On the other side, Ouyang Qing looked at the two people carefully

I asked them who they were, but they didn't answer at all.

Ouyang Qing then asked Xi Yu.

"They came to see me, but why didn't they even say a word? Why did you ask them to come?"

"Ouyang Qing, although you have seen their faces now, do you really not know who they are? Look carefully."

Ouyang Qing was also very obedient and looked at it carefully.

At this time, he had a bold guess in his mind.

He felt that his hair was tingling, could it be someone from Kunlun Mountain?

He didn't dare to think about it anymore, but why did he look more and more like it?

Could it be that this Xiyu has the ability to know that he comes from Kunlun Mountain?

How is this possible?

I have never leaked it.

Even Mrs. Zhu Rong didn't know where she was.

Not even the relative who called me here didn't know.

How does Xiyu know?

No matter how talented Xi Yu was, he wouldn't be this great.

I must be overthinking it, that's not the case at all.

Yes, you absolutely can't fight with everything you have.

Ouyang Qing said coldly: "How do I know who they are?"

Meng Huo shouted again.

"Shut up and open your face quickly."

Mrs. Zhu Rong glared at him, hoping that he would never annoy others again.

But this time no one did anything to Meng Huo.

Qingfeng sneered.

"Ouyang Qing, this traitor, do you know who I am?"

He took off the mask at the same time.

Ouyang Qing stared, his guess was correct.

This is the breeze, so the other one must be the bright moon.

Mingyue also immediately took off the mask.

"You have to be courageous, you have misbehaved here after learning kung fu. And you should not use any more magic on the difficulty, because you have been kicked out at that time."

People on Meng Huo's side have understood that this person is from the same sect as Ouyang Qing, and he seems to have a higher position than Ouyang Qing.

And his magic power is probably higher than Ouyang Qing's.

It seems that Ouyang Qing's bird technique cannot be used today, because the two of them will definitely destroy it.

Moreover, Ouyang Qing's face was very embarrassed at the moment.

He never expected that this would be the case, so he quickly got off the code and bowed respectfully to the two people.

"Disdainful disciple, pay homage to the two elders."

"Ouyang Qing, let alone your mischief after betraying the master. Even if you are a normal disciple, you shouldn't behave like this."

Because there was a rule on Kunlun Mountain in the past that they studied to cultivate their moral character and help others to do good deeds, but they did not participate in the struggles between princes.

Ouyang Qing naturally understands everything.

He knew that today was over. Now that the two of them were here, he could never continue to act recklessly.

Meng Huo was very angry and originally wanted to accuse the two of them of being nothing.

But seeing that Ouyang Qing had already surrendered, he didn't dare to say anything.

Without Ouyang Qing, their side was completely doomed.

Mrs. Zhu Rong was also in special pain.

They were thinking about what to do next.

Qingfeng sneered.

"Ouyang Qing, what do you think we should do?"

"I have committed a capital crime, so I beg you two to punish me."

"If that's the case, then you can take matters into your own hands so that we don't do it."

Ouyang Qing didn't speak, he obviously didn't want to.

Although he also knew there was no way to escape.

Meng Huo finally plucked up the courage.

"Ouyang Qing, what are you afraid of? Use your magic to fight them, maybe you will beat them."

Meng Huo also knew that these words were a bit weak, but he thought he still had to give it a try.

If it were him, he would definitely give it a try.

Ouyang Qing shook his head.

"Meng Huo, you are too naive. How could my spell be effective in front of them?"

Mingyue said: "What do you mean? Do we really need to take action? You have to know that if we take action, it will be different."

Xi Yu stretched out and said, "Don't waste time. If you waste more time, you will delay the child's soy sauce."

Although no one understands what this sentence means.

But I knew Xiyu was angry.

Ouyang Qing knelt down.

He said that he really couldn't do it, so he'd better let the two of them do it.

The two of them were stunned. If they took action, the scene would only become more tragic.

I originally planned to give the other party a chance, but I thought he didn't cherish it.

"Okay, we'll make it happen for you."

Qingfeng and Mingyue dismounted at the same time.

The two of them immediately came to Ouyang Qing's side and told irrelevant personnel that it was best to retreat.

Otherwise, they will not be held responsible if innocent people are harmed.

Everyone was so frightened that they quickly backed away.

Qingfeng immediately put his hand on Ouyang Qing's forehead.

Mingyue put her hand on the other person's belly button.

After that, the two of them worked hard together, and Ouyang Qing shouted.

After a while, people saw that his internal organs had been ruptured and blood was flowing out. The scene was horrific.

When Xi Yu saw this scene, he felt a little unbearable.

I didn't expect the people in Kunlun Mountain to treat traitors like this.

But Ouyang Qing really deserves it.

It was all his own fault.

Mrs. Zhu Rong immediately put her hand on Meng Huo's arm.

Meng Huo was also very angry, but asked Mrs. Zhu Rong if she was particularly sad because the other party died.

"Of course I will be sad, husband, why do you ask this?"

When Mrs. Zhu Rong looked at the other party, she suddenly understood why the other party asked such a question.

"No, husband, do you think I have something to do with him?"

Meng Huo didn't answer, obviously acquiescing.

"Husband, you are so interesting. How can you think like this? I admit that he is a senior, what's wrong with my special respect?"

Meng Huo realized that he had misunderstood his wife and apologized to her.

At this time, Xi Yu and Zhuge Liang were speechless.

In this case, the two of them were still discussing this issue.

This couple is really interesting.

After Qingfeng and Mingyue killed Ouyang Qing, they quickly got on their horses.

"Master Xi, our mission has been completed, now it's time for us to leave."

"Thank you very much for your help. Otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous. I don't know how many people in the world will suffer because of him."

Zhuge Liang blinked at Xi Yu, hoping that Xi Yu would keep these two people.

For them, isn’t that even more powerful?

Of course Xi Yu understood the other person's eyes.

But he knew these two people well. They would not get involved in the affairs between the princes. They had already seen through the world of mortals.

So he wouldn't bring up this kind of topic, which would be equivalent to insulting both of them.

"In this case, you two will go on a good journey, but it's a pity that I don't have anything good to give you."

"Master Xi, you are exaggerating. You have been in charge of our food and accommodation for a long time. As long as you care about the people of the world, we will be very happy."

Xi Yu hugged them.

Watching the two people walk a long way.

After that, Xi Yu looked at Meng Huo.

"Tell me, let's continue fighting, or stop fighting first. I respect your opinions. Because no matter what, the final victory is still ours."

Xi Yu's words were very plain.

But it also gives people a domineering feeling.

"Husband, let's go back. We must bury Mr. Ouyang. After all, he came here for us."

Mrs. Zhu Rong wanted to find a step to get off quickly, because it was absolutely impossible to confront him head-on today.

No matter how powerful your husband is, the morale of his side has been affected today.

Meng Huo snorted coldly and had no choice but to ask his servants to quickly get Ouyang Qing's body back so that he could bury it properly, and they returned to the cloud.

They are not worried that Xi Yu will send people to chase them, because if they catch them, they will let them go.

Was he really wrong? Is it really impossible for him to occupy the Central Plains?

On the other side, Sima Yi and Cao Pi received news from Nanzhong today.

It was said that Zhang Lu turned out to be a hero at the critical moment.

This was something they didn't expect.

Cao Pi said: "In this case, wouldn't our idea of ​​asking Xi Yu to borrow troops be shattered?"

Sima Yi also sighed and asked Cao Pi to discuss this issue with the ninjas again.

"When we look forward to victory, we may often fail to win, but when we look forward to failure, we often win again. This is a trick of fate."

Sima Yi sighed with emotion.

Cao Pi said: "Since you are here, come and play chess with me."

However, when playing chess, Cao Pi was obviously not paying attention and made many wrong moves.

"Lord, what else is on your mind?"

Cao Pi said, it was still about Song Meijiao.

Because often what you can’t get is what you want to get.

"Okay, lord, it's better not to think too much."

Sima Yi started to enlighten.

Some things are destined to be something Cao Pi cannot get, and thinking about them will only increase his troubles.

Cao Pi nodded and had no intention of playing chess. He just asked Sima Yi to go back first.

After Sima Yi left, he was so angry that he smashed the chessboard to pieces. He felt that his fate was particularly unfair to him.

Why are all the benefits just for fun, and why can’t I get nothing here?

I have worked hard enough and worked hard enough, but why can't I compete with others?

After a while, he saw that it was snowing outside.

Moreover, the snow in Luoyang is particularly heavy.

It rained for a whole day and night, and the whole world became white.

At night, the secret guard returned to Xi Yu and said that he had found out the situation in Nanzhong.

It turns out that Zhang Lu became a hero.

It actually burned down Nanzhong. So Nanzhong basically exists in name only.

When Xi Yu heard this, he laughed.

Although Zhang Lu was a bit nerdy and put all his thoughts on preaching, he never expected that he would have such a side at the critical moment.

Of course, it was because he overheard the conversation between the two identities after he surrendered that he was asked to do this new thing.

Next, Zhuge Liang asked Xi Yu, if Meng Huo didn't attack them, would he only defend them? Should he take the initiative to attack them?

"Yes, we just defend."

"But if they don't come to attack us, will we just have to waste away?"

"Don't worry, there's no way they won't attack."

Moreover, Xi Yu analyzed that it was possible that they would make a sneak attack tonight, because he knew that they might not be able to defeat him in an honest attack.

Even like Zhang Lu, they will burn down the entire camp.

"Yes, Xi Yu, your analysis makes sense, so we must defend well tonight."

Xi Yu asked Zhuge Liang to summon the soldiers and tell them about the matter.

Zhuge Liang also quickly told his uncles that they must not sleep too much tonight, and everyone can take turns sleeping.

After recovering, Zhuge Liang returned to Xi Yu's side.

"How does it feel to let you come out and lead you to fight?" Xi Yu asked.

Zhuge Liang felt like a sinner.

If Xi Yu hadn't been able to go to Kunlun Mountain to call two people, the entire army would have been wiped out.

"This is just an unexpected situation. We didn't expect that a capable person like Ouyang Qing would appear. If you put aside this factor, you did a pretty good job."

Zhuge Liang didn't expect that Xi Yu would praise him after he left, and he felt happy in his heart.

Xi Yu said that once Sang Yuan comes back, he must be well rewarded.

Zhuge Liang said that Ouyang Qing was dead, and it was estimated that Sang Yuan would be back soon.

As expected, Meng Huo asked his men to launch a surprise attack tonight.

No matter if everyone is tired today, but they have to do it, they have to go out and try.

Because Xi Yu definitely didn't expect them to attack by surprise, and only then did they have a chance of winning.

Mrs. Zhu Rong also immediately said: "Yes, soldiers, although Ouyang Qing is dead, we should not be too affected. We must move forward bravely."

Although the soldiers agreed, both of them knew that they must have been affected.

At this moment, Sangyuan rushed out on horseback.

When he was walking out, several soldiers stopped him and asked him where he was going and how he could leave without permission.

"What a joke, of course I have to go back to my own camp."

Several soldiers felt even more confused. What did they mean by their own camp?

But at this moment, they immediately understood. Could it be that the other party was going to rebel?

"Sangyuan, are you pretending to surrender?"

"Yes, that's it. Do you know now? It's too late."

Sang Yuan originally planned to return directly to Zhuge Liang the next time he went to fight, but he heard that there was a sneak attack tonight and he had to go back quickly to report the news.

Because he couldn't confirm whether the secret guards knew.

Because the secret guards were not looking for him, he decided to be safer and go back to report.

Therefore, we had to act in advance, and Mrs. Zhu Rong ran out immediately.

"Sangyuan, what do you want to do?"

"You bitch, you've been fooled. We just used a trick. I'm not really surrendering to you."

After that, he burst out laughing, feeling that he could better insult the other person's IQ.

Mrs. Zhu Rong never expected that it would be like this, and she was very angry.

Zhang Lu originally surrendered, but then changed.

But Sangyuan's surrender was a joke from beginning to end.

Meng Huo also came out immediately.

His eyes looked sharply at Mulberry Garden.

Sangyuan sneered.

"Why are you leaving me here first? You're welcome."

He fought with several soldiers guarding the gate.

Mrs. Zhu Rong said to shoot the arrow quickly.

What she hates the most is this kind of traitor, who must be severely punished.

So many soldiers started shooting at the mulberry garden.

The mulberry garden soon became a hornet's nest.

He didn't expect that he was already going to die before he went back to report the news.

But he has no regrets, because he has always been loyal to Jiangnan in his heart.

He was eventually thrown off his horse, his face and body covered in blood.

Meng Huo put his feet on his head.

"Beast, you just want to die."

"After I die, my soul will protect the actor. You just wait to die."

This sentence once again annoyed the other party, so he stepped on his head hard.

"Beast, I must kill you."

Sangyuan made a loud jump, but then laughed loudly.

In the end, Sangyuan died without ever resting in peace.

Meng Huo said fiercely: "Now let's attack the city quickly. Xi Yu didn't expect us to go, so we must seize the opportunity."

Xi Yu asked Zhuge Liang to make a big flag with the words "Capture Meng Huo for the second time and let him go for the fifth time".

It's better humiliation this way.

Xi Yu thought that the battle would be over in three more times.

After a while, some soldiers finally discovered that Meng Huo had come to attack the city.

However, most of the soldiers pretended to be asleep, giving Meng Huo an illusion.

Meng Huo thought they were all sleeping and quickly started to attack, but the surrounding torches suddenly lit up.

But many soldiers raised a flag.

When Meng Huo saw the words above, he was shocked. It turned out that Xi Yu had known that he would come.

And he also used such language to insult himself.

He suddenly felt furious.

Mrs. Zhu Rong said: "Why did we miscalculate again?"

"Madam, don't worry, even if you know, so what, we may not be able to defeat them."

Soon, Xi also came out and said to Meng Huo, "Do you like this gift?"

Meng Huo wanted to give Xi Yu a fatal blow, and then told him about Sangyuan.

"That Mulberry Garden was a scoundrel, and he is already dead."

Afterwards, he burst out laughing.

Xi Yu and Zhuge Liang were stunned. They did not expect this to be the case. In this case, wouldn't it mean that they had lost a good general?

"Xi Yu, so what if you used the bitter meat machine? In the end, he died. Aren't you happy?"

Meng Huo's face was particularly ferocious.

Xi Yu was particularly angry, but he knew that the other party was deliberately irritating him.

But then again, I won't fall for the aggressive general technique, so what if I do? How else can he do anything to himself?

"Soldiers have a bounden duty. It is not shameful for him to sacrifice his life to protect his family and country. It is the ignorant rat like you who is the most shameful."

Xi Yu shouted loudly and announced the death of Sang Yuan.

Let Sang Yuan's soldiers quickly avenge him, and Sang Yuan did not surrender sincerely, but used a strategy.

At this time, the soldiers under Sangyuan were filled with indignation. They did not expect that this would be the case.

Then they must avenge their master, and their murderous intent is also very strong. (End of chapter)

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