After a while, Xi Yu and the other three officially entered the city gate.

At this time, the soldiers guarding the city gate had seen this scene.

One of the soldiers slowly ran into the city.

Meng Huo quickly told Xi Yu about this.

Xi Yu said that he had also seen this incident, and he probably tipped it off.

But at this moment, the city gate is still closed.

Xi Yu said: "I am from the Western Region, don't you recognize me? Open the car door quickly."

But a soldier said that Wuhuan is in particular chaos now, and they are acting on Aruba's behalf.

Therefore, they cannot open the door casually. Although the other party claims to be Xi Yu, they have never seen him before.

Therefore, it cannot be released casually.

If everyone pretends like this, wouldn't it be chaos?

Xi Yu looked at these soldiers carefully. They were indeed new faces, and they probably didn't recognize him.

So it's normal to say this, and the person who tipped off the news just now should be an old soldier.

But Xi Yu immediately took out a token and said that he was indeed the real deal.

This token was also forged, the soldier said again.

Xi Yu thought to himself, it seems that Aruba is determined not to let him enter Wuhuan.

If this is the case, then he must be taught a lesson.

Meng Huo said, "Why don't we go back first, mobilize our troops and generals, and enter Wuhuan together? Wouldn't it be better?"

Xi Yu said: "There's no need to go to such trouble. Even if it's a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire, I'll just go through it."

"You guys are riding horses. You look like they are not ordinary people, so we won't let you in." The soldier said again.

Xi Yu simply felt ridiculous. Riding a horse proved that he was not an ordinary person. What kind of logic was this?

Of course, the reason why he didn't listen to Meng Huo just now didn't mean that he was showing off his courage.

He had to get Aruba to make some moves.

When the time comes to deal with Aruba, he will become even more famous.

But he also told Meng Huo and his wife that they would definitely retreat and not be attacked.

"Well, in that case, I'll wait here."

The soldier felt puzzled.

What are you waiting for here? Shouldn't you leave quickly?

I won't even open the door for you just by waiting.

Xi Yu said: "Because Aruba will definitely send people to attack me. This is the one I am waiting for."

The soldier was stunned. As long as he doesn't enter the city gate, nothing will happen. Why should Aruba deal with you?

But they didn't want to waste any more time with Xiyu.

Aruba was drinking with several Huns at the moment.

Suddenly a soldier reported that Xi Yu was here.

After hearing this, Aruba was a little scared.

Why come at this time?

According to his plan, in a few days, he and the Huns will completely own this place.

When the time comes, you will enjoy endless glory and wealth.

When the time comes, he will also ask Gao Lin to help out. Because several of the Huns have gone overseas to look for masters.

They know the formation. As long as they have this formation, no one can break in. Then they can dominate here.

But at this moment, Xi Yu actually arrived.

Doesn't this disrupt your plan?

So, he kept looking at the soldier Xiyu, but he didn't expect to see it today.

Next, he began to send archers to deal with Xi Yu.

Because the soldier said just now, three people came, and the two people didn't know who they were.

"As long as there are no other people, it will be easy."

Isn't it still within reach?

But Aruba wondered, what was the use of Xiyu bringing two people here?

Moreover, he has spread a rumor in the past few days that the Wuhuan people can only be led by local Wuhuan people.

Just like Xi Yu, he found Zhang Fei, what was the result?

Zhang Fei died.

If Xi Yu finds another Central Plains person to come over, it will still end like this.

And many people have gradually recognized this statement.

Of course, some people think this is inappropriate.

I heard that Xi Yu is a very good person, and they are willing to let Xi Yu send people to continue to manage this place.

Aruba told several Huns that they would drink here first and deal with it themselves.

"Okay, Aruba, I hope you will get rid of Xi Yu this time, so that no one will threaten the interests here."

"Don't worry, you will come back victorious."

Aruba immediately began to mobilize troops and sent people to the city gate to shoot Xi Yu.

He also ordered that if anyone can directly shoot Xi Yu to death today, there will be a major reward.

It is said that a brave man must be rewarded, and many soldiers felt their blood boiling.

They must seize such an opportunity.

Aruba sneered.

Xi Yu, you are here to die. I also wanted to get rid of you when, but I didn't expect that you are already here.

Xiyu and the three of them had a lot of discussions at the door.

Xi Yu guessed that the other party would definitely shoot arrows at him.

Meng Huo said that he was not afraid of death, but if that happened, how could he escape unscathed?

"I just hope that this matter can become a fact. As soon as they shoot an arrow, and we see that we are losing, we can just run away."

Mrs. Zhu Rong felt, is this necessary? Wouldn't that make things even more embarrassing?

Meng Huo said, "Are you two afraid? It would be outrageous if you two are even afraid of this."

The two of them suddenly blushed.

Yes, they were brave enough to move forward in wars in the past. Why are they so timid now?

Meng Huo immediately said that he would support Xi Yu's decision.

"I think they should be coming soon." Xi Yu said.

After a while, the soldier guarding the gate was particularly surprised to see many soldiers and Aruba coming to the tower.

Xi Yu did not expect Aruba to arrive in person.

"Aruba, what do you mean?"

"Master Xi, you shouldn't have come to this place. You've stretched your hand too far. The chaos our Wuhuan is in has nothing to do with you."

Xi Yu shouldn't have let Zhang Fei manage this place last time.

"Zhang Fei died, is this God's punishment?"

"So you think you are doing the right thing and you can share the country equally with the Huns"?

The other invisible things were revealed, and the other party was very surprised. How did Xi Yu know about the matter with the brothers?

"It seems that you have already done a lot of research. Yes, this is indeed the case. You must die today anyway."

Moreover, he said that Xi Yu was delivered to his door, so don’t blame yourself for being rude.

Meng Huo sneered and cursed Aruba.

"Although I don't know you as a beast, I still call you a beast. You are worse than a beast." Meng Huo said that this betrayal of Xi Yu will definitely not end well.

Xi Yu manages this place for the betterment of the people, but what about him?

It's for your own selfish desires.

"Don't talk about these high-sounding reasons here. Isn't Xiyu doing it for himself?"

"Aruba, I advise you not to rebel. If you still regret it now, I can pretend that nothing happened."

What Xi Yu meant was for him to quickly cancel his cooperation with the Huns.

Aruba suddenly laughed.

He felt that the other party's thinking was too naive.

It's ridiculous that you are still talking about these big principles here.

"Okay, brothers, don't talk nonsense to them, it's better to hurry up."

Then, the soldiers began to shoot arrows suddenly.

Xi Yu shouted loudly: "Aruba, you will regret it, let's retreat quickly."

After that, the three people fled, looking very embarrassed. Aruba asked the soldiers to chase them quickly.

But Meng Huodu had already checked the terrain.

At this moment, the secret guard also appeared quickly.

They have also prepared bows and arrows. Although there are only two of them, they are very powerful.

They successfully protected Xi Yu and others from leaving.

Xi Yu finally came to a ruined temple with the two of them.

Xi Yu asked the couple if they would blame themselves.

"We won't blame, but what should we do next?"

"Don't worry, I'll take care of everything."

Xi Yu smiled.

The couple knew that he might have already thought of how to deal with it.

After a while, the two secret guards came back, and one of them was hit by an arrow.

Xi Yu quickly asked: "Are you okay?"

"Thank you for your concern, Mr. Xi, I have nothing to do."

Another secret guard bandaged him up.

Xi Yu told Meng Huo and Meng Huo that they would stay with a family tonight and he would let them watch a good show.

Moreover, after nightfall, the two of them had to rest quickly, and they had to take action late at night.

Meng Huo quickly asked: "Player, what activities do we have late at night?"

"Now that the secret cannot be leaked, you should stop asking so many questions."

But seeing Xi Yu's confident look, the two of them were very happy.

After the secret guards had bandaged up, Xi Xiyu asked them to hide for the time being.

Seeing the two of them, Xi Yu thought of Lin Yang and wondered how he was doing now.

At dusk that day, Lin Yang came to his cousin's room again.

Zhou Juan is happy.

"I wonder what my cousin has ordered?"

Lin Yang wanted to let Sima Yi have a drink and get him drunk.

Then get some words out of her mouth.

"Cousin, Lord Sima doesn't usually drink. How do you make him drink? Do you want to show up?"

"Of course you won't show up, that's why I need you to help me."

Lin Yang said that he would get some medicine and put it in the food. After taking this medicine, it would be like being drunk.

Because isn’t cousin Gao Juan responsible for serving food?

So Gao Juan was shocked to cooperate with her. If this matter was found out, wouldn't she be doomed?

"Cousin, as long as you complete this matter, I will definitely take you out so that they won't ask you."

Gao Juan still hesitated.

"Cousin, are you willing to be in this dirty place?"

Gao Juan thought to herself that her cousin thought this was a dirty place, but she still felt that it was very good. At least she had food and drink here.

"Don't forget, you signed a death contract and you have no freedom at all. But if I take you to the opera master, you will have freedom."

Gao Juan's eyes suddenly lit up. What his cousin said made sense, so he finally agreed.

Lin Yang said that he had already identified a pharmacy in the county. He was going to buy medicine now, and his cousin must not go back on his promise then.

"Don't worry, cousin, since I have agreed, I will naturally listen to you."

Xi Yu and Meng Huo finally arrived at the home of the girl they met on the road.

The girl was particularly pleased when she saw the three of them arriving.

But Xi Yu bought some food and wanted to eat with them.

"Why are you here, Mr. Xi? You have to bring your own food? We can still afford one meal."

"That's no good. We can't eat your food for nothing. By the way, how is your father?"

The girl said that her father was a little better, but he was asleep now.

Xi Yu said seriously that the three of them were going to the city tonight, but they would sleep at her house for the first half of the night and hoped that she could prepare the room.

The girl said that it would be fine for Mrs. Zhu Rong to sleep in the same room as herself, but two grown men would be a bit troublesome.

Xi Yu said that it was okay to lay on the floor, as long as he could rest for a while.

The girl suddenly said that there was a place to live in the woodshed, but it was a little dirty. She could clean it up now. Mrs. Zhu Rong then helped her clean it up together.

After cleaning up, Xi Yu told the couple that they would start taking action at midnight today and they would enter the city through a secret passage.

"This Aruba may not have thought that I would use this method. He has no idea at all. I have become familiar with the terrain since I came to Wuhuan last time."

So when the time comes, we must find Aruba and kill him directly, because reasoning with him is of no use.

Xi Yu also told the little girl not to tell anyone about this matter.

"When we tell you this plan in front of you, it is also a sign of trust in you. You shouldn't tell others casually, right?"

The little girl shook her head, she would definitely not tell anyone.

Besides, he also hopes that Xi Yu can solve the problems here, and hopes that the place will not become a mess.

Besides, tonight he lives with Mrs. Zhu Rong, and Mrs. Zhu Rong will supervise him.

So in this case, I can't act recklessly.

"Okay, in that case, let's rest from now on."

Xiyu thought to himself that Aruba didn't catch him, and he was probably angry now, so he should be nervous for a while.

It was indeed the case. During the day, Aruba was very angry when he saw that Xi Yu was not killed.

If Xi Yu escapes, troops will be sent to fight, which will be bad.

So, he discussed it with several Huns.

He had heard that Xi Yu's power was particularly powerful.

The Huns asked him to calm down, but they couldn't think of anything now.

But Aruba later thought about it. If it didn't work, he would leave through the secret passage. He probably didn't know about this secret passage.

Of course, he couldn't tell the Huns about this.

They now have a cooperative relationship, but he can't completely trust each other, and they just get what they need.

When he thought of this, he finally felt better.

Xi Yu and Meng Huo came to the woodshed to rest.

But Meng Huo couldn't sleep because he was worried about what would happen at night.

Xi Yu said: "Go to sleep quickly, otherwise, you will not be energetic in the rest of the night."

In the middle of the night, Xi Yu quickly got up.

He thought that it would be great if he were in the past life, and there would be an alarm clock to wake him up, but now he has to rely entirely on himself.

Later, he thought of a way, which was to drink more water.

In this case, you may get up to go to the toilet in the middle of the night.

By then, you will be able to get up by yourself.

Then he really got up like this.

He shook Meng Huo's body.

"Get up quickly."

At the same time, he went to the little girl's room and knocked on the window to ask Mrs. Zhu Rong to get up.

After Mrs. Zhu Rong got up, the little girl was also disturbed.

"Sister, you must be careful."

"Don't worry, it'll be okay. The opera master will lead us and everything will go well."

The little girl got up and watched the three people leave.

Xi Yu said: "The next time we meet, Wuhuan will be at peace."

"Yes, I believe it will."

The three of them rode away, but the little girl didn't know whether the three of them would succeed, and she became worried.

Next, she couldn't sleep peacefully.

After a while, her father got up to go to the toilet and saw the light on in her room.

So he knocked on the door and asked her if she knew what was going on.

"Dad, I told you, you must not reveal the secret."

"Of course, you just say so."

So, she told Xiyu and the others what happened.

"What, the actor came to our house again, why didn't I know at all?"

"You're not feeling well and have been sleeping, so you don't know."

The man felt a little annoyed, so his daughter asked him if he was feeling well.

"I think one more sleep should be enough. Daughter, our family is very honored that the actor can come to our home."

"Yes, dad, and the actor said that when we meet again, Wuhuan will be at peace."

Xi Yu rode in front, and the couple followed behind.

It wasn't until Xi Yu came to a mountain that he stopped his horse.

The secret passage is inside.

Moreover, the three of them had to put the horse inside the cave, not outside.

In order to avoid being discovered by others and growing branches, although this possibility is not very high.

The three people immediately dismounted, and the horses seemed to be particularly spiritual.

He obediently followed the three of them and entered.

"Okay, come with me now."

Xi Yu took the prepared fire folds with him and came to a dog cave.

"Let's drill in from here now, although it may be a little awkward when we first drill in."

After that, Xi Yu took the lead and walked in.

Meng Huo asked his wife to get in first, and he wanted to cut off the queen.

When I first climbed in, I felt a little uncomfortable, but after walking a few meters, the space became very large.

This exit is in the city, also in a mountain.

"Let's just walk slowly. There's no need to be in a hurry. We'll get out sooner or later anyway," Xi Yu said. (End of chapter)

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