Lin Yang was a little embarrassed, but he was willing to leave, but could his cousin really bear it?

So, he said: "Otherwise I will carry you on my back."

Lin Yang shook his head. In that case, he could only walk slower and just walk like this.

Lin Yang thought about it, and he had already said it for this reason, so he had no choice but to agree.

When it was almost dawn, the two of them finally left Luoyang. They didn't expect to go so fast.

Zhou Juan couldn't walk anymore. She felt sore in her back and almost collapsed on the ground.

Lin Yang said that he could quickly find an inn to rest now.

They quickly found an inn to live in, but it was already almost tomorrow. They came to stay at the inn, which puzzled the boss.

The boss asked them what was going on?

"Why do you have so many problems? It's not like we don't pay you any money when we stay here."

Therefore, the boss did not dare to ask any more questions.

But the two of them didn't even know that there were already ninjas following them quietly.

The ninja was already waiting in a small forest next to the inn.

Early that morning, Xi Yu returned to Youzhou.

He called Zhou Yu, Jia Xu, and Zhuge Liang into a room for a meeting.

Xi Yu did not leave early.

When Zhou Yu saw Zhuge Liang, he expressed his admiration for him and said that he had done a great job in catching Meng Huo this time.

It turned out that he had complaints against Zhuge Liang.

"Mr. Kong Ming, Zhou has been offended a lot in the past, so I hope Haihan will do it."

He bowed respectfully to Zhuge Liang.

Zhuge Liang was very happy. "Why should Gong Jin be so polite? In fact, it is normal for you to have this idea. After all, I have never led troops to fight in a war."

Zhou Yu said, but after this time no one will dare to despise Zhuge Liang.

While they were talking, Xi Yu arrived.

In fact, Jia Xu and Zhou Yu really wanted to ask, how to deal with Zhai Rongping's matter?

But Zhuge Liang didn't know about this, so they were embarrassed to mention it.

Xi Yu sat down and said, "I called you here today actually because of the traffic regulations." Some time ago, he, Wenxuan and Dongfanghong formulated traffic rules, but they have not been officially implemented, so now they must be widely popularized.

After that, he distributed the traffic rules to several people to read.

All three of them felt very good.

"Now your task is to widely publicize us. We will officially start using it after the year."

They all believe that this is a major event that benefits the country and the people, and they are willing to publicize this matter.

On the other side, it was already three o'clock in the morning when Lin Yang got up. He hurried to the next room to find Zhou Juan.

"Cousin, is that you outside?"

"Yes, we should leave quickly."

Zhou Juan also got up quickly and realized that it was getting late.

"Okay, cousin, wait outside for a while, I will leave immediately."

The two of them were riding in a carriage together.

The ninja had already seen the road ahead of them. When the two of them continued to move forward, they had to pass through a small jungle.

Therefore, the ninja planned to start in the jungle.

It happened that there was a small stone house in the middle of the dense forest.

Lin Yang didn't know that his life was now counting down.

Along the way, he told Zhou Juan that once she arrived in Youzhou and Xiyu's territory, she would definitely live a good life.

"Cousin, are you saying that the actor is really that good?"

"Yes, I can't describe it to you at all. Once you actually see him, you will admire him even more."

Moreover, Lin Yang said that there are many secret guards like him around Xi Yu.

It can be said that I would rather pay the price of my life to pursue it.

Soon, they passed through the dense forest.

At this time, Lin Yang felt something was wrong, and he immediately asked Master Ma to stop.

The coachman felt puzzled, but stopped anyway.

Zhou Juan saw his frown and asked, "Cousin, what happened? Why didn't we leave all of a sudden?"

"I don't know why, I just have a very strange feeling."

Once, Xi Yu said that when he went to see Song Datian, he seemed to feel that someone was watching him secretly.

At that time, he felt dismissive, thinking that Xi Yu was a little nervous, but now why did he suddenly feel that power?

Although he felt that the other party's aura was particularly weak, he felt that it should be real.

The coachman laughed.

"Sir, you may have gone too far. Of course, someone might be peeing in the jungle, but you can't say that they are just paying attention to us."

Lin Yang said: "Okay, let's continue on the road."

As they continued to act, Lin Yang still felt that his feelings should be correct.

At this time, in the small stone house, the ninja had arranged for a few people to be here, and then asked them to start shooting arrows. The arrows were naturally filled with poison.

The random swords started to shoot.

At this time, Lin Yang was shocked.

"How's it going? I'm right, there is indeed someone."

The key is that the people the ninja found are particularly good at archery. Densely packed arrows swooped towards Lin Yang like bees.

Lin Yang couldn't escape in the end and was immediately hit by an arrow.

The ninja laughed.

As long as you are hit, you will definitely die.

Zhou Juan was startled and shouted: "What's going on?"

The coachman quickly said: "Who have you offended? You must not let me die for you."

He wanted to leave quickly, but the hidden arrows immediately attacked.

He immediately rolled off his horse, opened his eyes wide, and died.

Zhou Juan quickly came to Lin Yang's side.

"Cousin, how are you?"

Lin Yang was in special pain, and soon his face turned black.

"Cousin, run quickly."

But how could Zhou Juan leave?

At this moment, another random arrow came, and Zhou Juan shouted loudly: "Who are you?"

She had already seen several archers appear, and the ninja asked the archers not to shoot the arrows to death, but also to take her back.

He was to be handed over to Sima Yi for rigorous interrogation and torture.

Lin Yang finally died.

Zhou Juan saw many people coming to her.

"What are you doing? What are you doing?" She immediately started to tremble.

Several people directly asked her to carry her.

Although Lin Yang was furious, she was not afraid of death, but she felt unwilling to die because she did not bring the good news to Xi Yu.

After a while, the cold wind began to blow in this place, and many leaves were blowing.

It was as if he was mourning Lin Yang.

At this moment, in Youzhou, the weather suddenly turned gloomy.

Xi Yu suddenly felt as if his chest had been hit hard with a hammer.

He realized something was going on.

Strange, what happened?

Why does he feel so strongly?

After a while, he realized that something had happened to Lin Yang?

He thought these guesses were correct, so he became even more frightened.

If something happened to Lin Yang, it would prove that the ninja was too powerful.

There is really no power to compete with them at the moment.

He then began to pace in the room.

Outside, Jia Xu and others and soldiers were promoting the importance of traffic laws, and traffic regulations were also posted on many walls, which will be officially implemented after the year.

Many people are very happy.

The three people and many soldiers promoted it for a whole day, and they really enjoyed it.

As evening gradually progressed, Xiyu became dazed. Someone came to bring him food, but he never ate.

Later, Ouyang Linlin learned the news and hurriedly came to visit him.

"Husband, what happened?"

"I felt like something was wrong."

"Something happened, who happened? What happened?"

Xi Yu then told him his premonition.

Ouyang Linlin smiled and said that when her husband was in Wuhuan, she also had a dream, dreaming that something happened to Xi Yu, but nothing happened.

Didn’t your husband come back well? Therefore, I also advise my husband not to think too wildly.

"I wasn't just imagining things, I felt like my hunch was very correct."

And among all the secret guards, Lin Yang usually appears by his side the longest.

They seem to have a very tacit understanding.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps. Xi Yu looked outside and saw a boy from Guan Yu.

Could it be that Guan Yu wanted to come to him for something?

Xiao Si immediately knelt down and saluted Xi Yu.

"There's no need to be polite. If you have anything to say, just say it."

The boy said, a very strange thing happened just now.

It turned out that just half an hour ago, someone placed a sack in front of Guan Yu's governor's office.

The soldiers guarding the gate felt confused.

But seeing that the man left a letter, he left quickly.

Moreover, the man was good at Qinggong, and his face was covered, so his appearance could not be seen clearly.

When several soldiers wanted to ask him, he quickly walked away.

But the envelope said that it was personally signed by Guan Yu, so a soldier gave the letter to Guan Yu.

Another soldier opened the sack and found a body inside.

When Guan Yu received the letter, he felt very strange.

The letter just asked him to deliver the body to Xi Yu.

There was only one sentence and nothing else.

Guan Yu immediately came to the gate and saw the body.

But he didn't know who this person was, and it was impossible to catch up with the messenger.

That's why he ordered the servant to report the news to Xi Yu quickly.

Xi Yu was stunned. Could this be Lin Yang's body?

He hurried forward without saying a word.

Ouyang Linlin originally wanted to follow him, but considering seeing the corpse, she might be particularly scared, so she had to hold back.

Xi Yu soon arrived at Guan Yu's house.

The body has been placed in a room.

When Guan Yu saw Xi Yu arriving, he immediately saluted.

Xi Yu said: "I'm not busy, take me to see you quickly."

Guan Yu immediately brought Xi Yu to the room.

When Xi Yu saw him for the first time, his expression changed drastically. Sure enough, it was Lin Yang.

It seemed that his guess was correct. Seeing him tremble suddenly, Guan Yu immediately asked: "Master Xiu, I don't know who this person is."

"He is one of my secret guards."

Guan Yu was also very surprised, and then he understood what was going on.

"Tell me, what exactly is this?"

Although he had learned everything from the soldiers, Xi Yu still wanted to ask again.

Guan Yu apologized to Xi Yu, saying that he was really powerless.

Everyone couldn't catch up with that person, so they asked Xiyu to punish him.

Although Xi Yu was very angry, how could he be punished in this situation?

He said nothing now.

He understood that the ninja was openly provoking him now.

In fact, the ninja did this. He originally planned not to expose himself, but later discussed it with Mr. Okawa.

They believed that Xi Yu's behavior was their provocation, so they told Xi Yu directly and clearly to see what he could do.

Xi Yu actually shed a tear and continued to be in a daze.

After a while, he told Guan Yu to give the other party a rich burial immediately.

Guan Yu agreed.

Xi Yu said: "No, I will attend his funeral tomorrow. I will send soldiers to keep vigil tonight."

Xi Yu thought of Lin Yang's spirit of looking forward to death again when he was leaving.

He had even guessed that he might not be able to come back alive, but he still moved forward bravely.

What information the other party found there has become a mystery.

When Xi Yu returned to the room, Ouyang Linlin was still waiting here.

Seeing Xi Yu like this, Ouyang Linlin already understood what was going on.

"There is no resurrection after death, husband, don't be too sad."

"How do you know why I'm sad?"

"I think the secret guard you are talking about must be in Guan Yu's house. Someone came to provoke you."

Xi Yu sighed and nodded painfully.

Ouyang Linlin could see that there were tears in Xi Yu's eyes, and it seemed that she had been crying for a long time.

Ouyang Linlin suddenly felt that this secret guard was happy.

She immediately grabbed Xi Yu's hand and asked, "If one day I am killed by someone, will you be sad that I cry like this?"

Xi Yu didn't expect that she would ask such a question under such circumstances. He was so disgusted that he pushed her away.

Ouyang Linlin almost fell.

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

Ouyang Linlin also realized that she had gone too far.

Indeed, regardless of the occasion, she was also curious, so she asked.

But when Xi Yu saw that she was about to fall, he immediately felt pity.

"I'm sorry, did it hurt you?"

He quickly came to Ouyang Linlin and grabbed her hand.

"I'm fine. I still hope you won't be too sad."

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. Just go and leave me alone for a while."

Ouyang Linlin had no choice but to retreat.

That night, Zhou Juan was finally brought to Sima Yi.

Her body was also put in a sack.

At this moment, someone poured her out of the sack, and she found herself in Sima Yi's room.

She was trembling with fear, but she saw Sima Yi looking at her at the table.

"Why, are you particularly happy to have left here?"

He quickly knelt down to Sima Yi and said that he had been deceived.

He followed others, I hope the master will forgive him.

Sima Yi slapped him several times and said that he had discovered the existence of the secret guard a long time ago.

He was not poisoned that day. The reason why he cooperated with Lin Yang was that he hoped that Lin Yang would leave quickly and not be like a thorn in his side.

And he also knew everything about the other party's conspiracy with him.

Zhou Juan knew that falling into the opponent's hands would not end well.

She shivered all over, and Sima Yi sneered.

"Now you actually say that you are deceived. If you have the courage to admit that you have committed a heinous crime, maybe I will think highly of you. But you still want to lie."

"Master, please let me go. I will definitely listen to you in the future."

"The future? There is the future. From now on you will be tortured."

After that, Sima Yi called someone and locked the other party in the woodshed.

She was tortured day and night.

But she cannot be allowed to die. She must be allowed to live but not die.

So soon, screams could be heard in the woodshed.

Zhou Juan complained in her heart that she would rather be shot to death by random arrows like her cousin than be tortured like this.

She also resented Lin Yang in her heart. She was living a good life here, why did he bother her?

As a result, he suffered such torture.

Sima Yi had also heard what the ninja had said, and now he had sent the body of the secret guard to Xi Yu.

It is estimated that Xi Yu already knows this by now and is so angry that his lungs are about to explode.

At first, they were afraid that the ninja would be exposed, but now they are no longer afraid, and they even want to tell people clearly.

Sima Yi thought to himself, this is fine, as this will create trouble for the other party.

The next morning came quickly, and the sky was particularly gloomy. Xi Yu decided to give Lin Yang a grand burial today. A cemetery was specially drawn in Xishan.

And Xi Yu also wanted to send someone to spread the news so that more people could come to watch the funeral. Including the common people.

He just wants to tell everyone that he will love all those who are loyal to him.

At the same time, it also wants to inspire everyone to hate Cao Pi.

Although the weather was extremely cold, many people heard Xi Yu's words and came to Xishan.

Just like burying the mulberry garden in Jiangnan, Xi Yu also used some etiquette such as mourning and music here in order to better enhance the atmosphere.

Many secret guards also arrived at the scene. Although they were hiding, they were both very painful and very happy in their hearts.

The pain is that their companion passed away, but the joy is that Xi Yu was buried with high funeral standards.

When the funeral was about to begin, Xi Yu said that the deceased was the most important today, and he would also personally wear sackcloth and show mourning, because the person who died was not his servant, but his good brother.

These words also made many people and soldiers at the scene excited. (End of chapter)

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