We agreed that you, a weak strategist, would fight against three heroes by yourself?

Chapter 432 Meng Huo goes to ask his wife for instructions

Meng Huo led his troops to attack Sichuan and Shu.

Ma Wenbin has already led his troops to greet them at a place called Luoxia Gang.

After a while, Meng Huo's soldiers were seen leading the troops.

Ma Wenbin said that the reason why Zhang Lu was deceived had a lot to do with Meng Huo.

Therefore, this guy must be killed today.

Anyone who can kill Meng Huo directly will be heavily rewarded.

Meng Huo and Han Chong felt incredible when they saw the troops from Sichuan and Shu approaching quickly.

Meng Huo asked Han Chong.

"What on earth is going on? Didn't you say that Zhang Lu is going to surrender today? Not only did they not surrender, but they were even more aggressive. They were like tigers and wolves."

Han Chong didn't understand what was going on.

Meng Huo had already thought of the reason instantly.

It must be that they don't want Zhang Lu to do this.

The subordinates have rebelled.

"Han Chong, you have a bad idea."

Han Chong said: "Chief, let's face the enemy first. Even if my subordinates are wrong, we'll talk about it when we go back."

Ma Wenbin rode at the forefront.

"Meng Huo, you actually used such a despicable method to instigate Zhang Lu. We must kill you today."

Meng Huo saw many people rushing over, and he shouted loudly: "Hurry up and protect me."

Several subordinates rushed to protect him.

Ma Wenbin laughed.

"I didn't expect that you are a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death. These people are actually working for you. They are so stupid."

"You don't have to talk nonsense here."

Han Chong thought that he must make a contribution today, otherwise he would not know how Meng Huo would treat him when he went back.

He observed carefully and found that Zhang Lu did not appear. It seemed that his guess was correct. Zhang Lu had been controlled by these people.

Only when you return home after performing meritorious deeds can you win Meng Huo's favor.

It would be great if most of Zhang Lu's subordinates were like him and religious.

But most people only believe it superficially, not as deeply as Zhang Lu believed.

Therefore it is impossible to seduce others.

Ma Wenbin said to the soldiers at the same time: "Kill this guy too, don't be polite."

Of course he was talking about Ma Wenbin. The target had been determined, and the morale of the Shu army was greatly increased.

On the other side, Zhou Yu, the shopkeeper and the masked man finally arrived at the entrance of the cave.

There was a hunter guarding the entrance of the cave, which was exactly what the masked man had arranged.

"Okay, brother, they are already here."

Zhou Yu asked the masked man where the waiter was.

The masked man said that he had been hiding in the cave.

And it seemed that he was sneaky when eating, grabbing some things and hurried inside.

Orion also confirmed this and said that the man never came out again.

Moreover, he is very familiar with this cave and there is no back door at all.

So there was no possibility of escape.

The shopkeeper said he was a little scared.

Zhou Yu looked at him seriously.

"Didn't you hate him with all your heart when you were on the road? Why are you so scared now?"

The shopkeeper thought that the other party had killed someone after all, so he must be crazy now.

If you kill one person, you will die. If you kill another person, you will still die. You may even kill yourself.

Zhou Yu sneered.

It's just a pustule.

The shopkeeper thought to himself that no matter what the other party said about him, he would never go in.

Zhou Yu ignored him and walked towards the cave.

The waiter was hiding in the cave and he had found a lot of food.

There are also wild fruits among them.

Then you can sleep here tonight.

At night, he went to collect some more.

After the limelight passed, he appeared outside again.

He was also a little nervous.

After all, this was his first time killing someone, and Zhang Fei's appearance was still looming in his mind.

He shudders every time he thinks about it

He suddenly heard footsteps and thought it was Zhang Fei coming to claim his life.

He was startled, but he didn't dare to say it out loud.

After a while, he heard the sound and felt something was wrong.

It didn't sound like a ghost's voice.

And it’s people.

Could it be that someone discovered him?

Finally, Zhou Yu was getting closer and closer to him.

He thought that maybe others came here to rest like him.

So go out boldly.

When he walked out, he saw Zhou Yu coming towards him.

"Are you the waiter at the Plum Blossom Inn?"

The waiter was stunned, he knew that the other party was really here to see him.

So, he had an idea and said: "Yes, how do you know me?"

After he admitted it, Zhou Yu was shocked.

"Get out of here quickly. I have something to ask you outside."

The waiter said: "If you have anything to say, you'd better say it here."

Zhou Yu slapped him hard.

"Asshole, how dare you disobey me."

The waiter knew he couldn't escape, so he had no choice but to follow Zhou Yu out.

When I came outside, I realized that the shopkeeper was actually there.

Seeing so many people here, the shopkeeper was no longer afraid and scolded the waiter angrily.

"You beast, your business has plummeted. What crime do you deserve?"

"Shopkeeper, I didn't kill the person."

The waiter immediately made up the lie.

He said that when he got up in the morning, he had already seen Zhang Fei dead.

Because he was afraid, he ran away quickly.

Because I have been very timid since I was a child, I don’t even dare to watch a chicken being killed.

And he was afraid that others would think he was the one who killed him.

After all, Zhang Fei scolded him, so he ran away immediately.

"That's nonsense. Do you think I will believe you when you say that?"

Zhou Yu said: "Stop talking nonsense, let's take him back quickly."

The waiter said quickly: "Shopkeeper, what I said is really true. I shouldn't leave without permission. I don't have to pay for my salary. But after I go back, I have been considered a murderer. What should I do?"

After that, he looked at the masked man again.

"Who are you? Did you bring people here? I didn't kill anyone. Please don't accuse me unjustly."

Zhou Yu slapped him in the face and said, "Are you leaving or not? If you don't leave, I will take certain coercive measures."

The waiter looked sad and said, "Just leave. Anyway, I didn't kill anyone."

On the other side, Meng Huo was attacked by many soldiers and fled in all directions.

Han Chong also said: "Chief, just run away and leave this place to me."

Many soldiers formed an alliance to protect Meng Huo.

Let Meng Huo finally leave in embarrassment.

After a while, Meng Huo's soldiers saw that things were not going well and left quickly.

However, the Shu army was also seriously injured, so they did not pursue them.

Liu Xuecheng saw that some of the soldiers he was leading were injured.

Although Meng Huo was a little arrogant, he had to admit that he was indeed a powerful enemy.

Meng Huo ran far away, and his horse was a little tired. There happened to be a small river, so he stopped quickly.

After a while, he heard pursuers running from behind and was startled.

It wasn't until a while later that I saw clearly that it was one of my own.

He felt very embarrassed.

He really didn't know how to explain it in front of everyone.

Everyone was protecting him, but he ran away.

Han Chong walked at the front and rushed over quickly.

When he saw Meng Huo like this, he knew what Meng Huo was worried about.

"Chief, as the saying goes, keep the green hills and don't worry about running out of firewood. People in the Central Plains are also very particular about running away if they can't be beaten. In order to preserve their strength, the chief must not take this matter to heart."

Meng Huo nodded, Han Chong still knew his heart.

"Han Chong, you read a lot. After we occupy the Central Plains, we should let everyone read more."

Meng Huo also discovered that they were backward in many places in the barbarian land.

If we really occupy the Central Plains in the future, we can no longer be like this.

Han Chong thought, let's wait until we occupy the Central Plains.

Isn't it too early to say these things?

But Meng Huo suddenly remembered the old wizard Han Chong mentioned.

He slapped Han Chong.

"What happened?"

Han Chong thought to himself that he had saved face for Meng Huo, but he did not expect that the other party would not spare any favor for him.

"Chief, you can't blame the villain for this. In fact, Zhang Lu must have believed this, but his subordinates didn't believe it."

"Hmph, then you should have thought of this. In short, you just came up with a bad idea."

Han Chong didn't dare to say anything in person, but fortunately Meng Huo didn't care about it anymore.

After the horse drank the water, Meng Huo led everyone away.

After returning to the camp, Meng Huo was particularly depressed. He took off his armor and threw it to the ground.

After a while, some little girls came to squeeze his shoulders.

On the other side, the waiter was finally brought to Xi Yu and Guan Yu.

Guan Yu has also walked out of the room.

The doctor has also diagnosed Liu Bei.

I prescribed some medicine and just waited for him to wake up and drink it.

Guan Yu looked at the waiter fiercely.

"Tell me, why did you kill my third brother?"

After all, the waiter in the shop felt a little ashamed.

So he was trembling all over, but he still refused to admit it.

Guan Yu beat him hard.

Xi Yu asked Guan Yu to stop.

"Master Xi, he is obviously a murderer, why did you ask your subordinates to stop? My subordinates will never listen to you today."

Xi Yu said: "Even if he is guilty, he must be tried through normal channels. What's the use of beating him like this?"

After that, Xi Yu handed over the trial work to Jia Xu.

Because Guan Yu is a little excited now and is not suitable for trial.

Xi Yu said that he would go back first. When there is a trial result, tell yourself.

After Xi Yu returned, he saw that the sky suddenly darkened.

This winter itself is extremely cold.

Xi Yu planned to go to Gan Mei's room to take a look.

As soon as I arrived at the door of the room, I heard laughter coming from inside.

Ganmei and some maids were talking.

After Xi Yu walked in, several maids quickly saluted Xi Yu.

Xi Yu found that Gan Mei's complexion had improved a lot.

"Madam, why are you so happy?"

Gan Mei said that it was actually because Xi Yu was getting better that everyone was talking so enthusiastically.

During the period when Xiyu was going crazy, Ganmei was not in such a good mood.

"Yes, when you say that, it makes me feel even more like an eternal sinner."

"Husband. Please don't say that. By the way, I wonder why your husband came to my room?"

"It's just because the weather is cold, and I want to see if you can stand it."

Xi Yu took a look and saw that the stove in this room was very bright, so he felt relieved.

"Husband, why do you look so ugly?"

Xi Yu thought to himself that Gan Mei was so observant that he noticed it.

Xi Yu then told the story of Zhang Fei's death.

To be honest, I don't particularly like Zhang Fei in my heart.

But when I actually learned that he was dead, I was still a little worried.

"What? He's actually dead? How did he die?"

Xi Yu also explained the situation.

"It's such a coward to die. In other words, his temper is too bad, but the waiter in the shop is also really good."

"Okay, let's not talk about him anymore, let's talk about some happy things."

Xi Yu stayed with Gan Mei for half an hour before returning to the room.

A young soldier quickly reported that the trial was clear.

The waiter finally confessed.

When Guan Yu found out that the waiter had confessed, he really wanted to have him executed.

But in the end, Jia Xu ordered the waiter to be imprisoned.

Xi Yu said that after all, people died here, so Zhang Fei was buried in Youzhou.

Then the burial ceremony will begin tomorrow.

The next day, a funeral procession appeared on the entire street.

Of course, some of them were arranged by Xi Yu, asking soldiers to wear sackcloth and mourn for Zhang Fei.

He also commended Zhang Fei for some of his achievements after taking office as the governor of Wuhuan.

Liu Bei and Guan Yu themselves wanted to attend the funeral, but their status was not suitable after all, so they could only wait in the governor's mansion.

Liu Bei's body has improved a lot after taking medicine yesterday, but the pain in his heart still exists.

In Nanzhong, Meng Huo was still restless.

Han Chong appeared in front of him again.

"What kind of idea do you have for me this time?"

"Chief, there is something I don't know whether to say or not."

"You can just say whatever you want. Why are you acting so mother-in-law?"

"Chief, you should actually consider bringing the lady back."

After Meng Huo heard this, he frowned.

His wife, Mrs. Zhu Rong, led the troops in the war and was particularly powerful.

And knowing the formation, a sword is invincible.

But they have been separated for half a year.

Meng Huo still refused to call the other party back.

"Chief, you should be able to calm down at the critical moment. Go and invite the lady back."

Meng Huo said nothing.

Han Chong said that as long as a woman is coaxed, she will be fine.

"My subordinate knows that Madam actually cares about you very much, so she hopes you will call him."

Meng Huo said fiercely: "Humph, since he is willing to go back to his parents' home and die there, I won't call him."

"Chief, please put the overall situation first."

Moreover, it is also analyzed that if the confrontation continues like this, it is probably unsuccessful.

After all, Meng Huo also allocated part of his troops to harass Jiangnan.

Otherwise, let Meng Huo bring those soldiers back.

Meng Huo said that Jiangnan is a prosperous place and must be occupied there.

But Han Chong also believed that Jiangnan was now under the rule of Xi Yu, and if he openly became an enemy of Xi Yu.

Perhaps it was undesirable, as this would offend Xi Yu and Cao Pi all at once.

They will be faced with enemies. What if the two of them cooperate?

"Okay, you have said these words in my ears many times. My ears are already numb."

Han Chong also felt that Meng Huo was too arrogant and had some sense, so he shouldn't do such crazy behavior.

"Well, chief, if that's the case, then you really have to invite the madam to help you."

Meng Huo did not object again.

Han Chong understood. It seemed that he had made a decision in his heart.

After a while, Meng Huo said: "In that case, why don't you go find Madam on my behalf tomorrow."

"No, if the chief cannot go in person, the lady will never come back."

Meng Huo sighed.

"Chief, don't worry about face at this time. Think about it, my wife is back, that is a divine assist. Isn't it just around the corner to help the chief occupy the Central Plains in the future? You are a person who does big things, why should you be aggrieved about this matter? Woolen cloth?"

Meng Huo finally nodded.

"In that case, hurry up and prepare the gifts now. I want to go find Madam immediately."

Han Chong was overjoyed and hurried to prepare things.

Mrs. Zhu Rong is living in seclusion in a small mountain village called Qingshui.

Her father is a boatman, and she fishes and rows with her father next to a reservoir every day.

The days passed were very leisurely and happy.

His father's name is Xin Yuan.

Xinyuan felt a little distressed when she saw her daughter fishing with him every day, her face full of vicissitudes of life.

"Daughter, you'd better return to Meng Huo as soon as possible. That way you can enjoy the delicious food and drink spicy food, but you will only suffer here."

"Hmph, I won't go back unless he comes to call me. Then again, even if he comes to call me, it will take three or five times, and I won't go back."

"Daughter, you are too willful."

"Dad, how can I be willful? If we go back like this, where will our dignity go?"

"Oh, that's fine. If that's the case, then you can stay here."

After a while, I heard someone coming on horseback.

Xinyuan looked far away and saw what seemed to be Meng Huo arriving.

He thought his eyes were dazzled, so he rubbed his eyes again, and then said to his daughter: "Daughter, take a closer look to see if that is Meng Huo?"

"Dad, how is this possible? Don't worry, he will never come."

But Xin Yuan asked her to take another look.

Mrs. Zhu Rong immediately looked forward.

Hey, I really surprised myself. It was indeed Meng Huo who had arrived.

"This is impossible. He loves face so much. How could a person come here?"

And Meng Huo saw them from a distance.

He quickly came to them, stopped his horse, and then took the gift over.

Mrs. Zhu Rong felt a little happy.

He finally came to take him home. (End of chapter)

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