Early that morning, Lin Yang found Zhou Juan and finally gave the medicine to Zhou Juan.

Ask Zhou Juan to put the medicine into the food.

Zhou Juan was a little scared.

"Don't be afraid, you are doing a great thing."

"But cousin, what if this thing really fails?"

"Look at you, you are afraid of failure before you do anything. How can you achieve anything?"

Lin Yang told Zhou Juan to be more natural and not to let the old guy see anything.

When Zhou Juan delivered the food to Sima Yi, Sima Yi was looking at a map.

"Master, it's time to drink this bowl of soup."

Sima Yi nodded.

"Just put it down. I'll drink it later."

Zhou Juan also walked out immediately.

Soon, she returned to the room, where Lin Yang was already waiting.

"Cousin, I've given it to him, but he said he wouldn't drink it until a while."

Sima Yi had just finished reading the map and was about to drink soup when a ninja suddenly came to him.

"Don't drink this soup yet."

"Sir, what do you mean?"

Unlike Cao Pi, Sima Yi directly and respectfully addressed himself as Ninja Master.

"This soup is poisonous."

Sima Yi was shocked. On his own territory, someone actually poisoned him. What was going on?

He suddenly remembered that Zhou Juan's face looked a bit unnatural when she came just now. Could it be that this smelly girl poisoned him?

He quickly asked the ninja what was going on.

Ninja said that Xiaoyu's secret guards had already sneaked into Sima Yi's house.

Sima Yi knew nothing.

Sima Yi was surprised.

"Is there such a thing?"

The ninja said that they could detect the secret guards, but the secret guards could not detect their existence at all.

Of course, the prerequisite is that you can't get too close, and you must keep a certain distance so that you won't be discovered.

So now the ninja could only know that Xi Yu's secret guard had arrived, but he didn't dare to get close to find out what they were doing.

But he was completely aware of the poisoning.

Because he once saw the secret guard coming back after buying some medicine from outside.

Although he did not see the process of administering the medicine, he guessed that the medicine was inside.

Sima Yi then quickly found a puppy and poured a bowl of soup for it to drink.

After the dog finished drinking, he immediately began to tremble.

His eyes became dull for a while, but he didn't die.

Sima Yi quickly asked: "Sir, what is going on?"

The ninja thought for a while and said, "It seems that this medicine is not meant to kill you."

The ninja thought for a while and guessed that he was definitely trying to trick Sima Yi.

Sima Yi had an idea, what should he say to himself?

Could it be that the fake Zhao Yun's matter was exposed?

I guess he was just trying to make this statement.

But he couldn't tell Ninja about this.

Because in the eyes of the Japanese, they killed the real Zhao Yun and made a fake Zhao Yun.

But in fact, the real Zhao Yun is still in prison.

"But no matter what, they want to harm me. This is a fact. Sir, how do you think we can lure the secret guard out? Sir, since you are so capable, you will definitely be able to kill the secret guard, right? ?”

"Of course I can do this, but you have to understand that if this is the case, then I will be exposed."

Sima Yi thought about it, and it was the same reason.

But do I have to swallow my anger?

When he looked at the dog again, his eyes were naturally dull.

"I would like to ask you to play a play with me."

Ninja asked him to tell him how to do it.

He said that he would be like this dog for a while, pretending to have a dull look, and then the secret guard would definitely appear.

"Then what to do?"

Then he deliberately told some lies.

In this case, the secret guard will definitely think that he is telling the truth.

The ninja nodded seriously.

I think Sima Yi's idea is particularly good.

But Sima Yi thought to himself, he must talk about Zhao Zilong's problem next.

I also hope that the ninja will not understand the true situation.

"Sir, maybe we can't execute the secret guard here to prevent you from being exposed, but we can prevent him from returning to Youzhou smoothly."

"Yes, I think so too." Ninja also smiled.

As long as you don't do it here, you can do it somewhere else, so you can't expose yourself, and you can even poison yourself.

The ninja thought that Sima Yi was very clever.

"Sir, you are giving me too much reward. They were the ones who forced me to do this."

The ninja said that when the secret guard arrived, he had to stay far away.

Just let Sima Yi know what's going on.

Sima Yi then remembered that he had thought too much about the problem just now. Yes, ninjas would not be around here.

Therefore, what to say next is entirely up to you.

Lin Yang asked Zhou Juan to see if Sima Yi drank the soup.

"Cousin, I can go over, but if he doesn't drink, what should I say if he asks me what I'm going to do?"

"Forget it, in that case, I'd better go over and take a look myself."

Zhou Juan thought to herself, that’s right, he could obviously go there, so why did he have to go there by himself?

The ninja left quickly.

Sima Yi could not confirm when the secret guard would come.

So he immediately got the dog out and returned to the room.

Then he showed a dull look.

As for the soup, there are only a few mouthfuls left.

After a while, he saw a stranger closing the door.

He understood that this was the arrival of the secret guard at last.

Lin Yang was filled with joy when he saw Sima Yi like this.

On the other side, in a cave next to Wuhuan, there lived some Huns.

They had heard about what happened in Wuhuan.

"I really didn't expect that this Aruba is such a waste, that he actually let Xi Yu come in, and even launched a coup."

They also knew that Meng Huo had begun large-scale military training today.

Xi Yu has promised that some of Meng Huo's old soldiers will come here when the time comes.

Because this also facilitates easy management.

Mrs. Zhu Rong was also deeply moved.

Xi Yu's behavior showed that they had complete trust in the couple.

Several Huns are discussing at the moment.

"What should we do now? Is it possible that we really can't compete for this place?"

One of the Huns pointed out that the Huns themselves had become a piece of fragmented sand. It can't become a climate in itself.

Why do we have to occupy Wuhuan?

It was a young man who said this.

There were several old people around him, and they said that this place contained treasures, so they chose to stay here.

As for this news, Aruba doesn’t know either.

With these treasures, it was enough for them to rise as the Huns.

But no matter what, it was no longer what it used to be, so they had no choice but to retreat quietly.

What Ling Xiyu didn't expect was that when he passed by an inn for dinner at noon, he happened to meet these Huns.

And they are still talking about the treasure.

Only then did Xi Yu understand why these Huns insisted on this approach.

But there is a treasure here, why don’t you know it?

It seemed that these people knew about it, so he continued to eavesdrop.

The young man asked, where is this treasure?

"We only know the general location, but we don't know the specifics at all, because there was a war here hundreds of years ago, and someone buried treasures here."

And Xi Yu also overheard these words.

At this time, several people discovered that there were other customers in the store.

They felt really careless, how could they tell such a secret?

And Xi Yu knew that they would definitely take action against him.

This time, he decided not to use the help of the secret guards, and he immediately started acting crazy.

When he saw several people walking towards him, Xi Yu looked very confused.

Then he pointed to his ears to show that he was deaf-mute.

Several people looked at each other in confusion. Is he really a deaf-mute? Or just pretending?

But one Huns said that whether it was true or false, he must be killed.

So, they started to attack Xi Yu.

At this moment, the secret guards finally dispatched.

This sudden power surprised the Huns.

Where did this man come from?

Xi Yu said: "Kill them all without leaving any survivors."

"Player, don't worry." The secret guard shouted loudly.

Only then did several Huns know Xi Yu's identity.

The secret guards quickly killed them all.

The waiter standing by the counter was now frightened and trembling.

Xiyu told him not to be afraid.

The waiter walked out while trembling.

He said to Xi Yu: "He called you Xi Gong just now. Are you Xi Yu who is famous all over the world?"

"I don't dare to take it for granted that I am famous all over the world, but I am indeed a Xiyu."

The waiter quickly knelt down to Xi Yu.

"Okay, get up quickly."

Xi Yu also asked the secret guards to clean up the corpses of several Huns.

Let the waiter in the store be responsible for cleaning, and don't let outsiders know about it, so as not to affect the business.

The waiter was very grateful to Xi Yu for taking care of him, and Xi Yu was so considerate.

On the other side, Lin Yang entered Sima Yi's room.

"Let me ask you, what is your name?"

This medicine itself has hypnotic ingredients, and now Lin Yang must try it.

"My name is Sima Yi."

Sima Yi answered honestly.

Afterwards, Lin Yang asked about his age and place of origin.

Sima Yi also answered.

Lin Yang was very happy. It seemed that the medicine was very effective.

Next, let’s get down to business.

"Let me ask you, do you know Zhao Zilong?"

Sima Yi thought to himself, it was really for this one.

"Let me ask you, where did Zhao Zilong go?"

"Zhao Zilong is dead, but we found someone to pretend to be Zhao Zilong and returned to Youzhou."

When Lin Yang heard the news, he was particularly painful. He didn't expect that Zhao Yun was really dead.

"Why did you do this? Whose idea was it?"

"All this was Cao Gong's idea, just to confuse Xi Yu."

Sima Yi thought to himself, just talk nonsense, the secret guard will not survive in the end anyway.

Lin Yang painfully slapped Sima Yi, knocking him unconscious.

Sima Yi actually made arrangements.

He was also worried that Lin Yang would kill him, so he had already prepared archers.

It's hidden in the cupboard.

If Lin Yang really wanted to kill him, then the archer could do it.

However, Lin Yang had no such idea and walked out quickly.

Sima Yi finally breathed a sigh of relief, and he felt that his clothes were almost soaked.

Lin Yang quickly returned to Zhou Juan's room.

"Cousin, have you found out what the situation is?" Lin Yang then explained the relevant situation.

"Cousin, now that we've found out everything, you'd better leave quickly."

"No, I said I would take you with me."

"But how can you take me away?"

Because it’s impossible to walk in an open and aboveboard manner.

They are generally not allowed to leave at will unless the owner asks them to go out.

Lin Yang said that he would find a way to take the other party out at night and let the other party wait in peace.

The ninja quickly returned to Sima Yi's room.

Sima Yi talked about how to deal with the secret guards just now.

"You did very well."

Sima Yi had already guessed that Lin Yang would definitely take Zhou Juan away at night, so he sent the secret guards to the road to deal with them all.

Moreover, if a benevolent person has any requirements, he can put them forward and he will definitely satisfy them.

"You are too polite. After all, we are partners. How can I ask you for something extra? This is what I should do."

Sima Yi was stunned. He didn't expect that the secret guard spoke so gently today.

Soon, it was night.

Sima Yi found Cao Pi and told Cao Pi everything that happened today.

"Oh, such a thing actually happened? Has Zhai Longping been exposed?"

Sima Yi said that Zhai Rongping's family was still in his hands, and he would definitely not take the initiative to say it. It was possible that Xi Yu was just suspicious.

But this time the secret guard wanted to die, so he asked the ninja to kill him on the way.

"But if that's the case, then if Xi Yu can't see the secret guard returning, won't he still doubt us? Wouldn't the ninja be exposed like this?"

"Mr. Cao, we can't worry about that anymore. In fact, sometimes my subordinates think that it doesn't matter even if the ninja is exposed? Anyway, he will help us when the time comes. Even if Xiyu knows it, he is not our opponent. "

"What you said seems to make sense." Cao Pi stroked the beard on his chin.

Finally at night, Lin Yang found a ladder from Sima Mansion and erected it against the wall.

He had already made an agreement with Zhou Juan. Start taking action tonight.

That night, with the moon and stars dimming, Zhou Juan packed her bags and left the room.

Lin Yang appeared immediately.

"Cousin, you don't have to be afraid, just come to me."

Lin Yang took Zhou Juan's hand and came to the ladder, asking Zhou Juan to climb up first.

In order to better escape from the cage, although Zhou Juan was a little scared, she quickly climbed to the top of the wall.

Lin Yang immediately walked up, and then erected the ladder to the other end.

This time, the two people finally walked down smoothly.

"That's great, cousin, I'm finally out of here. Cousin, thank you so much."

Although he owed a death contract, as long as his cousin let him leave completely, there was nothing Sima Yi could do.

"Since we are relatives, it is appropriate for me to do this. Don't be so polite."

The two people left here quickly.

Lin Yang said that walking at night may be a bit tiring, but they must try to get out of here and find an inn to stay first.

"Cousin, is it safe to stay in an inn? What if Sima Yi finds out? Otherwise, we should leave Luoyang."

But Lin Yang was a little embarrassed.

Reading Luoyang is not a simple journey.

It doesn't matter to me, but can my cousin bear it?

Moreover, it is unrealistic to find a carriage at this time.

"Cousin, don't worry, you don't have to worry, I'll be fine."

"Okay, cousin, since you said so, let's go farther."

This night, Xi Yu was still on the road.

He also stayed in an inn.

It's snowing outside the inn, and the snow scene tonight is particularly beautiful.

It seems that snow has been encountered recently, so he counted the days.

It will be Chinese New Year in a few days.

The great day of universal celebration has arrived.

He decided that after the Chinese New Year, he would go to Chang'an to see Liu Xie.

This little emperor must be very lonely in his heart.

After all, he lives in such an era.

But he was much better than some other little emperors in the Eastern Han Dynasty.

While he was thinking about this, he suddenly sneezed. Isn’t it said that sneezing means missing someone?

I am thinking about Liu Xie, is it possible that Liu Xie is also thinking about me?

By the way, if you go to visit Liu Xie this time, it won't just be as simple as just meeting him once.

He wanted to mention the constitutional monarchy to Liu Xie.

He wanted to tell Liu Xie that it was urgent to change the situation. This was already a world trend.

He also understood that once he told Liu Xie this, Liu Xie would definitely be very angry and disappointed.

Because Liu Xie has always been looking forward to reviving the royal family.

But even if he was disappointed, there was nothing he could do.

While he was thinking this, he suddenly couldn't sleep.

That night, Ouyang Linlin was also unable to sleep.

She was always worried that something might happen to Wuhuan.

And later in the night, she woke up because of a nightmare.

It was Wuhuan's side that something happened, and Xiyu was killed.

She stood up quickly, as if she had a spring in her body.

Xiaohong next to her also quickly stood up.

"What's wrong, Miss, what happened?"

"Because I had a nightmare."

She then recounted the contents of her dream.

"Miss, please stop thinking so wildly."

She said that dreams are always the opposite.

"But, I really can't sleep, so you should talk to me."

On the other side, Lin Yang and Zhou Juan have gone a long way.

Zhou Juan was already out of breath.

"Forget it, otherwise let's take a rest first."

"No, cousin, let's go quickly."

She always felt that there would be danger if she left late. (End of chapter)

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