Meng Huo never imagined that his words would have serious consequences.

That makes people more united.

He was already unable to defeat him, but at this moment there was no hope.

This time, Meng Huo was beaten to a pulp. Likewise, Meng Huo was captured again.

Xiyu sneered.

"Is it because you know I will let you go, so you are not afraid at all, but it doesn't matter, you still have two chances."

At the same time, Xi Yu sent people to quickly find Sang Yuan's body.

They finally found Sangyuan's body in the camp, but fortunately it had not been damaged.

Xi Yu told Zhuge Liang that he must have a grand burial today.

Instead, a huge funeral must be held.

Zhuge Liang also felt very sad.

Many soldiers in Mulberry Garden were also very sad.

After all, Mulberry Garden is usually very famous.

They didn't expect such a thing to happen.

And Xi Yu said that a memorial service must be held.

Everyone doesn’t understand what a memorial service is.

Therefore, Xi Yu popularized it to everyone, and this was also the highest standard for treating Sang Yuan.

Everyone felt very relieved.

At the same time, Xi Yu also sent someone to report the news to Sun Ce.

When Sun Ce heard about this, he felt particularly sad.

He said he would also come to the memorial service.

Everything was ready, and many soldiers had small flowers hanging on their chests. This was also arranged by Xi Yu.

And after the temporary arrangements were made, everyone was very positive.

Sun Ce was very sad.

He came to Xi Yu and nodded.

Xi Yu asked: "Did you blame me for using a cruel trick?"

Sangyuan shook his head.

Absolutely not, he was just saddened by Sangyuan's death.

"Don't be sad, he is a hero."

"Yes. Mr. Xi, you are right. He is a hero."

When the memorial service actually opened, Xi Yu gave a speech first, talking about the glory of Sang Yuansheng's great death.

He felt ashamed in his heart and had no choice but to borrow the words of a great man.

I hope everyone can learn from this spirit.

Of course, he does not suggest that everyone should sacrifice, but the spirit must not be discarded.

It's a pity that there is no sorrow and joy in this era.

Otherwise, the effect may be better.

Next, Xi Yu asked everyone to start paying respects to the remains.

Except for the absence of sorrow and joy, everything is basically done according to the specifications of the previous life.

But there was another link that Xi Yu suddenly thought of, which was that Meng Huo had to pay homage to Sang Yuan.

Kneel before his body.

This idea is liked by many people.

Yes, this is how it should be.

Soon, Meng Huo was released.

When he learned that he had to kneel down in front of the corpse, he was very dissatisfied and cursed on the spot.

Xi Yu asked someone to slap him several times.

"Although I will let you go, it doesn't mean that I can indulge you. I can still torture you."

Xi Yu told Meng Huo that if he didn't do this, there were ways to torture him.

Meng Huo was helpless.

He knew that it would be too stupid for him to fight against so many people on his own.

He finally agreed to Xi Yu's request.

Xiyu sneered.

Wouldn't it be enough if it had been like this? Still can't see the situation clearly?

Seeing Meng Huo kneel down, bow and worship in Sangyuan, many people felt a little better.

Although there was no sad music, many soldiers spontaneously sang sad songs, bringing the atmosphere to a climax.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Xi Yu was thinking about a question.

He suddenly realized that he seemed to be putting on a show, even though he didn't mean to do so.

Is he, like other politicians, using soldiers' words to inspire others and make them die?

No, he is definitely not like this, but sooner or later he will be contaminated by this tackiness.

He said that he loves the people the same way, and he naturally loves the soldiers the same way.

But after a long time, will I really be selfish and let everyone serve me?

People are selfish, he fully agrees.

Naturally, he is not exempt from vulgarity.

The ultimate victims of the war are the soldiers and civilians on the front line.

He felt like a murderer.

He was in a daze, and Zhuge Liang immediately pulled his clothes.

"Master Xi, what should we do next?"

Only then did he realize that he had been distracted.

But in the eyes of the soldiers, everyone admired Xi Yu even more.

Thinking that he was sad for Mulberry Garden.

This is a really good leader.

"Now that the ceremony is over, prepare to be laid to rest."

Everyone is tired and needs a rest.

So, the burial began.

Many soldiers cried.

Xi Yu came to Meng Huo.

"Think about it, if you die one day, will anyone be so sad for you?"

Meng Huo was stunned, as if he had received a bolt from the blue.

I really haven't thought about this problem.

He also saw that everyone was really crying for Sangyuan.

"So, if a person is not righteous, he will eventually be abandoned by others. Of course, if a scoundrel like you is really dead, some people may be sad, but after all, there are very few who are special. Even fewer who are sincere."

Meng Huo still didn't speak.

After the burial in Mulberry Garden, everyone returned to camp.

Sun Ce also went back.

Xi Yu told Zhuge Liang that he should also return to Youzhou.

Now that Ouyang Qing is dead, Meng Huo is completely at the end of his strength and has nothing to fear.

Let Meng Huo go tomorrow and everything will be fine as usual.

"Don't worry, Mr. Xi, I will kneel down and complete the task."

Xiyu saw that the weather was good today, so he wanted to go back quickly, otherwise it would be bad if there was ice and snow.

It wasn't until the next day that Xi Yu returned to Youzhou.

The weather also turned really bad.

The first thing he did when he came back was to go to Ganmei's room.

He was particularly concerned about Ganmei.

I stayed here for a long time before leaving.

Back in the room, Jia Xu came.

"Player, are you back?"

"Mr. Jia, what can you do?"

What Jia Xu was talking about was Cao Pi's letter, which has now been in the hands of Mrs. Ouyang.

"I understand, please step back."

Xi Yu had already guessed what Cao Pi was going to say.

I will definitely ask myself to borrow troops.

He quickly came to Ouyang Linlin's room, but the room was locked, and he probably went to pay homage to the Buddha with Xiaohong.

Xi Yu's guess was correct.

The two women really went to worship Buddha.

They came back an hour later and heard that Xi Yu had returned. Ouyang Linlin was particularly happy.

She came to see Xiyu immediately.

"Husband, you are back, how is the situation over there?"

Xi Yu also gave an overview of the situation.

"I heard from Jia Xu that a letter came from Cao Pi. Is it with you?"

"Yes, I heard you were coming, I'm ready."

Ouyang Linlin took out the letter and gave it to Xi Yu.

Xiyu took it apart and looked at it, and immediately laughed.

"Husband, why are you laughing?"

"Just as I expected, do you think I can stop laughing?"

Ouyang Linlin was even more curious about what was written in the letter.

"Read it for yourself." Xi Yu gave her the letter.

"What does Cao Pi mean by doing this? He clearly wants to consume our power."

"Yes, and now that Meng Huo has immediately failed, there should be no point in borrowing further troops, and we have a better reason."

Ouyang Linlin asked again about the fight between him and Meng Huo.

After Xi Yu finished speaking, he suddenly asked: "Why are you, a woman, so interested in this kind of thing?"

"I'm not interested in this, I'm just worried about your safety."

At the same time, what puzzled Ouyang Linlin was why Xi Yu let Meng Huo go so many times?

"You can take a guess as to why."

"Perhaps you are trying to influence him and hope that he will surrender. Is this person really very capable?"

Xi Yu said it was natural, although Meng Huo was overbearing.

But once he is truly loyal to himself, he will naturally be better than others.

Ouyang Linlin thought to herself that her husband actually said that, so he had a reason.

"By the way, I advise you not to pay attention to these things, because for a woman, you should not pay attention to such things as fighting and killing."

Xi Yu also thought of the fact that the harem was not allowed to participate in politics, but he did not say these words too seriously.

He understood that Ouyang Linlin did care too much about him.

Guan Yu was very happy when he heard about Xi Yu's arrival.

I plan to go see Xi Yu soon.

He really wanted to understand what the dream was about that day.

At dusk, Guan Yu came to see Xi Yu.

"Master Xi, I have a troublesome matter. I hope I can find a solution for you."

"Tell me what I have to say."

Guan Yu then told him about his dream that day.

"You dreamed about Zhang Fei. This is normal, because you two brothers have a deep love for each other."

"Not only that, but there's another strange thing."

Guan Yu then told what happened to Huarong Dao.

It obviously didn't happen, but why did he feel like it did?

Xiyu also said something like this, this is a real thing that happened.

He had changed a lot since he came, but Guan Yu felt that it was still a dream.

"I don't know why you feel this way, but it's better not to think about these metaphysical issues."

Guan Yu was a little disappointed with this answer, and after a while he retreated.

But speaking of dreams, Xi Yu actually had a dream that night, and the dream was so bizarre.

The next day, Zhuge Liang let Meng Huo go again. Meng Huo remembered the fifth release under the banner and felt his face turn red.

Xiyu was wandering around and happened to meet Dongfanghong.

The two hadn't seen each other for a long time, so they went to a teahouse to get together.

Dongfanghong also specifically talked about writing the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

Of course, the name may not be this, but he must write a story he wants.

"Okay, I support you writing this."

The two talked a lot more. When Xi Yu returned home, he found Guan Yu waiting here again.

He thought that Guan Yu must still be serious about that matter, and he felt a little speechless.

Why is Guan Yu so persistent? Guan Yu immediately saluted Xi Yu.

"Are you still worried about that?"

"No, Mr. Xi, there is another matter. This matter is very big. I actually forgot about it yesterday."

After Guan Yu returned, he realized that he had forgotten about Jinchang.

At that moment, he told what happened about Jinchang.

"What, who is this?"

The other party specifically talked about Kunlun Mountain.

He immediately understood, isn't this Jinchang?

"In that case, you can take me to see it."

Guan Yu immediately became very nervous and asked Xi Yu if he really knew that person?

"I have indeed been to Kunlun Mountain and stayed in someone's home. It should be him."

Guan Yu's face became even more ugly. Of course Xi Yu knew what he was thinking, but he told him to go on his own quickly.

Xi Yu soon arrived at the governor's house and asked someone to release Jinchang quickly.

The servants came to the dungeon to release Jinchang, saying that Guan Yu had said so and he could leave now.

Jinchang sneered, making several servants feel puzzled.

"Aren't you going out quickly? What are you still doing here?"

Jinchang sneered, this is not a place where you can come and leave whenever you want.

Likewise, it is not a place where you can come in if you want to come in and go out if you want to go out.

Several servants felt very angry, but they didn't expect him to drag him up.

"Since you don't leave, then stay here."

Several servants immediately reported to Guan Yu, saying that the other party was particularly stubborn and Guan Yu looked very ugly. They wanted to invite him anyway, but in this case, they should go alone.

If he can't get the other party out, then Xiyu can't destroy himself?

Jinchang soon heard the sound of footsteps, and he knew that the reason why Guan Yu came to invite him must be because of Xi Yu.

Xiyu must have known.

So Guan Yu was particularly anxious.

That's why he sent someone to call him.

He refused to leave because he had to be punished.

Guan Yu immediately appeared in front of him and said all the good things to him.

However, Guan Yu's face was still very ugly, so although his words sounded nice, he still seemed to be reprimanding himself.

"I already said, I won't go out."

Guan Yu was very angry. He wondered if the other party was deliberately trying to mess with him.

"I've already apologized to you, what else do you want?"

"That's not okay. You uphold justice. Since I did something wrong, why do you have to apologize to me?"

Jinchang looked like he was going to fight to the end. Guan Yu was at a loss. Did he still have to kneel down?

"Don't go too far. What do you want?"

"What do you mean to me? You have to pay for your own crimes."

Guan Yu's blush became even redder, and he had no choice but to come to Xi Yu and apologize to him.

Xi Yu said: "You are not guilty, why do you have to plead guilty to me?"

"But I really shouldn't lock him up. After all, he knows the actor."

"What you said is wrong. You should use the law as your criterion, not human relationships."

Xi Yu also severely criticized him. Although the law was strictly enforced, it seemed as if he had become a sinner.

Guan Yu was stunned. Did Xi Yu think that he had done nothing wrong?

The same thing happened when Xi Yu thought about his past life.

Many people do not deal with problems fairly and justly, but start with interpersonal relationships. As a result, many nondescript phenomena occur.

Guan Yu finally breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Xi Yu say this.

In this way, I won't have any psychological burden.

"Master Xi, how should we deal with Jinchang?"

Xi Yu believes that it is normal for this person to have a little temper. Go and take a look yourself.

After a while, Xi Yu and Guan Yu came to the cell.

Jinchang was very happy when he saw Xi Yu.

"It turns out you are indeed an actor."

"I just heard about your incident, but you can't blame Guan Yu, do you understand?"

Xi Yu was extremely serious at the moment. He just wanted to impress Jinchang and others, and he must not spoil the other party.

At this moment, Jinchang was stunned. He originally thought that the other party would make the decision for him, but he didn't expect this to be the case.

"He did nothing wrong. He enforces the law very strictly, but it was you who was wrong."

Jinchang was very angry. He said that he didn't know that he still needed to apply for documents.

"That's the matter of soldiers. You are not guilty, but Guan Yu is not guilty either."

Helpless, Jinchang had no choice but to nod.

"Are you here to join the army?"

"Yes, I hope to follow the actor, but I don't know if the actor can take me in."

Xi Yu said that he was very happy that he could turn his back on his anger, and also told about his dealings with Meng Huo.

"Hmph, that guy will fail in the end. He will not end well if he goes against the grain."

But Xi Yu said that since he came to join the army, he would give him a chance. After all, they knew each other.

But he must not have any privileges.

So there was no one to take care of him.

"Drama Master, don't take care of me, just let me be a normal soldier."

Xi Yu nodded and asked him to leave the prison immediately and follow him to join the army.

"Thank you very much sir."

At the same time, Jinchang also apologized to Guan Yu, saying that he had misunderstood him.

Guan Yu said that for Xi Yu's sake, he didn't want to worry about it anymore.

Just like that, Jinchang and Xiyu finally walked out.

Jinchang thought to himself that no matter what, Xi Yu had given him enough face.

I am also very honored.

But Xi Yu did not personally lead the other party to surrender to the army. Instead, he wrote a note and asked the other party to take it and hand it to the soldiers.

In this way, Jinchang finally got his wish and stayed.

On the other side, in Sichuan.

Zhang Lu and Chen Nan were particularly happy.

And Zhang Lu naturally became the leader again.

Many soldiers felt very ridiculous. They did not expect that the most unreliable Zhang Lu actually gave Nanzhong a heavy blow.

On this day, Ma Wenbin rode back here. He also heard about Zhang Lu's burning of Nanzhong.

He still hopes to stay here and play.

The moment he saw Zhang Lu, he knelt down to Zhang Lu and said that he was a little disappointed and left. This was wrong, and he hoped that Zhang Lu would let him stay.

"Well, you still dare to come back, aren't you afraid that I will kill you?"

Ma Wenbin said that if he dared to come back today, he was not afraid.

Zhang Lu also understood that he was still loyal to him. At this moment, Zhang Lu also felt a little soft-hearted and finally helped the other person up. (End of chapter)

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