Naturally, Sun Mingtao didn't know that Xi Yu had been in contact with mentally retarded children in his previous life.

I have also done volunteer work for them and know how to communicate with them better.

About half an hour later, Sun Jin was a little tired, and Sun Mingtao helped him to the room to rest.

Then, Sun Mingtao knelt down to Xi Yu.

Xi Yu said: "What are you doing?"

"Drama Master, please let me kneel down. You are so patient in communicating with my child. I feel that he is very happy."

"Actually, I should thank you today. It's your words that gave me the confidence to open a school like this in the future. But the Chinese New Year is almost here, so let's wait until after the new year."

He also comes to visit the children when he has time.

"Master Xi, thank you very much."

Sun Mingtao hopes to keep Xiyu here to eat.

But Xi Yu shook his head, and there were still many things to be busy with.

On the second day, it was time for the annual meeting of the Youzhou Chamber of Commerce.

The people who knew the news put down what they were doing and hurried to participate.

As Xi Yu said, there were too many people and it was impossible to squeeze in.

Therefore, the stage was placed directly at the city gate, allowing the people to watch on the street.

This is the first large-scale annual meeting held since Xi Yu came to this world.

Today, God is also very powerful, and the temperature is extremely high.

The blue sky is dotted with white clouds, giving people a very comfortable feeling.

Xi Yu stood on the tower, thinking that no matter how many worries he had in life, he would let them go at this moment.

Although I know there will definitely be war in the coming year, at least I am happy and peaceful now.

Of course, he also knew that the Japanese ninja was still ready to take action. So he also told the soldiers not to let down their guard at this time.

At the beginning of the annual meeting, Xi Yu gave a speech first.

Xi Yu also wanted to use this opportunity to say something slightly official.

Moreover, Xi Yu found that when he was speaking, many people stopped talking and listened quietly.

Beside Xi Yu are his three wives.

As for Xi Shi and Song Meijiao, they could only stand below.

Seeing Xi Yu's surprised look, Xi Yu seemed to be a little greedy.

She seems to be eager to become Xi Yu's wife now.

Xi Yu would like to first thank everyone for their support this year.

Now in a troubled world, he will do his best to let the people in his jurisdiction live a good life.

As soon as these words came out, many people burst into warm applause.

Xi Yu smiled and looked at the dense crowd of people, which almost filled the street with water.

Of course, the soldiers were still patrolling at this time.

Because at this time, troubles may occur, especially petty theft.

Xi Yu also asked everyone to pay attention to safety.

Xi Yu thought of ninjas again. Maybe ninjas were among these people.

So he also said some things to ninjas.

Anyone who is an enemy of the people, and anyone who helps the tyrants to do evil, will not end well in the end.

Xi Yu's speech was impassioned.

Many people were infected.

Wenxuan was also among the crowd.

Xi Yu's speech lasted for a full hour, with almost no pauses in the middle, and was full of logic.

Wenxuan thought to himself that the university professors in his previous life were nothing more than this.

She now admires this fellow villager more and more.

But today Xi Yu has one more thing to do, and that is to kill Zhai Rongping.

A few days ago, he was still thinking about how to deal with Zhai Rongping.

But then I thought, it would be better to just kill him, so as not to worry myself again.

And if there are ninjas around, do it for them to see.

Since they sent Lin Yang's body directly, it was an open provocation.

So today I will also kill Zhai Rongping and declare war on them.

"Fellow folks, we have another episode today. We are going to execute a prisoner, a prisoner who has committed a heinous crime."

The common people were a little confused.

The Chinese New Year is almost here, how could something like this happen? And what kind of criminal must be executed at this time?

Xi Yu shouted loudly: "Bring the prisoner."

Zhai Rongping was finally brought to the gate of the city tower.

At this moment, he was wearing a white prison uniform.

This morning, when he learned of his fate, he suddenly felt very sad.

He had already told Xi Yu the truth.

He originally thought that Xi Yu would definitely let him go, but how could he have imagined that Xi Yu would actually kill him?

He was also worried about his family. If Sima Yi found out what happened today and knew that he was of no use at all, would he kill them?

After arriving on the tower, he shouted loudly: "Player, I have admitted my mistake to you, you should not treat me like this."

Xi Yu didn't answer him.

And publicized Zhai Rongping's crimes to the people.

"There has been a similar phenomenon before. Someone was a spy in our team, but was eventually found out."

Here, Xi Yu also warned those with ulterior motives not to use such childish methods in the future.

Many people looked at each other in shock.

What does Xi Yu mean when he says this?

Could it be that among the crowd, there are still those who commit crimes, or are there people from other princes mixed in?

After Xi Yu finished talking a lot, he felt a little thirsty and asked the soldiers to execute the execution quickly.

Zhai Rongping burst into tears.

Xi Yu said: "Be a good person in the next life."

"Drama Master, no matter what, I didn't do anything extremely sinful. I did all this because others forced me to do it."

"Okay, go and communicate these words with the Lord of Hell in the underworld. There is no need to tell me anymore."

After that, he said to the soldiers: "What are you still doing? Hurry up."

In the end, Zhai Rongping's head rolled down from the tower.

Although the scene was a bit bloody, many people clapped their hands and applauded.

Xi Yu asked people to quickly clean up the scene and said, "Okay, now we will officially hold the annual meeting."

Various performances began to appear immediately, which made the audience really happy in every way.

These shows are like nothing they have ever seen.

From early morning to noon, many people stood on the streets, but few said they were tired.

Moreover, many merchants were commended and received coins and certificates. Xi Yu encouraged them to keep up their efforts in the coming year.

When the annual meeting was about to end, some people just shouted: "Player, are there any performances this afternoon?"

Xi Yu smiled and said, "Everyone is still not satisfied, but it's over. Let's hold another large-scale event by this time next year."

Many people are really addicted to watching it, and they are really reluctant to let it go.

Xi Yu said that the time has come and let everyone forget it.

Finally, he returned home with his three ladies.

In the evening, Xiyu, Wenxuan, and Dongfanghong went to a restaurant for dinner.

Xi Yu asked the palace master, "Why don't you go back to your hometown to celebrate the New Year?"

The shop owner said that he was the only one left at home, so he only wanted to pay homage to his ancestors when he returned to his hometown. He would just go back on the first day of the new year.

Xi Yu asked Wen Xuan again.

"What about you? Aren't you going back either?"

Wenxuan shook his head.

"I vaguely heard in the past that you and your father had some conflicts, but you should go back after the Chinese New Year."

"What? You don't want to see me. You want me to leave quickly."

Wenxuan immediately pouted.

"You should know that's not what I meant."

Wenxuan told Xi Yu about the last time his father came.

"What? There is such a thing, and I have never heard you mention it."

"Anyway, I fooled him into believing my words at the time, but maybe a long time later, he will think about it and realize that I was probably lying to him. But it doesn't matter anymore."

The two of them were talking passionately, but Dongfanghong remained in a daze.

Xi Yu thought that just by talking to Wenxuan, he might have left him in the cold.

But that’s not necessary. Why can’t this grown man be more open-minded?

"Dongfanghong, what's wrong with you?"

Xiyu thought again, is it because he likes Wenxuan and Wenxuan doesn't like him, so he is troubled?

Dongfanghong sighed and said that although he had slowly adapted to this place, he missed his previous life even more.

He still has a lot of regrets, but he can never go back.

In addition, when Xi Yu came here, things started to get better and better.

Wenxuan also has relatives, although she is unwilling to go back.

But after traveling here, he became an orphan, and he didn't have a home he wanted here.

Xiyu patted her shoulder.

"Fool, aren't we the closest people to you?"

Dongfanghong immediately grabbed Xi Yu's hand.

"You are my relatives, come, let's drink."

However, they drank very little this time, for fear of getting drunk again.

Soon, New Year's Eve arrived, the sound of firecrackers was almost endless, and many people were beaming with joy.

That night, Xi Yu suddenly had an evil idea.

He wanted to invite Ouyang Linlin and Sun Shangxiang to have fun together in his room.

He suddenly wondered if he was a little dirty?

When he proposed this idea, the two women also strongly opposed it.

"No, it's too embarrassing. If you're not ashamed, I'm still." Ouyang Linlin blushed.

She really didn't know why Xi Yu had such an idea?

"You are all good sisters now, so we are a family, so why bother to push back and forth?"

Similarly, Sun Shangxiang was also a little embarrassed.

"You really don't agree? If you make me unhappy during the New Year, I will make you unhappy in the future."

Seeing Xi Yu's serious look, the two women looked at each other. Otherwise, just agree to it.

What Xi Yu didn't expect the next day was that so many people came to wish him New Year's greetings.

There are some reputable people in Youzhou City and some big businessmen.

At this moment, there is no New Year atmosphere in Japan, everything is the same as usual.

Okawa had a cold face.

It also made the atmosphere in the whole room particularly solemn.

Several ninjas didn't figure out how to deal with Xi Yu.

No one knew where to find the medicine he was talking about.

At this time, Mr. Okawa was furious and cursed constantly.

When he was at a loss, a ninja suddenly walked in with a smile on his face.

"It's already this time, what's so funny? What are you laughing at?"

The ninja who just came in was named Guitian Jun. He said that in the distant Persian Empire, there was a magical medicine.

After eating it, people will lose their true nature.

So why not go there and ask yourself.

Okawa's eyes lit up.

"Oh, why did you say there would be one there?"

He said that when he was young, several relatives went to Persia, but they stayed there to work.

Haven't been back since.

But I have been exchanging letters with my family. In previous letters, I seem to have heard my family mention this matter.

Mr. Okawa was overjoyed.

In this case, let him get there quickly, the sooner the better.

When you meet someone who has medicine, you must be polite to them, and this courtesy is absolutely indispensable.

"Don't worry, the little one will definitely do this."

"In this case, without further delay, you should set off quickly. As long as you have made great achievements, your benefits will be inevitable."

Lord Guitian thanked him and left immediately.

A smile finally appeared on Dachuan's face, and after a while, it became gloomy again.

Although I can go there, are I guaranteed to be able to bring the medicine?

A few days before the first lunar month, Xi Yu thought of a question.

At present, Sima Yi can be regarded as an important minister around Cao Pi and a think tank.

He was wondering what kind of method he could use to drive a wedge between Sima Yi and Yuan!

Let Cao Pi no longer trust Sima Yi.

Of course he knew that Sima Yi was particularly cunning. Ordinary means cannot deal with him.

He planned to use two prongs, one was to sow discord between them.

The second one is to instigate Zhang Lu as mentioned earlier.

It is also necessary preparation before the war.

A few days later, Xi Yu was ready to visit Liu Xie with gifts.

During the past few days of the Chinese New Year, Liu Xie kept drinking in order to drown his sorrows.

Several young eunuchs also knew that he felt particularly uncomfortable. But I still advised him not to drink anymore, as this would be bad for his health.

"Don't try to dissuade me. Zhen only feels very happy when he is drunk."

Suddenly, a young eunuch came to report that Xi Yu had arrived.

Liu Xie suddenly became energetic.

"Uncle is here, please come quickly."

But suddenly I found that the excitement was too much.

His feelings for Xi Yu are no longer the same as before.

Soon, Xi Yu led a few soldiers and knelt down to Liu Xie with gifts.

"I am here to greet you, Your Majesty! Your Majesty, happy New Year! Long live, long live, long live!"

Liu Xie felt fresh about the words "Long Live the Mountain" and added a "Happy New Year".

"Uncle, please get up quickly. Why does uncle need to pay such a big courtesy?"

After Xi Yu stood up, he said: "Of course, the proper etiquette is absolutely indispensable."

"Uncle, you came all the way here and gave me so many gifts. How can I feel at ease?"

When Liu Xie caught Xi Yu, he said that he had missed Xi Yu for a long time and had been looking forward to seeing him again, but he didn't expect to see him so soon.

"Your Majesty, I know that your Majesty cannot condescend to me. You must fulfill your responsibilities, so you are here."

"Great, in that case, how about uncle staying here for a few days to accompany me?"

He originally thought that Xi Yu would not agree, so he just asked tentatively.

However, Xi Yu nodded.

"Your Majesty, this is exactly what I think, and I'm afraid that Your Majesty won't agree."

Liu Xie was stunned.

"That's great, but if uncle stays here for a few days, will you feel relieved about your territory?"

Xi Yu thought to himself that if Liu Xie was a very capable emperor, and if he had great power now, he might have shaken things up while he was away.

But he didn't have to worry at all. He obviously couldn't do this, and he had already made arrangements.

"Weichen has many strong generals and soldiers under his command, and they are very capable at what they do."

"That's good, that's good. In this case, I'm even happier. Finally, I have someone who can accompany me."

Liu Xie asked the eunuchs to prepare meals quickly.

I must stay with my uncle until I get drunk today.

"Your Majesty, I noticed that you seem to be thinner than last time."

"Really? I don't think so."

Xi Yu naturally knew that Liu Xie was particularly depressed, which was why this situation occurred.

This time he had to mention the constitutional monarchy.

But there is no rush.

This matter needs to be carefully considered and how to speak to achieve better results.

Liu Xie quickly let Xi Yu enter the bedroom, and then screened all the servants out.

"Uncle, I wonder if everything is okay over there?"

"Everything is fine, I just miss His Majesty a little."

"By the way, uncle, it's so nice of you to come. I had a very strange dream a few days ago."

He related the contents of the dream he had had.

Especially when Cao Pi abolished himself, it may be true when I think about it now.

Xi Yu thought of Guan Yu's dream. The dreams they had all happened in history, but after he traveled through time, everything changed.

Could it be that there are many things that they cannot experience, so do they have to experience them in their dreams?

"Uncle, please tell me what is going on. Have you ever had a dream like this? It's obviously a dream but it feels so real?"

"Your Majesty, this is just a dream, why are you so worried? You are a bit unfounded."

Liu Xie frowned in pain.

"I don't know what's going on, but I just have trouble sleeping and eating. Sometimes I wonder if this kind of thing happened in my previous life?"

"Your Majesty, you have really thought too much."

Liu Xie grabbed Xi Yu's hand excitedly.

"Then tell me, will this kind of thing really happen to me? Will Cao Pi really have a disobedient heart?"

"Don't worry, Your Majesty. Even if a humble minister is here, he has such a thief's heart, but he doesn't have the thief's courage."

Liu Xie breathed a sigh of relief. He actually wanted to ask, will you just do this?

But he didn't ask in the end.

But his lips were a little excited, and Xi Yu actually knew what he wanted to ask.

Xi Yu wanted to change the topic quickly, otherwise it would become more and more embarrassing.

He then told Liu Xie about the annual meeting. (End of chapter)

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