However, it was a good day in Youzhou, and Xi Yu once again felt the spring in winter.

So he planned to go out for a walk, and when he came back, he would go find Song Shuwen and quickly get the medicine.

At that time, the true face of fake Zhao Yun will be revealed.

I decided to go to the countryside for a walk and take a look at the scenery there.

Instead of riding a bicycle, I just walk, so that I can still exercise.

Yes, just do it.

He found that he used to like traveling, but now he doesn't go to other places for a long time.

He suddenly felt envious of Wenxuan, he could walk around, it was really a wonderful life.

The same is life, how wonderful she lived it.

Soon, he arrived at the outskirts, but he was a little out of breath from walking a lot.

He also understood that this was the consequence of not exercising.

He will need to exercise more in the future. He also found that he was a little fat.

He laughed at himself, how far has he come? To be so tired.

The scenery in this suburb is very beautiful, with high mountains in the distance, but the only thing that ruins the scenery is that it is winter, and many trees look very dry.

There is a small river ahead, which is not yet frozen.

The river water glowed in the sun.

Of course, if it does freeze, it will probably be very beautiful.

Xi Yu couldn't help but sigh. If it was in the previous life, he could have taken it with the camera right away.

Then I posted it online and visited it with everyone.

It's a pity that in ancient society, you can only watch but not take pictures.

He wandered here alone for a while and then came to another intersection.

But I found that there was a place in front of me that turned out to be a small market.

There are many people setting up stalls there and many people hawking there.

Seeing such a prosperous scene, he was naturally very happy.

And he also heard the two old men setting up stalls talking.

"It's such a cold day, and you go out to set up a stall. I think your body and bones are not as good as mine."

"So what? Now that the Opera Rules the entire Youzhou, it is extremely prosperous and has given us such an opportunity, so I have to seize the time to make money."

The second old man was very proud, saying that he was his son, and he still worked in a mine and made a lot of money.

The family now has no worries about food and clothing, which was unimaginable a few years ago.

At that time, there were scuffles everywhere, and I never thought that I would be able to encounter the prosperous era in my later years.

"You are right, all this is thanks to the actor."

Xi Yu felt even more relieved.

But many people don't know him, after all, this place is a bit far away from the county seat.

Most people have never seen it.

But it doesn't matter.

Xi Yu came to a place selling food and saw some delicious food and bought it.

He came to an intersection to enjoy the cool air.

He just looked at the scenery and didn't care.

After a while, someone suddenly heard screaming.

It turned out that a carriage and a bicycle collided. The person riding the horse is a middle-aged man, while the person riding the bicycle is a young man.

The young man soon lay on the ground, and the front wheel of the bicycle was broken. The coachman quickly got out of the car.

"How are you driving? Are you too careless?"

The young man was particularly dissatisfied. The coachman hadn't spoken yet, but a woman appeared on the carriage, who was the coachman's wife.

The lady saw that the horse's hooves were bleeding, so she asked the young man how he rode the horse?

"It's obviously your fault, but you still blame me. I was riding very slowly, so you turned around."

Xi Yu also took a closer look and saw that the young man was acting straight.

And the coachman did take a turn. According to the traffic rules in his previous life, those who turn must give way to those going straight.

So in this matter, the coachman is responsible.

The coachman was also dissatisfied. He said that his speed was usually very slow.

Usually nothing happens.

When he was about to turn around, he was still far away from the carriage.

The young man yawned. It turned out that he had been taking care of his sick father last night and did not sleep well.

This morning I had to get medicine for my father again, so I was in a trance while riding my bicycle.

He also blamed himself in his heart, saying that this person was riding too slowly.

If he were faster, there would be no obstacles in front of him and he would pass by himself.

But the other party was riding so slowly, which was really unreasonable.

The two people started arguing at the scene.

At this time, there were many customers going to watch the fun.

The young man felt very wronged.

My own car is broken down, so I have to let them pay for one car.

The woman sneered.

"You also damaged our horse, and we need you to pay for our horse's medical expenses."

So, both sides argue here.

Many people came to see the fun and were talking about it, but they didn’t know who was who and who was who.

After all, it is rare for a horse-drawn carriage to collide with a bicycle.

The young man said that if it doesn't work, then he will report to the official.

The woman's hands were on her waist.

"If you report to the official, report to the official. No one is afraid of whom. You brat, I think you just want to blackmail me."

The young man was indignant.

"When did I blackmail you? You guys all listen, what does he mean?"

Everyone advised them not to quarrel anymore.

"I said you brat, are you blind?" The woman was particularly dissatisfied, and then cursed some obscene words.

The young man said: "Originally, I don't have to worry about this matter with you. If you have this attitude, then I will fight to the end for you today."

Xi Yu did not fully understand what happened before the accident.

It is still not possible to confirm who is responsible?

But he felt that coming out today was a very right choice.

He should pay better attention to civil affairs.

Through this incident, he decided that he should work hard to formulate laws, especially traffic rules.

Of course it's not like it was in the past life. There aren't that many vehicles.

But sometimes the carriage can run very fast.

Even if there won't be any serious traffic accidents like in the previous life, it will still cause harm to people.

The two men were still chattering.

Xi Yu said: "Okay, please stop first. Can you let me handle this matter?"

The woman was very unhappy and said, "Who are you if I let you handle it? Why should we let you handle it?"

When the coachman saw Xi Yu, he was very impressive.

The coachman said: "Madam, since this young man is willing to deal with it, we might as well listen to what he has to say."

The woman sneered.

It can be regarded as agreeing to Xi Yu's request.

Xi Yu asked them both to reconstruct what happened just now. Who came from which intersection and how fast?

Both men also described it.

Xi Yu first looked at the young man.

"When I look at you, your eyes are full of tiredness, as if you haven't woken up yet."

The woman said it was because she didn't wake up. So he went blind and ran into his own carriage.

Otherwise, how could something happen?

The young man realized that he had told the truth and felt that something was inappropriate.

Anyway, their speed is just because they are too fast.

The coachman said: "You are talking nonsense, I am driving too slowly."

Xi Yu said: "Okay, don't argue anymore. Since you let me solve the problem, you must listen to me in everything."

At this time, the two sides no longer quarreled.

Xi Yu roughly understood the process of the matter.

He said: "No matter what, you two are both wrong."

Xi Yu thought to himself, but before traffic rules are formally formulated, he must deal with it as fairly as possible.

It is true that this young man was driving on the road because he had not slept well, which in itself was a safety hazard.

"I hope you two will show some humility to each other."

The woman immediately sneered.

"Why do you ask us to be humble? We are not willing to be humble. We must fight to the death."

The woman also said that the other person's bicycle was not worth much, but her horse was very noble.

If something happens to this horse, their family will have no income.

Xiyu glared at her.

"I told you I'll handle it, don't interrupt."

When the woman was still about to speak, the coachman pulled his arm.

The woman was very dissatisfied.

"You are so cowardly. Am I right? He is not qualified to care about us at all. Is he in the same group with this young man?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? It's too unfair for you to say this." The young man was dissatisfied.

Xi Yu then said: "My name is Xi Yu. I am here to deal with your problems. Do you have the qualifications?"

Everyone was shocked.

What? This is actually Xi Yu, the actor who is famous all over the world.

The coachman thought to himself, no wonder he was so impressive.

The woman was immediately stunned, and then asked: "You said you were Xi Yu, what evidence do you have?"

Xiyu shook his head.

"I don't have any tokens, but if you don't believe me, you can go to the theater or the military camp with me. There are many ways to prove my identity."

This sentence is very powerful.

The coachman tugged on her clothes and signaled her not to doubt it again.

The woman had no choice but to say: "Well, since you are the actor, we will listen to you."

Xi Yu asked the young man if he would listen to him.

The young man said that he wished for it, and he never expected that he would meet the legendary actor here.

If I had known this, it wouldn't have mattered even if the entire bicycle was broken, let alone one of the bicycle wheels.

Xi Yu laughed, not expecting that his mentality was so good.

Xi Yu believes that both parties are wrong.

The first is this young man.

He was driving while fatigued.

The young man began to cry and said that he had no choice but to do so.

"No matter what the reason is, in short, it is very dangerous for you to do this. Fortunately, no one on either side of you was injured. But think about it, what if there are real casualties?"

This statement made sense, and many people nodded.

As long as nothing serious happens, it's better than anything else.

At the same time, Xi Yu began to criticize the coachman, saying that because the other party was going straight, he should try his best to let the other party go first.

The coachman asked: "Xiyu, why is this?"

"There is no reason, because it is difficult for you to turn around. He should be faster when going straight, so he should be allowed to go smoothly."

At the same time, he also said that he must formulate a good regulation after he returns. Use rules and regulations to implement specific details.

But today this one only scored 50 points each.

Regarding this bicycle, it can still be ridden after repair, so the young man went to Ouyang's house to repair the bicycle.

Now that Ouyang Fu has passed away, the bicycle is still for sale.

As for the cost of repairing the car, the young man will bear it himself.

Because after all, he was careless.

The coachman's horse also hurried to see the doctor, and the medical expenses were borne by himself.

"Of course, you may think that what I've done is unfair, but do you think there is a better way?"

The coachman said, just do as the actor said.

Through this incident, I hope everyone can learn a lesson.

He also apologized to the boy.

I will definitely pay attention when driving a carriage in the future.

Seeing how humble he was, the young man felt sorry for him.

He said that he really shouldn't have driven the bicycle when he was tired and apologized to him.

At this moment, many people burst into warm applause.

After Xi Yu saw this scene, he felt very relieved.

So, the coachman took the horse and hurriedly went for treatment, and the young man hurriedly went to repair the carriage.

The matter is settled.

Xi Yu said, "Okay, it's okay now. Let's all disperse."

Xi Yu also left.

And everyone expressed their appreciation for Xi Yu's justice.

Xi Yu was a little ashamed. In fact, his method was not particularly good.

However, it is already very good that both of them can reach an agreement and apologize to each other.

After Xi Yu returned home, he started preparing to formulate traffic rules.

He decided to let Wenxuan and Dongfanghong participate in this matter.

So let’s talk about it during the weekend.

He now goes to find Song Shuwen.

After knocking on the door, Song Shuwen opened the door.

"Master Xi, I have prepared the medicine."

Song Shuwen handed a packet of white powder to Xi Yu.

"Then give me a brief introduction."

"Anyway, if you want to use it, just pour the powder into food or drink. Of course, you should be fine for three days after taking it. If you don't take the antidote after three days, you will eventually die from a broken liver and intestines."

After he said this, he took out another packet of powder from his cuff.

This is the antidote.

"Very good, no one else knows about this, right?"

"Don't worry, Mr. Xi, God knows that you know and I know about this matter."

Xi Yu felt relieved. After taking the medicine away, he returned to the room.

He was wondering, what kind of opportunity could he find to ask the fake Zhao Yun out?

If you just ask the other person out, will it make him suspicious?

By the way, or else we can ask them for their opinions on today's traffic accident.

So, he asked the soldiers to tell Zhou Yu that Zhao Yun and Jia Xu would invite them to dinner today.

The location was set at a place called Ping An Restaurant.

I immediately went to the restaurant and waited.

When the three people were notified, they felt inexplicable.

Inviting them all to a restaurant to discuss matters was the first of its kind.

What can't be said directly in the room?

Could it be that Xiyu has money and nowhere to spend it?

But since the other party is willing to treat them, they are also very happy.

The three people rushed to that place separately.

Zhou Yu was the first to arrive, and Xi Yu was already waiting in the private room.

"Master Xiu, why is this happening today?"

"What could be the reason? I'm also greedy. I want to go out to eat something and talk about some things and feelings. Isn't this good?"

Zhou Yu sat down immediately.

The second person who came was Jia Xu, who also had a problem.

Xi Yu also explained it to him.

They chatted for a while before Zhai Rongping arrived.

"Zilong, will you ask me why I have a banquet here? They both have asked me."

Zhai Rongping smiled.

"Since the actor knows that his subordinate is going to ask, you should answer it."

All three laughed.

Xi Yu also stated the answer again.

"Okay, everyone has arrived, let's serve the food quickly."

Xi Yu immediately called the waiter over, ordered a few dishes, and asked them to order more.

After that, Xi Yu said: "Actually, I have something to discuss with you today. I was out playing today, and I encountered someone bumping into a car."

He told the relevant situation.

Zhai Rongping immediately said: "Drama Master, I have seen the young man you mentioned. I saw him feebly heading to Ouyang's house with a bicycle with a damaged front wheel."

Xi Yu was stunned. It would be best if he could see it, lest he think he was lying.

"Although this is a small matter, to the people, it is a big deal. You should also understand me. There are no small things for the people here."

After Xi Yu finished speaking, he slowly looked at the three people.

All three nodded.

"So I hope there is a rule for how to drive on the road, which must be announced in the form of law. What do you three think?"

The three of them nodded in unison.

They thought it was a very good idea.

"So I called you here today to ask you to work with me to improve some laws. Of course, you can think about it yourself after you go back. I'm just giving you a reminder. Let's talk about something else next."

As expected, several people talked about other things.

After a while, according to Xi Yu's idea, he had to serve the food himself, so he said he was going to the toilet.

After coming out of the toilet, he came to the kitchen.

"Hey, is the first dish almost ready?"

The waiter said he would send it right away.

"No, I'm on my way. I'd better serve the food myself."

"Master Xiu, you have a distinguished status, how can you be allowed to serve food?"

"What's going on here? I'm just on my way. You should hurry up and do other things. Give me the food." Xi Yu finally brought the food outside and immediately administered the medicine.

I have never done such a sneaky thing, but now it seems that I must do it.

He quickly poured the medicine into a soup.

Jia Xu and Zhou Yu, I have no choice but to let you suffer a little.

Because only by letting you accompany me can that person not be too defensive. (End of chapter)

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