Mrs. Zhu Rong still felt that it was too unkind and moral to do so.

"Madam, we must not be merciful. They have always said they are exempt from fighting, so are we going to continue like this? Aren't they able to play tricks on me?"

A growing number of voices support this.

Mrs. Zhu Rong's face looked a little ugly.

Ouyang Qing said: "Otherwise, let me go and take a look and humiliate them.

At the same time, he said that he was going to see Zhuge Liang and sing the song he knitted that day.

Mrs. Zhu Rong felt that this was a good idea, so she asked him to go quickly.

Ouyang Qing came to see Zhuge Liang on horseback.

The soldiers guarding the gate immediately stopped him.

"who are you?"

Ouyang Qing sneered and said, "You have all given up your no-war card. Don't you even dare to see me?"

But the soldiers still asked him who he was, and he finally told himself his family name.

The soldiers quickly reported the news to Zhuge Liang.

Of course Zhuge Liang understood that the other party was here to explore the truth, so he agreed to let him in.

When he entered the courtyard, Ouyang Qing sang a tune he had made up.

Zhuge Liang walked in holding a folding fan.

"I wonder why Your Excellency came here?"

"Zhuge Liang, let me ask you, why don't you dare to go out and challenge him?"

"Because the coach is coming today."

"Coach? Aren't you the coach?"

Facing the other party's doubts, Zhuge Liang said nothing.

Ouyang Qing reacted immediately.

"I understand. The coach you are talking about is Xi Yu. Are you saying that he is coming today?"

"Yes, he may even have arrived, but he just hasn't shown up yet."

Zhuge Liang deliberately made the other party so mysterious, just to scare them.

Ouyang Qing dismissed it, so what?

Are you still afraid?

"You've seen what I'm capable of. If you don't want to die early, surrender immediately. Today you have been a coward and continued to avoid fighting. You have already made many of us look down on you. However, we will wait for you for another day according to the rules and let you go tomorrow morning. Your Xiyu leads everyone to surrender, otherwise, we will destroy this place."

Ouyang Qing laughed.

After that, he left humming the tune he made up.

He came to Mrs. Zhu Rong's side and said all the things that humiliated Zhuge Liang.

The soldiers laughed after hearing this.

Mrs. Zhu Rong said: "Since you told them, let's have a truce for one more day. In that case, let's all go back."

This time, many soldiers stopped shouting.

Although the trip was in vain, it would be nice to be able to humiliate them better.

And Ouyang Qing has already said that if they don't surrender tomorrow, don't blame yourself for being rude.

So even if they are playing the no-war card, it is invalid.

Although Zhuge Liang looked very calm on the surface.

But after Ouyang Qing left, he almost started to curse.

But it was already dusk, and Xiyu had not arrived.

Zhuge Liang thought to himself, could there be another accident?

On the other hand, Xi Yu felt that he had gotten better.

He decided to get close to Ouyang Qing tonight.

He must understand Ouyang Qing in the shortest possible time.

If he has a weakness, for example, he likes drinking or beautiful women, he can find ways to get wine and beautiful women.

Then pry his mouth open.

But the problem is that he doesn't know what the other person likes now.

He came to Ouyang Qing's military camp and saw Ouyang Qing looking at a map.

"Who is it?" Ouyang Qing was particularly angry.

When I saw it was a mulberry garden, I felt a little unhappy.

"Why, are your injuries healed?"

Sang Yuan said it was almost healed.

He now hopes that Ouyang Qing can teach him some skills so that he can destroy Zhuge Liang.

"You don't need to learn anything, because if they don't surrender tomorrow, we will destroy them. If they surrender, they will be our own people, and there is no need to torture them."

"No, I have to kill Zhuge Liang, even if he surrenders."

Sang Yuan clenched her fists, as if Zhuge Liang was his father-killing enemy.

Ouyang Qing looked at the mulberry garden carefully.

Sang Yuan knew that the other party might doubt him.

But he can't tolerate it now. He has more time to delay.

"But I still admire Mr. Ouyang's ability and hope to be able to worship you."

He quickly knelt down to Ouyang Qing.

Even if you can't accept yourself as a disciple, you can still give yourself a few pointers.

But Ouyang Qing looked at him with scrutiny.

After all, he used to be on Zhuge Liang's side.

"Do you really want to learn Kung Fu from me?"

"That's natural. It's my honor and pleasure to meet you here."

Ouyang Qing took out a book from his sleeve.

"In that case, you should read this book for a few days. After three days, I will ask you how you feel. Then I will decide whether to accept you as my disciple."

The mulberry garden was overjoyed.

He immediately took the book respectfully.

He saw five big characters written on it: Kunlun Mountain Secret Book.

Therefore, he felt that he had obtained information that this person might be from Kunlun Mountain.

And he believed that the secret guard also knew this information now.

Late at night, when he was about to take a rest, a secret guard appeared next to him again.

He raised a question, this secret guard could approach people quietly, why not just kill Ouyang Qing?

The secret guard gave an answer and actually wanted to do the same.

But the problem is, Ouyang Qing is a little different after all.

When you get close to him, he will be aware of it.

Therefore, if you want to directly murder him in this way, it is impossible to succeed.

He could tell Zhuge Liang about the secret book of Kunlun Mountain.

Zhuge Liang saw that it suddenly started to rain lightly outside.

Strange, something will happen to Xiyu again, right?

Soon, he vaguely saw a figure appearing outside.

He knew it was the secret guard, so he immediately opened the door to let the secret guard in.

But the secret guard told him about the secret book of Kunlun Mountain.

That old guy is probably from Kunlun Mountain.

Or at least something to do with it.

Zhuge Liang said that this was really a good clue. It seemed that this bitter trick had some effect.

At this time, they heard the sound of horse hooves outside in the middle of the night.

The sound was extremely loud again.

Zhuge Liang ran outside to take a look, and it turned out that Xi Yu had arrived.

"Master Xi, why are you here at this time?" Zhuge Liang quickly saluted.

Xi Yu waved his hand to him.

"Don't mention it. I was originally sick, and then the horse became sick again, so it has been delayed until now."

"It's already late at night, please come in quickly."

Xi Yu saw that the secret guard was still here, so he asked about the relevant situation.

I learned that there is a rough idea.

The old thing's matter was related to Kunlun Mountain, and he was very happy.

After the secret guards retreated, Zhuge Liang told Xi Yu a series of things that had happened in the past few days.

When he said he came, he was very confident.

But where would you expect such a strange person to suddenly appear?

"Don't be surprised. It's normal for barbarians like them to think of these weird methods."

"But Mr. Xi, what should we do next?"

Zhuge Liang also relayed what the secret guard said, that the old guy had magical powers.

Even if you get close to him, you can still be discovered.

It is even more impossible to assassinate him.

Xi Yu said that he could not use the free card tomorrow.

If they want to attack, then they have to fight.

If you really can't fight, you still have to run.

At this time, there is no shame in running.

As for myself, I will try my best to get as close as possible to Kunlun Mountain.

He took a short rest and set out tomorrow morning.

"Master Xiu, you are so tired from traveling and traveling, so you should have a good rest."

"Then what can I do? You are all fighting for me. How can I be a coward?"

Early the next morning, Xi Yu quickly left for Kunlun Mountain.

Zhuge Liang also told everyone that Xi Yu had actually been here, but he had important matters to leave temporarily.

Moreover, Xi Yu has given instructions that they must fight today, no matter whether they can win or not.

And in order to prevent unexpected events, Xi Yu also planned several escape routes for everyone.

Of course no one wants to escape, but it's just in case.

People here in Jiangnan felt that Xi Yu was probably a deserter when he left.

But people on Xi Yu's side believed that Xi Yu must be looking for better ways to destroy the enemy.

Xi Yu rode up to Kunlun Mountain quickly on his horse.

And he patted the horse, "Don't make trouble anymore, but you must be faster."

But Xi Yu also knew that even if it was normal, it would probably take a day to arrive.

He didn't dare to stop on the road because it involved the interests of all the soldiers.

That horse seemed to be particularly sensible this time.

After all, the horse delayed a lot of things while on the road.

He felt a little guilty now, so he ran very fast.

At dusk, Xiyu was almost approaching, so he asked Ma to take a good rest.

He found an inn, and no matter how anxious he was, he couldn't ignore the horse's life.

Not long after Xi Yu sat down and ordered, a man wearing a soldier's uniform also appeared at the door on a horse.

The location where Xi Yu was approaching happened to be not far from the fire, so the man also came this way.

The man stared at Xi Yu and felt that there was something different about Xi Yu.

Xi Yu was a little unhappy when he saw him looking at her so impolitely.

The man quickly came to apologize, saying that he saw Xi Yu's extraordinary temperament and that he was the best in the world, so he took a few more looks.

Xi Yu asked: "Are you a fortune teller?"

The man smiled.

"I'm not a fortune teller, this is just my feeling."

He sighed.

"If I were really a fortune teller, how could I have reached this point? How could I break up with Meng Huo?"

Xiyu was stunned.

"Why, were you once from Meng Huo?"

The man said that he was Meng Huo's subordinate, named Jinchang.

And Meng Huo especially liked to rob women.

On this day, he actually robbed his cousin.

He hoped that Meng Huo could let go of his cousin.

Meng Huo disagreed, so the two men had a conflict.

That Meng Huo is simply a scumbag, a complete beast.

Xi Yu asked what his plans were next.

"Hey, I don't have any plans. Let's take it one step at a time."

But Xi Yu knew from his accent that he was not from this area at all.

Does he have any purpose in coming here?

Next, the man asked Xi Yu what he was doing here?

Xi Yu wanted to test him, so he said that he heard that there was an expert on Kunlun Mountain, so he came to visit.

The man was stunned for a moment, and then said: "I didn't expect that we were traveling together, and I was going there too. But I'm not going to worship someone, but my home is nearby."

Xi Yu was overjoyed that his test just now was really effective.

He found out the other party's details.

"Oh, that's how it is. Then tell me, what kind of immortals are there?"

At this moment, the waiter came to serve Xiyu the food.

It was also very strange to see two people who didn't know each other but seemed to know each other at first sight.

The man said that his home was near Kunlun Mountain.

Now I am willing to go home and serve my parents.

When he was a child, he knew that there were several Taoists practicing on Kunlun Mountain.

And I heard that their abilities are superb.

However, these Taoists generally do not like the fireworks of the world and do not easily have any dealings with the common people.

One year, there was a famine, and the people were dying.

Everyone wanted to go to the mountains to find some food.

But these Taoists were very rude and drove them out.

He said that it might not be appropriate for Xi Yu to go.

So it's better not to have too high hopes.

"Are you going to learn from a teacher or do you have other plans?"

"Of course I am studying under a teacher. To be honest, I am also homeless now."

"Okay, I hope you can seek happiness for yourself."

Next, Xi Yu specifically asked him about Meng Huo's situation.

Finally, Jinchang felt very strange.

"Hey, why do you always ask about him?"

"That's what I heard. Isn't he particularly stupid for daring to confront Cao Pi?"

"His wife went to Jiangnan. There is a person named Ouyang Qing, who is very powerful."

Meng Huo actually had some abilities, but the most important thing was that he took advantage of Zhang Lu's character.

I also specially found an old wizard.

The topic he talked about next was similar to what Xi Yu knew.

"We are living in troubled times now. No matter what kind of war occurs, it is the common people who suffer."

Xi Yu sighed.

Jinchang was very moved after hearing this.

"It's true. I didn't think about it before. But I have also seen scenes where some soldiers' wives and children were separated after they died."

Next, Jinchang’s dishes were served.

Jinchang said: "In that case, let's eat together."

Xiyu nodded.

"By the way, I haven't asked your name yet."

Xi Yu quickly made up a fake name.

"My surname is Jade."

"It turns out to be Young Master Yu. It's really a fate to meet you today."

"By the way, since your home is near Kunlun Mountain, why not tell me more about the situation near Kunlun Mountain."

The man then said that there was a village near Kunlun Mountain called Wangsheng Village, and he lived there.

The people in that small village have simple folk customs.

"Then when were those Taoists you mentioned there?"

"It must have been decades."

He said that this has been the case for as long as he can remember.

From his mouth, Xi Yu learned a lot about the situation near Kunlun Mountain.

After finishing the meal, Xi Yu wanted to stay.

But the other party left quickly.

"By the way, how about you leave with me?"

Jinchang believes that it will cost money to stay in a hotel here.

It's better to go back with him, Xi Yu is going to Kunlun Mountain anyway.

There is a place to stay at home anyway.

At this moment, the waiter came out.

The waiter was a little unhappy.

Because once Xi Yu left, wouldn't he make less money?

But he didn't dare to speak either.

Xi Yu said that there was no need.

"You'd better come with me. You and I feel like old friends at first sight. I hope we can have a good chat."

Seeing him talking like this, Xi Yu was also very happy.

"In that case, I would rather obey your orders than be respectful."

Jinchang was very happy and left with Xi Yu.

After he left, the waiter cursed angrily.

A good business was ruined by him.

After another hour, we finally arrived at Wangsheng Village.

In the hazy night, a high mountain loomed in front of us.

Jinchang said that was Kunlun Mountain.

Although Xi Yu knew that Kunlun Mountain was particularly famous in his previous life, he had never been there.

Today I finally saw the majesty of the mountain.

"Let's go, come home and live there quickly. If you insist on going into the mountains, you can talk about it tomorrow."

Xi Yu nodded and quickly settled in Jinchang's house.

Jinchang's parents were already asleep.

Jinchang did not disturb his parents and planned to meet them tomorrow.

There happened to be a room that was free.

Jinchang arranged for Xiyu to stay.

As soon as he lay down, Xi Yu remembered something.

He has been walking for a day, and Mrs. Zhu Rong will definitely attack again this morning.

I don’t know if Zhuge Liang and others can hold on, maybe many more soldiers will die.

However, what Xi Yu didn't know was that not a single soldier on Zhuge Liang's side was injured today.

It turned out that on this side of the Yangtze River, it was raining continuously.

Although Ouyang Qing knows some witchcraft, he has one characteristic.

That is when it rains, it cannot summon those birds.

Because those birds simply cannot appear in the rain.

So when he reached the halfway point, he told Mrs. Zhu Rong to retreat quickly.

Mrs. Zhu Rong felt very strange at the time and asked him what he meant.

He told the truth, and Sang Yuan was among the soldiers. When he heard the news, he was very happy.

With no choice, Mrs. Zhu Rong had no choice but to announce the withdrawal of troops immediately.

Zhuge Liang waited for a long time but didn't see them coming, which was strange.

It wasn't until a while later that a secret guard came to Zhuge Liang and told him the truth.

Zhuge Liang laughed loudly, not expecting such a situation to exist. (End of chapter)

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