"But if we talk about this in private, don't let it out and say it was me who said it." Sima Yi said.

Zhang Lu nodded.

"Don't worry, I won't say anything. This beast really deserves to die."

The veins on Zhang Lu's face bloomed.

Sima Yi decided to continue applying eye drops.

"So, after you saw the ancestor appear, he used this as a cover, so he wanted to lock you up. After a while, maybe he would just let you die."

Zhang Lu was stunned and felt that what Sima Yi said was very reasonable.

"Mr. Sima, what should I do?"

Zhang Lu felt like he was about to break into a cold sweat.

Fortunately, Sima Yi reminded me, otherwise I would never have thought of this.

"Of course, only by getting rid of him can you not be threatened." Sima Yi said in a very low voice.

Zhang Lu was a little tempted.

"Is this your intention or Mr. Cao's idea?"

"Of course it's my idea. Mr. Cao doesn't know the specific situation here. Didn't I only learn about it after I came here?"

But Zhang Lu let out a long sigh.

How can I get rid of Ma Wenbin when I no longer have freedom?

He immediately bowed to Sima Yi.

He said that because of past friendship, he hoped Sima Yi could help him.

Sima Yi deliberately showed a very embarrassed look and was willing to help the other party, but seemed to be unable to do what he wanted.

"Mr. Sima, I know you are a very wise man."

Sima Yi smiled and touched the beard on his chin.

"Although Mr. Cao doesn't know what's going on here, there is one thing. He also hopes that this place can be stabilized. He definitely doesn't want it to be chaotic. I think he will support you."

After hearing this, Zhang Lu felt very happy.

But the problem is that he still doesn't know how to deal with Ma Wenbin.

Sima Yi stood up and said, "Okay, it won't be good if I stay here for too long. There are some things you have to take care of yourself."

Sima Yi quickly walked out. He confirmed that no one was here to eavesdrop on what he was talking about.

Soon, he came to Ma Wenbin's room and asked Meng Huo when he would come to attack the city today.

Ma Wenbin said that logically he should have come, but today he didn't come, and he didn't know what kind of trick he was playing.

As soon as the words fell, a soldier reported.

Meng Huo has already led people to attack, and there is an old man in their team today.

Ma Wenbin immediately asked: "There is another old man, what kind of old man is he?"

"My subordinates don't know, so we should ask the general to quickly go to meet the enemy."

Ma Wenbin asked Sima Yi if he wanted to go out with the army?

Sima Yi nodded, and Ma Wenbin was stunned. He was just asking politely.

Sima Yi laughed.

"What? Do you look down on me and think I am incapable of leading troops?"

"No, Mr. Sima, you misunderstood. In that case, let's set off together."

The two teams met near a valley.

In Meng Huo's team was Ouyang Qing.

It turned out that after Zhuge Liang put up the no-war card, Mrs. Zhu Rong thought that Ouyang Qing did not need to help her today, so it was better to help her husband.

Ouyang Qing also asked Mrs. Zhu Rong at that time, wasn't she thinking of competing with her husband to see who could defeat the enemy first?

If she went to help Meng Huo, wouldn't Mrs. Zhu Rong lose?

Mrs. Zhu Rong said with a smile that it was just a joke. How could she not care about her husband's life or death?

In this way, Ouyang Qing came to help Meng Huo.

Sima Yi saw Ouyang Qing whistle.

Some birds immediately appeared in the sky.

But the appearance of these flying birds is particularly strange.

Some water and fire came out of the mouths of those flying birds.

At this time, many Shu troops were beaten to pieces.

Ma Wenbin shouted loudly: "Who are you?"

Ouyang Qing just controlled, and Feiniao didn't speak at all.

But Meng Huo laughed loudly, never expecting that his wife would find such a strange person to come over.

The people under his command also laughed. Ma Wenbin saw the situation badly and asked everyone to retreat quickly.

They all retreated in embarrassment. After returning to the camp, Ma Wenbin was in great pain.

"I originally thought we were evenly matched, but it seems we are about to lose."

But Sima Yi was secretly happy. If this was true, then there would be no need to sow discord between Zhang Lu and Ma Wenbin.

When the time comes, just let Cao Gong talk to Xi Yu and ask him to borrow troops.

But he also pretended to be very angry on the surface.

"Yeah, I didn't expect there to be such an expert there."

And today many soldiers died.

Some soldiers complained privately.

If I had known this, I might as well have supported Zhang Lu.

If Zhang Lu surrenders, there won't be so many things.

Sima Yi and more people retreated, wanting to talk to Ma Wenbin alone.

After several soldiers retreated, Ma Wenbin asked, "Mr. Sima, do you have any good ideas?"

Sima Yi said that he now understands the situation here, so he should leave.

Ma Wenbin laughed in his heart. It seemed that he felt that the man was particularly powerful, so he acted like a turtle.

Sima Yi naturally understood what he was thinking.

"I just thought of an idea, that is, we should unite with Xi Yu to deal with Meng Huo together."

Ma Wenbin couldn't believe his ears. How could such words come from Sima Yi's mouth?

"Mr. Sima, did I hear correctly?"

"That's right."

"But Mr. Sima, I don't understand. Cao Gong and Xi Gong are enemies."

"Although they said that, they didn't openly break up with each other. And privately, Cao Gong called Xi Gong his uncle."

Ma Wenbin also knew about these gossips.

So because of this, can Xiyu borrow troops?

He was probably eager to get rid of Cao Pi's powerful enemy as soon as possible.

You can be the sole proprietor of your own family.

In this case, just don't add insult to injury. How could you help Cao Pi?

Sima Yi smiled and said: "I know what you are thinking, but you have to understand one thing. Both Cao Gong and Xi Gong are from the Central Plains."

And that Meng Huo was a barbarian after all.

Therefore, it was natural for the Central Plains people to join forces to deal with Meng Huo.

Ma Wenbin thought to himself, although this is theoretically said.

But can it actually be operated? It’s also unknown.

"You don't have to worry, maybe you can give it a try. If Meng Huo is really that powerful, he will attack Xi Yu in the future. If Xi Yu is smart, he will definitely nip it in the bud."

Sima Yi was ready to leave.

Ma Wenbin asked: "Mr. Sima, can you tell me what Zhang Lu told you?"

"You don't have to ask about this one."

Sima Yi felt that the other party was really rude.

He sent the person out just to meet Zhang Lu in private. Why did he still inquire like this?

Ma Wenbin watched Sima Yi leave, and Sima Yi started laughing after walking several miles.

He was somewhat grateful to Ouyang Qing, whose timely appearance made him change his plan.

This can save Ma Wenbin from death.

After resting for a day, Xi Xiyu felt better, but it might not be realistic to hit the road yet.

But he was very concerned about which side he wanted, so he asked the secret guard to go there first to check the news, and also told Zhuge Liang that he was not feeling well.

The secret guard was a little worried about Xi Yu.

Is it okay to be alone in an inn?

Xi Yu said, "Just go."

After the secret guard left, Xi Yu felt a little sick again and continued to lie on the bed.

He knew that in this situation, it would be good for the body to move more, but he was really uncomfortable now.

Although he knew what to do in his heart, his body was very honest.

It was already night, but Zhuge Liang was tossing and turning.

Because we can't always put up the no-war card. If they come again tomorrow, what should we do?

Sangyuan must have successfully entered their place.

I don't know what effect it will have.

While I was thinking, I suddenly heard a sound outside.

This is the arrival of the secret guard.

But the secret guard did not come in directly, but chose to knock on the door.

Zhuge Liang quickly opened the door.

"I'm here to deliver news about the actor. I also want to find out what's going on now."

Zhuge Liang quickly asked the secret guard to sit down and asked why the actor hadn't come yet.

Is there something delayed in Youzhou?

"The actor is sick and feels a little unwell, so he didn't come."

Zhuge Liang felt very nervous when he heard that Xi Yu was ill.

"You don't have to worry too much, it's just a normal cold."

And told him that Xiyu is almost doing well now.

Zhuge Liang then explained the current situation. There was an old man in Mrs. Zhu Rong's camp who was particularly powerful.

And the bitter meat trick has also been used.

I don’t know what will happen in Sangyuan over there, or whether someone will find out.

After the secret guard understood the situation, he quickly left.

I hope Zhuge Liang can have a good rest.

In the early morning of the next day, the secret guard returned to Xi Yu and told Xi Yu the relevant situation.

At this moment, Xi Yu's body has recovered a lot.

Xi Yu said: "Okay, you are tired from traveling all the way between the two places, so take a rest quickly."

Xi Yu decided to tell himself when the secret guard had rested, and they would be on their way.

The secret guard said that it would be better to continue on the road and not delay things.

Xi Yu asked: "What should you do? You always have to rest. There is actually no difference between me leaving late and early."

The secret guard listened to Xi Yu's words and quickly found a place to rest.

Early that morning, Sima Yi also rushed back to Luoyang.

It was getting very cold after all.

Sima Yi also had a cold during this trip.

He was also very tired now, but he still wanted to tell Cao Pi the news quickly.

After Cao Pi learned about the situation in Sichuan and Sichuan, he was also elated.

Sima Yi suddenly felt that their master and servant were really out of their minds.

Now he actually hopes that his men will fail.

Cao Pi then said that in this case, he would quickly write a letter to Xi Yu, hoping that he could lend troops.

He did it and he wrote a letter right away.

Then send someone to Youzhou.

Sima Yi yawned.

Only then did Cao Pi realize that he had traveled all night and needed a good rest.

"Zhongda, you have worked hard all the way. Go back and rest quickly."

Sima Yi then resigned.

On Mrs. Zhu Rong's side, since Ouyang Qingbing did not come back, Mrs. Zhu Rong planned to take a rest today and there was no need to attack.

Some soldiers disagreed and believed that they should pursue the victory and give Zhuge Liang some breathing time.

But Mrs. Zhu Rong still asked to wait until Ouyang Qing came back.

Sang Yuan has come to this military camp to recuperate.

Although he really wanted to know who Ouyang Qing was.

But he is not familiar with them now, and he cannot ask rashly, otherwise his feet will be exposed.

But after a while, he didn't expect that Mrs. Zhu Rong would come to see him.

He planned to stand up and salute.

Mrs. Zhu Rong said: "Since you are not feeling well, there is no need to salute. Just sit down quickly."

"When I talk about my injuries, I think of Zhuge Liang and Sun Ce. I want to peel off their skin and eat their flesh."

He had a very angry look on his face, and he thought that he was particularly qualified in his performance.

"Okay, as long as you are loyal to me and my husband, your benefits will definitely be indispensable."

Sang Yuan said, I hope he can get well soon, I have made great contributions to this place, and he plans to tell Mrs. Zhu Rong some of the military information he has.

"Sang Yuan, are you so anxious to tell me?"

"Of course, I must submit a petition to Madam."

But what his words brought back was the other party's scrutiny of himself.

"Madam, did I say something wrong?"

"I'm thinking, since you can betray your original master, will you betray me and my husband in the future?"

Sang Yuan was stunned, not expecting that the other party would ask such a question.

He immediately replied that it was because the original owner did not distinguish between right and wrong. He would be in such a situation, but Mrs. Zhu Rong and Meng Huo would definitely not be like this.

Mrs. Zhu Rong couldn't help but laugh. His answer was really smooth and sophisticated.

"In that case, then please tell me."

Sang Yuan had already made preparations, and of course he would not tell the truest situation.

But also reveal a little bit.

"Yes, what you said is particularly important."

"As long as it can be useful to my wife, that's all. Also, I hope to see Chief Menghuo in the future. I don't know when I will be able to see him."

"Don't worry, there will be a chance sooner or later."

Next, Sangyuan asked why they didn't send troops today?

Now he wanted to kill Zhuge Liang's head quickly.

Mrs. Zhu Rong also explained her reasons to him.

"I see, when Ouyang Qing gets to the Chief, he will definitely become the Chief's great assist."

Next, he asked where Ouyang Qing came from?

Why is he so different?

Mrs. Zhu Rong shook her head.

"This is just a person who was transferred from a soldier. What's going on? Actually, I don't know much about it."

Sang Yuan did not continue to ask, lest asking too many questions would arouse the other party's suspicion.

"Okay, you have a good rest. I hope we can see you fighting the enemy bravely on the battlefield."

"Okay, madam, walk slowly."

After Mrs. Zhu Rong left, Sang Yuan's eyes became very sharp.

Although now he has successfully aroused Mrs. Zhu Rong's trust.

But can he really complete this plan?

Is it really easy to get close to Ouyang Qing and get information?

At dusk, a secret guard finally appeared beside him.

"Don't be afraid, I am the person next to the actor."

When the secret guard came to Sang Yuan silently, Sang Yuan was really shocked.

Although he had heard about secret guards before.

But today is the first time I saw it.

How can people come to me like this? What kind of skill is this?

"What do you want me to do?"

The secret guard said that the two of them would work together to find out the relevant situation of Ouyang Qing.

It's just that one is in the light and the other is in the dark.

In contrast, the secret guard's work is more convenient. Once there is any news, he will notify Sang Yuan in time.

But I hope that Sangyuan is a fake surrender. If he finds out that Sangyuan really surrenders here, then he will not be polite.

"How is this possible? Just rest assured. My heart will always be with Mr. Sun."

The secret guard nodded and left immediately.

Another day came and Xi Yu felt that he was basically healed, so he hurried on his way.

Although it is already winter, the sun is shining brightly today.

Because the secret guard had told Zhuge Liang about his illness, Zhuge Liang no longer had to wait anxiously, which also made Xi Yu relieved.

Zhuge Liang believed that Mrs. Zhu Rong would attack him again today.

Sure enough, late last night, Ouyang Qing had returned.

Zhuge Liang saw that the morale of the opera army was already a little low.

After all, they have always won battles for a long time.

Such a situation rarely occurs and many soldiers find it unbearable.

Zhuge Liang encouraged them and said that Xiyu was coming soon.

Xi Yu is a person who can create myths and miracles.

And today they will continue to play the no-war card. Everyone was very surprised when they said this.

It's okay to hang up once or twice occasionally, but if it happens every day, doesn't that mean you're being a rogue?

Wouldn't that make him look down upon even more?

Many soldiers were whispering.

Zhuge Liang asked: "I can understand your mood, but do you have a better way?"

At this time, everyone fell silent.

Zhuge Liang said that he had to wait until Xi Yu arrived and let Xi Yu think of a solution.

When Mrs. Zhu Rong was on the road, Ouyang Qing asked: "Mrs. Zhu Rong, do you think they will still hang the no-war sign today?"

"I don't know if they will die, but if I were Zhuge Liang, I would definitely not be able to afford to lose this person."

As a result, when they approached the military camp, they discovered that the no-war sign had been put up again.

"After making trouble for a long time, he is really a coward."

Mrs. Zhu Rong sneered.

Ouyang Qing said: "Madam, although this is a good thing, it is not a solution. Wouldn't it make our trip in vain?"

Some soldiers also said that regardless of whether they were exempted from fighting, their side still had to act quickly. (End of chapter)

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