Next, Zhuge Liang observed the sky at night and found that it would rain for several days.

Now, everyone can sit back and relax.

Zhuge Liang summoned many soldiers.

Many soldiers looked very ugly.

Zhuge Liang said: "You don't have to look ugly, we will win immediately, do you know? They don't dare to come over today, because they will be defeated by us even after they come over."

Many people feel that Zhuge Liang is talking nonsense, and he has reached this point and is still trying to show off his strength.

Zhuge Liang said: "I know you don't believe me, but I tell you the truth, the actor has already found out what the old man is."

He said this deliberately to boost morale.

Many people seemed to believe it when they heard that Xi Yu had found out Ouyang Qing's situation.

Yes, Xiyu is very wise.

Everyone no longer had public opinions in private, but hoped that Zhuge Liang would quickly tell them what was going on.

"In the past few days, I have been observing the sky at night and found that it will rain. This is very good for us. After it rains, the old man cannot use his magic at all."

"Mr. Kong Ming, is what you told us true?" Soldier Du quickly asked.

"Yes, what I told you is true."

So they will be given a chance to breathe in the next few days.

But a soldier asked, what about in a few days?

"Don't worry, in a few days, the actor will definitely have a better solution."

It had been raining for a whole day, so the theater army was completely at ease.

Xi Yu was not clear about these circumstances, and the secret guard had no such report.

Early the next morning, Xi Yu said goodbye to Jinchang.

But when he got up, he found that Jinchang was talking to two old people in the yard, and they were Jinchang's parents.

"Mom and Dad, this is the guest we told you about."

So Xi Yu quickly saluted the two old people to express his gratitude.

"You're welcome. He's my son's friend. Please stay here for two days."

But Xi Yu said goodbye because he had to rush to Kunlun Mountain.

The two old men had actually heard their son talk about this incident, so they also advised Xiyu not to go there.

It is said that the Taoist priest above has a weird temper and may even kill people.

Xi Yu said: "It doesn't matter, I'm already here anyway. It would be a great regret if I didn't go."

Jinchang said: "In that case, then I will send you to the foot of Kunlun Mountain."

Father Jin smiled and said, "Hey, why are you in such a hurry? Even if you go, you have to eat before leaving. Your mother has already made the porridge."

Jinchang patted his head.

"Yeah, look at my brain."

Immediately let Xi Yu go in to eat.

While Xi Yu was eating, he suddenly discovered a problem.

Due to his different status, he has had no worries about food, clothing, housing and transportation recently.

In fact, sometimes I find that it is not bad to live among the common people and eat simple meals.

While he was eating, he started to stay still.

The golden mother was startled.

"What? Isn't this meal suitable?

She thought it was definitely not to Xiyu's taste.

Xi Yu immediately said: "No.

I suddenly remembered some questions. "

After finishing the meal, Jinchang sent Xi Yu down the mountain.

Xi Yu said: "Okay, you can go back. Come back to me from the foot of Kunlun Mountain and sit here for a while."

Of course Xi Yu understood what he meant, and was worried that he would not be able to leave Kunlun Mountain safely.

He smiled.

"Okay, then I will go to your house to drink millet porridge."

Jinchang smiled and then left.

On this day, Cao Pi's letter finally arrived in Youzhou.

The recipient of the letter was Jia Xu. When he learned that the letter was from Cao Pi, he did not dare to make the decision.

So she told Ouyang Linlin the news.

"Madam, do you think you should open the letter, or wait until the actor comes back?"

Ouyang Linlin thought to herself that the letter was written by Cao Pi, and it must be up to no good. She really couldn't make the decision.

Although he was curious and opened it to see what was going on, he knew he couldn't solve it.

"In that case, just leave the letter with me for now. I will show it to my husband when he comes back."

Jia Xu felt that he could finally let go of a hot yam.

Xi Yu started climbing Kunlun Mountain. The entire mountain was extremely high and steep.

Because he had never been up there, he forgot to ask Jinchang where the specific formal route was.

So after walking for a while, I found myself at a place with a steep cliff. There is a narrow path in the south, which seems to be the right way.

After walking for a while, I felt a little tired, so I sat down on a stone.

He touched his belly, panting.

It seems like it's really a lack of exercise.

You should do more exercise if you have the chance in the future.

Then, he heard footsteps coming.

A little Taoist boy appeared next to Xi Yu.

"Although this Kunlun Mountain belongs to everyone, the upper parts belong to a few masters. Therefore, if you come to play, you can only walk up to this point, and you are not allowed to go up any higher."

Xi Yu said that he came to visit some Taoist priests.

The little Taotong felt very strange.

But I saw that Xi Yu didn't have anything in his hand.

Xi Yu asked: "Do you think I didn't bring anything with me? I think since they are all experts, they won't care about my stuff, right?"

Xiao Daotong felt that Xi Yu was a little glib.

"Anyway, ordinary people are not allowed to go up. You'd better stay here obediently."

Xi Yu sighed.

"It seems I really shouldn't come to this place."

He stood up.

The little Taoist boy thought he was going down.

But I heard Xi Yu say something else.

"I guess those masters of yours are just shy turtles."

"What did you say? How dare you speak like this?"

"Am I wrong? In the current troubled times, capable people like them don't go down, they just want to walk here for leisure. What's the use of their cultivation?"

Xiao Daotong felt that he was being too unreasonable.

No one has ever dared to insult his masters like this.

People who go up the mountain are in awe. Of course, very few people have come up in recent years.

The little Taoist boy said: "Okay, if you dare to speak like this, then don't blame me for being rude."

After that, he clenched his fist towards Xiyu.

Xi Yu stood still, leaning deeply against his fist.

The little Taoist boy felt incredible.

"Why don't you hide?"

"I'm here for the common people in the world, so I don't want to hide. As long as I can save the common people in the world, it doesn't matter even if I take a few punches."

At this moment, Xiao Daotong felt incredible.

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

"I'm not talking nonsense."

The little Taoist boy also saw that he had some extraordinary bearing, so he asked him who he was.

Xi Yu thought to himself that he didn't know if the other party would know after he said his name.

But he decisively reported his name.

Sure enough, the little Taoist boy was a complete stranger. After all, they lived an isolated life.

"Okay, if you Taoist priests don't see me, I will stay here until they see me. Of course, if you don't like me, you can beat me to death."

At this moment, the little Taoist boy was reluctant to beat him.

Ignoring him, he snorted and left.

The little Taoist boy immediately reported the news to several masters.

It was said that a very strange person came down the mountain, and he told all the relevant circumstances.

"This person is called Xi Yu, who is this Xi Yu? Does this person have some mental problems?"

Xiao Daotong said that it was not a neurological problem, he seemed to be very normal.

Several Taoist priests asked the Taoist boy to get the man up.

After all, they are also very curious.

After a while, Xi Yu heard footsteps and saw that the Taoist boy was coming. He was filled with joy. It seemed that he was being asked to come up.

"Okay, we are really in love, but I'm afraid you won't survive. If you regret it now, it's still too late."

"What a joke. Are they all evil spirits?"

The little Taoist boy did not answer, but led him to a shortcut.

Once again, he saw that there were steps on a path, but they were very narrow.

After walking about a hundred meters, I saw a pagoda at the top and several rows of houses next to the pagoda.

Xiyu found that he really lacked exercise.

As I continued walking, I really couldn't stand it anymore.

The little Taoist boy then started laughing. With that kind of physique, he still had the courage to come up.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense and lead the way."

Finally reached the top.

Xi Yu felt the cool breeze blowing, looking down at the mountain, the scenery was endless, and felt very comfortable.

But after all, he was not in that mood, and still hoped to find out Ouyang Qing's true identity.

Two old Taoist priests were playing chess, and neither of them paid attention to him.

The little Taoist boy left.

Xiyu said hello.

"Meet the two old Taoist priests."

But they completely treated themselves like air and ignored it at all.

Xi Yu knew that they were deliberately trying to give him a blow.

But in order to figure out the cause of the matter, he was willing to wait here.

At the same time, he also thought that if people really ignored him, what should he do?

Finally, an old Taoist priest spoke, but it was not to him, but to his companions.

"It's this chess game that no one has been able to match for thousands of years."

Another old Taoist priest also sighed.

"Yeah, I don't know who will be able to solve it in the future."

Xi Yu looked at the chess game they were playing and immediately started laughing.

This was exactly what I saw in a TV series in my previous life, so I laughed out loud.

"What do you think it is? No one has been able to figure it out for a thousand years."

At this moment, both old Taoist priests looked at him.

"Who are you? Can you understand it?"

Xi Yu said of course it can be solved, what's so difficult about it.

"It's really shameless. We have been studying here for several days, and we can't analyze this at all, but you said we can. It really makes me laugh out loud."

"What? Just such a chess game is worth spending so much time on. Isn't that funny?"

The two Taoist priests looked at Xi Yu fiercely.

"You brat, don't make it so easy. If that's the case, then you have to explain it."

Xi Yu said, "I'll solve it. I'll solve it. What's so difficult about it?"

So he came to the chess piece and saw him moving a few chess pieces quickly.

It's solved.

At this moment, the two old Taoist priests were shocked. They couldn't believe their eyes.

"Oh my God, it's solved."

"Yes, tell us how you solved it."

Xi Yu smiled and didn't speak at all.

The two old Taoist priests bowed respectfully to Xi Yu.

It is said that they are ignorant of Mount Tai, so Xi Yu must have been sent by God to save them.

Xi Yu said: "I hope you will be polite to others in the future and not be arrogant."

The two Taoist priests agreed and they would definitely obey.

But they actually don't want to be like this.

It's because there are many people from the mountains who often come to harass them.

It brought a lot of trouble to their lives.

So later, they established such a rule.

Immediately let Xiyu go to the house to drink tea.

Xiao Daotong originally thought that Xi Yu would be killed.

But after a while, no movement was seen.

So he came up to watch, only to find that he and his two senior teachers were actually talking in the room.

He was stunned. What was going on?

Is this young man really capable?

Seeing him peeking, Xi Yu said, "If you have anything to say, just come in and talk."

However, the two old Taoist priests reprimanded him and asked him to get down quickly.

The two old Taoist priests still asked Xi Yu for advice.

Ask Xiyu how to break it?

Xi Yu said, "We'll talk about this later. I have to tell you something now. Do you know Ouyang Qing?"

The expressions of the two old Taoist priests changed greatly.

Ask Xiyu why he said this name?

Xi Yu already understood that this definitely had something to do with this place.

So he told him about assisting Mrs. Zhu Rong to attack Jiangnan.

The two old Taoist priests were particularly angry that such a thing happened.

And they asked Xi Yu what his identity was.

Xi Yu also answered.

But the two old Taoist priests don't know what the situation is in the Central Plains now.

But through Xi Yu's words, they learned that Ouyang Qing was doing bad things.

He used a forbidden technique that was indeed theirs.

Learning magic can benefit mankind, but how can we do this?

Xi Yu said that he just came to invite the two of them to come out, hoping to deal with Ouyang Qing.

The two old Taoist priests decided to go down the mountain immediately.

Their Taoist names are Qingfeng and Mingyue respectively.

"Okay, now you can tell us how this chess game is solved."

Xi Yu said he had seen it in a book.

But the book itself is no longer available.

He was afraid that if the two people continued to ask questions, he would not be able to answer them.

"What? There is such a strange book?"

The two of them thought that Xi Yu was really destined to them when he came here.

The two Taoist priests went down the mountain with Xi Yu.

Jinchang regretted a little. He should have held Xi Yu back and never let him go up the mountain.

He is now stamping his feet at the foot of the mountain. What should he do?

Although he and Xi Yu had just met, they were like a pair of old friends.

If the other party is really killed by the Taoist priest, he will only be able to burn more paper money for the other party.

Suddenly, he heard footsteps coming from the mountain.

He looked up and couldn't believe his eyes.

The two Taoist priests actually went down the mountain with Xi Yu.

And he seemed to be respectful to Xi Yu.

When Xi Yu saw him, he was also stunned.

"Jinchang, why are you still here?"

Jinchang didn't seem to hear it, and Xi Yu understood immediately. It seemed that he was worried about him.

Xi Yu came to his side.

Jinchang asked: "What's going on? Why did they receive you?"

"Don't worry, of course I have a way. Well, I won't go to your house, because I still have important things to deal with right now."

Jinchang nodded, as long as he made sure that the other party was fine.

Although he didn't know how the other party persuaded these Taoist priests.

Xi Yu took his horse and asked the two old Taoist priests how they should go.

Two old Taoist priests said that they also had horses riding in a corner at the foot of the mountain.

Usually there is a dedicated horse caretaker.

So, two old Taoist priests followed Xi Yu on horseback.

When Jinchang returned home.

His parents quickly asked him what was going on.

Didn't you wait?

Jinchang told the story.

The old couple simply couldn't believe their eyes.

"What? Not only did you not kill him then, but you also went down the mountain with him?"

"Yeah, it seems like I have to do something important."

"Who is this person?"

Father Jin quickly asked.

Jinchang said he didn't know.

Father Jin was particularly curious.

Let my son tell me how the two people met.

Jinchang then told the relevant matters.

This person must not be simple.

After a while, Jin's father suddenly realized.

"Son, I know who he is."

"who is that?"

"Maybe he is the legendary Xi Yu."

Jin Mu didn't know who Xi Yu was, but Jinchang's eyes were very wide.

"Dad, are you telling the truth?"

"This is just a guess on my part, but I don't know whether it is true or not."

Jinchang thought to himself, if the person is Xi Yu, then he is really honored.

He was actually able to meet the legendary figure.

Since breaking up with Meng Huo, he now hates Meng Huo.

Instead, he believed that Xi Yu was the real one among men.

"Dad, I wonder if I should go after him."

"They've already gone far, where are you going to chase them?"

But Jinchang decided to pursue it.

"My horse is not slow either. Dad, Mom, let's leave first."

He rode away quickly.

Mother Jin asked: "Old man, who is Xiyu you are talking about?" "This man is amazing."

Jin's father told everything he had heard about Xi Yu.

"Hey, our son just came back from the south and can live a good life at home. Is he going to fight again?"

"Okay, don't worry about it. He will handle his son's affairs by himself."

"You have such a big heart. Also, what should I do if my son has something to do here?"

Jinchang ran wildly along the way, hoping to catch up with Xi Yu quickly.

Xi Yu will definitely eat on the road, and when the time comes to stop, he will hopefully catch up. (End of chapter)

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