The next day, Xi Yu told Meng Huo and asked them to take a good stroll in Youzhou first. We will arrive in Wuhuan in a few days.

The couple then started strolling on the street. Mrs. Zhu Rong said, "If he lets us wander here, will he send someone to keep an eye on us?"

"Don't worry, Xiang Xiang is not that kind of person."

He is now called "the actor".

Mrs. Zhu Rong also felt that what her husband said made sense.

There was absolutely no need for Xi Yu to keep an eye on them secretly.

On this day, Xi Yu's secret guard had arrived in Luoyang.

The name of this secret guard is Lin Yang.

But after becoming a secret guard, I basically stopped using my real name.

It snowed heavily here in Luoyang, and Lin Yang found a place to eat.

This time he showed up directly.

After eating, he thought about how he should solve this problem.

He just wanted to solve Xi Yu's troubles, but he was not sure.

There is no better idea.

After finishing the meal, he kept thinking.

After a while, the shopkeeper came over and asked, "Sir, do you want to order something more?"

Only then did he realize that he had lost his temper, so he smiled and said, "I won't eat it."

He quickly paid the bill and left, but after walking out, he suddenly felt enlightened.

Now he wants to lurk in Sima Yi's home, maybe he can get something out of Sima Yi.

Of course, he now understands that with the existence of ninjas, he probably cannot defeat them with his own strength.

Once there is danger, he must evacuate quickly.

Soon, he found out where Sima Yi lived.

After choosing the location, he planned to come back in the evening. Mrs. Zhu Rong and Meng Huo walked around Youzhou for a long time. In the evening, Xi Yu invited them to dinner again and asked them if they were accustomed to the soil and water here. Where had they been today?

The couple explained the situation.

Meng Huo was even more impressed that Youzhou had become so prosperous under Xi Yu's governance, and the people especially praised Xi Yu.

And in the future, the world will definitely be a place of fun, and by then, the people will all live a good life.

"It's too early to say this."

In fact, Meng Huo also wanted to know very much. After all, the emperor still existed. How would the emperor deal with it?

But he felt that he shouldn't ask this question himself.

"By the way, there is one more thing. Zhang Fei, the commander of Wuhuan, died not long ago, so you must pay homage to Zhang Fei before going to Wuhuan. You should have no objections, right?"

Meng Huo said that everything was subject to Xi Yu's arrangement and he had no objections.

It was already late at night, and secret guard Lin Yang finally arrived at Sima Yi's home.

He quickly checked the terrain and felt that there should be no so-called ninjas around.

He also saw that there was a woodshed that was particularly clean.

So tonight, you can stay here.

He quickly figured out which room Sima Yi was in.

He quietly lurked at the door of Sima Yi's room.

But I saw Sima Yi reading and writing, and not talking to anyone.

But in the middle of the night, a little girl came and brought Sima Yi a bird's nest.

"Master, the bird's nest you asked for is here. Please drink it while it's hot."

"Okay, got it, get down quickly."

The little girl left with the empty tray.

However, Lin Yang suddenly saw that the little girl looked particularly familiar, and he believed that he must have seen her somewhere.

After a while, he remembered that this little girl might be his cousin, so she followed quietly.

Soon, the little girl came to the servants' room.

Fortunately, she lived alone, so Lin Yang felt that it was somewhat convenient.

So he knocked on the door. It was already very late, and the little girl felt very strange. Who would come over?

So he quickly asked: "Who is it?"

"Open the door, I have something to ask you."

Because he was used to being a secret guard, his tone was particularly cold when he spoke, which even shocked the little girl.

"Hey, who are you? I'm going to call someone."

Then Lin Yang realized that he had gone too far.

"Let me ask you, are you Zhou Juan?"

That little girl is indeed Zhou Juan.

She was stunned for a moment.

"who are you?"

"I am your cousin Lin Yang."

Zhou Juan started thinking in her mind.

"Lin Yang, who is that person?"

After this moment, she quickly understood who it was.

This is indeed a distant cousin of mine.

When we were kids, the two of us played together.

So she quickly opened the door and saw the jade-shulinfeng secret guard outside.

This still looks like it did back then.

"Cousin, why are you here?"

Lin Yang said: "If you have anything to say, please let me go inside and say it, okay?"

Zhou Juan nodded and immediately let him in.

Lin Yang said that when he saw his cousin, he remembered the scene when he was a child.

My cousin still looks like she was when she was a child.

Zhou Juan immediately asked him to sit down, but suddenly felt her heart beating a little.

After all, it was late at night, so it was inconvenient for a man and a woman to be alone together.

Although the other party is his cousin.

"Cousin, you better tell me why you are here. Do you know I am here?"

Lin Yang shook his head. He said that he came here accidentally and he didn't expect to see his cousin.

Zhou Juan sighed and said that there was a natural disaster one year and she had no place to live, so she came here to be a servant.

And he signed a death contract, which means that he will stay here forever.

"Cousin, what are you doing now?"

Lin Yang suddenly wondered, was he a little emotional just now?

When I saw my cousin, I remembered my childhood memories, so I walked over.

For a secret guard, this is unqualified.

It shouldn't be emotional.

Therefore, his face was very ugly at the moment.

Zhou Juan said, "Cousin, if it's not convenient for you to say it, forget it."

"No, let me tell you the truth, have you heard of Xi Yu?"

Zhou Juan nodded immediately. Xi Yu's reputation was so great that she had heard of it.

"And I'm working for him now." Zhou Juan's eyes suddenly lit up, she didn't expect her cousin to be so powerful.

"Then why are you here? I understand, you are here to assassinate Sima Yi, right?"

Zhou Juan was particularly nervous, and he looked at the window at the same time.

Don't let anyone hear your words.

"Cousin, don't worry so much. I've already told you that this is against the rules. But I still hope you can help."

Zhou Juan felt particularly puzzled, what help could a little girl like herself do?

"I hope to get to know Sima Yi through you."

Lin Yang then explained his plan and specifically what he was doing here.

Zhou Juan felt a little embarrassed, afraid that she had not done well.

"Maybe I can't help."

Lin Yang just wanted to trick out Sima Yi's words by himself, but his thinking was too naive.

"For example, what are his weaknesses or something like that."

Zhou Juan said that based on her understanding, Sima Yi was particularly cunning, and it would be particularly difficult to catch his weaknesses.

"Is there really no other way?" Lin Yang was suddenly at a loss.

"Yes, cousin, if he finds out, the consequences may be disastrous, otherwise you should go back."

Zhou Juan thought to herself that although she was a servant, she could at least ensure that she had enough food and clothing, but now it seemed that what her cousin was doing was too dangerous.

"It doesn't matter, I will find out slowly. I believe there will be a time when you can help. I will live here temporarily. Remember, don't tell anyone my news."

After all, after not seeing each other for many years, Lin Yang couldn't guarantee whether this cousin was worthy of his complete trust.

But now that it was like this, he had no choice but to take a good gamble.

Lin Yang said that usually no one would discover him, and the secret guards were very capable.

After saying this, he immediately disappeared in front of the other party.

Zhou Juan couldn't believe her eyes.

No matter how much people say they don't see them, they disappear. This is really amazing.

That night, Xi Yu had a dream. He dreamed that the secret guard Lin Yang was caught and then put on the fire for execution.

The other party's screams made Xi Yu wake up quickly.

At that time, Xi Yu was resting in Sun Shangxiang's room.

Like a spring on the bed, Xi Yu stood up suddenly.

Sun Shangxiang also woke up at the same time, and she quickly asked what happened.

"It's nothing, just to scare you, I just had a nightmare"!

Sun Shangxiang rubbed Xi Yu's shoulders and asked whether the other party was under too much pressure, which was why this happened.

"Maybe so."

Xi Yu couldn't tell Sun Shangxiang about the secret guard going to Luoyang.

Xi Yu said that he couldn't sleep anymore and wanted to drink tea. He didn't know if Sun Shangxiang would be willing to accompany him.

"Okay, sir, I'd love to have tea with you."

So Sun Shangxiang quickly got up and made tea for Xi Yu.

The two soon drank tea together.

Sun Shangxiang smiled and said that Xi Yu had a nightmare, but it was not a bad thing. Otherwise, how would he have the chance to drink tea with him late at night?

"What you said makes sense. By the way, I just came back from Jiangnan, so I want to tell you a little bit about things there."

Sun Shangxiang was very happy. In fact, she wanted to ask, but she was afraid that Xi Yu would be unhappy.

"Do you really want to know the situation there? After all, it is your natal family. I understand you very much."

Sun Shangxiang nodded, and finally lowered his head. Xi Yu immediately grabbed her hand.

"Since you want to ask, why don't you ask me?"

"I was afraid you would be angry."

Xi Yu said tenderly: "In your eyes, am I like a tiger?"

Sun Shangxiang suddenly stuttered and didn't know what to say.

"Don't forget that we are husband and wife, there shouldn't be any barriers in our hearts, do you understand?"

"Ok, I see".

Xi Yu laughed. In his previous life, most households would have been headed by women.

It seems that ancient society paid attention to the Three Cardinal Principles and Five Constant Principles, although Neo-Confucianism had not yet emerged at this time.

Xi Yu then told what happened in Jiangnan.

When I saw myself, I also met Wu Guotai.

Wu Guotai missed Sun Quan and Sun Shangxiang very much, and Xi Yu said that he would bring Wu Guotai over in the spring or let them return to Jiangnan.

After hearing this, Sun Shangxiang was very moved and immediately prepared to bow to Xi Yu and kneel down.

Xi Yu quickly helped her.

"What are you doing?"

"Thank you so much, husband."

"Why do you need to give such a big gift? We are husband and wife, you are not my servant."

Xi Yu said that the real relationship between husband and wife is mutual love and everyone is equal.

When Sun Shangxiang heard these theories, he was stunned.

She had never heard of such a statement. She only knew that a wife should serve her husband.

"Husband, your words really touched me. When I first married you, I was actually not very happy."

"I understand, thank you for being honest with me."

Xi Yu said that Wu Guotai's health was particularly good, he also ate fasting and chanted Buddha's name, and he had a kind heart.

"Yes, that's what my mother is like."

The couple talked seriously, and an hour passed unknowingly, but they never felt tired.

This morning made Sun Shangxiang feel very happy.

After a while, Xi Yu suddenly said: "It's better to rest quickly, because we have to pay homage to Zhang Fei during the day."

Sun Shangxiang then came over and helped him get into bed together.

"By the way, sir, I suddenly thought of a question, have we not played cards for a long time?"

"It seems that's really what happened."

In the past, Ganmei participated in card games.

Since Ganmei became pregnant, she has really left this matter behind.

"Just keep fighting when you have nothing to do during the day, but don't go too far. I can't violate my principles."

The next morning, Xi Yu got up early again. He said he remembered the card game and asked Xi Shi and Song Meijiao to participate and asked Sun Shangxiang to teach them well.

Sun Shangxiang already knew that these two women would probably become Xi Yu's wives in the future.

"Okay, husband, I will teach them well."

So Sun Shangxiang made an appointment with Ouyang Linlin, Xi Shi, and Song Meijiao to play cards together.

Ouyang Linlin didn't know why Sun Shangxiang was so interested.

Sun Shangxiang said that she accidentally mentioned it to her husband yesterday, so she wanted to pick it up again.

Xi Shi and Song Meijiao didn't expect that there were such interesting things in the world.

But although the two of them found it fun, they never learned it.

They felt that they were really stupid.

Sun Shangxiang and Ouyang Linlin continued to encourage them.

Xi Yu and Meng Huo went to pay homage to Zhang Fei.

Zhang Fei's cemetery has been surrounded by a circle and pines and cypresses have been planted.

Xi Yu bowed to the cemetery, and then said to Meng Huo: "Don't you understand our etiquette in the Central Plains?"

Meng Huo nodded.

So, Xi Yu also told them some about the funeral culture.

Then, they bowed to the tomb and offered incense as Xi Yu said.

Meng Huo also made a special speech, saying that he would definitely inherit Zhang Fei's wish.

Wuhuan will definitely be made even more perfect.

At the same time, he also issued a military order in front of Zhang Fei's grave, saying that if he did not manage well, he would rather be beheaded by Xi Yu.

After a while, the three people left.

Xi Yu said, let them rest for another day and they can hit the road tomorrow.

And I will leave early tomorrow morning. I didn’t sleep well today, so I have to catch up on my sleep.

When Xi Yu returned home, he was very happy to see the two ladies and Xi Shi waiting to play cards.

He specifically said that today was a special case and could last longer.

After all, Xi Shi didn't learn it yet.

Ouyang Linlin and Sun Shangxiang were both very happy.

At night, Xi Yu asked the four of them how they were playing today.

Xi Shi said that they had almost learned it.

This was also the happiest day for her to come to the theater. Normally, she would hide in the house.

After all, she has a special status, so she doesn't dare to approach others easily for fear that others will not like her.

So for a long time, she had some low self-esteem.

Many thanks to both ladies for being so approachable and accepting of themselves.

Ouyang Linlin quickly smiled and said: "So, don't hide in the house alone in the future. Come and walk around with us more if you have nothing to do."

"Okay, I will definitely do it."

Xi Yu immediately said that the reason why Xi Shi had low self-esteem was because he did not give her an identity, so she felt that her name was not justified.

After spring, he will officially marry Xi Shi and Song Meijiao.

Then no one will say anything, and their identities will be different.

Ouyang Linlin and Sun Shangxiang did not feel surprised, this was already expected by them.

Song Meijiao's face turned red, then she lowered her head.

When Xi Yu saw this, he knew that the other party probably did not reject him.

"Okay, you guys go and play. I'm going to bed early. No one wants to accompany me tonight. I'm going to Wuhuan tomorrow."

Xi Yu suddenly felt that he was blushing, so he quickly returned to the room and touched his face, which was burning.

However, after Xi Yu finished these words, the four women seemed a little embarrassed.

"Okay, let's not glare at each other and continue playing." Sun Shangxiang said.

After a while, when it was time to eat, Ouyang Linlin said, "Let's talk about it tomorrow."

Sun Shangxiang said that it would be better to continue playing after eating.

Ouyang Linlin said that although she was relaxed today, she should not go too far.

You must know how to exercise moderation in everything.

Xi Shi said: "I think what Mrs. Ouyang said makes sense. Let's take a rest after eating."

Sun Shangxiang then asked Song Meijiao.

"Yeah, I'm a little tired too, otherwise we can talk about it tomorrow." Song Meijiao said.

"Okay, in that case, let's talk about it tomorrow."

After Song Meijiao finished her meal, she returned to her room and felt her heart beating.

As for his identity, whether he should tell Xi Yu or not, his father had no intention of telling him.

Since his father didn't say it, he couldn't say it himself.

But then again, what's the use of really telling Xi Yu?

Even if the children born in the future can inherit the throne, what does it mean? (End of chapter)

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