Early that morning, Zhang Lu came out to take power again. When the soldiers saw him, they looked very strange.

Zhang Lu thought of his conversation with Ma Wenbin yesterday and felt like a dream.

He also specifically asked if Ma Wenbin was still there. As a result, people looked around and found that Ma Wenbin had indeed left.

"Brothers, last night, Ma Wenbin's conscience discovered that he had admitted that he had done something wrong. So he wanted to regain power, and he also made a special speech."

In the recent battles with Meng Huo, they always failed.

"So Ma Wenbin also felt that he had no ability, so he left. From now on, I will still manage this place."

Those who have always been loyal to Ma Wenbin feel uncomfortable.

Zhang Ludao: "As long as you are loyal to me in the future, I will not care about your faults."

At this time, everyone was relieved, but what everyone was worried about was, would he continue to surrender?

Some soldiers simply asked.

"General Zhang, we must let Meng Huo fight to the end. Even if there is only one person left, we cannot retreat. As the saying goes, even if Chu has three households, Qin can be destroyed."

"This, I still listen to the arrangement of the ancestor."

Everyone became depressed when they heard it. How they hope Zhang Lu can be normal.

I saw everyone's faces darken.

Zhang Luo said: "It's because you didn't listen to the words of the ancestor, that's why you have been in trouble recently. We haven't learned a lesson from you until now."

Everyone stopped talking for now.

After Zhang Lu returned to the camp, after a while, several soldiers came in.

They knelt down to Zhang Lu first.

Zhang Ludao: "What do you need to do?"

"Zhang Jiajun, even if you kill us, there are some things we must say."

Zhang Lu naturally knew what they wanted to say, so he snorted.

A soldier said that they still have doubts about the order of the ancestor Zhang Lu mentioned.

And they would only believe it if the Patriarch gave an order again in the future.

So let Zhang Lu take a look to see if the Patriarch will appear again.

"What do you mean by saying that? Are you saying that the Patriarch of that day was a fake?"

At this moment, Zhang Lu was still a little rational, and he also knew that these people were all for his own good.

He kept pacing in the room and did not speak immediately.

Several people came prepared to be killed.

They also put their lives on the line.

After a while, Zhang Lu sat down again.

He said that in this case, he would listen to these people for the time being.

Let’s see if Grandmaster will continue to give orders.

But he believed that as long as he was very pious, his ancestor would definitely give him orders.

Everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief, because everyone could see clearly that the so-called Patriarch was created by Meng Huo himself.

However, Zhang Lu believed it. People knew his weakness and it was easy to deceive him.

But he didn't know anything.

What Zhang Lu didn't know was that the "ancestor" Meng Huo was looking for accidentally fell off a cliff and died yesterday.

So but no one will show up.

No one will come back to deceive him in the name of "Grandmaster".

On this day, Mrs. Zhu Rong arrived with Ouyang Qinghe's troops.

Zhang Lu quickly led his men to meet the enemy.

Everyone felt a little strange when they saw how Mrs. Zhu Rong had been replaced.

Mrs. Zhu Rong was stunned. Didn't she hear that Zhang Lu planned to surrender? Moreover, my husband has sent someone to pretend to be the Patriarch to scare him.

"Zhang Lu, didn't you say you wanted to surrender some time ago? Now as long as you surrender obediently, we can stop caring about you."

Zhang Lu did not refute immediately, but sat on his horse, looking like he was thinking. His soldiers were particularly anxious.

They are all secretly worried that he must not really surrender.

Seeing him like this, Mrs. Zhu Rong felt very funny.

At the same time, he advised him to surrender quickly. This Ouyang Qing was not an ordinary person.

"Mr. Ouyang, you might as well use your tricks, so that they can be frightened."

Ouyang Qing smiled and said, "Madam, you are very kind."

Ouyang Qing said to Zhang Lu at the same time that the reason why Madam did this meant that she would not harm the lives of people here.

Hoping that they would take care of themselves, he immediately whistled.

Everyone felt baffled.

After a while, several strange birds appeared in the sky.

They approached Ouyang Qing.

Ouyang Qing directed them, and strange things appeared in the mouths of the birds.

Some spit out water, some spit out fire, and some spit out things that many people in the world have never seen.

After just testing, Ouyang Qing asked these birds to stay away for the time being.

Mrs. Zhu Rong said: "Did you see it? Zhang Lu, surrender quickly, otherwise, everyone here will be injured."

Zhang Lu gritted his teeth and said that he now hopes to see his ancestor again and hopes that he will speak to him in person.

Mrs. Zhu Rong was stunned. He knew that the wizard was dead.

"Zhang Lu, what qualifications do you have to ask the Patriarch to come out? When your Patriarch wants to show you, he will naturally show it to you."

Zhang Lu's soldiers were particularly happy, and the coach finally got tough.

Zhang Lu was shocked, quickly dismounted, knelt down and begged for mercy.

He said that he should not ask his ancestor to be like this, and hoped that his ancestor would forgive him.

Many Shu soldiers felt that they were really humiliated and humiliated.

Zhang Lu immediately turned his head and looked at the soldier who gave him advice today.

He immediately slapped him.

"You are simply trying to harm me. How can you make me question my ancestor?"

After that, he immediately knelt in front of Mrs. Zhu Rong and said that he was willing to surrender.

Mrs. Zhu Rong was very happy.

At this time, many Shu troops were unhappy and expressed their determination to fight Meng Huo to the end.

The general who came from Cao Pi was even more unhappy.

"Zhang Lu, since you are willing to surrender, then surrender, we must not let Sichuan and Shu fall."

"Yes, we have to fight them to the death."

Ouyang Qing said: "You are simply overestimating your capabilities. In that case, let me show you my interests."

Next, the birds in the sky appeared again.

On this side, Meng Huo also came to capture Jiangnan today.

This time, Xi Yu personally led the troops, and he and Zhuge Liang went to the front to boost morale.

Although none of them had seen Meng Huo, they all knew that he was Meng Huo when they saw a tall man walking in the front.

Zhuge Liang said: "Player, what you said is really amazing. Sure enough, he and his wife have changed."

Xi Yu smiled slightly, and then he began to truly implement Zhuge Liang's plan to capture Meng Huo seven times.

"Are you Meng Huo?" Xi Yu asked coldly.

Meng Huo said: "Are you Xi Yu?"

"Yes, that's true. I've heard of your name for a long time, but you're so courageous that you actually came to invade this place."

"So what? I have the strength."

Zhuge Liang waved his fan and said, "Meng Huo, was your wife's courage broken by me, or did I catch her and let her go, making her embarrassed to face me?"

What Meng Huo hated most was that he mentioned this matter.

"Don't be rude. My wife was soft-hearted for a moment. I won't be caught by you like her."

"Meng Huo, we will capture you too. You can experience the treatment of your wife."

"Stop talking nonsense and come on."

At this moment, the weather is still a little gloomy, and drizzle is still falling.

Qingfeng and Mingyue originally planned to come here, but Xi Yu finally decided not to show up.

Because once they reveal their purpose, Meng Huo will definitely let Ouyang Qing leave.

Today is to defeat Meng Huo, and then it is possible to attract Ouyang Qing.

The two Taoist priests thought about it and realized that this was also the case. They could not rush for quick success.

Otherwise, haste makes waste.

After fighting for a while, Meng Huo knew that he was about to lose.

Because first of all, there is no Ouyang Qing in his team, and in addition, Xiyu personally came to supervise the battle today.

Therefore, if there is no master like Ouyang Qing here, the end result will be very tragic.

Xi Yu told Zhuge Liang that Meng Huo must be captured today.

Meng Huo soon saw the enemy rushing towards him.

Under Xi Yu's command, a net in the sky quickly captured Meng Huo.

Many of Meng Huo's soldiers were also captured at the same time.

Xi Yu said: "Okay, capture Meng Huo and we can withdraw our troops."

Meng Huo's soldiers were frightened.

Meng Huo told them to run away quickly, and then went to find his wife and asked her to find a way to bring Ouyang Qing.

And he looked at the sky and estimated that it would be sunny tomorrow.

Zhuge Liang put Meng Huo into the room where Mrs. Zhu Rong had been imprisoned.

"This is the room where your wife is. She stayed here three times, and we put her back each time."

Meng Huo's face looked very ugly.

"What's the use of telling me this? Just because you put her back doesn't mean I'm like her. Don't insult me ​​in this way."

Meng Huo thought that Zhuge Liang was just trying to persuade his wife to surrender.

They may not be able to let go of themselves.

But Zhuge Liang asked the soldiers to prepare the dishes quickly, and they would stay drunk with Meng Huo today.

Meng Huo asked: "What tricks are you playing?"

"Of course I want you to be treated like your wife, and we also want to entertain you."

"You want to make me surrender in this way? This is impossible."

Xi Yu walked in and said: "You are wrong. We use this method to tell you that we can catch you at any time and let you go at any time. You have no autonomy at all. Don't you feel very sad? ?" These words hit Meng Huo's head like a blow.

It seems that this is really what happened. Was he really beaten so hard that he was helpless?

At this moment, he finally understood that his previous blind confidence was a bit too much.

He was also enemies with Cao Pi and Xi Yu.

Maybe it really is a wrong choice.

But then he told himself that this was only temporary.

When Ouyang Qing comes, everything will change.

"Hmph, Zhuge Liang, you are a coward. A few days ago, you even showed yourself a free card."

Zhuge Liang believed that it was based on his own strength and there was no shame in being listed.

The key is that like him, it is ridiculous to attack even though you know you are invincible.

Xi Yu also said that he also believed that Meng Huo was a brave and resourceful man, so he was willing to win over him.

And like his wife, she can also let him go.

Meng Huo was about to speak, and said jokingly: "You don't have to say anything, I know what you are thinking. No matter what you think, we must let you go. Of course, if you don't cherish yourself and can't think of committing suicide on the way, Of course we ignored it.”

After a while, a sumptuous meal was prepared.

Xi Yu and Zhuge Liang sat down, and then asked people to loosen Meng Huo's bonds.

Meng Huo naturally ignored them.

But soon he smelled how delicious the food was, and he couldn't help it anymore.

Xi Yu said: "If you don't eat, then we will lock you up and starve you for a few days. I will keep my word. You'd better think carefully."

Zhuge Liang laughed, feeling that Xi Yu was coaxing a child when he said these words.

Meng Huo ignored him at all.

Xi Yu didn't say anything more, but kept discussing with Zhuge Liang how delicious the food was.

After a while, Meng Huo couldn't bear it any longer, and his stomach began to growl.

He finally couldn't help but move closer to the two people, sat down on the seat, and then wolfed down the food.

Xi Yu and Zhuge Liang were both very happy. Although Meng Huo also wanted to drink, he didn't dare to drink now.

He was also afraid that once he drank, two people might trick him into talking.

But Zhuge Liang has already fallen for him.

Xi Yu said: "Now, we are friends, but we are still enemies on the battlefield. I will put you back tomorrow. I hope you will continue to fight with us, but you must be prepared, you will definitely lose."

"You two won't poison me in the wine, will you?" Meng Huo suddenly asked.

Xi Yuxi almost burst out laughing.

"If we want to kill you, we will kill you now. Is it necessary to do this?"

Meng Huo snorted coldly, but still didn't drink.

Xi Yu said: "I know why you don't drink. Are you afraid that you will tell the truth when you are drunk? Are there some things you don't want us to know?"

Meng Huo glared at him, feeling that Xi Yu was like a roundworm in his stomach, as if he knew everything.

Meng Huo's side was particularly miserable, but his wife returned victorious.

During the fight, Mrs. Zhu Rong told Zhang Lu that since she had decided to surrender, she would now attack the enemy with her.

Zhang Lu said that those were also his subordinates, and everyone still valued peace.

Ouyang Qing was very angry, so he kicked him aside, and then continued to let the birds fight for him, and finally won a complete victory.

The Shu army suffered heavy casualties and quickly retreated into the deep valley.

What's even worse is that Liu Xuecheng decided to leave.

He brought more than 2,000 people with him, but now only 1,000 are left.

He did not want to continue to lose troops and generals, and he also wanted to tell Cao Pi all the relevant situations.

I hope he makes plans soon.

With a monster like Ouyang Qing here, they really can't resist.

And now that Ma Wenbin has left and Zhang Lu has surrendered, everything is completely in disarray.

Everyone hopes to elect another coach, but no one is willing to disturb this muddy water now.

Zhang Lu finally came to Nanzhong. He felt very uncomfortable. He came, but none of his men came.

I think what the Patriarch said is absolutely correct.

But the people below him didn't listen at all. What should I do?

Mrs. Zhu Rong said to him: "Just because you have surrendered yourself, it is of no use. Your subordinates are still defeated by the stubborn resistance."

Zhang Lu shook his head and said: "Those people are really hopeless. Alas, they dare to defy the words of the ancestor."

Mrs. Zhu Rong took the opportunity and said that since their ancestor had this purpose, he planned to let Nanzhong occupy Sichuan and Shu.

Why would an expert like Ouyang Qing come here to help?

It was also the arrangement of his ancestor.

The more Zhang Lu listened, the more he felt that what he said was very reasonable.

"Yes, this is simply unreasonable." Zhang Lu said that the soldiers were disobedient and there was nothing he could do.

But now that he has come to Nanzhong, he hopes to preach in Nanzhong, and he begs Mrs. Zhu Rong to agree.

"We'll talk about this later."

"Madam, don't talk about it later. In fact, I had no intention of informing a place. I just hope that the Five Pecks of Rice Cult can be widely known and believed by everyone."

“Only in this way will the world get better.

Mrs. Zhu Rong felt that this person was really stupid. But this stupidity is quite cute.

"Let's do this. When my husband and I's wish is fully realized, we will definitely let you spread the Five Pecks of Rice religion better.

Zhang Lu was very happy, that was great.

But Mrs. Zhu Rong still decided to treat Zhang Lu kindly, because Zhang Lu was the commander-in-chief of Sichuan and Shu after all.

He surrendered, but those soldiers continued to resist, which was considered rebellion and rebellion. They needed Zhang Lu's banner.

Zhang Lu changed into a new environment and couldn't sleep at night.

He thought of the days when he was imprisoned by Ma Wenbin.

After all, I was on my own territory during that time, so I slept soundly.

But now we are at their place after all.

If the Patriarch comes out to talk to him again at this time, he will sleep soundly.

But he knew that this kind of thing was rare.

Maybe I am not pious enough, so the Patriarch will not speak casually.

Finally, he felt a little anxious and planned to go out to use the toilet.

When he was about to approach the toilet, he happened to see two soldiers coming out, still talking among themselves.

"This Zhang Lu is so stupid that he still believes in the affairs of the Patriarch."

"That's right, he didn't even know that this was caused by our chief randomly finding someone who changed his face."

"Actually, this method is not very clever, but the key issue is that he really believes in it."

The two people laughed while talking.

At this moment, Zhang Lu felt shocked, what?

This thing turned out to be fake?

Moreover, the two of them did not notice Zhang Lu's existence at all.

After all, it's dark now.

Zhang Lu was so angry that his lungs were about to explode. (End of chapter)

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