"Okay, the first dish is here, let's start eating."

The three of them were all very surprised. How could Xi Yu serve the food himself?

"Isn't there a waiter? Why does the actor serve the food himself?"

"It's a waiter at a restaurant. I happened to be on the way, so I brought the food."

Zhou Yu felt that Xi Yu was like this, which was the behavior of Corporal Li Xian.

According to Song Chuwen's description, the medicine will not take effect immediately after being taken, but will take at least an hour.

Therefore, Xi Yu must ensure that the dinner is over within an hour.

After that, everyone was having a good time, and the banter was of little value, so the three of them felt particularly relaxed.

Several more dishes were served one after another.

Half an hour later, Xi Yu asked to leave.

"By the way, how about this? You follow me back to the theater, rest for a while, and then start thinking about how to deal with the traffic regulations."

Three people thought it was a good idea.

But Zhai Rongping felt very strange.

Because of his special status. So he is very sensitive.

Is Xiyu just inviting you to dinner normally, or does it have some other purpose?

So along the way, he felt a little uneasy.

Xi Yu asked him deliberately.

"Zilong, are you worried? Why are you so depressed?"

"No, I'm just a little full."

After saying that, he touched his belly.

The four of them returned to the theater together.

Xiyu asked them to stay in the room for now and he would be back soon.

The three of them started whispering for a while.

Zhai Rongping still felt a little nervous. His secret would not be discovered, right?

He suddenly felt very nowhere.

To be fair, he didn't want to do that either.

But his family was in Sima Yi's hands.

Zhou Yu saw sweat on his head and asked, "What's wrong with you? Why are you still so hot in this winter?"

"Maybe it was because he drank soup. He quickly found an excuse."

But after a while, Xi Yu never came back, which made the three people once again speculate about Xi Yu's behavior.

But if Xiyu didn't come, they didn't dare to leave.

After a while, Jia Xu said: "The three of us should first study what the actor said about road safety."

In fact, Xi Yu also missed a little while eating.

The knowledge he talked about were all about traffic safety issues in previous lives.

But Xi Yu couldn't tell them about things like traffic lights.

Because there is no such thing at this time, and it is impossible to create such a thing.

Zhou Yu said: "Yes, the actor left on purpose, maybe to let us discuss it carefully."

While they were discussing, Jia Xu suddenly felt a stomachache.

"Wait a minute, should I go to the bathroom?"

After walking a few steps, he suddenly fainted.

Zhou Yu quickly asked: "Mr. Jia, what's wrong with you?"

But when he went to help the other party, the same symptoms immediately appeared.

At this moment, Zhai Rongping felt trembling all over.

He thought his guess was correct.

Xi Yu must have discovered his secret.

In other words, Xi Yu poisoned the food.

By the way, it must be like this, otherwise, why would Xiyu serve the food himself?

Why was it that something happened to the two of them but nothing happened to me?

No, he wants to find Xi Yu.

He ran out quickly on the pretext that something happened to two people.

However, when he ran to a pavilion, he also felt particularly uncomfortable.

At this moment, Xi Yu finally appeared. After seeing him fainted, he immediately picked him up.

Then he personally took him to an empty room that he had just prepared.

At the same time, he called the secret guards and gave them the antidote.

Let them quickly feed Zhou Yu and the two of them.

Although the secret guards didn't know what happened, they still followed Xi Yu's words.

According to Song Shuwen's explanation, after taking this medicine, you will fall into a coma. If you don't take the antidote when you wake up, it will be particularly painful.

What Xi Yu is doing now is to wake up Zhai Rongping.

Xi Yu put Zhai Rong flat on the ground, and then began to shake the other person's body.

Zhai Rongping slowly woke up.

He suddenly felt a special pain all over his body.

When he saw Xi Yu again, he found that Xi Yu was sitting on the bench looking at him.

He already understood all this.

Xi Yu said: "I believe you understand why I asked you to come here. I hope you will tell me the truth quickly."

But now Zhai Longping is holding his stomach, and he doesn't even have the strength to speak now.

"This pain is only temporary. You will die of pain in three days. If you don't tell the truth, it doesn't matter. You can just accept this treatment by yourself."

"Master Xiu, what truth do you want me to tell you?"

At this moment, he is still here pretending to be confused.

"It seems you still feel no pain in your body."

Xiyu stood up and prepared to walk out.

Zhai Rongping's stomach pain became even worse.

Xiyu turned around.

"If you want to say it now, it's still too late."

"Master Xi, I am indeed not Zhao Yun. The real Zhao Yun still stays with Sima Yi."

This sentence is enough.

Xi Yu said: "Okay, I will feed you the antidote in a while. I hope you will give me the antidote in the future. Otherwise, I will punish you in countless ways."

Xi Yu tossed his sleeves and left.

Afterwards, Zhou Yu and Jia Xu took the antidote and woke up quickly.

They found themselves in a strange room.

"Mr. Jia, what's going on?" Zhou Yu asked quickly.

Jia Xu shook his head and said that he didn't know what the actor was doing.

"He can't be harming us."

"How could the actor harm us? Don't overthink it."

At this moment, Xi Yu walked into the room.

"Master Xiu, what on earth is going on?" The two people asked in unison.

"When you eat, the food is poisonous."

Both of their expressions changed greatly.

Next, Xi Yu said that it was all his fault.

The two of them felt confused.

They really didn't understand why Xi Yu would do such a thing.

Xi Yu said that he had no choice but to do this. From beginning to end, he was plotting against two people, hoping that they would never mind.

Jia Xu said: "Player, we know you can't deliberately murder us. Please tell us what happened."

Xi Yu asked them to calm down and told them about the fake Zhao Yunyun.

The expressions of both people changed drastically.

Zhou Yu immediately became very angry.

He even drank with the other party, so he asked: "Player, is this true or false?"

"He has admitted that it is indeed a fake."

At the same time, Xi Yu asked the secret guard to quickly give Zhai Rongping the antidote. If he was not honest soon, he would be even more rude.

Zhou Yu then started to scold him. This fake was too abominable.

But Jia Xu is more concerned about where the real Zhao Yun is?

"According to him, he is still with Cao Pi. We don't know if something has happened now."

Xi Yu also felt particularly sad when he learned that Zhao Yun had suffered.

Zhou Yu said: "It's all Zhao Zilong's fault. I told him that he shouldn't assassinate Sima Yi, but he didn't listen. Unexpectedly, something happened in the end."

"Okay, things are already like this. It's useless to talk too much." Xi Yu sighed again.

After a while, Zhai Rongping, who had recovered, appeared in front of Xi Yu.

It's just that his face is very pale now. He has returned to his true nature and no longer needs to imitate Zhao Zilong everywhere. Therefore, although his face is still Zhao Zilong's face, his expression feels particularly strange.

Zhou Yu slapped him immediately.

"You bastard, you dare to pretend to be Zhao Zilong, it's totally unreasonable."

Zhai Rongping accepted this point abruptly.

He also knew that after he told the truth, everyone would hate him.

To be honest, he also hates himself very much, but he must protect his family.

He immediately knelt down to Xi Yu and said that he was sorry for Xi Yu.

Xi Yu said, "You finish your sentence first."

So Zhai Rongping told what happened.

But he would never say anything about the presence of ninjas.

He thought that he could negotiate terms with Sima Yi then.

Because in that case, maybe your family can be preserved.

That is to say, Cao Pi particularly liked Zhao Zilong.

Hope made Zhao Zilong surrender and left him there.

"But they asked me to come here in order to confuse the actor. My family has been imprisoned by them. I don't know what to do except agree."

Xi Yu asked, "Have you finished speaking?"

Zhai Rongping said that he had finished speaking.

He feels very secure now, but Jia Xu has a problem.

Why are he and Zhao Yun so similar?

Zhai Rongping said: "It's very simple, naturally it's makeup."

"Even if the face is made up, how come the expression and tone of voice are so similar?"

Zhai Rongping said that this was what Sima Yi taught him and also trained him.

Of course, I am also very smart, that’s why I learn so quickly.

Jia Xu said: "This Sima Yi is really a talent."

He glanced at Xi Yu at the same time, hoping that Xi Yu could recruit someone like Sima Yi under his command in the future.

Of course Xi Yu knew that Sima Yi was cunning, cunning and extremely capable.

I can't control him. Of course, I don't have that much energy to reform him.

"Zhou Yu, Jia Xu, don't tell anyone what happened today. If I find out that it was you who leaked it, don't blame me for being rude."

The two people were stunned for a moment.

They said they had never seen Xi Yu look at them with such eyes.

"Don't worry, we won't tell anyone." Zhou Yu and Jia Xu immediately said in unison.

Xi Yu asked them to retreat for now.

Of course Xi Yu also wanted to ask about the hidden person.

And I don’t know if the person he is hiding in secret will find out if he takes care of this guy today?

And this kid didn't tell the truth at all. Did he not want to tell the truth or didn't know?

Jia Xu and Zhou Yu both retreated, their moods very complicated.

But just now I remembered what Xi Yu said about keeping it secret, so the two of them stopped talking about any topics.

Xi Yu looked at Zhai Rongping coldly and asked his name.

Zhai Rongping also told him his name. He said that Xi Yu would kill him, and he had no complaints.

But I can't bear to leave my family.

"Do you mean that I am still responsible for rescuing your family?"

"Master Xi, of course I didn't mean it this way."

Next, he didn't know what to say.

"It seems like you haven't suffered too much," Xi Yu said.

Zhai Rongping was stunned for a moment, and then started to tremble again.

He asked deliberately: "Master Xiu, what do you mean? I have already explained everything that needs to be said."

"I'll give you another half hour to think about what to say."

After that, Xi Yu walked out of the room, asking the other party to stay here honestly, and at the same time, he asked the secret guard to keep an eye on him.

He walked around the yard a few times. Suddenly I saw a pond, and Xi Shi and the little girl were playing nearby.

The two of them saw it immediately, and Xi Yu quickly walked over and saluted.

"What's going on with you two? It's such a cold day, and you're still traveling here."

Xishi said she was bored in the house, so she wanted to go out for a walk recently.

When Xi Shi became ill, she felt very depressed and did not dare to go anywhere for fear of looking like a rat crossing the street.

But now, she no longer suffers criticism from others, so she comes out to have fun.

"The weather is nice today, so I took a walk in the yard."

"The weather has not been normal these days."

Xi Yu lamented that it should be especially cold at this time.

Because the weather at this time is still very pristine, and there is no environmental pollution or the like.

So there is no such thing as a greenhouse effect. Winter should be extremely cold.

But now that the weather is abnormal, will something happen?

Seeing Xi Yu suddenly reacting to Xi Shi, she thought he was unhappy.

"Sorry, Mr. Xi, if you don't like me walking around, I'll just stay in my room."

Xi Shi looked particularly sad.

Xiyu laughed.

Xishi can go wherever she wants, but the weather is too cold, so just don't catch a cold.

Xi Shi felt a warm current filling her whole body.

She was very grateful to Xi Yu for caring about her.

"I was thinking about the problem just now, and I felt that the weather today was always a little abnormal, and it suddenly became a little warm."

"Master Xiu, isn't it a good thing that the weather is getting warmer?"

"As the saying goes, if something goes wrong, there will be a monster." Xi Yu murmured.

In the past, he didn't believe in heaven, earth, ghosts and gods, but after coming to this world, he was probably influenced by it, and coupled with some things he experienced, he had to believe it.

Will something really abnormal happen and cause earth-shaking changes?

And don’t let the common people suffer.

It doesn't matter if you suffer a little.

"Okay, let me tell you, you don't understand. Now that I've met you, I'll go around with you. Do you mind?"

Xi Shi said that of course she wouldn't mind. It would be better if the actor was with her.

Next, he accompanied the two women to play together.

After a while, I remembered that I had something serious to do, so I had to continue asking Zhai Rongping.

Zhai Songping had been feeling uneasy in the room. He didn't know whether he should tell the final truth.

And in my mind, I remembered the scene when I was reunited with my family.

He kept imagining his family now being victimized.

That kind of miserable situation is really unbearable.

He has never been so out of control like today.

Although it was winter, there was sweat on his forehead.

Suddenly, Xiyu appeared next to him, Xiyu was like a towering mountain.

"How's it going? Have you thought about it now?"

"Master Xiu, I have already said everything that needs to be said. I have no idea what you mean."

Zhai Rongping didn't know why, but he blurted out some words. After finishing speaking, he seemed to regret it a little.

"I've asked you to think about it for a long time, but I can't believe that you still won't tell the truth."


"You have to tell me the truth. Don't talk to me about your family anymore. I won't listen."

"But I have to think about my family."

Zhai Rongping thought to himself that if the other party could really save his family, it wouldn't matter, but the other party probably wasn't interested.

That's right, there is no need for people to do things for themselves.

"My endurance is limited. If you don't tell me now, I will find out sooner or later, but you will be in trouble."

Zhai Rongping suddenly looked very ugly and closed his eyes.

Xi Yu was not in a hurry and immediately crossed his legs to look at him.

"Okay, I'm more merciful. I'll give you another half hour. It would be a pity if you still don't tell the truth."

Zhai Rongping thought to himself, in half an hour, would he be able to tell the truth?

Xi Yu said: "Aren't you thinking that the result will be the same after half a time?"

Zhai Rongping thought to himself, could he be a roundworm in his stomach?

"Okay, I'll tell you the truth now." He really couldn't continue now.

He then told the story about the ninja, but he had never seen it, so he didn't know the other party's strength.

"What, ninja"?

Xi Yu was surprised. As a person from the past life, he certainly knew what a ninja was.

Unexpectedly, there are still such people in this day and age.

And the person he felt was hiding in secret that day was probably one of the ninjas.

At that time, I told the secret guard, but the secret guard still didn't believe me.

"Drama Master, this time, I have absolutely nothing to hide."

"Okay, I guess you're still honest."

And Zhai Rongping knew that since Xi Yu asked this, he must have felt the presence of the ninja.

It's also because this ninja is bad, he must be close to Xi Yu, he is simply too stupid.

"Tell me, how does this ninja contact you?"

Zhai Rongping said that the other party can come to him, but he cannot come to him openly.

And also talked about the situation of contacting the other party.

Zhai Rongping sighed deeply.

Afterwards, Xi Yu shouted: "Here comes someone."

Several secret guards appeared.

Xi Yu asked people to imprison Zhai Longping temporarily and wait until he thinks of how to punish him. (End of chapter)

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