At this time, the secret guards also dispatched.

With the secret guard around, how could he let Xi Yu suffer?

The secret guard quickly took out the broadsword from Xi Yu's hand.

"Master Xiu, please rest for a while, I will leave everything here to you."

The power of the secret guard was extremely powerful, causing several masked men to scream loudly.

"You beasts, how dare you frame the actor, I have to kill you now."

At this time, several soldiers also noticed.

Maybe Xiyu didn't harm His Majesty's performance.

If you really want to harm the emperor, there is absolutely no need to use such despicable means.

After all, his ability is very strong.

It seems that they really blamed Xi Yu wrongly.

Liu Xie stayed in the room, always feeling uneasy.

He trembled with fear, although he had occasionally encountered this situation before.

But to come into contact with these people at close range was really an unprecedented first.

Several young eunuchs also looked towards the door. It seemed that Xi Yu was really innocent.

The secret guards want to kill all the masked men.

Xi Yu shouted: "Save a good mouth".

Secret guard, you just realized that you were too impulsive.

Yes, one should be left alive.

In the end, a masked man survived.

The secret guard immediately took off his mask.

It's just a very ordinary face.

The secret guard put him on trial to find out who sent him here and why he had to pretend to be an opera actor.

"The actor sent us here. He is here to kill the emperor this time."

The secret guard slapped him wildly, and at this time he was still talking nonsense.

Anyone with a brain would know he was lying.

At this time, Liu Xie told the young eunuchs that he would go out immediately.

Despite others' advice, he insisted on going out and opened the door immediately.

"Tell me quickly, who asked you to harm the actor? I believe the actor must not kill me!"

Of course when he said this, he meant it for Xi Yu. Of course Xi Yu understood what he was doing.

The secret guard told the man that if he didn't tell the truth, he would be tortured in various ways.

If he could bear it, he wouldn't have to tell the truth.

After that, the secret guard put his hand on the man's stomach.

The man felt like countless bees were tickling him.

Xi Yu said: "Why do you have to suffer this? Can't you just tell the answer quickly?"

That man was particularly stubborn.

Xi Yu thought to himself that he was not a dead man, otherwise, he would have committed suicide by talking nonsense.

However, the other party did nothing.

Finally, the masked man couldn't stand it anymore and said he was willing to explain everything.

The secret guard stopped torturing him. He said that Xiao Hei had asked him to do all this.

Xi Yu then asked: "Who is Xiao Heizi?"

The man said that Xiao Heizi was a eunuch who was at the scene.

After Liu Xie heard this, he was particularly shocked, so he immediately asked Xiao Heizi to appear quickly.

Ask Xiao Heizi if there is such a thing.

At this point, Xiao Heizi had no choice but to admit it.

It turns out that he and Cai Long have a particularly good relationship.

He couldn't bear Cai Long to be killed like this, so he had to do it for Cai Long.

Since he said that Xiyu was going to rebel, he made an example of Xiyu rebelling, so he used his savings to find many people to be assassins.

Of course, Liu Xie will not be killed in the end, just so that Liu Xie can kill Xi Yu.

He thought he had made a good plan, but he didn't expect that these killers were vulnerable to a single blow.

Maybe it's not that he's vulnerable, it's mainly because the secret guards are so powerful.

He immediately knelt down and said that everything should be damned, but it was all for the good of the emperor, and he hoped to be lenient.

Liu Xie was very angry and kicked him several meters away.

He was so angry that his lungs were about to explode and he had Xiao Heizi killed.

"Uncle, I really didn't expect such a thing to happen."

"Okay, actually this is also a good thing. It proves that the people around you are particularly loyal to you."

Xi Yu joked, he was particularly envious of this kind of person.

But of course Liu Xie knew that there were more loyal people around him.

Xiyu just said a kind word.

After Xiao Heizi was caught, he kept begging for mercy.

But Liu Xie said that he had committed a capital crime and must die.

Soon, Xiao Heizi was beheaded.

Liu Xie also breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he confirmed that there was not really an assassin coming to kill him.

He said that in today's matter, the secret guard had merit and must be rewarded well.

Xi Yu said that the secret guard was to protect himself. This was his profession and there was no need for special rewards.

Moreover, the secret guard was also very indifferent and had no intention of thanking Liu Xie at all.

Liu Xie understood, he only listened to Xi Yu's words.

This gave me a deep sense of frustration.

Xi Yu said: "Your Majesty, we haven't finished taking a shower yet, so let's continue."

Liu Xie immediately agreed.

The two of them continued to take a shower.

Liu Xie hoped that no one would attack or disturb him this time.

After the two of them got into the tub, Liu Xie asked, "Uncle, you haven't finished speaking yet. Please continue."

"Your Majesty, you should understand that you are in a complete mess as the emperor now."

Xi Yu spoke directly and without any hesitation.

Liu Xie's face was particularly ugly, and he did not expect that Xi Yu was so ruthless.

Although this kind of thing is true and everyone knows it, it is not the same thing when it is said.

His face was extremely red.

Xi Yu said: "I speak so straightforwardly, I hope you won't be offended."

"It's okay, uncle, just keep talking. I know you said that because we are our own people."

Xi Yu said that this country will eventually be his or Cao Pi's. This is also a trend. He hopes Liu Xie will accept the reality.

In fact, what he wanted to say was that the country ultimately belonged to him, but he felt too arrogant, so he changed his statement.

Liu Xie closed his eyes in pain, he seemed to have seen his fate.

He said that if this was the case, he would like Xiyu to take over the country. In that case, he would at least be able to protect himself, but that would not necessarily be the case with Cao Pi.

Xiyu laughed.

"Your Majesty, Wei Chen is very happy that you value and trust Wei Chen so much."

"This is the fact"!

Xi Yu proposed a good idea, that is, a constitutional monarchy.

"What is a constitutional monarchy?" Liu Xie asked quickly.

Xi Yu then explained to him that he was still in this position anyway.

Just a symbolic identity, but no real power.

In other words, he was worshiped like a mascot.

Liu Xie never imagined that there was such a way in the world.

"Do you feel refreshed? Your Majesty."

Liu Xie nodded, but he felt that this was indeed a good result.

Xi Yu understands that it is indeed a good thing that those who do not have a strong desire for power are not strong.

Having fun and leisure, and being able to have food and drink, this should be a life that ordinary people would envy.

But many people just want to be in power, so there is no other way.

"So Your Majesty, you must be prepared."

Liu Xie nodded.

Next, the two of them stopped talking and just took a shower, and they both took a shower very slowly.

After the two of them took a shower, they returned to their rooms respectively. Liu Xie thought about what Xi Yu said again.

If this system is really implemented, will it be a good thing or a bad thing for you? How will everyone think of themselves?

But it is always better than having too many subjugated kings killed.

That night, he began to toss and turn.

On the other side, the Japanese ninja Guitian Jun is still on his way to Persia.

Halfway through, he remembered a problem, the language barrier.

After arriving in Persia, how can we communicate better with others?

However, this time it was a coincidence, when he was eating in that inn. I happened to meet a merchant who was traveling to Persia.

The inn was so crowded that there was almost no room.

The businessman hoped to squeeze into a table with him, because his seat was still vacant.

Guitianjun also readily agreed.

When the two people were talking, Mr. Kameda realized that the other person was a businessman who went to Persia and understood the Persian language.

"That's great. I'm going to Persia first, so why not come with me?"

Guitian Jun told the other party that when going to Persia, he could pay for it himself.

"You are too polite. Since we are traveling together, we have company to talk to each other, so why should we ask you to pay?"

He also introduced himself to Mr. Guitian as Wang Mingyang.

Guitian Jun did not tell him that he was a Japanese, but that he was from the Central Plains. Otherwise, the other party might not accept him.

After eating, Wang Mingyang went on the road with him. At this moment, Wang Mingyang felt very comfortable.

Early the next morning, Liu Xie and Xi Yu had breakfast again.

Xi Yu said that he told Liu Xie the relevant matters yesterday and should leave today.

"No, uncle, you can't leave yet. You haven't told me the traffic rules yet."

Only then did Xi Yu remember that there was such a thing. Yes, it was promised, so it must be carried out.

"Well, I'll write it down and leave it here for another day."

Thus, a vigorous campaign to popularize traffic laws began in Luoyang.

There are many little eunuchs on the street making publicity to everyone.

Only then did many people understand that it turns out that this road cannot be taken casually.

Xi Yu told Liu Xie that he could only stay for one day, because the traffic laws were not like the previous life, with so many rules and regulations.

Liu Xie knew that he still had a lot of things to do, so he left him alone.

In the early morning of the next day, Xi Yu left as expected, but he did not go back to Youzhou directly.

And I plan to go to Qingzhou and look for Cheng Yu.

As soon as he entered the city gate of Qingzhou, he saw an old man being insulted.

There was an old man who was slapped by a man. The man was very luxurious and held a folding fan in his hand.

It turned out that the old man accidentally stepped on this young man.

So the man became angry with shame, and many people were watching. No one dared to meddle in other people's business, because they knew that this young man might not be offended.

The old man kept apologizing, but the man didn't forgive him at all, calling him a country bumpkin and blind.

At this time, Xi Yu couldn't stand it anymore and shouted loudly: "What are you doing? This old man has already apologized to you, what else do you want?"

Everyone looked towards Xi Yu, no one thought that someone would meddle in others' business.

The young man said: "Who do you think you are? You dare to talk about me?"

He spit on the ground, expressing his contempt for Xi Yu.

An old man whispered to Xi Yu: "You are from outside, you can't afford to offend this person, so you'd better stay out of his own business."

But Xi Yu didn't seem to hear it, so he asked the young master what happened.

"Who do you think you are? Why should I tell you?"

So, Xi Yu asked the old man who was beaten.

The old man explained the relevant situation, but told Xi Yu that it was better to leave quickly.

Mind your own business.

He doesn't want people to get into trouble for him.

Xi Yu sneered. It seemed that it was absolutely right to uphold justice for the old man, so he asked the young master to quickly apologize to the old man.

"What? Let me apologize to a country bumpkin. Do you know who I am?"

Xi Yu shook his head.

"Then let me tell you, do you know Governor Cheng Yu? I am his cousin."

Xiyu was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect this to be the case.

What did Cheng Yu do? Is it because he doesn’t know that his cousin is doing something wrong?

Xi Yu thought to himself, it should be like this, this guy must be doing things under the banner of his brother.

"How's it going? Why didn't you say anything? Are you scared out of your mind?"

The man burst out laughing, and the old man told Xi Yu that it was normal that he deserved to be beaten, so he should mind his own business.

It is true that he walked without eyes, so he stepped on others, so there was no need to fight for his own interests.

"Old man, you don't have to be afraid, because you made an unintentional mistake. Besides, you have already apologized to him, and now he is completely unreasonable."

After hearing this, the young man became furious again.

"Who do you think you are? Looking at this country bumpkin, is he your father?"

Xi Yu slapped him immediately, this slap was like thunder.

Not only was he shocked, but everyone was shocked.

Oh my god, they already revealed their identity and they were still beaten?

This person is too confident.

The old man was so frightened that he quickly knelt down.

"Sir, this is all the fault of the old man. You must not blame this husband."

The young master looked at Xi Yu fiercely.

"It seems you want to die."

"I just want to know if your cousin knows that you are acting so recklessly"?

"It's none of your business, you're dead anyway."

"Really? Then I want to ask your cousin whether he knows you do this kind of thing. If he knows, the consequences will be disastrous."

These words were like a thunderclap, shocking many people present.

Who is this person? How dare you speak like this?

"What did you say? How dare you ask my cousin, who are you?"

Just then, several patrol soldiers came over and asked what happened.

The young man said that the old man was very unreasonable and stepped on his own foot while walking.

He was just a low-class person. He taught him a lesson, but some people were not happy with it.

Moreover, he was the cousin who supported the self-study. Several soldiers knew him and turned to him at this time.

They then said to Xi Yu, "Why are you meddling in other people's business?"

Xi Yu said: "Are you so indiscriminate?"

Many people glanced at Xiang Xiyu, wondering why this person was so stubborn. Of course he was Xiang Chengyu's cousin.

Xi Yu said to the young master: "If you do this, you will discredit your cousin. Do you understand?"

Then the soldiers told Cheng Yu to come here to see him quickly.

Several soldiers suddenly laughed.

"Who do you think you are? You actually asked our governor to come see you. I think it's ridiculous."

"Really? In that case, he will regret it."

At this moment, a soldier suddenly realized whether this person was sent by Xi Yu?

He whispered this matter to several soldiers.

Several soldiers were also startled. If that was the case, it would be bad.

If Xi Yu sends someone to visit privately in private, then Cheng Yu will definitely be restrained.

So, a soldier asked Xi Yu.

"who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am. What's important is that I have to see him. I want to ask him whether he knows or not. If he doesn't know, he can still let it go. If he knows, then he must be punished even more. .”

Seeing Xi Yu speak so confidently.

So a soldier said that he would tell Cheng Yu the news.

The young man said: "He is just a lunatic. Why do you listen to him? You should beat him up quickly."

But the soldier insisted on going back to report the information.

The young man sneered, this soldier was really stubborn.

He said to the other soldiers: "Okay, then give him a good beating."

Several soldiers said that they should wait until the soldier reports back the information.

The young man immediately became furious.

"What's going on with you? Didn't you hurry up?"

However, no one moved.

"I'm really convinced by you. He looks like a liar at first glance. Do you still think he has any special status?"

"Sir, let's wait for a while. It won't be too late for us to seek justice for you later." A soldier said.

At this moment, many people at the scene were also speculating on Xi Yu's identity. It seemed that he was not ignorant or fearless. Maybe he really has some special identity.

If that's the case, that's a good thing.

This hateful young master must be punished.

after awhile. The young man was no longer calm.

Maybe this person really has some special identity?

Otherwise, how could he be so confident?

He was trembling a little now.

But now he is in a dilemma, and he must stay here.

After a while, more and more people were watching the excitement.

The old man thought to himself, what if Xi Yu's identity is really different.

That's really good. This hateful beast is a worm in the world. (End of chapter)

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