"Uncle, your idea is really good. You can organize such a grand event. It's a pity that I didn't see it."

"It's all my fault for the humble minister. His Majesty should have been invited, but there will be another chance in the future. Next year, and the year after that, your Majesty will still be able to see it sooner or later."

Liu Xie smiled miserably.

Now I am living in the cracks. I don’t know what the situation will be like next year.

Ever since he had that dream, he had been in a trance every day and had developed a mental disorder.

He even felt that Cao Pi would destroy him at any time.

Although he is not old, he feels that his life is really ill-fated.

He was born into an imperial family. Although I have never lived a homeless life since I was a child, this childhood has cast a shadow on me.

Later he became an emperor. It's just that this is a symbolic symbol, and it has become a product used by the major princes.

Dong Zhuo and Cao Cao were both ambitious.

Later, he placed his hope on Liu Bei, but this dream was eventually shattered.

"Uncle, you said next year and the year after that, I really don't know if I can survive until then."

"Your Majesty, you are so young, what are you talking about?" Of course Xi Yu understood what Liu Xie was worried about.

But this is still a troubled time.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, as long as I am here, your life will be safe."

Xi Yu's words were sonorous and powerful, making Liu Xie's blood boil.

He just hoped to get this promise from Xi Yu.

"Okay, uncle, you must be very tired after traveling all the way, so you should rest quickly."

Liu Xie asked Xi Yu to rest first and prepare for a big meal in the evening. If nothing happened tomorrow, he would ask Xi Yu to go shopping with him.

That night, Liu Xie hosted a banquet in honor of Xi Yu.

Xi Yu has already noticed that Liu Xie has lost the intimacy he used to have this time and seems to be a little defensive about himself.

In the past, when I saw myself, I would talk about everything, but now I don't.

Although he told himself about his dream, it was probably because he was quite confused.

Someone probably gave him some advice.

Of course, it is normal for Liu Xie to be a little worried as he is developing more and more rapidly.

After drinking, Xi Yu rested in the palace.

Liu Xie also entered the room. He now had a new personal eunuch, Cai Long.

After Cai Long waited for him to rest, he seemed to have something to say.

Liu Xie asked somewhat: "Do you want to say something to me?"

"Yes, I do have something to say, but I don't know if I should be elected to say it. Please forgive me for my sins."

"Get up quickly and just say what you have to say. No matter what you say, you are not guilty."

Cai Long has not been with His Majesty for a long time. Liu Xie felt a little bored for a while.

Play games with a few young eunuchs, chess and the like.

Gradually, Liu Xie fell in love with him.

"I feel that His Majesty is so kind to Xi Xiyu that he actually lets him live in the palace. This is a bit against the rules."

Although there are many empty houses here now, it is really not suitable for Xi Yu to live here.

Of course Liu Xie knew this, after all, he ate at the construction site. So for convenience, I stayed here.

Cai Long said that Xi Yu must be disobedient now.

His Majesty originally wanted to ask the actor to help him, but he didn't take it seriously at all.

Therefore, keeping him will sooner or later be a disaster, and we must find a way to get rid of him.

Liu Xie glared at him, and he immediately knelt down.

"The slave deserves to die, the slave deserves to die."

He also slapped himself several times.

Liu Xie felt a little distressed.

"Okay, I have already said that I will forgive your sins."

"Your Majesty, all my servants are doing this for your own good." The other party quickly knelt down.

"Of course I understand, just get up first."

Cai Long finally got up and said that his family was full of loyalists, and one of his ancestors was particularly famous.

Liu Xie immediately asked: "Who are your ancestors?"

"He is also a eunuch named Cai Lun."

The other party was stunned. Cai Lun is famous, how could he not recognize him?

But Cai Lun's reputation is not very good after all, and he has done many evil things.

"He is your ancestor, do you think he is very good?" Liu Xie was suddenly disappointed.

The other party said that Tai Lun died in an internal fight among the courtiers at that time, although the new emperor forced him to commit suicide after he came to the throne.

But he was loyal to the previous emperor, especially the queen.

Liu Xie was naturally very clear about this period of history, and he nodded silently.

"And now, my servant is so loyal to His Majesty. Now Xiyu is getting bigger and bigger. Your Majesty must make plans in advance."

And he is able to speak out frankly because he has a stubborn heart.

Although Liu Xie disagreed, he still knew that he was doing it for his own good.

"Your Majesty, it's just like the dream you had. Not only Cao Pi, but those people will definitely do the same."

Liu Xie felt very uncomfortable when he heard this, not because he didn't believe what the other party said.

Just because he thought it might be true.

So he felt more like he couldn't stand it.

"Okay, stop talking and just retreat."

"Your Majesty, everything I do is for your Majesty's benefit."

"I want you to retreat immediately."

Helpless, Cai Long quickly retreated.

On the second day, Liu Xie asked Xi Yu to accompany him to hang out outside.

Although Luoyang City may not be as good as Youzhou, it is still okay for now.

"Very good, Wei Chen hasn't wandered around for a long time."

The two of them naturally hid their identities while shopping, and Xi Yu also specifically said that there are now border systems and traffic regulations in Youzhou.

Liu Xie suddenly felt very curious.

Xiyu explained.

Ordinary people must have a visa if they want to enter Youzhou. Just to prevent more people from occupying the resources there.

Cai Long, who was following behind, felt that Xi Yu's approach was simply too transgressive.

Sure enough, Liu Xie looked a little unhappy after hearing this, but he quickly returned to normal.

However, this traffic law issue made Liu Xie feel particularly good.

He hopes Xi Yu can help him implement this in Luoyang.

"Very good. Is there any secret about these traffic rules? I will just write them down and let everyone implement them. We need to make them widely publicized to make more people aware of them."

Cai Long, who was always following behind, looked at Xi Yu's back with disdain.

They walked around for a while, and Cai Long said: "Your Majesty, Mr. Xi, I heard that there is a teahouse that has just opened in front of us. It is very good. Why don't we go there?"

Liu Xie was very happy when he heard that there were fun, delicious food and drinks, so he asked Xi Yu if he was going.

Xi Yu said yes, it was rare for the emperor to be in such a good mood.

Cai Long was particularly happy when he heard that the two people were willing to go there.

Soon, the three people arrived at the teahouse.

The waiter came out immediately.

"Look at the two newcomers. Our store has been newly opened not long ago, and the business is very hot every day."

Xi Yu took a look and found that the business was really good.

The waiter quickly seated them in a seat by the window.

Xi Yu, saw that in addition to tea, there were some simple drinks and dishes here.

Cai Long asked in a low voice: "Your Majesty, how are you? Is my servant right?"

Liu Xie nodded and told him in a low voice that he must not reveal his identity and just call him Mr. Liu when outside.

"Okay, Mr. Liu, remember it."

The waiter came over and asked them to order.

Liu Xie said: "Uncle, I am the host, so you should continue to invite me."

Xi Yu nodded, and the waiter felt confused.

They are both about the same age, so why call him uncle? Later I thought it might be because of the different generations.

The two of them ordered something and started eating first. Xi Yu found that Li's food was quite good.

Xi Yu asked Cai Long how long it had been since he entered the flood.

"Returning to Xi Gong, Judah has been in the palace for several years. Only recently did he receive His Majesty's favor and follow His Majesty."

Xi Yu said: "What? It's been several years."

"Yes, it has indeed been several years. When I was in the real palace, the slaves were there."

Liu Xie's face turned very ugly when he heard the words "real palace".

Xi Yu thought to himself, is this little eunuch unable to speak or is he doing it on purpose?

"Uncle, let's drink tea quickly."

Liu Xie quickly changed the topic.

It was only a moment later that they heard voices coming from someone at the next table.

"Isn't our emperor particularly aggrieved? Being trapped in such a small place."

"Hey, Luoyang is also very good."

"We are just a small place. This country is not here. Why does the emperor stay here?"

Xi Yu turned around and saw a few drunk men talking at the next table.

And all eyes are focused here.

The drunk talker is a fat man.

"It's a pity that I am an ordinary citizen and cannot share anything for the emperor."

At this time, the waiter came over and advised them not to talk anymore. This issue was too sensitive and they should not discuss it casually.

The man said: "As a man, you should share the country's worries. Don't you even want to speak?"

"Sir, you are drunk, you should calm down first."

Then let the people around him persuade him to be careful of the trouble coming from his mouth.

The fat man simply stood up. He patted his chest and said, "Don't think I'm drunk. What I told is the truth. Now think about our entire Central Plains region. Isn't the Emperor aggrieved? His popularity is still high. Not as good as Xi Yu Gao."

"Many people nodded and bowed when they saw Xi Yu, but where is the emperor now?"

Liu Xie's face was very ugly. He looked at Xi Yu, fearing that Xi Yu would think too much, but Xi Yu's eyes were always fixed on the fat man.

"And let me tell you, this Xiyu will definitely rebel in the future. He is so powerful that he might even murder the emperor. He is a rebellious traitor."

After that, the fat man smashed the wine glass and said that he couldn't do literature or martial arts and couldn't serve the country. He felt very painful.

One of his friends at the table also advised him to stop talking. He immediately sat down and started crying, looking very embarrassed.

Cai Long said to Liu Xie in a low voice: "Master Liu, this is a drunkard. Don't pay attention to him."

Then he said to Xi Yu: "Xi Gong, he is talking nonsense, you must not overthink it."

Xi Yu shook his head.

"I didn't think too much about it, just don't worry."

Soon, their food arrived.

But after this episode, Xi Yu and Liu Xie seemed to have some shadow, and they couldn't eat at all, and they couldn't eat better.

After a while, the people sitting next to me left.

The fat man was carried out by some friends.

Xiyu suddenly said that he had a stomachache and went outside.

Liu Xie became puzzled. Why would he go outside if he had a stomachache?

He looked at Cai Long.

Cai Long said he didn't know either.

Xi Yu went after the fat man because he felt there was something wrong here.

Not long after the fat man and a few friends walked out of here, the fat man straightened his back immediately.

It turned out that the drunkenness just now was all fake, and several people laughed.

Xi Yu followed him like this, thinking that his guess was indeed correct.

When they reached an intersection, several people started to go their separate ways, and Xiyu naturally followed the fat man. He finally followed the fat man to a small alley to the east.

The fat man peed and then walked into a house.

Just when he walked to the door, he suddenly felt a figure walking towards him.

Xi Yu immediately grabbed his neck. He turned his head and was startled when he saw Xi Yu, as if he had seen a ghost.

He really didn't understand how the other party knew that he was here.

Xi Yu asked: "Are you surprised to see me here?"

"Hey, who are you?"

And the fat man found that he had to pretend to be ignorant.

"There is no smell of alcohol on my body, but I still say that I am drunk. I feel really baffled."

The fat man was surprised again and stopped pretending.

Xi Yu asked him coldly.

What did that scene at the tea shop mean?

"What about that scene? I don't know. I was drunk at the time. It was only after my friends came out with me that I became more sober."

Xi Yu really didn't expect that he could actually tell lies and speak so well.

"Don't tell me, right? If you don't tell me, I will make you pay the price." Fang Hao quickly knocked on his neck.

At this moment, a woman's figure suddenly appeared in the yard. She was an old woman, who was the fat man's mother.

"Son, what's going on?"

The old lady was a little scared.

Xi Yu said: "Old man, you don't have to be afraid, I'm just talking to him about something."

After that, Xi Yu quickly lifted his body and ran outside so that the old lady could not catch up.

When they arrived at a very remote alley, Xi Yu put the man down and said to him: "I could throw you to the ground, but I didn't do that because I wanted you to tell the truth."

"What exactly do you want me to say? Why don't I understand?"

"Now, you are still pretending to be confused for me, and you should also know who I am."

The fat man was a little at a loss.

Xi Yu said, if he doesn't say anything today, he will be kept here and never go home.

The fat man sighed. He probably knew that he would not be able to tell the truth today.

So he said: "Yes, I know that you are the actor, and the one with you is your majesty."

"Very well, keep talking."

"The young eunuch beside His Majesty is called Cai Long. He bribed us to act in a play together."

Xi Yu nodded. Fatty thought Xi Yu might be particularly surprised, but he didn't notice this expression, so he felt even more surprised.

"Master Xiu, have you already guessed it?"

"Of course, he was the one who encouraged us to eat there. I felt there was something wrong with it."

especially. When Xi Yu saw Cai Long, he didn't look like a good bird.

"Okay, Mr. Xi, the younger ones have already lost. Please, Mr. Xi, please let Xiao Xiao go."

Xi Yu shook his head.

"What? Actor? Can't you forgive the villain?"

"It's not that I don't forgive you, but you must follow me to witness before the emperor and expose the conspiracy of the dead eunuch."

This time, the other party felt a little embarrassed.

"What's wrong? Aren't you willing to go? Believe it or not, I will let you explain here."

The other party is still a little embarrassed, because it seems a bit unethical to agree to someone else's matter and then expose it to someone else.

Xi Yu wasn't talking to him either, but he told him with his eyes.

It would be absolutely impossible for him not to explain.

On the other side, Liu Xie thought, Xi Yu had been gone for a long time and he still hadn't come back.

Liu Xie then asked Cai Long to go out and look for it.

Cai Long is thinking now. When Xi Yu left just now, he was with the fat man.

Could it be said that Xi Yu has discovered something?

So he was in a daze at this moment.

"What's going on? I'm talking to you, didn't you hear me?"

Cai Long quickly reacted.

"Your Majesty, what are you telling this servant?"

Liu Xie really wanted to kick him, so he had to say what he just said again.

"Yes, I will go find him."

After walking out of the door, I felt a little painful.

If this really happened to Xi Yu, what should we do?

Xiyu looked at the fat man calmly.

"Still not thinking about it? Do you want to use my fist to help you think about it?"

"Think about it, think about it, I'm willing to go with you."

Xi Yu nodded, and finally let them go in front and followed directly behind.

When the two of them rushed to the teahouse, Xi Yu saw that Liu Xie was the only one left.

Liu Xie was very happy when he saw him arriving, but why did the fat man come back again?

"Uncle, where did you go just now? Why did you come back with him?"

Moreover, Liu Xie saw that this fat man was in any drunken state. (End of chapter)

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