Song Meijiao felt a little uncomfortable and wanted to tell Xi Yu about this.

That night, she came to Song Dynasty

In Datian's room.

"Daughter, what can I do for you?"

After all, Song Datian will live in the opera house after finishing his work.

"Yes, I always feel a little sorry for the actor, otherwise I should tell the secret."

"My daughter, why do you think so? Why did you suddenly bring up such a topic?" Song Datian felt that his daughter was really confused.

But the other party said. I really feel that my conscience is not at peace.

She still hopes to tell Xi Yu this secret.

Because Xi Yu also mentioned it today that she might marry herself in the future, so she must keep no secrets in her heart.

"Isn't it a bit presumptuous to tell him suddenly?"

Song Datian said, but Song Meijiao said, since I have to tell others sooner or later, why can't I tell people now?

"Okay, I'll tell him tomorrow morning."

Sure enough, in the early morning of the next day, when Xi Yu just got up, he heard a sound outside.

That was the soldier talking to Song Datian. Song Datian said that he had something important to see Xi Yu.

But the soldier asked Song Datian not to disturb Xiyu's rest.

"But I really have something very important." Song Datian said.

The soldier refused to give in.

Song Datian believes that he can actually find a chance to talk alone.

But after talking to his daughter last night, he decided that he had to say it today.

Xi Yu heard the noise outside and immediately told them to stop.

"Okay, don't make a mess outside, I'll be out in a moment."

He had also heard Song Datian's voice outside.

But he really didn't understand, what did Song Datian want to do with him?

However, he thought that the other party was his father-in-law.

So he thought it would be better to go out and meet you.

Soon, he opened the door, and Song Datian felt very happy.

"Master Xi, you finally got up."

Xi Yu suddenly felt unhappy and asked him what was going on.

But he seemed to hesitate to speak.

"Just tell me what's going on."

Song Datian said that he had a secret to tell, but there must be no third person present.

Xi Yu was stunned for a moment. How could Song Datian have any secrets and be so nervous?

"Okay, tell me if you have any secrets."

At the same time, Xi Yu asked the other party to quickly enter the house.

But after entering, Song Datian was a little at a loss.

"What's wrong? Uncle Song, if you have anything to say, couldn't you just say it quickly?"

Song Datian had no choice but to tell the secret.

After hearing this, Xi Yu was very shocked.

"What did you say? There is such a thing!"

This news was really a surprise for Xi Yu.

Song Datian said, in fact, he didn't have to say it.

But out of sincerity and his focus on Xi Yu, he still said this.

Of course, Xi Yu did understand that he didn't need to say it out loud.

Moreover, Song Datian has expressed one intention, that is, he is willing to let his daughter marry him.

In this way, when she gives birth to a child in the future, she will have royal blood.

Moreover, Song Datian believed that he would be the master of the world in the future.

"Uncle Song, do you have such confidence in me? What if I fail to become the master of the world?"

"My old man is optimistic about you, I think you will succeed."

Xi Yu just smiled and decided not to discuss this issue for now.

He fell silent.

Song Datian said: "Master Xi, if nothing happens, I will go back first."

Xiyu nodded.

Next, Xi Yu's mood was very complicated.

So what if she is of royal blood? If she has a son in the future, must this son inherit her?

Besides, could Song Datian be lying to himself?

Song Datian quickly returned to his daughter's room.

"Dad, have you already told this secret?"

Song Meijiao asked quickly, worry written on her face.

The next thing I saw was my father nodding.

"Dad, I suddenly regretted it. I shouldn't have told him. I don't know how he would react."

So Song Datian gave a true account of Xi Yu's reaction.

"In addition to being shocked, he also remained silent. So we really shouldn't tell him." Song Meijiao seemed to think that maybe it would be better to keep this matter in her stomach.

"Daughter, why do you say that?"

"Dad, think about it, the actor has many wives. Even if he marries me, I will only be the first among them."

"Yes, I understand this." Song Datian seemed to think that this matter was normal. It was natural for a man to have three wives and four concubines.

Song Meijiao didn't expect that her father didn't understand what she meant, so she explained, if every lady gave birth to a son, then why would her son inherit Datong in the future?

When they made this clear to Xi Yu today, didn't it prove that they were ambitious?

At this moment, Great Genius Song suddenly realized.

"Yes, daughter, why didn't I think of this?"

He felt a blow to the head. Song Meijiao said that it was not his father's fault but his own fault for this matter. It was because of his impulsiveness that he had to tell the secret.

"I'm so confused that I didn't think carefully enough."

Song Meijiao laughed again. No matter what, let's just say it.

And this incident did give Xi Yu a certain amount of trouble, reminding him of the issue of his future successor. Yes, who will inherit his career in the future?

But don't let anything happen like the Nine Sons seizing the direct descendants. He hopes that children can live in peace in the future.

He suddenly laughed again. Did he think too much? There was no need at all. Let such matters be left to the future.

Whoever has the greatest ability will inherit it!

Finally the day came for Xi Yu and Meng Huo to go to Wuhuan.

All three went on horseback.

For Meng Huo, this was a favor. But Mrs. Zhu Rong didn't think so. He thought it was Xi Yu who assigned him a match.

He actually brought them to a place where no one can poop. But he was also very happy to see his husband in such high spirits.

If you are talking about something, it seems that your level is too low. Then again, they themselves are the ones who surrendered, so this treatment is already pretty good.

Because of the cold weather, they were very slow on the road.

Xi Yu also said that he originally hoped that they would go there in the spring.

But there cannot be no leader there.

He thought of Zhang Fei again. Although I don't particularly like the three brothers, if Zhang Fei is still alive. There is no need to make yourself particularly worried.

However, the three of them were talking and laughing along the way, and they were very happy.

That night they came to stay at an inn, because they would definitely not be able to get there tonight.

Three people are eating together. Xi Yu and Meng Huo started drinking. Xi Yu thought that the weather was very cold, so drinking some wine could warm him up.

But after a few sips, Meng Huo felt that he couldn't stand it anymore.

"Master Xi, why don't you just stop drinking."

Xi Yu wanted to laugh in his heart. The alcohol content in ancient times was very low. Unexpectedly, he couldn't stand it after a few sips.

Before he could speak, the conversation at the next table attracted their attention.

"Have you heard? Something happened over there in Wuhuan."

"Something happened, what is it?"

"Isn't it that the commander Zhang Fei is dead? Someone is ready to take charge of the matter."

According to what this person said, many people want to make the decision at home, but they don't dare. After all, this is Xi Yu's territory now.

"That's what it is. If the department workers don't agree, who can successfully be the commander-in-chief?"

"Yes, so many people want to curry favor with the showman, and also want to do some small tricks in private. As far as I know, a man named Aruba wants to cause trouble now."

Xiyu was stunned for a moment, Aruba, he was somewhat impressed.

I didn't expect this guy to think of some unrealistic things.

And he had to clear the obstacles for Meng Huo, otherwise they would be very unhappy if another person was parachuted in.

He expressed this firmly with his eyes at the same time, just to reassure Meng Huo.

Next, he came to several people. Ask them to explain in detail what happened.

Several people were very surprised. I don't know why he asked this.

Xi Yu said that he was just curious and wanted to know more, and had no other intentions, so he told them not to think too much.

So several people continued to talk, and what made Xi Yu even more angry was that Aruba actually wanted to collude with the Huns.

Although the Huns are no longer in power, there are some remaining forces that still want to cause trouble.

After learning about the relevant matters, Xi Yu thanked them and finally returned to his table.

He saw that Meng Huo and his wife were very affectionate and dignified.

"Don't worry, this matter will be resolved sooner or later."

Meng Huo nodded, and this place was not far from Wuhuan.

Along the way, Meng Huo also asked Xi Yu about the history of Wuhuan.

Meng Huo already had a general understanding of Wuhuan.

This place has never been peaceful, unlike the Central Plains region.

But Meng Huo is confident that he will run this place well.

The next day, they continued on their way.

The weather was extremely sunny. However, when they passed a village, they saw something they didn't want to see.

There was a girl walking with a basket on her shoulder. Suddenly, several people surrounded her, preparing to tease her.

The girl tried her best to hide, but she couldn't escape at all. At this moment, three people from Xi Yu arrived, hoping that they would stop quickly.

"Someone actually wants to meddle in other people's business. Who are you three? I advise you to get out of here."

The girl was very happy to see someone willing to help her.

Xi Yu looked at the men carefully. They should not be from the Central Plains. Could they be the Huns that others said?

"I advise you to stop immediately, otherwise you will be responsible for the consequences."

Xi Yu said coldly.

Naturally, a few people would not stop, so Xi Yu asked Meng Huo to deal with it.

Meng Huo nodded, and then scolded a few bastards.

Several people saw him coming menacingly, and one of them wanted to quickly capture the girl as a hostage.

But his movements were not as fast as Meng Huo's.

Mrs. Zhu Rong also quickly attacked them with a big knife. With the combined efforts of the couple, several men were eventually knocked to the ground.

Xi Yu then said to the girl: "Let's go, follow me to a safe place. They still need to solve the problem here."

His meaning is very obvious, let the couple get rid of these beasts, but don't let the little girl see it, after all, it may be a little unbearable.

Meng Huo and his wife also understood what Xi Yu meant.

The little girl nodded, and then followed Xi Yu to a nearby forest.

She was ready to kneel down and thank Xiyu.

"Don't kneel down for me, what are you doing?"

The girl said that the few people just now were the Huns, and they were simply lawless now.

Xi Yu asked when these Huns came.

"It should be four or five days."

According to the girl's description, although these Huns did not do anything on a large scale, they often harassed the people.

Just like what happened just now, it seems to be commonplace.

"So, you know what they are like, why do you dare to come out alone?"

The girl said in great pain that she didn't want to come out either. She went to get medicine for her father who was seriously ill, but there was no one to do it except herself.

"So that's what happened. Let's go home with you later."

Xi Yu believes that this can protect the girl for a while longer.

The girl was very grateful to them, and thought that Xi Yu actually wanted to protect her.

"Then I'm really grateful to my benefactor."

Xiyu learned more about the Huns from her mouth.

"This is simply unreasonable. Don't worry, we will drive them out sooner or later."

The girl sighed, and at the same time he saw Xi Yu, and he felt that what the other party said was strange.

Xi Yu said: "Why, don't you believe what I said?"

"No, I'm just curious who you are?"

Xi Yu directly reported his name.

At this time, the girl was very happy. She didn't expect that she had met a legendary figure.

"So you are the opera master. In this case, if you come, Wuhuan will definitely be at peace."

With that said, she went to kneel down to Xi Yu again.

Xi Yu helped her again. There was no need at all and it was not in a public place.

After a while, Meng Huo and his wife also came to Xi Yu.

They nodded to Xi Yu, indicating that the matter had been dealt with.

The girl immediately understood what Xi Yu asked the two of them to do. They were still thinking about themselves and didn't want to see the bloody scene.

Xi Yu then talked about the girl's affairs, and then the three of them had to accompany the girl to get the medicine, and then send the girl home.

Mrs. Zhu Rong said: "In that case, let this sister sit on my horse."

Xi Yu said he thought so too.

On the way, Meng Huo asked the girl again what these hateful Huns usually do.

The girl once again told what she knew about the situation.

Soon they accompanied the girl to get the medicine and then sent her home. The little girl's father was still lying on the bed.

Although he is only a middle-aged man, he is really as sick as an old man.

The little girl did not tell her father about being molested because he was worried.

He just said that he was lost, and three people brought him back.

And one of them is actually an actor.

The middle-aged man wanted to get up quickly and salute the actor.

Xi Yu quickly helped him.

"You are still sick now, so there is no need to perform these rituals."

The man then asked the little girl if she had been attacked by Huns on the road.

The girl said she was very honored and had not encountered such a thing.

While on the road, Xiyu told her to lie. This was called a white lie.

"It would be best if we don't meet him." Then he started coughing, and the little girl went to boil the medicine, and Xi Yu and the other three planned to leave.

The girl said she wanted them to eat here before leaving.

Xiyu and the others refused.

After leaving here, the three people's moods were very complicated.

"I didn't expect these people to be so hateful. It seems I want to kill them all." Meng Huo made up his mind and then looked at Xi Yu to see if he could do this.

Xi Yu said that he would drive them out first. If they really didn't leave, it wouldn't be too late.

In Youzhou, it was snowing at this moment.

Ouyang Linlin and Xiaohong were watching the snow scene in front of the window.

"Has your husband gone to Wuhuan now?"

"Yes, miss, that's what my servant said."

"But why do I feel that there will be any risks along the way?"

Xiao Hong laughed, feeling that the other party was really worried.

What danger can there be with Xiyu's ability? Besides, there are secret guards for protection.

Of course, even if something happens, no secret guards may be dispatched, and Guang Menghuo and his wife can still protect them.

He then explained his analysis.

"Of course I understand this. But I'm still a little worried."

"Okay, miss, don't worry."

While the master and servant were talking, they saw Sun Shangxiang coming towards this direction holding an umbrella.

Ouyang Linlin knew that the other party was looking for her, so she asked Xiaohong to open the door quickly.

After Sun Shangxiang came in, he said he wanted to play cards. Anyway, it’s snowing today, so no one will go out. It was a bit boring to hold it in the house.

Ouyang Linlin also agreed, so the two of them continued to look for Xi Shi and Song Meijiao.

While playing cards, Song Meijiao looked a little ugly, and she remembered that she shouldn't tell Xi Yu the secret.

The three people then asked her what was going on.

"It's nothing, I might feel a little upset in my stomach. Don't worry, let's continue playing cards."

But after a while, she still looked a little ugly, and Ouyang Linlin said, "Otherwise, let's just come here first today."

Sun Shangxiang was a little dissatisfied, but he had no choice but to do so.

After Ouyang Lingling returned to the room, Xiaohong was particularly surprised. Why did she come back so soon?

Ouyang Linlin then explained to her.

"She probably has something on her mind. I'm very curious, so I really want to know."

"Miss, how do you know?"

"I don't know, I'm just worried that I won't have anything to do with my husband." (End of Chapter)

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