And he was probably going to Youzhou, so he rushed in the direction of Youzhou.

He had no idea that he and Xiyu were about to go completely opposite directions.

The two Taoist priests Qingfeng Mingyue were even more anxious than Xi Yu.

They told Xi Yu that if there were no special circumstances, there was no need to stop on the road.

Xi Yu said: "That would be the best. I was worried that you might not be able to adapt to the long journey."

The two Taoist priests said that when they were young, they traveled to thousands of mountains and rivers, but they just stayed there to recuperate when they got old.

Moreover, the two Taoist priests were obviously more familiar with the road than Xi Yu.

Soon, they passed by a small road.

Jinchang walked from the main road, which made them even more destined to go to a side road.

On this day, it was still raining heavily in Jiangnan.

Zhuge Liang called on his soldiers to set out to attack today.

Many soldiers believe that shouldn’t they take a good rest on rainy days?

Zhuge Liang said: "Have you forgotten what I said? It's raining now, and Ouyang Qing can't use his true skills at all, so we should attack quickly."

However, some soldiers still thought this matter was very suspicious.

They can't beat anyone on a good day, so how can they do this in the rain?

Zhuge Liang said: "You usually whisper that you are dissatisfied with me as the coach and think that I am incompetent, but what is going on now? I asked you to fight, why don't you fight?"

Soldier Du said: "Okay, we should be obedient."

He took the lead and decided to move forward bravely, and just like that, many soldiers were ready to set off.

Zhuge Liang also ordered that anyone who is unwilling to set out or causes trouble on the road will be dealt with according to military law.

Especially the old part of the former mulberry garden.

If you hold a grudge because you punished Sangyuan.

Deliberately not using all your strength will be punished by military law.

When they were on the road, the horses were very fast.

The rain was really heavy, and there was even mud in many places.

But Zhuge Liang also said that he must not retreat.

And you must not harass the people around you.

On the other side, in Mrs. Zhu Rong’s camp.

Ouyang Qing looked at the rain outside and felt very painful.

Why does God have to rain these days?

Before he knew it, Mrs. Zhu Rong had come to his side.

"Mr. Ouyang, are you thinking about when the rain will stop?"

"Yes, it looks like it's been cloudy for the past two or three days."

Mrs. Zhu Rong said that Zhuge Liang had been frightened by Ouyang Qing, so he did not dare to attack the city.

But it is possible that the weather is sunny on the Sichuan and Shu side, so it is better to let Ouyang Qing rush to Sichuan and Shu to assist Meng Huo.

"It seems that's all it can do."

Ouyang Qing planned to pack up and leave.

Mrs. Zhu Rong said: "I'm really sorry for making you travel back and forth between the two places."

"Madam, you don't have to be polite. This is what I should do. I am also in love with you."

Mrs. Zhu Rong thought to herself that Ouyang Qing never said what the benefits were of helping the couple.

It is estimated that his needs will be even greater.

"Of course, to truly accomplish a great cause, your benefits must not be missing."

Ouyang Qing braved the rain and left on horseback with an umbrella.

Sangyuan soon saw this.

He thought that if Zhuge Liang was smart, he should attack at this time.

Because he had already heard from the secret guard that he had told Zhuge Liang about Ouyang Qing's inability to perform spells on rainy days.

Mrs. Zhu Rong didn't think so much.

She thought to herself that it was the same thing to help her husband anyway.

She felt a little lazy on a rainy day.

I was lying on the bed, and after a while, I suddenly heard the bustling sounds coming from outside.

Her body felt like a spring and she stood up immediately.

He quickly asked what happened outside.

Some soldiers went to report that Zhuge Liang had sent an army to capture it.

Mrs. Zhu Rong was shocked.

She never expected that Zhuge Liang would dare to come over.

At this moment, Ouyang Qing has left.

Then again, even if Ouyang Qing is here, it won't help.

She shouted loudly: "In that case, let's rush to meet the enemy now."

The soldiers here did not expect that they would attack.

So they all look lazy.

They didn't expect that the rainy day would surprise Zhuge Liang.

Could it be that Ouyang Qing's secret was leaked?

When Sangyuan saw this scene, she was naturally very happy.

I knew Zhuge Liang should come.

But he shouted loudly: "Is old man Zhuge here? I must kill him today."

He quickly rushed out with a spear gun.

He deliberately pretended to fall, and immediately fell a bloody nozzle, and his body was covered in mud.

But he still said fiercely that he would kill Zhuge Liang even today.

Zhuge Liang also brought many archers this time.

When the two sides met, Zhuge Liang ordered his men to shoot arrows quickly.

And this time, Mrs. Zhu Rong must be captured alive.

Of course, he also told everyone that he would open up the space this time.

Regardless of whether they agree to do this or not, it is up to them to decide.

Mrs. Zhu Rong walked out wearing armor and holding a broadsword.

"Zhuge Liang, you were so timid a few days ago, but you never thought it would come to your door today."

Sang Yuan said fiercely: "Zhuge Liang, I must kill you today."

"You beast, you dare to surrender to the enemy. How can you be considered a hero?"

"Zhuge Liang, I also want to be a hero, but you forced me to do all this."

Many of the old members of Mulberry Garden were at a loss when they saw Mulberry Garden.

Sang Yuan shouted loudly: "You don't have to look at me, I am your enemy now. In addition, I will not attack you. My target is only Zhuge Liang."

He frantically attacked Zhuge Liang with a long-haired spear.

At this moment, someone escorted Zhuge Liang to retreat quickly.

And soon an arrow also hit Sang Yuan.

Sangyuan screamed in pain, but on the surface he looked very happy.

Because of this, he couldn't continue fighting.

If the battle continues, Zhuge Liang may not be able to be killed, and his timidity will definitely be seen by others.

And he couldn't bear to take action against his subordinates.

Mrs. Zhu Rong shouted loudly: "Sangyuan, we have seen your loyalty, you must retreat quickly."

So, a few soldiers quickly helped the mulberry garden down.

Mrs. Zhu Rong suddenly discovered that many people were attacking her.

She knew that Zhuge Liang's goal was still to deal with herself.

This time, she would never imagine that Zhuge Liang would let her go if she was caught.

Because now they already have an Ouyang Qing here.

Zhuge Liang must have asked him to hand over Ouyang Qing.

She suddenly blushed. What was she thinking? How could she expect to be caught?

"Zhuge Liang, you also know what Ouyang Qing is capable of. He is hiding in the dark now and will give you a fatal attack soon. Don't you have a saying in the Central Plains? It's called catching turtles in the urn, so this time you will all become turtles."

Zhuge Liang said: "It doesn't matter, just let him come out."

Seeing Zhuge Liang's confident look, Mrs. Zhu Rong felt even more strange.

Could it be said that Zhuge Liang has discovered Ouyang Qing's secret?

Otherwise, how could he speak so confidently?

Mrs. Zhu Rong also fired arrows on her side.

As a result, several people who went to arrest Mrs. Zhu Rong were also injured.

Several soldiers appeared next to Mrs. Zhu Rong, telling her to leave quickly.

But Mrs. Zhu Rong said: "How can I leave? My sword must drink blood today."

He screamed crazily while slashing at the enemy.

After Sangyuan returned to the room, several soldiers said that he was too impulsive.

Sang Yuan said: "When I saw Zhuge Liang, I was very angry. It's a pity that I can't kill him myself. You'd better catch him, skin him, eat his flesh, drink His blood."

An angry expression appeared on his face.

More and more arrows were shot at Mrs. Zhu Rong.

Although she frantically blocked him with a knife, there were too many arrows.

And Zhuge Liang asked the soldiers to spend more energy dealing with Mrs. Zhu Rong.

Therefore, for a while, Mrs. Zhu Rong was a little exhausted and was really tired of coping.

Zhuge Liang shouted loudly: "Mrs. Zhu Rong, I am a compassionate person. If you can surrender immediately today, we will no longer shoot arrows. I hope you will take care of yourself."

Mrs. Zhu Rong said fiercely: "How is it possible? I will not surrender even if I die."

Even though it was such a cold day, she was sweating because of her anxiety.

But it was immediately washed away by the rain.

But there were no marks on the face.

Mrs. Zhu Rong was finally caught by several soldiers.

Zhuge Liang laughed loudly and ordered the soldiers to retreat quickly.

The soldiers behind wanted to chase him, but they were immediately shot to death by arrows.

This time, Mrs. Zhu Rong's side suffered heavy losses.

When Sang Yuan heard the news, she was very happy in her heart, but she still cursed on the outside.

"Zhuge, don't be too proud. Sooner or later you will die."

On the other side, Xi Yu and the two Taoist priests were rushing on their way crazily.

But horses get tired sometimes.

Xi Yu then said: "Two Taoists, let's follow the rules. Breaking the laws of nature rashly will not succeed."

"Are the laws of nature you are talking about the Tao we are talking about?" Qingfeng asked.

Xi Yu thought to himself that this vocabulary did not exist in ancient times, but his ability to understand it was still quite high.

"Yes, that's what it means. Our horse has already had an opinion. There happens to be a small teahouse in front of us. Let's take a rest there first."

Qingfeng and Mingyue nodded, and the three of them went to the small teahouse together.

When he first sat down, Xi Yu's face was still full of sadness.

Because he thought the journey was too far, he did not let the secret guards go to the south side of the Yangtze River to investigate the news.

So he was worried that he didn't know how many soldiers would die this time. The two Taoist priests naturally understood why he was sad, so they advised him to calm down.

As long as they reach the south side of the Yangtze River, they will definitely kill this beast Ouyang Qing.

In the store, an old man was in charge and served tea to them.

Taking this opportunity, Xi Yu also wanted to find out.

What is the relationship between Ouyang Qing and them?

It turns out that Ouyang Qing also practiced Taoism here.

However, his intentions were evil and he was eventually kicked out.

However, he did not learn the complete true skill, otherwise it would be more harmful to others.

But even so, fatal damage has been caused.

Xi Yu realized that the meal was not in vain, and he explained his philosophy to the two Taoist priests.

The Taoist priest also knew his identity.

They felt very remorseful because they had been cultivating and didn't care about the world at all.

I don't know that such a big thing has happened in the world.

They also truly hope that Xi Yu can lead more people to live a good life.

"Don't worry, I will definitely live up to the trust of the two Taoist priests."

When they chatted, they finally got addicted to it.

The two Taoist priests felt that Xi Yu was really a very wise man.

They felt that Xi Yu was God coming to enlighten them.

They were also very respectful to Xi Yu.

After finishing their meal, the three of them hit the road.

The old man at the tea shop thought about their words carefully and felt that their words were full of philosophy.

Later, the old man kept thinking about what they said, and by chance he also became enlightened.

Of course, all this is a story later.

While they were eating, the horse was also full and had a lot of strength now.

Mrs. Zhu Rong was imprisoned by Zhuge Liang again.

She felt extremely embarrassed, still in the same room as last time.

The only difference was that it rained heavily this time, so he felt particularly desolate.

After a while, Zhuge Liang sent a few soldiers to ask her, didn't he say that Ouyang Qing would help secretly?

Why hasn't he appeared?

So I won't give him food for the time being today, and wait for Ouyang Qing to bring him food.

"Zhuge Liang, you will not end well." Mrs. Zhu Rong shouted loudly.

A soldier said: "Your woman is really ignorant. Zhuge Kongming let you go many times. Is this how you repay him?"

"You all get out of here. If you want to humiliate me, your goal has been achieved."

Several soldiers sneered and finally reported to Zhuge Liang.

Zhuge Liang was worried about Mulberry Garden.

Without the help of Sangyuan and the secret guards, they would not have been able to catch Mrs. Zhu Rong this time.

If this woman is released this time, it will be the third time.

Xi Yu's requirement is to let go seven times, but the question is, can he still catch it in the future?

I don’t know what the situation will be like when the actor goes to Kunlun Mountain.

Next, the rain was getting heavier and heavier.

Zhuge Liang saw that many trees outside began to shake.

The ground was covered with mud and water, and the sky slowly darkened, as if it was the end of the world. Zhuge Liang thought to himself, fortunately they came back early.

At this time, some soldiers reported that because it had just rained and went out on the expedition, many soldiers had already caught a cold.

Zhuge Liang said: "In this case, let the doctor quickly go and see them."

At night, the rain still did not stop, Zhuge Liang came to Mrs. Zhu Rong's room holding an umbrella.

Mrs. Zhu Rong was already hungry, but no one came to give her anything.

He was delighted when he heard footsteps.

I thought someone was coming to bring me food.

At this time, he discovered that Zhuge Liang was arriving with an umbrella.

And there was a gloating expression on his face.

She felt very angry.

"Are you here to humiliate me?"

"I have said many times that I do not want you to be enemies of Meng Huo. I hope you can withdraw to your territory as soon as possible. When the weather clears, I will send you back."

This time, Mrs. Zhu Rong was surprised.

In this case, the other party actually wants to send me back?

Did you hear it correctly?

Or maybe Zhuge Liang’s brain was kicked by a donkey.

"Zhuge Liang, I don't understand why you do this?"

"To tell you the truth, the actor arranged for me to do this, and I don't want to let you go."

Of course, the secret of releasing it seven times must not be told.

"Drama masters cherish talents very much. Of course, we also have a bottom line. I will let you go this time. If you still refuse to repent next time, don't blame us for being rude."

Mrs. Zhu Rong's stomach rumbled, and she felt very embarrassed.

Zhuge Liang patted his head.

"It's all my fault that I forgot to bring you food."

Mrs. Zhu Rong glared at him, knowing of course that he did it on purpose.

Zhuge Liang went back immediately and sent someone to deliver the food.

After finishing her meal, Mrs. Zhu Rong noticed lightning and thunder outside.

He suddenly felt a little desolate and his body was trembling.

Zhuge Liang had clearly told her and let her go, which put a kind of psychological pressure on her.

And tonight, Ouyang Qing came to Meng Huo's side.

Meng Huo asked: "Hey, aren't you helping my wife? Why did you come to me?"

Ouyang Qing then explained the rain situation.

"What, your spell doesn't work when it rains?"

"Yes, but the weather here is sunny."

Meng Huo said that he would attack Sichuan and Shu again today. Sichuan and Shu were really vulnerable, and they would probably be wiped out in a day or two.

At this moment, a soldier came to report.

"Chief, something bad is going on."

"What's wrong?"

"Someone secretly transported our food away, probably from Sichuan and Sichuan."

Meng Huo was shocked.

"What, they can't defeat us, so they resort to such despicable methods."

Meng Huo personally took the gun and hurried to the granary.

I found that this place was really looted.

It turned out that the wall had been destroyed by someone.

A lot of food was evacuated.

They didn't even realize it?

The guarding soldiers quickly knelt down and apologized to Meng Huo.

Hope he can forgive himself.

Meng Huo directly stabbed him to death, and then ordered his soldiers to chase him.

But halfway through, they passed a forest, and many people and horses were trapped in a pit.

It turned out that the Shu army had already dug a hole here in advance.

Seeing that he could no longer catch up, Meng Huo had no choice but to let the soldiers go back first, and then went to plunder the people.

In short, I must not run out of food here. (End of chapter)

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