Cao Pi felt very happy after hearing this.

The ninja even insulted Cao Pi.

Said he was not doing well.

"Mr. Dachuan said that without our help, you would fail in the end. In fact, Mr. Dachuan is most willing to cooperate with Xi Yu, but he understands that Xi Yu would rather die than surrender."

If Xiyu is aware of current affairs, it would be best if he could cooperate with Dachuan to gain more territory and wealth for Dachuan.

It was because it was impossible that they chose Cao Pi.

Therefore, Cao Pi should not be self-righteous and think that he is so great.

Hearing this, Cao Pi looked very ugly.

He bowed respectfully and said he would do better and not to make Okawa angry.

And hopefully next spring, once the territory is plundered, it will definitely be committed quickly.

The ninja said nothing more and finally left.

Cao Pi sat on the bed, feeling that the bed was so cold and hard.

I feel very cold in my heart, if I really seize the country. How should he face the world?

Because it is definitely necessary to be scolded.

Is he playing with fire by doing this?

The next day is Sunday.

Wenxuan came to the theater again to give Ganmei prenatal education.

He suddenly remembered that a beautiful bead he saw some time ago was very beautiful, so he gave Xiaocui money and asked Xiaocui to buy it for her quickly.

Xiaocui came to a market and turned down a small alley.

She had just bought the beads and left when she suddenly realized that someone seemed to be following her behind her.

She turned around and saw a familiar face that she hadn't seen for a long time.

The man quickly knocked her unconscious.

Xiaocui's body slowly fell to the ground.

Then, several men grabbed her and took her away.

Unconsciously, noon had passed. Wenxuan saw that Xiaocui had not come back yet and thought that she must have been playing outside.

But at night, Xiaocui hadn't come back yet.

Wenxuan was worried that something might have happened.

Ganmei said: "Yes, where did Xiaocui go? Don't just stay here with me, you should walk around and look for her."

Wenxuan suddenly panicked.

Where to find it?

Will Xiaocui encounter something unexpected?

In this ancient society, there is no telephone or anything like that, so where can we contact them?

She herself was a little distraught.

She originally wanted Xi Yu to accompany her in the search, but after thinking about it, she thought it was just a small matter, so she didn't want to bother Xi Yu.

She ran out quickly, and it was completely dark now.

She came to several shops and searched door to door.

He also described Xiao Cui’s height and smile, but many people said they had never seen her.

Wenxuan suddenly felt that he was too stupid. Didn't he ask Xiaocui to buy beads?

Then you should go to the place that sells beads and have a look.

The old man selling beads was about to close the door when Wenxuan shouted loudly: "Old man, don't close the door yet."

She asked the old man about it, and after hearing the description, the old man said that the girl did buy the beads from here.

That happened before noon. Did you never go back? At this time, I didn't know what happened.

Girl, why don't you go to the customs officer? "

Wenxuan sighed and ran out.

Could it be that he encountered a robbery?

Other than that, she really couldn't figure out why someone would take Xiao Cui away?

Just when he saw the patrol video, Wenxuan ran over immediately.

There was a soldier who knew Wenxuan.

Wenxuan was told not to worry now, so they dealt with it immediately.

You might as well ask Wenxuan to go back and wait.

Wenxuan shook his head. At this time, she was not in the mood to go back and wait. She was willing to join the soldiers.

Just then, a carriage arrived.

The driver of the carriage was a young man. He saw Wenxuan and several soldiers looking anxious, so he asked: "Is this girl Wenxuan?"

Wenxuan immediately said: "I am Wenxuan, who are you?"

She thought, could it be that there was news about Xiao Cui?

The young man took out a letter from his sleeve.

He said that someone entrusted him to deliver a message to the theater.

It was given to a girl named Wenxuan.

But now I saw a few soldiers calling her Miss Wen, and I felt that she might be it.

Wenxuan thought to himself that this must be a letter sent by the kidnapper.

He wants to take the ransom to rescue Xiaocui.

She took it immediately and opened the letter immediately.

The young man left again.

Wenxuan said: "Wait a minute, don't leave yet."

She saw a line written on the letter.

"If you want to know Xiaocui's whereabouts, go to Wangjianglou Inn, and only one person is allowed to go there, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous."

"Tell me quickly, who is this?"

The young man said that this was a very ordinary person, and then he gave himself money and did this.

He had no idea who the other party was specifically.

Just a very ordinary person.

"Can you give me a rough description of his appearance?"

The young man felt a little embarrassed because he couldn't describe it.

This person is too ordinary.

Wenxuan thought, no matter what, he finally got the news about Xiaocui.

So I expressed my gratitude to the young man.

The young man left immediately.

Several soldiers asked Wenxuan what to do.

Did she really go into danger alone?

"It's been said so, so I'd better go by myself. If too many people go and anger the kidnapper, Xiaocui may be in danger."

One of the soldiers thought that in this case, he should contact Xi Yu and ask Xi Yu to send secret guards.

After all, Xi Yu and Wen Xuan also have a very good relationship.

But they didn't say it out loud either.

After all, this secret guard usually only serves Xi Yu and will not do other things casually.

Wenxuan quickly asked the soldier, where is this restaurant?

The soldier immediately told her the answer.

Without saying a word, she quickly headed there.

When we arrived at the lobby of the inn, there was already a man waiting here.

Wenxuan's expression changed drastically when he saw him, because this was the butler of Wen's house.

"Butler, how could it be you?"

"Miss, please come with Xiao Cui. Don't you want to know the news about Xiao Cui?"

Wenxuan was confused immediately. What do you mean? Could it be that Xiaocui was taken away by people from the Wen Mansion?

She originally thought it was the work of kidnappers.

"Miss, why are you still standing there?"

"Tell me quickly, what is going on?"

"Miss, don't worry so much for now, just follow the little one into the room."

Wenxuan agreed and entered a room with the housekeeper.

She understood that this was her father coming.

Sure enough, the housekeeper knocked on the door, and a rough voice came out.

"Come in."

The butler opened the door.

The first thing that caught Wenxuan's eyes was a middle-aged man wearing a cotton-padded jacket and hat sitting on a chair.

That was none other than his cheap father Wen Qisheng.

"My daughter pays homage to her father. I wonder when he came to Youzhou?"

"If I don't come here, I'm afraid I'll never see you again. You're a girl living outside every day. What do you look like?"

The butler immediately withdrew.

The space was left to the two of them, father and daughter.

"Dad, I once wrote a letter to my family and said that I wanted to live in Youzhou. I used to travel a lot. At that time, you thought I was wild, but now I have settled down and have a child. Important work, isn’t that a good thing?”

Wen Qisheng slammed the table angrily.

"I know you girl is very articulate. You should know what I want to say."

Wenxuan stopped talking. Of course, his father was still talking about blind dates.

When I was at home, my father often arranged blind dates for me.

But I didn't like anything, so I kept escaping. Later, I used sightseeing as an excuse, and I became more and more courageous.

"This is because I spoiled you." Wen Qisheng coughed.

Wenxuan quickly patted him on the back.

"Dad, what you said is wrong. It's not you who spoiled me."

Wen Qisheng was stunned.

"You are right. You used to be so quiet, but then why did you suddenly change? Tell me, what happened in the meantime?"

"Why else? I had a serious illness back then, and it's not like you didn't know about it."

Wen Qishengwen will never forget the serious illness his daughter suffered from.

From that moment on, her daughter changed, and Wenxuan began to travel through time from that moment on.

Wenxuan thought to himself that in order to better convince his father, he could only start lying now.

"Dad, I have never shared this with you before, but now I have to tell you."

Wen Qisheng then listened quietly.

"At that moment, you all thought I was dead, but actually my soul went to the Hall of Hell."

Wenxuan then used his imagination to describe some scenes.

She said that she met an old god in the underworld and was willing to let her return to the world.

But her temperament may change, and she will have to choose marriage herself.

You can't be restricted by your family. In addition, you can do whatever you want to do.

The premise is that it cannot violate ethics and laws.

"So after I woke up, I felt that my personality had changed a lot."

Wen Qisheng looked at Wenxuan carefully.

"Daughter, are you telling the truth?"

He felt that this thing was too weird.

"Of course what I told you is true. Why should I lie to you?"

Wen Qisheng never expected that this would be the case.

If that was the case, then he really couldn't interfere in his daughter's affairs.

She just thought that her daughter was getting older.

This important matter of marriage cannot be delayed any longer.

"But daughter, why have I never mentioned this before?"

"It's very simple. If I say it, you will definitely not believe it, so I won't say it."

Wenxuan must try to look very innocent.

Wen Qisheng immediately nodded.

So that’s what happened.

"Daughter, if you had told dad earlier, dad wouldn't have forced you anymore."

"Dad, tell me, is Xiaocui in your hands?"

Wen Qisheng nodded.

I originally came to Youzhou to find my daughter, but it must be very difficult to enter the theater.

I happened to meet Xiao Cui on the road, so I caught her.

Only in this way can he see his daughter better.

"Dad, how could you do this?"

"If I do this, how can I see you?"

"But dad, even if that's the case, why didn't you let me get the news after dark? Why didn't you inform me earlier?"

Wen Qisheng suddenly blushed.

He did this on purpose because his daughter made him anxious every day because of marital problems.

So he also wanted to make his daughter anxious for a day.

"Okay, don't worry about so much for now. Since you are here, take Xiaocui away quickly."

He pointed to the room next door.

Wen Qisheng took Wenxuan to the next room.

Wenxuan rushed in immediately and saw many servants of the Wen family here.

Xiaocui is here, but she can't go out casually.

She had clearly heard the young lady's voice just now, but she didn't dare to go out.

At this moment, the two people hugged each other.

"Xiao Cui, you have suffered."

"Miss, I haven't suffered at all. After all, we are all members of the Wen family. It's just that I know it's because I'm worried."

Wenxuan once again accused his father of making an mistake.

"Okay, it's okay. You two should go back quickly. We will leave tomorrow." Wen Qisheng said.

Several servants felt puzzled.

How did Wenxuan convince his father?

Wen Qisheng said that he would take his daughter away no matter what this time, even if she was tied up.

Xiaocui also felt confused. Wenxuan winked at her and indicated that she should talk about it later when she went back.

In the early morning of the next day, the soldiers reported to Xi Yu that Zhuge Liang had returned with his army.

Although there were casualties among the troops, the number was not very large. More importantly, Meng Huo and his wife had surrendered and were returning together.

"Did Zhuge Liang go to the camp?"

"Yes. Actor."

"So? Then I will go to the military camp and wait for them there."

Xi Yu came to the military camp immediately.

In the yard, I met Song Datian again.

Song Datian is chopping firewood at the moment.

He was so focused that he didn't realize Xi Yu's arrival.

Xiyu coughed slightly.

Song Datian was stunned for a moment, and finally looked at Xi Yu.

"It turns out the actor is here."

"Uncle Song, you did a good job."

"Yes, I will take it very seriously wherever I work."

He said he wasn't boasting, it was true.

"Uncle Song, because of the law, I have to do this. Don't worry, I will definitely compensate you when the time comes."

"Drama Master, please don't say that. We can't thank you enough for taking in our father and daughter."

Xi Yu smiled and said that after the New Year, he hoped that the other party would become his father-in-law.

When the soldiers saw Xi Yu, they immediately began to salute.

Xi Yu told the soldiers that they had taken care of Meng Huo, and the soldiers were very happy.

An hour later, Zhuge Liang returned victoriously.

Walking on the streets of Youzhou, Zhuge Liang was in high spirits.

Many people think that they are civil servants and do not know how to fight. This time they will be looked down upon by everyone.

Of course, there is also the help of the actor.

But then again, didn’t some of the previous wars have traces of Xiyu?

Meng Huo and his wife saw how prosperous Youzhou was, and they even felt that their eyes were not enough.

They used to live in a small place and felt like they had never seen the world before.

Zhuge Liang also looked at their expressions.

So he said to them: "You should have seen that all this is the credit of the actor."

Meng Huo nodded frequently, because he had also heard that many people were whispering about Xi Yu on the street.

He believes that these people are spontaneous and sincere, and they are definitely not acting on themselves, because there is no need to do so.

It is definitely not easy for a person to win praise from the people.

Soon, they returned to the camp.

Zhuge Liang brought Meng Huo and his wife to see Xi Yu.

Although they had already met Xi Yu, for Meng Huo and his wife, when they met again, it was different from the past.

The two of them knelt down respectfully in front of Xi Yu.

"Meng Huo and his wife, Mrs. Zhu Rong, paid homage to the actor."

Xiyu smiled.

"We have already met. There is no need to be so polite. Just get busy."

The two people also stood up immediately.

Zhuge Liang saw Xi Yu waving to him, so he retreated temporarily.

"Are you sincerely surrendering?"

Although Xi Yu knew they were sincere, he still wanted to ask them.

"Yes, Mr. Xi, we are very sincere and willing to submit."

In particular, Meng Huo said that they couldn't beat them in terms of strength. In addition, Xi Yu and Zhuge Liang were very kind to him, so he really had no shame in continuing the fight.

"Very good, then I will reveal a secret to you. I will arrange for you to go to Wuhuan and become the commander there."

Meng Huo naturally knew very well about Wuhuan. He never expected that Xi Yu would make such arrangements for him.

"Master Xi, it seems a bit inappropriate to become the leader as soon as your subordinates surrender."

"No, I know your abilities, so you two deserve it."

He said that Mrs. Zhu Rong assisted Meng Huo, and they went together as husband and wife, which complemented each other even more.

Moreover, what Xi Yu was more interested in was Meng Huo's uprightness.

Once you are loyal to yourself, you are absolutely reliable, much better than Liu, Guan, and Zhang.

"Okay, since the actor has such trust in me, I will definitely do a good job."

Xi Yu said that someone had been sent to prepare a room for them and they should take a rest first.

It’s not too late to start the journey in a day or two.

And when the time comes, he will personally lead the two people there, because the people there do not recognize Meng Huo.

"In this case, it will be a labor of love."

Xi Yu also said that there would be a banquet to entertain the couple today.

Once again, both men were flattered.

"Okay, here comes someone."

A soldier came quickly.

Xi Yu asked the soldiers to lead the two people to the guest room and arrange for them to rest.

After the two of them settled down, they were both very grateful.

Mrs. Zhu Rong said that she originally thought she could live in this prosperous place in the future, but she never expected to go to Wuhuan.

"There is a saying that is good, it is better to be the head of a chicken than the queen of an ox. It is not bad to create a world there." (End of Chapter)

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