Sun Shangxiang immediately began to untie his clothes, and Xi Yu once again entered the gentle countryside.

Most people in Youzhou are immersed in the joy of the New Year.

In the early morning of this day, Sun Zhongmou also held a special meeting with the merchants of the Chamber of Commerce and expressed his request in Spanish.

Sure enough, just as Xi Yu thought, many merchants were unhappy because they believed that their interests were threatened.

Especially when it comes to opening branches, there are new regulations. Isn't this completely aimed at them?

Sun Zhongmou said that this time the opera master was particularly determined to safeguard the interests of more people, so any opinions they had must be kept.

A tea seller finally stood up and said that he agreed to the actor's request. In fact, wasn't he also an ordinary citizen before?

At that time, the experience of being unable to buy things was still fresh in his memory, so he had to support this rule.

A leader emerged, so gradually others began to support the decision.

Later, although there were still many people who were not willing to do so, they just agreed after seeing that everyone had said it.

Sun Zhongmou said: "Don't worry, you may seem to have lost something, but in the long run, you will definitely earn more."

And these merchants have also thought about it. To be fair, since joining the Chamber of Commerce, they have indeed become stronger than before.

It also increased cohesion, and more importantly, they also built a lot of interpersonal relationships through the Xiyu platform.

After Sun Zhongmou finished the meeting, he immediately went to see Xi Yu and told him the contents of the meeting.

Anyway, some merchants were not happy at first. But in the end they were convinced by themselves.

"You did very well."

Moreover, Sun Zhongmou also specially took a document with the signatures of many people, expressing agreement with the content of this meeting.

Xiyu patted his head.

"By the way, actually at the beginning, I thought about holding an annual meeting, which is the annual summary meeting, but then I forgot about it. There are only these few days left. I don't know if it's still too late?"

"My subordinates are in a bit of a dilemma. There are only four or five days left. Everyone has to be busy posting couplets on the last day. It is impossible to have more time. Is it enough?"

Xi Yu said, in fact, it is just to call everyone together to summarize, say a few words, and then buy some gifts and snacks, or find some theater troupes to put on some shows.

It's actually not very difficult.

Sun Zhongmou said that if this was really the case, he would quickly make plans.

Xi Yu said: "Okay, you go and plan it, and I'll find the troupe. In addition, I also hope to show my face and sing some songs."

All other matters were left to Sun Zhongmou to plan.

"It's all my fault. If I had told you earlier, you could have informed the merchants during the meeting today. You need to be busy again."

"Master Xiu, you have so many things to do every day, it's normal for you to neglect some things."

Moreover, the actor can think of everyone, which already makes everyone feel good.

Xi Yu said: "It's not too late, let's get ready quickly."

Xi Yu quickly found the opera troupe.

However, the theatrical life at this time was not particularly colorful.

After all, there haven't been as many dramas as in the previous life.

However, he happened to meet Dongfanghong.

"I just happened to see you."

"Oh, what do you want from me?"

Xiyu then told him about the annual meeting, because there might be a program at that time.

So I hope he can prepare some programs.

"Hey, what time is it? Why are you just getting ready now?"

"Yeah, didn't I ignore it?"

Also, ask the other person if he doesn’t write a book? How's the writing going?

"It has just started to take off, and there has been no big fluctuation so far."

"Hey, let me ask you, how is the show going? You can quickly prepare a cross talk sketch of three and a half sentences. I guarantee that the ancients have not seen it, and they will feel it is very fresh."

Dongfang Hong nodded and said he would get it out as soon as possible.

Xi Yu added, "Didn't I say you can do magic? Then we'll have a magic show too."

This makes Dongfanghong feel very happy.

Xi Yu said that he would tell Wenxuan about the matter in a while and let Wenxuan also take action.

When she heard Wenxuan's name, Dongfang Hong's face became a little unnatural.

"I know you like her, but for now, she's not interested in you, so you'd better not pay more attention to her."

"You really don't hurt your back when you stand and talk. People like you."

"But I don't like her. You two have one characteristic. People in the past life are the standard. In fact, you can observe and find that there are people you like in this world."

Dongfanghong thought about it for a moment and did not refute again.

Xi Yu soon arrived at Youzhou College.

Nowadays, there are people standing guard at the gate of Youzhou College. They were selected from the military camp to protect the safety of the college.

Xi Yu decided to start a new enrollment next year. Just like the county and city schools, there are first and second grades. Because it is newly opened, there is only one class of students.

Lu Su was under a bodhi tree, thinking about the problem.

Xi Yu looked at him from a distance like a philosopher.

Xi Yu came closer to him, but he never noticed it.

Until Xiyu coughed.

"Master Xiu, it's you who's here."

"Zijing, what were you thinking about just now? You were so lost in thought."

"My subordinates are thinking, should we expand enrollment next year and allow people of different ages to enroll?"

Xi Yu didn't expect that the other party would actually go with him. The rule of their school was that you can enroll after you are six years old.

"Of course it will be like this, that's how I think about it, because next year these students will be one year older. We should have a new enrollment plan. What, was this the problem you were thinking about just now?"

Lu Su smiled.

Xi Yu said that he hadn't been here for a long time. One of them was to take a look, and the other was to ask Wenxuan for something.

"Wenxuan is in class."

Xi Yu thought, then he might as well listen to how she teaches class, so that Lu Su must not alert the snake.

She wanted to sneak into the classroom, and when she came to a classroom, Xiyu slowed down.

Wenxuan is telling stories to the children. She told the story of Guan Zhong and Bao Shuya doing business.

And she really takes it step by step and pays attention to the method.

She didn't name the two people first, but said that there were two people doing business and they should share it equally, but Guan Zhong took care of Bao Shuya.

Xi Yu thought to himself that if he didn't know history and was a child, he would definitely be attracted by her story-telling style.

I have to say it’s really very methodical.

By the way, after the Chinese New Year there should be an observation class system.

That is to have all the teachers come to the same classroom to listen to a certain teacher.

They communicate with each other and learn from each other. All this is done in the previous life, but it is definitely very advanced here.

Xi Yu returned to his exclusive office for the time being. Although he had an office here, he didn't come often.

However, the room is cleaned every day, and now there is not a trace of dust.

He has to wait for Wenxuan to finish class.

Someone blows the whistle when get out of class is over here.

After a while, Lu Su was called and said that blowing the whistle was too laborious, so he might as well get a big bell and ring the bell next time.

"Master Xiu, this is a good idea."

Xi Yu remembered that it was because the moment the academy opened was when he was unconscious.

Otherwise, these little things would have been thought of long ago.

"Okay, that's it for now. We'll discuss some things after the new year. I'll ask Wenxuan to come to my office after class."

After a while, get out of class ended. Lu Su went to find Wenxuan and told him that Xiyu was coming. Wenxuan ran over quickly.

"When does our college have holidays? What are the regulations?"

Wenxuan said he would have a holiday tomorrow.

"So when does school start?"

"Maybe we have to celebrate the Lantern Festival."

Xi Yu nodded and told Wen Xuan about the annual meeting.

"Then prepare a few shows."

Wenxuan and Dongfanghong had the same reaction, saying it was too late.

"I also know that it didn't happen just a short time ago, so that's why it's like this."

Wenxuan said: "Have you told Dongfanghong about this matter?"

"Yes, I just met him on the road, so I told him first. Do you think you can do it?"

"It should be about the same now."

"Hey, don't be too impatient. I need your clear consent."

"Okay, then I assure you, there will be no problem. Do you want to make a poem of your own?"

Xi Yu said, it would be best to have some programs from the previous life, which they have never had here.

"Okay, I won't do prenatal education tonight. I have to prepare the program carefully. I will recommend the program to you tomorrow."

"That would be the best." Now he has to quickly contact the theater troupe and buy gifts.

And also asked Sun Zhongmou to provide a list to commend some special merchants.

Xi Yu thought to himself that even if the preparations were hasty, they might not be insufficiently prepared.

Another day has passed, and the flavor of the New Year is getting stronger and stronger.

In Luoyang, Cao Pi is also preparing to celebrate the New Year. Regarding war, perhaps it is unavoidable in the coming year, but for now he has not considered anything.

The ninja also came and said that he would not stay here for the time being. They are going back to Japan.

Come back after two years and let them have a good New Year.

In Chang'an Palace, Liu Xie stood in the window and looked outside.

Another year has passed, and I don’t know what the scene will be like after the next year.

Just last night, he had a dream, and it didn't even feel like a dream, but like a reality.

In the dream, he found himself sitting on a chair in the palace, leading the ministers to attend the morning court.

Suddenly, Cao Pi began to plot a rebellion, and had already produced a Zen edict for him to sign.

At that time, all the ministers shared their anger with Cao Pi.

He hopes that there is someone who can be with him, even just one person.

However, all the ministers were afraid of Cao Pi, and no one took the initiative to speak for themselves.

He suddenly fell into despair and started to cry.

Moreover, after Cao Pi forced him to sign, he also said that for the sake of his relatives, he would depose him to the Shanyang Palace to take care of himself.

Later, he found that he had become a person who had nothing to do with the world. He was depressed every day and resorted to drinking to drown his sorrows.

Until he died.

When he was dying, he asked to be buried next to Lu Bu.

He thought about it for a while, and it seemed that only Lu Bu was loyal to him.

When he woke up, he felt that the dream was so real.

Obviously this has never happened before, but why does he seem to have experienced it again?

As for Lu Bu being a loyal minister, he had had such an idea some time ago.

Could it be that he had such a dream because he thought about it day by day and dreamed about it at night?

He was very impulsive and wanted to tell Xi Yu about this. He wanted to write a letter to Xi Yu.

But he had a little concern. If he told Xi Yu, would Xi Yu betray himself and tell Cao Pi about it?

He can trust no one now.

Previously, he had counted on Xi Yu to help him, but now he may have heard that Xi Yu was disloyal, which made him feel very distressed.

But outside Chang'an City, there was a scene of lights and colorful decorations.

Liu Xie felt very depressed and wanted to go outside for a walk.

After a while, he called a few young eunuchs over and asked them to dress up incognito with him.

When several young eunuchs learned that he was about to go out, they were worried about the danger, so they persuaded him.

Liu Xiedao: "What's the danger? I am enjoying myself with the people. Besides, the people don't know me."

In Liu Xie's view, the real people who want to harm him are some ambitious people, ordinary people. How could they attack him?

Seeing that he insisted on going, several young eunuchs agreed to his request.

Now is the time when the lanterns are on, and several people are walking on the street.

Liu Xie thought to himself, how happy it would be if he allowed all parties to come to the court and become the real emperor.

But now he is trapped here, unable to do anything at all.

When he thought of this, he felt very sad in his heart.

He also remembered what he had heard before. During the Han Ling Emperor's time, a busy market was opened in the palace. It was a nonsense.

I wanted to be a wise king, but I happened to encounter such a period.

Liu Xie was thinking about Xi Yu.

One group was thinking about him, too.

When Xi Yu considered proposing a constitutional monarchy after the New Year, he didn't know how sad the little emperor would be.

To be fair, both Han Xian Emperor Liu Xie and Emperor Chongzhen were very sad and were in a mess.

Although the two people's personalities are very different.

Moreover, Liu Xie was actually quite smart when he was a child, at least much better than the Young Emperor of the Han Dynasty.

If the system hadn't brought him here, perhaps Liu Xie would be in a worse state now.

During the meeting between him and Zhuge Liang, they mentioned the issue of the three pillars, but he believed that the three people were very smart, and they all deliberately avoided Liu Xie's question.

Maybe everyone knew it tacitly, or maybe they had mentioned this result intentionally or unintentionally, so they just didn't ask.

Sun Shangxiang, who was beside Xi Yu, had already noticed the snoring, and her arms lay on Xi Yu's shoulders.

After a while, Sun Shangxiang woke up and saw that Xi Yu was still in a daze.

"Husband, what are you doing?"

"I'm thinking about something."

"Husband must be thinking about things in the coming year. It's better to think about how to celebrate the New Year now. Isn't it better to talk about the future things later?"

"You're right, so don't think about anything now." Xi Yu suddenly became energetic, and then scored twice with the opponent.

In the early morning of the next day, Xi Yu had just finished breakfast when Wenxuan had already arrived.

She said she spent the night last night and prepared a three-and-a-half sentence sentence.

However, what she wrote may be a bit immature, so she asked Xiyu to add some more to her.

Xi Yu looked at it and was quite satisfied, so he smiled and said, "You are being humble. I think what you wrote is pretty good."

"Where, you should see what needs to be improved."

Xi Yu said: "In that case, let's start discussing it word by word."

When the two people really discussed it, Xi Yu found that writing work was a very troublesome thing. The more he changed, he always felt that there were some imperfections.

After two hours, Xi Yu was still not satisfied.

It was already lunch time, so Xi Yu stayed with Wenxuan to eat here.

Wenxuan said: "If it doesn't work, just find someone else to take a look."

"No need, some words and sentences are not quite smooth yet. Others are already perfect."

After they finished their meal, they planned to perfect the rest, and Dongfanghong also came over.

He said he wrote a sketch for Xiyu to read.

When he saw Wenxuan here, he said hello.

When they met again, they seemed very embarrassed.

Xi Yu saw that there were many words of praise for herself in the sketch written by Dongfang Hong.

He immediately waved his hand.

"No, no, it's too disgusting. Don't always compliment me."

"But he has indeed made a lot of contributions to this place."

"No, people will make fun of you if you do this. You have to change it quickly."

And Dongfanghong, as long as some of the flattering identities about Xiyu are removed, it will be fine.

Dongfang Hong also understood that Xiyu was already famous all over the world and no longer needed any deliberate publicity.

He had no choice but to agree to change it.

He asked Wenxuan what program he had prepared.

Wenxuan then handed him three and a half sentences and said that it took two people half a day to correct it today.

Wenxuan then asked Xiyu if he had already chosen the troupe?

Xi Yu said: "Yes, I went to the theater troupe yesterday and they all gave me face. They planned to perform for less money."

Of course Xi Yu also understood that the purpose of their doing this was to promote themselves.

This kind of business is inherently a relationship of mutual use.

"Yes, this is my first time to participate in such a grand event. I hope I will perform well then." Wenxuan closed his eyes, looking forward to the future.

Xi Yu also said that more people would also be invited to watch.

When the time comes, we will truly have fun with the people. (End of chapter)

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