At this moment, Zhang Lu felt that he was the stupidest person in the world.

How could he accept it?

It turned out to be a conspiracy.

He recalled that when his subordinates were comforting him, he was still a little unhappy.

He recalled that when Ma Wenbin accused him, he also felt that the other party was about to rebel.

But now it seems that all this is because of my own fault.

He believed in the Five Pecks of Rice Cult and hoped that everyone in the world would be kind, but unexpectedly, he was actually plotted against.

This is simply unreasonable. Who would be so angry as him?

He really wanted to call those two people over and question them, but by this time they were already far away.

He also knew that even if he called him over, what would be the use?

It's just a warning.

He quickly entered the toilet.

When he returned to the room, he really couldn't let go.

He couldn't sleep tonight.

Zhang Lu, Zhang Lu, why are you so stupid?

He is still looking forward to his ancestor delivering news to him.

But when he thought that everything was fake, there was anger in his eyes.

He decided to ask Mrs. Zhu Rong tomorrow.

He couldn't help but be impulsive and wanted to ask now

But his reason told him that he must not do this.

But this matter must not be left alone.

No, he couldn't ask.

Now he had to pretend he didn't know anything and then give them the fatal blow.

When he no longer paid attention to the news about the Five Dou Rice Cult, he seemed to become more rational.

His eyes also became very sharp, as if he wanted to penetrate the darkness.

Meng Huo, Mrs. Zhu Rong, you make me so angry, just wait and see.

He decided to set a fire and burn this place down, causing them heavy losses.

But now where can people who are unfamiliar with the place go to find the source of fire?

So this matter must be carefully planned.

The next day, he looked completely confused and went to see Mrs. Zhu Rong.

He was also able to bend and stretch, so he knelt down for Mrs. Zhu Rong.

"Zhang Lu, what are you doing? Why do you kneel down to me so early in the morning?"

"Madam, I still feel very painful. My subordinates cannot surrender. I don't want them to die."

"But what can they do if they are so stubborn? They will die sooner or later unless you can persuade them to surrender."

Zhang Lu then said that he hoped to go back and persuade them.

If they are still stubborn after today's persuasion, then I will not consider them anymore.

Mrs. Zhu Rong looked at him seriously.

"Madam, do you think I will leave privately? Don't worry, I absolutely won't."

He said that if Mrs. Zhu Rong didn't believe it, she could find someone to follow him.

He really hopes to persuade his old subordinates.

Mrs. Zhu Rong said that she should go back first and she would discuss it with Ouyang Qing. After all, Ouyang Qing was their honored guest.

She had no choice but to retreat temporarily.

Mrs. Zhu Rong quickly called Ouyang Qing, and then told Zhang Lu's situation just now.

"Isn't this guy trying to sneak away?"

Ouyang Qing's first reaction was this, but Mrs. Zhu Rong thought it was unlikely.

If it were someone else, there might be such a conspiracy.

But after all, he is cute and silly.

His words are still credible.

Ouyang Qing thought for a while and said that he could let Zhang Lu go back, but he still had to find someone to follow him.

"Of course that's okay, because that's what he asked for."

In this way, Mrs. Zhu Rong agreed and took hundreds of soldiers to follow Zhang Lu.

On the surface, it was to protect his safety, but in fact, of course, it was to monitor him.

Of course, Zhang Lu knew this, because he originally asked for it.

Zhang Lu thinks that his acting is very similar.

He definitely didn't let them see what he was thinking.

As the team got further and further away from Nanzhong, Zhang Lu finally felt relieved.

After several consecutive drizzles in Jiangnan, it was finally sunny today.

Many soldiers felt very painful, because Ouyang Qing might be here again.

Even though Xi Yu is a master of weapons, that man is too weird, and he doesn't know if Xi Yu has the ability to deal with him.

But for the two Taoists Qingfeng and Mingyue, they were very happy because they had been looking forward to it.

Ouyang Qing is here, they must interrogate him properly.

Meng Huo also saw this scene, and he felt very happy.

Soon, Zhuge Liang came to his side. Seeing the proud expression on his face, of course he understood why.

"How is it? Do you feel very proud?"

"Yes, Ouyang Qing is coming back soon. You will just wait to perish. Of course, you can kill me now, but your fate will not change."

Zhuge Liang shook his head.

He won't be killed.

Because Xi Yu had already planned to let him go.

So he must be let go today.

Meng Huo sneered.

"It's of no use all your intrigues. Even if you let me go, I will still come."

"Yes, that's what we hope for."

After that, Zhuge Liang asked the soldiers to untie the rope and let Meng Huo leave.

Meng Huo said: "It is impossible for me to thank you and owe you a favor."

Zhuge Liang ignored him and immediately reported to Xi Yu.

Xi Yu asked: "Let him go?"

"Yes, but he was very unconvinced."

"It doesn't matter, just let him come."

Zhuge Liang stood still.

Xi Yu said: "Okay, you can retreat."

Only then did I realize that Zhuge Liang had something to say.

"What do you want to say? Just say it directly. Why are you so hesitant?"

But Zhuge Liang was worried that Qingfeng and Mingyue could really deal with Ouyang Qing?

"Although I don't know what their magic power is, I believe that since Ouyang Qing left them, he is probably not as good as them."

Zhuge Liang also understood that Xi Yu was not completely sure.

Because it is possible that Ouyang Qing has become higher through cultivation outside?

Forget it, let’s talk about it after we get here.

Zhuge Liang immediately retreated.

Xi Yu suddenly laughed. Wuhuan was still looking for a dragon without a leader.

He now has a suitable candidate, and that is to let Meng Huo manage it.

Of course, the prerequisite must be that Meng Huo truly surrenders.

But he believed that Meng Huo would surrender.

He muttered to himself again, Meng Huo, if it hadn't been for me having read The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, maybe you wouldn't have lived so long.

It also makes me think so highly of you.

When Meng Huo returned to the military camp, many soldiers gathered in front of him.

Ask him if anything is wrong?

Have you been abused in any way?

"Don't worry, nothing will happen to me."

He knew lying was impossible, so he simply told the truth.

"Like Madam, I was let back by them. But the weather will be fine soon. As long as Ouyang Qing comes, everything will be easier."

The soldiers did not laugh at him, but thought that the Central Plains man was too cunning.

"Okay, let's make a truce now and wait for Ouyang Qing to arrive."

On Mrs. Zhu Rong's side, she felt that there should be no big problem.

It's better to let Ouyang Qing go back to Meng Huo first.

She was worried that something might happen to her husband.

"Madam, this time of going back and forth is very tense. I think we can talk about it after Sichuan and Shu are owned by us."

"That's fine, then let's wait a little longer."

Mrs. Zhu Rong said that if Zhang Lu could not make the soldiers surrender today, then she would go over and kill them tomorrow.

At this moment, Zhang Lu was still walking on the road. He wanted to return to his camp first.

Tell a few confidants this secret temporarily, and then find a way to get the fire.

She also knew that doing so would be particularly troublesome because she would have to walk a lot.

But if he were there, he wouldn't be able to get the fire, let alone do something openly.

He had already thought that when these soldiers returned to their camp, they would all be killed.

Of course, he couldn't take action halfway because his strength alone was too weak.

He was secretly proud, thinking that these soldiers were all unlucky ones who were out to die.

Soon at noon they rested in an inn.

These soldiers also shouted at him.

After all, I think he is not a general now, but has become a prisoner.

Let him serve the food for a while, and pour the water for a while.

But in order not to show it, he worked hard to please them.

Along the way, he was very well-behaved.

He understands that a little impatience can mess up a big plan.

But he kept insulting them in his heart.

"You are almost at the door of death and you don't know it yet. You are so stupid."

At dusk, we finally arrived in Sichuan.

At this moment, the defense on the Sichuan-Sichuan side is indeed tighter.

They elected a man named Chen Nan to be the commander-in-chief of the warriors.

Of course, this is only temporary and Cao Pi still needs to appoint who will be the commander-in-chief.

A soldier immediately reported the news to Chen Nan, saying that Zhang Lu had come with some people.

Chen Nan is particularly young, but seems to be very prestigious.

"Why did Zhang Lu send people here? Is it an attack? How many people did he bring?"

"According to visual inspection, there are only a hundred people."

Chen Nan and a few soldiers felt incredible. How could only so many people come? What's the use?

But I decided to go out and take a look.

Chen Nan rode his horse and led the soldiers forward.

Zhang Lu immediately led his soldiers to stop.

Chen Nan said coldly: "Zhang Lu, you traitor, what are you doing here?"

"I came here with good intentions to persuade you to surrender. If you don't surrender today, you will be annihilated tomorrow."

Zhang Lu said that no matter what, Sichuan and Shu could not defeat Nanzhong.

Therefore, he will be destroyed in the end, and the reason why he is willing to come is because he has feelings for this place.

And it was Mrs. Zhu Rong who was magnanimous and allowed herself to come here.

"Don't talk so high-sounding here. After all, do we still need to thank you?"

Not only was Chen Nan unhappy, many Shu soldiers were also unhappy.

"Chen Nan, it seems that you have become the commander-in-chief now."

"All this must be given by you"!

"Chen Nan, I am talking to you with good intentions and I hope you can behave yourself."

Chen Nan did not buy his account, and then told Zhang Lu that he hoped he would get out immediately and would never surrender.

They will not kill Zhang Lu today. First of all, Zhang Lu used to be from here.

Secondly, the arrival of Zhang Lu is equivalent to the arrival of envoys. They will not kill them casually. I hope Zhang Lu will take care of himself.

At this moment, Zhang Lu suddenly shouted loudly.

"It's difficult. Now that I've attracted them, you can just do it right away."

After that, Zhang Lu quickly rode his horse and came to the Shu army's side.

At this moment, the soldiers in Nanzhong felt inexplicable.

But the soldiers soon figured out what was going on.

"Well, Zhang Lu, it turns out that you are pretending to surrender, but your heart is still here."

Chen Nan didn't react either. He was thinking, Zhang Lu wouldn't have any tricks up his sleeve, right?

Zhang Lu burst out laughing.

"You idiots, you followed me all the way, and you actually let me come here. What's the use of your heads? You're so stupid."

The soldiers in Nanzhong were very angry. They were actually fooled!

Zhang Lu said to Chen Nan: "I'm pretending to surrender, you kill them quickly."

Chen Nan was very happy, and the Shu soldiers were also very happy.

So they hurried to deal with the enemy.

The enemy yelled and cursed, saying that Zhang Lu was a despicable and shameless villain.

Zhang Lu said: "It's because that woman is too stupid. What's the use of him taking pictures of me who are following you? I feel like he was the one who got kicked in the head by a donkey."

"Zhang Lu, aren't you afraid of the Patriarch if you do this?"

An enemy shouted immediately.

"You bastard, don't mention this to me here."

Zhang Lu soon shouted loudly and went to attack the enemy.

He told Chen Nan that all these enemies must be killed, and no one should be left alive.

If they were allowed to go back, the consequences would be disastrous.

Chen Nan naturally understood the importance of the matter.

"Don't worry, General Zhang, we will definitely do it."

He still calls Zhang Lu general, because now Zhang Lu has returned, and he has abandoned the dark side and turned to the bright side.

But this time the Shu soldiers became more confident.

They felt their morale had been boosted.

It's great that Zhang Lu can come back. Zhang Lu is still the boss in their hearts.

All the soldiers brought by Nanzhong were eventually killed.

But Zhang Lu was a little worried and asked everyone to check the body.

If there is one more person who is not dead, it would be bad to quietly get up and go back.

Chen Nan said, there's no need to go to such trouble, can't we just set fire to them all and burn them all to death?

It also saves you the trouble of having to check it out.

Zhang Lu thought this was a good idea, so he asked everyone to do it quickly.

Torches were quickly brought.

These dead soldiers were burned.

The flames slowly rose into the sky.

Zhang Lu was very happy when he saw this scene.

Chen Nan asked Zhang Lu to return to the military camp quickly, and then asked Zhang Lu to sit down.

The soldiers he led quickly knelt down to welcome Zhang Lu's return.

"General Zhang, it turns out you endure the humiliation and bear the heavy burden."

They thought Zhang Lu was using a ruse instead of sincerely surrendering.

But was Zhang Lu just trying to eliminate these soldiers? It shouldn't be possible.

No, he must have come back after inquiring about the military situation.

Zhang Lu said: "You don't have to kneel down to me, I am a guilty person."

"General Zhang, please don't say that. You are pretending to surrender for the good of Sichuan and Shu."

Zhang Lu found that everyone already regarded him as a hero.

The more he explained, the more everyone thought he was a hero.

"Okay, stop flattering me and listen to me."

Everyone finally calmed down and listened to Zhang Lu.

Zhang Lu sighed first and said that he was actually very ashamed.

"I only started to understand what was going on last night."

He said that luckily he went to the bathroom, otherwise, he would not have known the truth.

Next, he talked about the relevant situation.

Everyone was taken aback and didn't expect things to be like this.

But this is also a good thing. Zhang Lu finally understood it completely.

Zhang Lu also said at the same time that the reason why he understood it was entirely because of the ancestor's wishes, and it was the ancestor who secretly appeared to protect him.

The soldiers looked at each other, but they didn't expect that he still thought so.

Zhang Lu also said that after he returned, he would first explain to everyone what was going on.

The second time he would go back there and burn down the military camp.

So he came to get fire.

Chen Nan said, why don’t we all burn it together?

"That's not okay. It's not okay for everyone to mobilize troops and mobilize people in the past."

But Chen Nan felt something was wrong. What would he do if Zhang Lu went back alone?

When people ask, where are the soldiers who followed him, how will he answer?

"This is easy to handle, General Chen. It's up to you."

Chen Nan quickly asked him what the solution was.

So he talked about the relevant ideas.

Chen Nan thought this plan was feasible and decided to go to Nanzhong.

Zhang Lu looked at the soldiers around him at the same time.

"None of you should have leaked the secret, right?"

Everyone said in unison, absolutely not.

Zhang Lu said coldly: "I believe you are all loyal. But if anyone leaks the secret, don't blame me for being rude."

Everyone said that they would definitely be loyal.

"In this case, we have to set off quickly."

Zhang Lu said that he couldn't wait, but Chen Nan said that after finally coming back, he had better eat before leaving.

It's getting dark now anyway.

Zhang Lu laughed loudly.

"When you say that, I'm really hungry."

So, Chen Nan quickly asked everyone to prepare meals.

Zhang Lu was very pleased.

"Chen Nan, as the commander-in-chief, you seem to be very popular with the people."

But Chen Nan felt terrified.

He thought Zhang Lu was blaming himself.

"Don't be afraid, I'm not blaming you. I really think highly of you."

Only then did Chen Nan realize that Zhang Lu was speaking to him sincerely.

He also breathed a sigh of relief.

Originally, Zhang Lu was asked to drink, but Zhang Lu said he was afraid of missing an important event, so he stopped drinking today.

After a complete victory, it is not too late to celebrate.

"Okay, the final victory belongs to us." Chen Nan said. (End of chapter)

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