came to the altar crying and crying.

Guan Yu also came over immediately.

"Brother, third brother is no longer here."

The two brothers hugged each other and cried bitterly.

Many people present also shed tears silently.

Xi Yu's eyes were also slightly moist.

After a while, Liu Bei knelt down in front of Xi Yu.

"Please, Mr. Xi, please make the decision for my third brother."

"Don't worry, I will definitely take this matter to my heart."

But Liu Bei lost his composure and suddenly grabbed Xi Yu's leg.

"Drama Master, what on earth do you think is going on?"

Zhuge Liang hurried over.

"Mr. Liu, what are you doing? Quickly let go of your hand."

Liu Bei said that if Xi Yu could not agree to his request, he would never let go of his hand.

"Liu Bei, don't be impulsive. Didn't I tell you already? This matter will be investigated clearly."

At this moment, the shopkeeper said that a masked man came over.

He said he was willing to provide clues so that he could know where the waiter was.

Xi Yu said: "Let him come in quickly."

Liu Bei finally let go of his hand, and a masked man came in.

He said that to protect himself, he was not allowed to be recognized.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense and tell me where is the waiter?"

The masked man said that he seemed to see a sneaky person in a cave, just like the waiter in the portrait.

But he had already found someone to guard the entrance of the cave.

Now he is willing to take everyone there.

Xi Yu asked Zhou Yu to go with the shopkeeper to see if he was the waiter.

"In that case, let's go quickly." Zhou Yu glanced at the shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper said: "Okay, this beast just killed me. I have to cut him into pieces today."

Xi Yu thought to himself, hoping that the clues provided by this person were correct.

As for Liu Bei, he was tired from traveling, injured, and missing Zhang Fei, so he immediately fainted.

Xi Yu ordered people to take him to the room to rest quickly.

Outside, many people were talking.

It is said that this inn may be unlucky, and its business will probably plummet from now on.

"There's nothing we can do about it. After all, it happened to him."

"It is said that Zhang Fei is also to blame for this incident. His temper is too bad, otherwise such a thing would not have happened."

"So, you must be careful about what you say and do to others in the future."

"You can't just say that. The key is that the waiter in the shop can't think about it anymore."

In short, there are different opinions on this matter.

In a teahouse next to the inn, several customers saw Zhou Yu leaving with a masked man and the shopkeeper.

They immediately had a guess.

Perhaps the clues have now been cleared up.

As a result, many people wanted to follow them quickly.

After a while, Zhou Yu discovered this.

"What do you do? Why are you following us?"

An old man asked: "Is there any clue already? We want to take a look."

"This matter has nothing to do with you. You all should stand down."

Those who were watching the excitement had no choice but to stop moving forward.

At the same time, Xi Yu asked someone to hire a doctor to see Liu Bei.

In fact, he also understood that Liu Bei had nothing to do.

It's just a rush to the heart.

He has to do this, which can be regarded as winning people's hearts.

Guan Yu came to the room to accompany Liu Bei.

"Brother, the third brother has gone. Don't let anything happen to you. Brother, it's all my fault. I should have asked him to leave quickly. I shouldn't have drank with him." (End of Chapter)

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