"Uncle, what on earth is going on?"

Liu Xie's face fell into a confused look.

Xi Yu said that now he would prepare a separate room and let the fat man tell him in person.

Liu Xie nodded, and then asked the waiter to quickly prepare a separate room.

The waiter immediately prepared a room for them.

Xi Yu kicked the fat man's ass.

"Speak quickly."

Although the emperor Liu Xie seems to be particularly useless now, after all, the majesty of the emperor is still there, enough to scare an ordinary person.

The fat man immediately knelt down.

"The common people ask His Majesty to forgive their sins."

Liu Xie was shocked. How could the other party know his identity?

He then quickly looked at Xi Yu.

Xi Yu shook his head.

"This is not what I told him. Because he already knew your identity."

This time, Liu Xie felt even more confused.

He then looked at the fat man, hoping that he could answer his questions.

The fat man then told the truth of the matter.

Liu Xie was shocked. He didn't expect that the matter had something to do with Cai Long.

It turns out that those words were arranged by Cai Long.

This is simply unreasonable. I originally liked this little eunuch very much, but I didn't expect him to be so insidious.

"I'm so pissed off. I'm so pissed off."

"Your Majesty, Cao Min has told the truth of the matter. You must forgive Cao Min. Cao Min was just confused for a moment. Cao Min has now confessed his guilt and promised not to do such things again in the future."

Liu Xie kicked him several times, trying to vent his anger on him.

Naturally, he did not dare to make any resistance.

Xi Yu asked Liu Xie, had Cai Long fled in fear of crime?

"No, I asked him to go out to find you."

Xi Yu said: "In that case, let me go to the hall. When he comes back, let him come in."

Liu Xie nodded, and Xi Yu quickly walked out.

Xiyu waited in the hall for a while, and finally waited until Cai Long came back.

When Cai Long saw Xi Yu, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Unexpectedly, everyone has come back, but why is he the only one here?

Did Liu Xie go to the toilet?

He immediately came to Xi Yu and said in a low voice: "Xi Gong, where did you go just now? His Majesty is thinking of you."

"Now that I'm done, I want you to go out and find me."

"Isn't this what it should be? By the way, don't you want to see His Majesty? Come on, I'll take you to a room."

Cai Long felt confused again, but he still followed Xi Yu into a guest room.

When he saw the fat man, he was stunned.

Could it be said that this matter has come to light?

When he went to see Liu Xie again, he saw Liu Xie glaring at him angrily.

He still didn't know what was going on.

"You little bitch, please kneel down for me."

Cai Long has fully confirmed that this matter has indeed been known to Liu Xie.

He immediately knelt down.

Liu Xie pointed at the fat man and asked, "You know him, right?"

"This slave deserves to die. Your Majesty, please forgive me. The slave did this just to avoid you."

Although Liu Xie was particularly angry, he also thought about it. The other party was indeed doing it for his own good.

Because he kept reminding himself to destroy Xi Yu.

However, he also thought about it in his heart, so he felt that Cai Long had some good intentions.

Xi Yu looked at Liu Xie's expression carefully.

He understood that Liu Xie had begun to waver and was probably thinking of being lenient to the other party, but he would never get used to these bad habits.

Therefore, he quickly asked: "Your Majesty, I don't know how you should handle this matter. This matter is related to the reputation of Wei Chen."

Liu Xie looked at Xi Yu, and it seemed that Xi Yu would not give up today.

That's right, this Tai Long doesn't want to offend anyone, he must offend Xi Yu.

Cai Long quickly begged Xi Yu for mercy. He said that he was just confused and had listened to the slander.

They all said that Xi Yu had a disobedient heart, so they passed it on like this.

Now it seems that Xi Yu doesn't actually have such thoughts.

Just let Xi Yu think of himself as a fart and let it go as soon as possible.

But Xi Yu ignored him at all and kept looking at Liu Xie.

Liu Xie said: "Cai Long, what you have committed is a capital crime, because the actor is a hero after all. It is absolutely not allowed for you to insult him like this."

Cai Long's expression changed drastically. Did the emperor really want to kill him?

He kept kowtowing, and the fat man was also trembling, not knowing what to do next.

Liu Xie said: "Okay, it's useless to beg. You are bound to die, but you can't be killed here. You can talk about it after you return to the palace."

Liu Xie took a look at Xi Yu and felt that he was very satisfied, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

But I feel uncomfortable too, so I still have to look at other people’s faces.

The fat man also quickly knelt down.

Xi Yu said: "You are just a nobody. I won't do anything to you. Get out of here."

The fat man was very happy and immediately thanked him and left.

After that, the three people returned to the palace, and everyone felt very heavy along the way.

Xi Yu also knew that Liu Xie had been completely offended today, but it didn't matter.

Anyway, maybe sooner or later we will break up.

The most uncomfortable person was of course Cai Long. He did not expect to become a victim in the end.

This emperor seems to be too cowardly and unable to protect himself at all.

But then I thought about it and it was the same thing.

No matter how important you are, how can you be as important as Xi Yu?

As a young eunuch, he had a conflict with a minister. As an emperor, he naturally turned toward the minister. How could he turn toward himself?

The strange thing is that I was too naive, thinking that I could gain the emperor's trust through this method, but in the end I ended up like this.

After returning to the palace, Liu Xie began to send people to kill Cai Long.

And he specifically explained the reasons for the beheading, just to give Xi Yu a better explanation.

Many young eunuchs also knew that what Cai Long did was a bit unethical.

Although the intention is good, it should not be done this way.

Of course, there are also some young eunuchs who are particularly miserable.

They usually have a good relationship with Cai Long, but now they are helpless to see Cai Long die.

Cai Long was eventually executed.

Liu Xie asked Xi Yu: "Uncle should not be angry now, right?"

Xi Yu nodded and said to talk to Liu Xie alone.

The two people immediately came to Liu Xie's bedroom.

"I wonder what uncle has to say to me?"

"Your Majesty, will you be particularly angry with me today?"

Liu Xie didn't expect that he would ask such a question.

And he doesn't call himself "Wei Chen", he just calls himself "I".

"Why did you suddenly say that?"

"Your Majesty, actually I came here to see you this time for a purpose. I hope to have a good talk with you, but I don't know if you can accept it."

But Liu Xie suddenly felt sleepy and yawned.

Xi Yu said: "In that case, you should rest first. Why don't we talk about it later."

Liu Xie nodded.

Xi Yu retreated.

Liu Xie thought of Cai Long again. During this time, he spent time with him day and night.

But he didn't expect that the yin and yang were already separated. He really couldn't explain what it felt like.

He later regretted it. Was he too cowardly? Why would he be so playful?

While in the inn, Xiyu spoke to him, and he felt that at that moment Xi Yu was like Cao Cao or Dong Zhuo.

Although he also realized that this must be an illusion.

The real situation should not be like this.

But he still couldn't convince himself.

What made him feel very painful was that he once regarded Xi Yu as a relative, but why did this relative become like this now?

Has he changed by then or has he changed?

After Xi Yu returned to the room, he was also in special pain.

He knew that he was here to cause trouble for the other party this time, but he still had to say something.

In the evening, Liu Xie and Xi Yu had dinner alone, but they didn't say anything at first.

This meal was also particularly embarrassing.

Liu Xie finally couldn't help but say something.

"Uncle. Would you like some wine?"

Xi Yu shook his head.

"Your Majesty, you'd better not call me uncle in the future, just call me by my name. In this case, Wei Chen will feel more comfortable."

"I have barked before, and I will bark again in the future. Isn't uncle happy?"

Xi Yu thought to himself that since he wouldn't listen, then let him do it.

"By the way, uncle, didn't you say you wanted to tell me something?"

"That's right. Have you finished eating, Your Majesty? I can tell you after you finish."

Liu Xie nodded, and then asked the little eunuch outside to quickly remove everything.

"Okay, uncle, do you have anything you can say now?"

Xi Yu nodded, and he gave Liu Xie a vaccination at the same time.

Next, my words will definitely subvert his point of view, and I hope he will accept it.

"Don't worry, uncle, I will definitely accept it. If you have anything to say, you might as well say it directly."

"Your Majesty, let's start with your dream, which means that Cao Pi wants to abolish your matter."

Liu Xie nodded. Although this topic was a bit heavy, he also very much hoped that Xi Yu could answer his doubts.

Xi Yu asked Liu Xie to look into his eyes and not blink.

Liu Xie also did the same.

Xi Yu said: "When I say this, I mean that I will not lie, and I also hope that His Majesty can see my sincerity."

Liu Xie nodded again.

Xi Yu said: "Your Majesty, let me tell you this, if I didn't exist in this world, the dream you had would become a reality."

It was like a thunderbolt hit Liu Xie, and Liu Xie suddenly got some goosebumps.

His face also became very ugly, as if his deepest pain had been exposed.

Xi Yu said: "Your Majesty, I wonder if you believe what I say?"

"I believe it, I believe it."

"Also, when His Majesty asked me about this dream, he really wanted to ask me, would I be like him?"

Liu Xie's heart thumped again. He felt that the other party was like a roundworm in his stomach. Does he know what he was thinking?

Just when his lips were about to move, Xi Yu said, "Don't move now. Just listen to me and I will tell you clearly now that I will never be like him."

Liu Xie finally felt relieved.

Xiyu suddenly laughed.

"Your Majesty, I remembered something interesting. I wonder if you can take a shower with me today?"

Liu Xie was stunned. In fact, Xi Yu remembered a certain TV series in his previous life, in which the king and his ministers took a bath together.

And that’s when you can have an honest conversation.

Because people are always different when they put on clothes, but when they take off their clothes, there are no such differences.

"Uncle, I don't know why you do this?"

Xi Yu said that because of Liu Xie's distinguished status, he would never take a bath with others.

So hopefully he gets a fresh feel.

Liu Xie suddenly thought of Cai Long again.

What does Xi Yu mean by doing this? He clearly knows that he has a distinguished status, but he insists on bathing with him. Isn't this just to challenge his authority?

"Your Majesty, when you take a bath with me, you will understand what I mean."

Liu Xie suddenly nodded.

"You're right. This matter is indeed very new, so I might as well agree to it."

Then, Liu Xie asked the young eunuchs to prepare water quickly. He wanted to take a bath with Xi Yu.

When these young eunuchs learned about this situation, they were even more surprised.

This Xiyu is really very favored, but then again, people have earned it through their strength. How can ordinary people have such an opportunity?

But some people felt that Xi Yu was too presumptuous. Even if the emperor proposed this matter, he should refuse it.

No matter how powerful he is, he shouldn't have this kind of favor.

Doesn't he know what it means to have great achievements and shake the master?

Or did he think that the emperor had nothing to do with him and deliberately provoked him?

But as servants, they can only obey orders.

Soon, the bath was ready.

Flower petals were placed in both barrels.

The eunuchs put the two barrels together.

At this time, Liu Xie became scared again.

Xi Yu's purpose in doing this wasn't to harm himself, right?

But Xiyu seemed to be a roundworm in his stomach.

"Your Majesty, don't be afraid. It's impossible for me to harm you, and if I really harm you, there will be many opportunities."

Liu Xie suddenly felt very embarrassed.

He and Xi Yu seemed to have lost the close relationship they had before. Now it seemed like they could say anything, and yet they seemed like they couldn't say anything.

Next, the two people took off their clothes and entered the tub.

Xi Yu first asked Liu Xie a question.

"Your Majesty, this is your first time taking a bath with someone else. What special feeling do you have?"

"Just like you said, it's very fresh."

"Weichen can tell you why Weichen did this? Weichen wanted to explain a truth. When people put on clothes, they are of different grades, but when they get here they are exactly the same."

Liu Xie suddenly became speechless. This is really the truth.

But why haven’t I realized such a simple truth?

While Xi Yu was washing, he talked about Liu Xie's troubled life.

Liu Xie felt very painful and cheered repeatedly.

"And Your Majesty, I said that if it weren't for me, Cao Pi would definitely usurp the throne. Then you would become the Duke of Shanyang and be depressed. However, Cao Pi treats you well. After all, you are related. He didn’t kill you either.”

Of course, Xi Yu fully understood that not killing the other party was not because of the relationship.

That is to let everyone know that I am pretty good.

Because after all, let people know that he is a Zen person, not a usurper.

"Uncle, I don't know why you said it so sincerely, as if you have experienced this?"

Liu Xie looked at Xi Yu's eyes carefully to see if he was lying.

"You are really right, I have indeed experienced it."

Liu Xie suddenly got goosebumps all over his body.

"Uncle, are you kidding me?"

"Forget it, this is a very advanced matter, and you won't understand it even if I tell you too much. Now I'll start talking about the key to the matter."

At this moment, someone suddenly shouted loudly from outside: "There are assassins, there are assassins."

Liu Xie was shocked, what on earth is going on?

Xi Yu said, "Don't worry, I'll go see what's going on right away."

With that said, he quickly put his feet on his feet and quickly put on his clothes.

Outside, there were many masked men fighting with the soldiers.

The soldiers advised the masked people to surrender quickly. Maybe the emperor would be lenient and not blame them.

One of the masked men said: "Humph, the actor has already told us to kill the emperor. How could we just leave like this?"

Several soldiers were shocked. It turned out that this was an assassin sent by Xi Yu?

And Xi Yu was even more angry and trembling, someone dared to murder him like this.

"Who are you? You are using my name as a prince. What are you doing?"

A masked man shouted loudly: "Player, isn't this why you asked us to murder the emperor?"

Liu Xie didn't want to take a shower at this time, so he quickly got dressed.

He had completely heard what the assassin said just now, so he looked at Xi Yu with horrified eyes.

Xi Yu said: "Your Majesty, please retreat first. It is extremely dangerous here."

"Uncle, will you tell me what's going on?"

"Don't you understand? Someone must be trying to frame Wei Chen."

Several young eunuchs immediately stood in front of Liu Xie, fearing that Xi Yu would kill Liu Xie.

Xi Yu knew that he couldn't explain it well, so he wouldn't explain it now.

Xi Yu suddenly saw a soldier holding a big sword in his hand, and he took it directly.

The soldier shouted: "What do you want to do?"

Xi Yu quickly went with the soldiers to deal with several masked men.

Xi Yu said: "You beasts want to kill me, I have to kill you today."

Several young eunuchs asked Liu Xie to enter the house quickly.

Liu Xie thought to himself that if Xi Yu wanted to harm him, there was really no need to go to such great lengths.

And now he goes to fight the enemy bravely. Is it real or just for himself?

He finally returned to the room, and several young eunuchs closed the door. (End of chapter)

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