This funeral also had the effect of winning over people's hearts.

But this is not what Xi Yu wants. He would rather not win people's hearts, but hopes that Lin Yang can still be alive.

Moreover, a monument has been erected for Lin Yang, and the inscription was also written by Xi Yu himself.

The entire funeral took place throughout the morning.

Soon, everyone dispersed, but Xi Yu still wanted to stay here to express his condolences.

After a while, several soldiers accompanied him.

But Xi Yu said that just let everyone leave, and he wanted to stay here alone to accompany Lin Yang.

Slowly, Xi Yu was the only one left in the entire cemetery.

There is a pine and cypress next to it, and there are many leaves on the ground. A breeze blows, which makes Xi Yu's face feel particularly sad.

After a while, Xi Yu will feel a kind of figure coming to his side.

He turned around and saw Dongfang Hong.

"How did you come here?"

"I'm here to comfort you. I know you're particularly sad, so I just want to stay with you here."

Xi Yu nodded, Dongfang Hong said nothing.

The two of them stayed here quietly until Xi Yu felt a little hungry, so he turned his head and said, "Okay, we can go back."

After Xi Yu went back, he remembered what some Huns said that day about the treasure in Wuhuan.

He planned to write a letter to Meng Huo and tell him about the matter, hoping that he could find the treasure as soon as possible.

But this matter must be done secretly to avoid being obtained by criminals.

A few days later, Meng Huo received the letter and Mrs. Zhu Rong was by his side.

"There is a treasure here in Wuhuan. No wonder the Huns attacked. They conspired with Aruba. But Aruba, this fool, doesn't know what's going on."

He thought to himself that if Aruba knew about it, he would definitely look for the treasure himself first.

"Husband, what was written in Xi Yu's letter?"

Meng Huo then gave the letter to the other party to read.

"It turns out that the actor heard them say this on the road when he went back last time."

"Yes, but the actor said that this matter must be kept secret and must not be told to others."

"Don't worry, husband, I won't tell anyone else."

That night, Xi Yu was lying on the bed, thinking about a problem.

During the funeral process, he originally wanted to tell everyone about Cao Pi's conspiracy.

But he ultimately did not do so.

He can't produce any evidence now. Is this right or wrong for him to consider?

The next day, he called Jia Xu, Zhuge Liang and Zhou Yu together for another meeting.

However, the three of them looked unhappy when they saw Xi Yu. They were probably still sad about Lin Yang's death.

Xi Yu said nothing, and the three of them did not dare to breathe.

After a while, Xi Yu looked at Zhuge Liang.

"Zhuge Liang, have you noticed that you haven't seen Zhao Zilong for a long time recently?"

Before Xi Yu asked this question, Zhuge Liang really didn't pay attention, and only now did he realize that it was indeed the case.

"It's true, Mr. Xi."

He thought, did Xi Yu send Zhao Zilong to do something important?

Xi Yu then asked Zhou Yu to tell the specific story of what happened.

Zhou Yu told everything from the meal that day to the fake Zhao Yun.

Zhuge Liang was shocked that this actually happened.

"Because you were still fighting at the time, it was normal not to know. Also, this is where Lin Yang died."

In fact, Zhuge Liang was still wondering yesterday who could kill the secret guard. He didn't expect that there was such a link in it.

"Master Xi, listen to what you say. Is there anyone more powerful than the secret guards?"

But it has now been confirmed that this is indeed the case.

"We don't know whether Zhao Yun is dead or alive. Zhai Rongping is currently in prison. I called you here today just to ask you, do we want to tell the truth about Cao Pi's collusion with others?"

Then let three people discuss it, and the three people discussed it fiercely.

They also wanted to kill Cao Pi.

"Cao Pi deserves to die, but if we want to make the matter public directly now, we have no evidence." Zhou Yu said.

Jia Xu said: "Player, we have no evidence, and if we tell it, wouldn't it mean that the world would know that we are deliberately setting it up?"

"Yes, that's why I'm worried about this."

Even Xi Yu has thought about it, not to promote it himself, but to say it through other people's mouths.

When the time comes, Xi Yu will come forward to clarify that this kind of thing is not credible.

It means that you and the person who told the news are acting like a show, and the people can still see that this thing is true.

But people will probably guess it, and this is what Xiyu dominates.

The best way is to let Zhai Longping come out and say it himself.

But Zhai Longping will definitely not be happy because his family is still in Sima Yi's hands.

Zhuge Liang thought that evidence should be collected.

Zhou Yu asked him back.

"Even if we collect evidence, how can we collect it?"

Xi Yu smiled bitterly, so this matter seemed to have no solution.

Several people smiled bitterly.

Zhuge Liang suddenly said: "By the way, Xi Gong, haven't you been to Kunlun Mountain? Maybe the two old Taoist priests on Kunlun Mountain will have a solution for the kind of ninja you mentioned."

One sentence reminded Xi Yu.

It's true that the authorities are obsessed with it, but bystanders know clearly. How could he ignore this?

But can those two old Taoist priests really solve the problem?

But give it a try yourself.

"Great, Mr. Kong Ming also provided a suggestion. I can try it when I have time, but it's hard to say whether it will have any effect."

Xi Yu said: "Let's talk about another thing. This matter is very important. You three are my right-hand men now, so I must ask your opinion."

Xi Yu immediately took out the map.

He proposed a three-legged concept.

Zhou Yu and Jia Xu both felt baffled, but Zhuge Liang was very surprised.

Because Zhuge Liang once analyzed the general trend of the world.

Cao Wei is now in the north.

Most areas in Jiangnan have also returned to Xiyu.

The third part is Sichuan and Shu.

The location there is particularly important. After all, that place is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and it is deep in the basin.

Maybe a big prince will rise there, but first of all, when there are not many forces appearing, that big prince can live in poverty there and live alone.

But once something goes wrong, that place cannot be saved.

When Zhuge Liang heard about Liu Bei for the first time, he even thought about protecting Liu Bei.

Let Liu Bei occupy that place.

Of course, after he later joined Xi Yu, there was no need to implement all of this.

But he really didn't understand why Xi Yu said this.

Could it be said that Xi Yu is really a genius?

Or is he able to find out his privacy?

Xi Yu looked at Zhuge Liang with a smile.

"Mr. Kong Ming, I believe you understand this matter better than me. Why don't you explain it to them."

Zhuge Liang was even more stunned.

What does Xi Yu mean by saying this? This clearly shows his inner thoughts.

"Master Xiu, why did you ask me to tell them two?"

"It's very simple. Both of them feel particularly confused, but you look calm. I believe you know this better."

Zhuge Liang thought to himself, he showed an expression of surprise, how could he be calm?

But he still gave his analysis.

When Zhou Yu thought about it, he seemed to be a reckless man, and Zhuge Liang did not think so.

After Zhou Yu heard what Zhuge Liang said, he felt that it made sense.

But he also wondered if Zhuge Liang and Xi Yu had already agreed on this matter, so why did they insist on singing the double act here?

Xiyu nodded.

"Yes, what he said is exactly what I wanted to say to you two."

Moreover, Xi Yu proposed to the three of them the concept of the general trend of the world: if they are divided for a long time, they will unite, and if they unite for a long time, they will be divided.

"So currently, Cao Pi and I are the two largest princes, and the location of Sichuan and Shu is particularly important. Relatively speaking, they have an advantage over us, so we must now win over Sichuan and Shu and officially become our This way, almost the entire south of the Yangtze River is owned by us."

Zhou Yu immediately said: "Player, do you mean that we want to bribe Zhang Lu?"

Xi Yu nodded. One of Zhang Lu's biggest characteristics was that he liked to teach the Five Pecks of Rice religion, so he provided him with conditions.

Let him expand the scope of his preaching. He may only be in Sichuan and Shu at present, so Xiyu will allow him to preach freely in other territories.

He also provided him with some preferential conditions, and he had already thought of the specific conditions.

But Zhuge Liang said, if this is really the case, then wouldn't it mean that the Five Pecks of Rice would grow bigger and become uncontrollable?

"Don't worry, since I said this, I have already thought of everything."

Xi Yu also cited the example of the Yellow Turban Army. It was also because the people were in dire straits. The Golden Army Day used the example of faith to gain the support of the people, and then killed corrupt officials and opened up food and grass.

In fact, more people are concerned about their own survival problems. As long as this can be solved for them, they don't have to worry about anything.

Jia Xu stroked his beard and said: "The actor's idea is good, but this should be a very long process."

"So now we should send one person to visit the tax. And this time when Meng Huo attacked, Cao Pi's side actually made a lot of negative actions. Although they finally sent troops, the number was too small."

Moreover, Cao Pi still hoped that Sichuan and Shu would lose to a certain extent.

That way, he could ask for help, and Xi Yu still had the letter from Cao Pi to Xi Yu with him, so the envoy could take this letter with him when he went to Sichuan and Shu.

Xiyu laughed.

"Cao Pi must have never imagined that I would take the letter he wrote to me to Sichuan and Shu."

"So for this practical question, I will choose from the three of you, and you can see who is suitable."

This time, Xi Yu did not appoint him directly, but let them discuss it themselves.

After that, Xi Yu stood up and said, "I'm going for a walk outside. If I were here, you might be embarrassed to recommend yourself."

Xi Yu said that he would go to the street and come back later, hoping that there would be a result by then.

When Xi Yu came to the street, he saw many people buying new year's goods.

It's so fast, the Chinese New Year will be here in five days.

He suddenly remembered that in his previous life, there would be business and entertainment activities in supermarkets during the Chinese New Year.

So should the chamber of commerce established in Youzhou now have some preferential policies?

That’s right, you should discuss this issue with Sun Zhongmou.

So, he went directly to the headquarters of the Youzhou Chamber of Commerce.

Sun Zhongmou was making calculations when he felt a figure appear in front of him.

Looking up, it turned out to be Xi Yu.

He quickly stood up and saluted Xi Yu.

Xi Yu said: "If I don't invite you, it won't affect your life, right?"

"Master Xi, it doesn't affect me. I wonder what you can learn from your visit this time?"

Xi Yu sat down and asked him to tell the Chamber of Commerce that there must be a discount during the New Year so that the people can have a good New Year.

Sun Zhongmou was a little embarrassed. He said that there was a meeting today and the merchants were planning to raise prices in order to earn a good price during the Chinese New Year.

Moreover, the Chamber of Commerce was still planning to discuss whether it was suitable and was preparing to report it to Xi Yu. Unexpectedly, Xi Yu actually gave everyone a discount.

Xi Yu then told him the principle of small profits but quick turnover.

"I am not doing this to make people lose money, but to enable them to sell better. Of course, the profit margin is not very large, and I think everyone should be able to accept it."

Sun Zhongmou said, since the actor said so, he will definitely find a way to do ideological work for everyone.

"Very good, but we are not talking about it. We cannot force everything. If these merchants have any reasonable opinions, they can be adopted."

Xi Yu also learned about the recent developments of the Chamber of Commerce, only to realize that he had not paid attention to things here for a long time.

After all, I was crazy for a long time some time ago.

Xiyu read some information and found that many merchants planned to open branches in other places after the coming year.

"Drama Master, their business is getting bigger and bigger."

Xiyu sneered.

"What do you think their purpose is in opening a branch?"

Sun Zhongmou shook his head.

"They probably don't want to abide by the rules here, so they can open branches in other places and develop freely. However, we must establish a new rule in the next step. All members must abide by local rules even if they go to other places for development. Same as local model or membership will be cancelled.”

Sun Zhongmou also knew the stakes, but asked again: "Master Xiu, isn't it a little inappropriate to do this? Doesn't it tie their hands and feet?"

"No, it must be done this way, otherwise if one place has one price, it will basically be chaotic. The next time you have a meeting with them, explain this directly. Of course, some people will be unhappy. If that is the case, ask them to follow me. Let’s communicate.”

Sun Zhongmou also agreed.

Xiyu slapped his head.

"It's broken, it's broken. I've been out for a long time. The three of them are studying the problem. They are probably impatient. I have to go back quickly."

Those three people had indeed been waiting for a long time. They originally thought that Xi Yu would be back soon, but why didn't they wait for so long?

Jia Xu said he was willing to go.

First of all, he is a civil servant, so it is very suitable for him to do this. As for Zhuge Liang, he has just returned from Jiangnan and should take a rest.

And Zhou Yu may have a new mission.

Zhou Yu really planned to go together, but seeing what Jia Xu said, he had no choice but to agree and let him go first.

Zhuge Liang didn't have any objections, so he waited for Xi Yu to come back and quickly told him about the matter.

But he still hasn't returned.

Xiyu smiled when he came back.

"I'm really sorry. I forgot that the three of you were in a meeting and went to the Youzhou Chamber of Commerce for a walk."

Xi Yu immediately sat down and asked the three people what the outcome of the discussion was.

Three people said that Jia Xu was there.

In fact, Xi Yu thought so too.

"Very well, Mr. Jia, your hard work has paid off. This time, a few elite soldiers will accompany you there. In addition to your safety, you must be careful on the road."

Jia Xu also joked, saying that he also wanted to go out for a walk.

So having such a good opportunity to visit great rivers and mountains is a good choice.

"I'm very pleased that you think so."

"Master Xi, are you leaving immediately, or after the New Year?"

"Of course it is after the New Year. There are only four or five days left. We are not in a hurry at this moment. Everything can be held with great fanfare after the New Year."

Xi Yu said that since it has been discussed, there is nothing else to do now, so let everyone disperse for the time being.

After the three people dispersed, Xi Yu remembered that just by going to the Chamber of Commerce, he should prepare new year's goods.

Although this matter can be handled by servants, the joy of going shopping and shopping cannot be replaced by others.

Soon, he also told Ouyang Linlin the news.

Ouyang Linlin was also filled with joy.

Tonight, he happened to be resting in Sun Shangxiang's room.

He also directly told Sun Shangxiang the news.

Sun Shangxiang was also puzzled, because in the past when he was in Jiangnan, servants did the shopping, and they didn't have to worry at all.

"Husband, do we want to go there in person? Of course, we go there by ourselves and have our own fun. This cannot be replaced by having people go shopping."

Sun Shangxiang can imagine that the big market will be particularly lively by then.

She also recalled the scene when she followed her brother to the market when she was a child. Unexpectedly, so many years have passed in a blink of an eye.

Seeing that she was stunned, Xi Yu quickly asked her.

"what are you thinking about?"

"I'm thinking about what happened when I was a kid. The market was very lively at that time."

Xi Yu immediately took his hand.

"I know you still miss the past, but I also miss my past life."

The past life Xi Yu talked about was the previous life, but unfortunately it can never go back.

"And now this is your home. I will definitely treat you well."

Sun Shangxiang was particularly moved by these words.

"Okay, sir, should we rest?"

Xiyu nodded. (End of chapter)

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