However, she pretended to be very angry on the outside.

Xin Yuan also cooperated with her and ignored her at all, but continued fishing.

Meng Huo came to Xin Yuan's side.

"Dad, I brought you some gifts. This time I'm here to take my wife back."

Xin Yuan sneered and ignored it at all.

Instead, he turned his head away.

Meng Huo was also very angry, but for the sake of the great cause, he had to show a very sincere look.

So he said that he had a very sincere hope, and the lady must not blame herself.

Finally, Xin Yuan turned around and asked: "Why haven't you come to my daughter for so many days? What do you mean? Is your heart made of flesh? Don't you know what I think about you? Do you often fool around with women outside and rob other women? Don’t think I don’t know.”

Po Meng could only listen to him.

As long as Mrs. Zhu Rong goes back, he will be very kind to her and promise that he will never be angry with her again.

"Go away, I don't like you, our fate has ended." Zhu Rongfu sneered.

Meng Huo was very anxious.

"Madam, please come back with me."

Mrs. Zhu Rong asked: "Tell me, why are you suddenly asking me to go back? What kind of medicine is being sold here?"

"Madam, I miss you."

"If you don't tell the truth, I won't go back with you, so just give up."

With no choice, Meng Huo had no choice but to tell the truth.

This made both father and daughter very angry.

"Okay, it was premeditated to send my daughter back after a long time of trouble. If it weren't for someone beating you, I'm afraid you wouldn't have thought of my daughter, right?"

Xinyuan stood up and really wanted to slap Meng Huo, but Meng Huo immediately avoided it.

And Xin Yuan wants to fight again.

Meng Huo learned to take the initiative this time, stretched out his face, and finally received a slap.

Mrs. Zhu Rong was actually very happy. No matter what, the other party just wanted to let her go back.

Instead, she wanted to thank the enemy.

But just going back like this, wouldn’t it be extremely shameless?

Finally, Meng Huo knelt down.

"Madam, all the mistakes you made are my fault. Please give me a helping hand."

He wanted to go back for his wife, regardless of his face.

This made Xin Yuan feel very moved.

It seems that this kid really realized that he was wrong.

"Daughter, what did you think about it? Otherwise, you should go back with him."

"Dad, I will not go back with him. Who made him treat me like that?"

After that, he quickly left the shore.

Then he started running.

Meng Huo suddenly felt a little confused.

Xin Yuan said: "Why are you still standing there? Why don't you just chase after me?"

Meng Huo paused. He knew that his father-in-law supported him, so he hurried after him.

But after chasing for a long time, I found that the other party was running faster than me.

Then he remembered that he should ride his horse quickly, so he ran in front of the horse again, and then continued to chase.

At this time, Mrs. Zhu Rong had already slowed down.

Finally Meng Huo caught up with her, then immediately dismounted and grabbed her arm.

"Please go back to me quickly."

"Do you think you will beat me and scold me again in the future?"

"Don't worry, I won't do it again."

"Huh, you just want me to help you eliminate your enemies. If it takes a long time..."

"Don't worry, even if time passes, I will still have you in my heart. When I get back, I will get rid of all the women."

"Okay, if that's the case, then I'm willing to go back with you."

Meng Huo was overjoyed.

When my wife returned to the camp, many soldiers were excited.

In fact, a few days ago, many people were still thinking that if Madam came back, they would definitely win.

Because this lady is a genius.

Although she is a female, many people greeted her enthusiastically.

Meng Huo laughed.

"Have you seen this, madam? How much they have to give you face."

Mrs. Zhu Rong was very high-spirited at this moment, feeling that she could no longer care about the things she had been bullied by the other party in the past.

Han Chong immediately came to the lady.

"Madam, you are finally back."

Mrs. Zhu Rong nodded, then entered the camp and sat down on the chair.

"Han Chong, I heard about it. If it weren't for your idea, the chief would have completely forgotten about me."

After hearing this, Meng Huo felt a little embarrassed.

Han Chong said, in fact, the chief couldn't bear to look like this. He had wanted to invite his wife back for a long time.


"Indeed." Meng Huo said quickly.

Han Chong said that Madam should not say so much, but should think about how to meet the enemy.

The wife said that she had not used a knife for a long time, and she did not know if she could still do it now.

"Madam, I believe there will be no problem."

Soon, Mrs. Zhu Rong asked Meng Huo to prepare a big sword, and she started to act on the spot.

This scene of hers was just to boost morale, and Meng Huo naturally understood her good intentions.

Yes, although he himself has had many women, no one has thought about himself as much as his married wife.

So, he shouted loudly: "Madam is back, let's rest for a night, and tomorrow we will kill everyone."

After a while, Mrs. Zhu Rong called Han Chong to a private corner.

Ask him what happened recently.

No matter big or small, you must report well to yourself.

"Ma'am, nothing happened."

"What about women?"

Mrs. Zhu Rong knows what kind of character her husband is.

He had no choice but to tell her about Song Meijiao.

It was for this reason that Meng Huo became more determined to rebel.

"He has promised me that he will put all the women back."

But Han Chong didn't think so, because it was normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines.

"I can allow him to have three wives and four concubines, but those women he robbed must leave."

On the other side, after a day of tossing in Youzhou, Zhang Fei's funeral finally came to an end, and Zhang Fei finally laid to rest.

When we arrived at dusk, the sky was a little gloomy and it was about to rain.

Xi Yu sent people to find Guan Yu and Liu Bei and asked them to drink with him.

When they received the news, both of them were very unhappy.

The circles under their eyes were red and swollen.

"Master Xiu, what's all this fuss about? We two are so sad, how can we still be in the mood to drink?"

The soldier who sent the message said, because the opera master said that this is called Jiewenjiu, just to stop the two people from being immersed in pain.

Guan Yu was puzzled. He had never heard of Jiexingjiu.

But they finally came to Xi Yu's place.

A table of food has been set.

Xiyu was already waiting for them.

When the two of them arrived, Xi Yu actually started to stand up to greet them, making the two of them flattered.

"Master Xi, you have such a noble status, how can you stand up for us?"

"Something unfortunate has happened now. You are all very sad. I know this. I hope you can calm down."

The two people also sat down.

Xi Yu said some high-sounding words, hoping that the two of them would not be sad again in the future.

Still have to face everything.

Guan Yu sighed: "It's just that the third brother died in such a cowardly manner. If I tell others, I will really make others laugh."

"No matter what, the matter has already happened, you still have to face it bravely."

Guan Yu regretted very much and should not have let his third brother go drinking, and Liu Bei also regretted that he should not have allowed Guan Yu to come to Youzhou.

"Okay, as I said just now, this matter ends here. There is no resurrection after death."

Liu Bei asked, then who should manage Wuhuan next?

Xi Yu said that he hadn't thought about it yet.

Liu Bei suddenly realized that he had asked too many questions.

Xi Yu told Liu Bei that he would return to Fang County as soon as possible tomorrow.

The next day, Liu Bei went back as expected.

At the same time, on this day, Meng Huo's army once again attacked Sichuan and Shu.

Just now, Ma Wenbin came to Zhang Lu. At this moment, Zhang Lu was imprisoned and tied up.

Ma Wenbin specifically told him about the battle.

Zhang Lu sneered.

"If you don't listen to the words of the ancestor, there will be disaster in the end. General Zhang, we are confident that sooner or later Meng Huo will be destroyed. Although our two families were evenly matched in yesterday's battle, in fact, if we continue like this, the final result will be The victory is still ours.”

Zhang Lu cursed: "Ma Wenbin, you beast, get out of here, I don't want to see you."

Ma Wenbin said: "General Zhang, I don't want to take your position. It's just because of your perverse behavior that everyone elected me. Don't worry, once you win, you will still be the leader here."

"Stop saying these nice things to me hypocritically."

Ma Wenbin had no choice but to withdraw temporarily.

After a while, someone reported that the army had appeared again.

"It seems they still want to die."

But today when the two armies were fighting, the Shu army discovered that there was an extra woman in Meng Huo's place.

And the woman was wearing armor, and her face seemed to be shining in the sun.

He has a big knife, and when he swings it, he is particularly powerful.

Many Shu kings were injured.

Many people brought by Liu Xuecheng also suffered.

He even died by his sword.

He suddenly felt very heartache.

Liu Xuecheng didn't dare to go out to fight anymore.

Ma Wenbin shouted loudly: "Who is coming?"

Mrs. Zhu Rong sneered.

"You don't have to know my name yet."

After that, Mrs. Zhu Rong violently waved her sword and came towards Ma Wenbin.

Ma Wenbin suddenly felt a gust of wind rushing towards him.

He was startled and started to dodge quickly, but the knife almost cut off his horse's tail.

He didn't know when such a hero appeared among Meng Huo's army.

Why have I never heard of it in the previous information?

When Meng Huo saw this scene from a distance, he was very funny.

Madam is so awesome.

At this moment, all the Shu troops fled in embarrassment.

Zhang Lu was shut up in his room, but he had already heard the news that his troops had returned.

He said to the soldiers guarding him: "They can't lose the battle!"

Several people were silent.

"Bastard, is Huluo Qingyang being bullied by a dog now? You won't answer my words?"

Finally, a soldier said: "General Zhang, I guess they failed. Their faces are very ugly."

"Of course they failed. They violated the order of the Grandmaster and ended up with a tragic end. I listened to the Grandmaster and as long as they surrender, everyone will have good fruits to eat. But what happened to them? In the end, everyone will Death without a burial, I simply don’t know what they think.”

However, several soldiers ignored his madness.

Mrs. Zhu Rong and her people hurried over to chase after him.

The fight continued for a while, but Meng Huo was eventually injured, so Mrs. Zhu Rong had no choice but to withdraw her troops temporarily.

Anyway, it makes sense to fight again tomorrow.

After returning to the camp, Meng Huo was very happy and praised Mrs. Zhu Rong.

"Husband, you'd better not worry so much. I want to ask if your injury is okay?"

"Don't worry, just let the military doctor take a look at me. Madam, you have done a great job today. With you here, why worry that we can't win the final victory?"

After a while, after the military doctor finished administering the medicine, Meng Huo asked Mrs. Zhu Rong, why not go to support Jiangnan?

"What, you even want to take possession of Jiangnan?"

"Of course, I want to occupy the entire Central Plains, and naturally I won't let it go, but will you establish too much by doing this?"

"I thought the same way before. Now that Madam is willing to help, what do I have to fear?"

Mrs. Zhu Rong was speechless for a moment, but finally agreed to her husband's request.

Now go to meet up with the soldiers from Jiangnan. Anyway, your identity is here.

After going to Jiangnan, the soldiers there will also listen to him.

In the afternoon, Xi Yu received news from the secret guard that a woman had entered Jiangnan.

Sun Ce could no longer hold on.

Just a few days ago, Sun Ce suddenly discovered that a mysterious army began to attack him, and he felt very strange.

Later I understood what was going on.

"What did you say? A woman?"

"Yes, Mr. Xi, that woman defeated the army of Sichuan and Shu. It is estimated that Sichuan and Shu will be occupied by Meng Huo soon."

Xi Yu kept pacing in the room. After a while, he suddenly remembered a scene from The Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

It seems that this woman is Mrs. Zhu Rong, but isn't it said that she is a fictional character in history?

It seems that after traveling here, I actually met him.

He immediately said to the secret guards: "Call Zhuge Liang."

In his last life, Zhuge Liang was allowed to capture Meng Huo seven times, and he will probably be allowed to do so in this life.

Soon, Zhuge Liang arrived.

"If you're not an actor, what's your order?"

"Zhuge Liang, you are actually a capable man of both civil and military skills, but more often than not, you are only asked to be a counselor, and you are not asked to fight in battles. Do you feel that there is a place for heroes in civil and military affairs?"

Zhuge Liang did think so, but he would not admit it.

"My subordinates don't have this idea. The actor is serious."

"Whether you have this idea or not, I will give you a chance now to lead troops to fight."

But the other party suddenly felt pleasantly surprised.

"I wonder where the opera master wants to send his men? He asked you to support Jiangnan and attack Meng Huo."

Zhuge Liang had heard a little bit about this matter.

This Meng Huo is so unreasonable. He actually makes enemies everywhere, which seems to be very arrogant.

Zhuge Liang agreed and asked when he would set out.

"Now take two thousand black and white riders and set off now. You must control the time. The sooner the better."

Zhuge Liang turned around and hurriedly prepared.

After a while, Zhou Yu also came to Xi Yu's room.

It turned out that Zhuge Liang met Zhou Yu on the way.

Zhou Yu saw him so excited and asked him what happened.

Zhuge Liang said something.

Zhou Yu was a little jealous, why didn't such good things happen to him?

He does not necessarily want to make achievements, but he will never allow Zhuge Liang to be stronger than himself.

After he told Xi Yu about this, he asked Xi Yu if he could go there too.

Anyway, there is nothing going on in Youzhou at the moment.

He also hopes to show off his talents.

"No need, you stay here, no matter who you call, I will certainly have a reason."

Zhou Yu's face looked a little ugly.

"What's wrong? You all work for me. It's up to me to decide how to arrange it. Do you think my arrangement is unreasonable?"

"My subordinates don't think so."

"Zhou Yu, don't be jealous of Zhuge Liang."

Zhou Yu was stunned in his heart. Although he seemed very harmonious with Zhuge Liang, he was indeed jealous of his talent.

He even once thought in his heart, since God gave birth to Zhou Yu, why would he give birth to Zhuge Liang?

But he had never said these words to anyone.

How did Xi Yu know? Could he see through his own mind?

"The actor is serious. His subordinates have never been jealous of Mr. Kong Ming."

"Okay, there is no right or wrong. But no matter what, you must work together and not be divided."

"Okay, please step back."

After Zhou Yu left, he felt particularly aggrieved.

For the first time, he felt that Xi Yu spoke so ruthlessly.

Why should Zhuge Liang be allowed to go when he has no experience in fighting?

He has made military exploits, and besides, going to Jiangnan is more suitable for him.

Because he is from there, is the actor afraid that he may have some bad thoughts and not come back?

Zhou Yu felt as if he was being squeezed out.

While walking on the road, I suddenly met Zhai Rongping.

He almost touched Zhai Rongping.

The other party asked: "What's wrong? General Zhou?"

Zhou Yu was stunned.

"It turns out to be Zilong, what are you doing?"

"I'm going to buy some things. I saw you were so distracted. Did something happen?"

"Don't mention it, I feel like I'm being squeezed out by the actor."

"Oh, that's what happened, can you tell me about it?"

Zhou Yu hesitated.

"General Zhou, please tell me. There is a teahouse in front. Why don't we go in and drink tea."

Zhou Yu finally agreed.

So, the two of them went to the teahouse together. (End of chapter)

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