The next day, Meng Huo ordered his soldiers to attack the surrounding people.

Seize food from their hands.

It would be best if you can hand over the food.

If you can't hand it over, kill them and rob them.

He didn't think he had done anything wrong.

Because he had worked so hard to farm the food, it had been robbed.

Then it is not wrong to grab food yourself.

When the soldiers went to seize the food, there were many complaints, and many people thought they were robbers.

They saw a lot of food being forcibly taken away by Meng Huo's soldiers.

Another old man cursed.

"You beasts, how can you do such a thing that is worse than an animal? You will get retribution for this."

"Stop screaming, old man. If you do, I'll kill you."

But the old man still called out in a special way. He continued to curse, and was finally killed by the soldier.

The old lady next to me was so frightened that she peed her pants and then fainted.

Scenes like this are everywhere.

Of course, there were many people who were sensible and did not dare to resist, so they had no choice but to let the soldiers take away their things.

Meng Huo's granary was soon full, and he laughed heartily when he saw the result.

This time it was hard for the common people, who usually plundered young girls, but this time they came to rob food.

How could they meet such a demon king?

They complained endlessly, but to whom could they complain about their suffering?

Some people want to move quickly.

They don't know where to move. Even if they are wandering outside or sleeping under a bridge, it is better than dealing with this kind of demon king.

But they found that their worries were completely unnecessary because they couldn't get out at all. Meng Huodu had people surround the entire Nanzhong, and people were not allowed to come in and out at will.

If everyone is gone, who will rule the territory they occupy?

Everyone was helpless and returned to their homes.

They could only secretly pray that this evil demon would stop causing trouble.

Some people even made up a song for him privately to insult him, but they didn't dare to sing it in public.

Although Meng received the food, he told the soldiers that the matter must not be let go.

Since Sichuan and Shu dare to do such a thing, they must attack them severely when the time comes.

Besides, Jinchang kept going all the way and never caught up with Xi Yu.

But when he came to an inn, he stopped and asked if he had seen a young man and two Taoists.

The shopkeeper said he didn't see it.

Could it be that they didn’t even eat or sleep in order to travel?

After a day and a night. Jinchang finally gave up searching.

Maybe they weren't going the same way at all.

Maybe Xi Yu didn't take the two Taoists to Youzhou. If he went to other places, would he still go home?

It's all my own fault, why didn't you bring it up earlier and go with Xi Yu?

Maybe Xi Yu will agree and take him forward.

But now, it's too late to say this.

He must never look back. He followed Meng Huo just to make great achievements, but later he discovered that Meng Huo was a scumbag.

Then he will follow Xi Yu.

But his father said he was Xiyu, was he really?

I didn't hear him say it personally. If not, what should we do?

Forget it, don’t think about it so much now. He wants to insist on going to Youzhou.

The weather outside is still rainy.

Sun Ce heard the soldiers' report and learned about Ouyang Qing's shortcomings, and felt very happy.

It was said that Xi Yu discovered this secret, but he understood that it must be inseparable from Sangyuan.

The rain outside is still pattering.

after awhile. A little girl came over.

It was said that Wu Guotai invited me.

Sun Ce came to Wu Guotai's room.

"Mom, I wonder why you called your son?"

"I heard that Zhuge Liang won the battle."

Sun Ce felt very strange and didn't know where his mother got the news.

"Mom, how did you know about this?"

Wu Guotai also held a string of Buddhist beads in his hand.

"I asked them about it. You don't blame me for asking about this casually, do you?"

"Mom, what are you talking about? My child will never blame you, but why is mom suddenly interested in these things?"

Wu Guotai said that because wars always involve deaths, he always has a conscience every time a war is launched.

I felt particularly uncomfortable in my heart.

So she had to fast to achieve salvation.

"And this time the Buddha listened to our wishes and gave us a great victory."

Sun Ce immediately flattered him and said that all this was due to his mother!

"Don't say that, we won. The enemy will also die."

Sun Ce said no more.

My mother is like this, she is very kind.

Sometimes even if you step on an ant to death, you will feel sad for a long time.

"Mom, it would be great if everyone was like you."

"By the way, didn't you say last time that you could send my mother to Youzhou? My mother is very happy. We will make arrangements after spring begins. You know that you also want to meet the son-in-law very much."

The contact time between Wu Guotai and Xi Yu was not long.

But she has now accepted this son-in-law.

Once, when Sun Shangxiang got married, Wu Guotai felt that Xi Yu was particularly unreasonable and strong.

But later I got to know Xi Yu.

This son-in-law is definitely not an ordinary person.

He cannot have a wrong impression of Xi Yu because of his daughter or the prejudice in his heart.

Although she is determined to recite the Buddha's name, it does not mean that she does not care about everything.

On the contrary, it was precisely because she worshiped the Buddha. So I started to pay special attention to external affairs.

When Xi Yu occupied this place at first, she was also aggrieved.

She believed that her husband's inheritance had been divided.

Sun Jian had always hoped to occupy Jiangdong and even the Central Plains in the future.

It's just that he died before he could achieve his great ambition. He placed his hopes on his two sons.

Especially Sun Ce.

Because Sun Quan was still very young at that time.

So at that time, she regarded Xi Yu as an enemy and a robber.

Later, she realized that even if the two brothers occupied this place, there was no guarantee that the common people would be protected by them.

She is different from some nobles. There are some nobles who believe that people should be born into the third or sixth grade.

Some people think that since they are the aristocratic class, they should enjoy the filial piety of inferior people and exploit people.

But Wu Guotai didn't think so.

She asked the maids to quickly wash the lychees and give them to Sun Ce.

"Son, have you noticed that you have gained weight now?"

Sun Ce touched his face.

Indeed, he has become a hands-off shopkeeper now and rarely worries about it, so this situation will naturally occur.

"Yes, mother, now I have the actor to take care of everything, so I can sit back and relax."

Suddenly the rain outside became a little light. Why is the rain so light?

Sun Ce sighed with emotion.

However, Wu Guotai suddenly felt baffled.

Shouldn't it be a good thing that the rain has eased?

Only then did Sun Ce tell his mother the relevant matters.

"What, there is such a thing?"

"Yes, so I hope the rain will get heavier and heavier so that I can win better."

On this day, Zhuge Liang came to Mrs. Zhu Rong's room again, preparing to let her go again.

Mrs. Zhu Rong said: "You'd better kill me quickly. Every time you catch me and every time you let me go, it's a kind of torture for me."

"The actor has already said that you are a very good opponent, so we are willing to do this."

For Mrs. Zhu Rong, letting go and then catching, letting go and catching again is simply making herself extremely ashamed.

"Since the actor asked you to be let go, we must let you go. If you can't think of it yourself, then we can't do anything about it."

After Mrs. Zhu Rong walked out, she found that many soldiers were going to see her off. Zhuge Liang even gave her an umbrella.

Mrs. Zhu Rong sneered.

"Okay, even if you let me go, I have to make it clear to you first that we will still be enemies next time, and I will not owe you any favors for this."

Zhuge Liang nodded.

"you can go now."

When Mrs. Zhu Rong returned to the camp, she once again surprised her compatriots.

They didn't expect it to be like this again. What on earth were they doing?

However, Mrs. Zhu Rong looked very ugly and hurried back to the room without saying anything.

Of course everyone understands what's going on. Because this is simply too uncomfortable, and I simply cannot afford to lose this person.

It was raining in the sky, but they were in misery on their side, which matched the rain scene very well.

They all hoped that the rain would stop quickly and that Ouyang Qing would come back quickly.

After a while, a soldier said to Mrs. Zhou Long that if Ouyang Qing came back, the weather would be fine.

Zhuge Liang must be eliminated, no matter whether they have a free stop sign or not.

Mrs. Zhu Zhurong did not speak, but asked them all to go out. She wanted to have some quiet time.

Several soldiers knew it well. It is estimated that the junior high school lady has changed her mind now, and he probably wants to surrender.

Sang Yuan also knew that Mrs. Zhu Rong was released again.

He thought that if it had been him, he would have been so ashamed that he would have committed suicide.

Yuan was very happy to see that the weather had never cleared up.

I hope God will continue to let the weather be like this, and then buy time for Xiyu.

But even if Xiyu goes to Kunlun Mountain, can he really bring back good news?

At this moment, Xi Yu and the others were approaching the situation in Jiangnan.

In this era, Jiangnan was still relatively wealthy and the scenery was particularly beautiful. Of course, this was also the case in previous lives.

However, for the two Taoists, they were used to living a life that was different from the world, and the beautiful scenery here was not particularly attractive to them.

Qingfeng asked: "When will we arrive?"

Xi Yu saw that it was getting dark and said that they should stay overnight and they should arrive by tomorrow morning.

The two Taoists wanted to arrive quickly. They had to punish the bastard.

Xi Yu said: "Don't be anxious. Didn't you tell me? That beast can't show his true ability on rainy days, so we shouldn't be anxious for a while."

While walking on the road, Xi Yu heard such a secret from two Taoists Shun.

He has been worried about this matter for the past few days, but his worries are in vain.

Maybe Zhuge Liang caught Mrs. Zhu Rong again and let her go.

Xi Yu also asked the waiter specifically.

The waiter said that it has been raining continuously these days.

In this way, Xi Yu felt more at ease.

The three of them seemed to have become good friends at this moment.

They have dinner together in the evening.

Xi Yu suddenly remembered the scene when he faced Song Datian that day.

"By the way, you two Taoists, I hope to ask you something."

"Young Master, if you have anything to say, just say it."

Xi Yu described the scene that day. He always felt that someone was watching him secretly. He wondered if the two of them had heard of such a thing.

Qingfeng touched the beard on his chin.

"There is a kind of people in this world called secret guards, and they really exist."

Qingfeng spread professional knowledge to Xi Yu.

But Xi Yu immediately denied this.

He said, as for the secret guard, he has one.

This made the two Taoist priests stand in awe.

Xi Yu said that he was not hallucinating that day, but felt that someone was seeing him secretly.

The two men shook their heads and said that if this was really the case, it would prove that there might be a power more powerful than the dark guards.

Xi Yu shook his head and decided not to consider this issue for the time being.

Qingfeng asked him again, has he always felt this way from now on? Or was it just that one time?

"But only that once."

Xi Yu even thought to himself that it would be a good thing if such a scene happened many more times.

Maybe you can better understand the clues inside.

"Okay, I've caused trouble to the two Taoist priests. Let's drink and eat quickly."

On the second day, Xi Yu and the two Taoist priests finally arrived at the camp.

Zhuge Liang led his soldiers to greet him.

"Drama Master, you are finally back. Everyone is looking forward to your coming soon."

Xi Yu then introduced the two Taoist priests to everyone.

At the same time, they also talked about their relationship with Ouyang Qing.

"Since the two Taoist priests have come to help, we will definitely win this time."

Zhuge Liang invited the two Taoist priests into the house.

He also told Xi Yu that he once released Meng Huo's wife.

"Well done, that's how I think about it."

Zhuge Liang told the three people that Ouyang Qing had probably left and was at Meng Huo's place.

Because after all, on a rainy day, he couldn't function normally and was just like an ordinary person.

Xi Yu said, "Are you sure where he went?"

Zhuge Liang has not heard any news from the secret guards, but he feels that this possibility is very high.

Xi Yu said: "In that case, let's go over there and worry about it. Let's not worry about it for now."

But the two Taoist priests didn't think so. They hoped to find this traitor quickly.

But Xi Yu did not allow the two of them to go to Sichuan and Shu to help. After all, it was not his territory.

The two of them were a little anxious, feeling that Xi Yu was a little too selfish.

Xi Yu said: "You may say that I am selfish or whatever, but I cannot ask you to serve others."

Qingfeng nodded.

"Then wait a little longer. Anyway, I believe he will come back. But if he doesn't come in a few days, we will have to go to that place."

Xi Yu also agreed.

He also specifically asked about Mrs. Zhu Rong's situation. Zhuge Liang said that without Ouyang Qing, it would be easy for them to kill Mrs. Zhu Rong.

At the same time, he asked Xi Yu why he had to let this woman go?

"Actually, you should let Meng Huo go seven times, but after all, you have never fought with him, so you can only change it to his wife."

Zhuge Liang felt that he was answering the wrong question. Maybe Xi Yu didn't want to answer the question, so he stopped asking it himself.

Xi Yu treated the two Taoist priests with special courtesy.

The rain is a little lighter today.

Xi Yu decided to meet Sun Ce.

I also wanted to tell him about the two Taoist priests to reassure him.

When Sun Ce saw him arriving, he was very happy and saluted immediately.

Xi Yu also told what happened to the two Taoist priests.

"That's great, let's see how long this demon can last."

Sun Ce smiled and said to Xi Yu that Wu Guotai wanted to see Xi Yu.

Originally, yesterday, Wu Guotai went to see Xi Yu when he wanted to spend spring.

But Sun Ce said that Xi Yu was here now, and Wu Guotai wanted to meet him when he had time.

"I wonder if the actor can go see my mother?"

"Of course, he is also my mother-in-law now, and of course my mother."

So Sun Ce led Xi Yu and hurried to find Wu Guotai.

Wu Guotai had just put down his beads when he heard footsteps.

She walked to the door and saw Xi Yu and Sun Ce arriving.

"Mother, the actor is here."

Xi Yu immediately saluted Xi Yu.

"You are an actor, how can you salute me?"

"You are Sun Shangxiang's mother, and naturally you are also my mother. It is appropriate to salute you."

Xi Yu said that everything was fine with Sun Shangxiang and that he could arrange for the two of them to meet next spring.

You can let Sun Shangxiang come back, or you can let Wu Guotai go.

"That's really great."

Wu Guotai asked Sun Ce to retreat first. She and Xi Yu had something to say alone.

Next, the two people's private conversation made Xi Yu refresh his understanding of Wu Guotai.

I found her to be a very wise and knowledgeable woman.

Center had no way of knowing the content of their conversation, only that they talked for a long time.

But when Xi Yu came back, he seemed to be full of joy.

Xi Yu did not linger, but immediately returned to the camp.

The rain was still pouring down, and Mrs. Zhu Rong locked herself in the room, not wanting to see anyone.

She felt it was time to surrender and stop confronting others.

But I don’t know what my husband will think after hearing this.

She also knew that the soldiers would not be able to pass this level.

She decided to find her husband later, but it really didn't work out. He couldn't stay here as the coach anymore, so she had to find someone else.

Because her soul was tortured, she felt like she was about to collapse.

After a while, the soldiers saw Mrs. Zhu Rong riding a fast horse and galloping away.

No one knew, and it was hard to ask where she was going.

That night, Mrs. Zhu Rong found Meng Huo.

"Madam, why are you here at this time?" (End of Chapter)

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