Xi Yu laughed and said while touching his belly: "My son, you should be out soon, right?"

At this time, Gan Mei said: "Wenxuan said last time that it may not be a son, it may be a daughter."

"That's the truth."

Ganmei then said, no matter it is a son or a daughter, as long as the actor likes it, it will be fine.

"This is your first child after all."

Then, Ganmei touched her belly and said, "My son, I hope to become a great hero like your father in the future."

Xi Yu asked: "Do you really want him to be like me?"

"Of course, you are an unparalleled hero."

"But as a hero, you have to pay a price."

When Xi Yu spoke, the scene suddenly turned cold.

Ganmei added: "Yeah, actually I hope he can be safe, but sometimes a man can't be too ordinary."

"So I gave him a good job so that he wouldn't have to work so hard like us."

But Xi Yu also understands that maybe this is not good for the child's growth.

He remembered that Zhu Yuanzhang once said that he would get rid of some thorns for Zhu Biao, so he did not hesitate to offend many people.

But there is such a pattern in all dynasties. The founding emperor was particularly diligent and mighty, and the following generations enjoyed it.

After a long time, it gradually deteriorated to the point where it got out of control.

If a ZTE master appears in the middle, a similar situation will occur a few generations later.

This is a knot that can never be untied.

If I create a new dynasty, I wonder if the same vicious cycle will follow?

He just takes care of himself, how can he solve the problem in the future?

She suddenly asked Xi Yu, wasn't he going to see the emperor this time? What was said?

Without waiting for Xiyu's answer, she immediately said: "I'm not curious to find out, but actually it's mainly for your safety."

Although she knew that her husband was very powerful, what if something went wrong again?

"Okay, if you are interested, I can share it with you."

So, Xi Yu talked a lot with Gan Mei about what happened after meeting His Majesty.

When hearing about constitutional monarchy. Ganmei was also stunned.

But she felt that this was still a really good system, at least it didn't have to destroy the royal family.

But will there be any consequences after a long time?

She said that she did not advocate violence, but she was worried about this issue after all.

And what kind of reaction would the emperor have after hearing this?

Xi Yu also told him one by one.

"Okay, husband, as long as you can solve it."

On the other side, Jia Xu and others are still on the road.

On the Sichuan and Sichuan side, there is now a lot of peace, and Zhang Lu has even been called a hero by the local people.

Zhang Lu actually felt a little ashamed. He found that he had only succeeded unintentionally.

His relationship with Ma Wenbin has also become better and better.

What's more important is that a few days ago, Cao Pi wrote a special letter to praise Zhang Lu for being particularly brave, repelling the enemy, and very wise, which made Zhang Lu feel very funny.

On this day, Zhang Lu was drinking tea when Ma Wenbin walked in.

"General, I've been telling you something for a long time, but I'm not happy about it."

"Oh, just tell me if you have anything."

Ma Wenbin said that this time he actually won the battle against Meng Huo, but in the end he was used as a wedding dress by others.

Meng Huo has now surrendered to Xi Xiyu.

Of course, Ma Wenbin was not talking about this, but that he went to Cao Pi at that time, and Cao Pi only sent two thousand soldiers, and then he was perfunctory.

"Of course I know, how can people treat us sincerely?"

And Ma Wenbin even said that Cao Pi hoped that Sichuan and Shu would fail in the end.

This made Zhang Lu feel incredible.

"This is impossible, how could he expect us to fail?"

Ma Wenbin said that he was just guessing.

Maybe my judgment is wrong.

About three days later, Jia Xu and others finally officially entered the pure realm.

The soldiers guarding the gate saw that they did not look like locals, and immediately asked them what they did.

Jia Xu also immediately bowed respectfully to the other party, and said that he came to visit Zhang Lu on the order of the opera master.

And they also brought a lot of gifts.

The soldiers felt very strange. But as the saying goes, if you reach out and don’t hit the smiling person, you will eventually be let go.

Jia Xu originally thought that the soldiers would inform Zhang Lu of the news.

When he arrived at Zhang Lu's residence, the concierge questioned him again.

This time, the concierge also felt very strange and asked them to wait and report the news immediately.

Zhang Lu felt very strange when he heard that Xi Yu sent someone here.

Then I asked Ma Wenjun.

"Do you know what they mean?"

Ma Wenbin said that no matter what, it would be better to meet him before talking.

Zhang Lu then told the concierge to just let them in directly.

Jia Xu took a few soldiers with him. After meeting Zhang Lu, he presented gifts to Zhang Lu and naturally said some kind words.

Zhang Lu immediately sent his servants to make tea.

"It turns out to be Mr. Jia. I have long heard that Mr. Jia is eloquent and truly a genius. It's a pity that Mr. Jia has already followed the actor, otherwise, I would have really poached Qiu Qi."

Jia Xu said respectfully: "General Zhang is really too polite."

After finishing the polite words, he immediately started to get involved in the topic.

Zhang Lu asked directly: "I wonder why Mr. Jia came to the humble house?"

Jia Xu then looked at Ma Wenbin.

Zhang Lu immediately said: "He is one of our own. If anything happens to Mr. Jia, just say it."

But Ma Wenbin later guessed a little bit more. Will Xiyu bribe Zhang Lu to join his camp?

Sure enough, Jia Xu also opened the skylight and spoke frankly, saying that the actor had always wanted to accept Zhang Lu and thought Zhang Lu was a talent.

Especially this time, he was full of wisdom in the process of attacking Meng Huo, so he hoped that Zhang Lu could join the camp of Xi Gong.

Ma Wenbin thought to himself that his guess was indeed correct.

But Zhang Lu looked very shocked. He didn't expect Xi Yu to have such thoughts.

At this moment, he felt a little carried away.

Xi Yu and Cao Pi are both fighting for themselves, which proves that they are really talented.

"Mr. Jia. How could you have such an idea? It caught me completely off guard."

"It doesn't matter. General Zhang can naturally consider it. If General Zhang doesn't mind it, I'm willing to harass this house for a few days. I wonder if General Zhang is happy?"

"Of course, that's what I wanted."

After that, Zhang Lu immediately asked people to prepare the banquet, and he and the other party were drunk for a while.

At night, they really drank until they got drunk.

Late at night, after Jia Xu had rested, Ma Wenbin re-entered Zhang Lu's room.

"General Zhang, are you drunk? I wonder if you can still listen to me talking to you now?"

"It's okay, just say it."

At this time, Zhang Lu was already drunk.

"I don't know, General Zhang, what do you think of this matter?"

Zhang Lu sighed. He felt that he was honored, but he also knew that he was being used by others.

So what should Ma Wenbin think? He threw the ball to the opponent.

The other party said. To be fair, Zhang Lu only sought refuge with Cao Pi, but now it is very difficult for him to make a difference.

So in this case, no matter who you switch to, at least you won't get a bad name.

This sentence opened Zhang Lu's heart.

He always felt that if he took refuge in Xi Yu, it would be a betrayal of escaping.

"Ma Wenbin, your words really enlightened me."

"What? The general seems to have already made up his mind to join Xi Yu."

"I don't know yet, I'm still very upset."

Moreover, Zhang Lu was still considering whether any of the soldiers might be on the same side as Xi Yu.

Then secretly report to Cao Pi?

Ma Wenbin said that this is indeed a possibility.

But he also said that when he was drinking tonight, I always felt that Mr. Najia still had a lot of words that he had not said.

Zhang Lu thought about it carefully and found that this was also the case.

"This Jia Xu is very resourceful and he must have a back-up plan, so we might as well trick him again tomorrow."

Zhang Lu touched his beard and nodded.

He suddenly felt that Jia Xu might have said something that he didn't say on purpose, just so that he could trick him.

At this moment, Jia Xu was already a little drunk, so he fell asleep.

He didn't want to drink too much, lest he look ugly.

But helplessly, Ma Wenbin insisted on convincing him.

In the early morning of the next day, he still felt that the wine was a bit overpowering and he still had a headache.

But today he did not go to see Zhang Lu immediately. Instead, he wandered around with a few soldiers.

But while walking around, he suddenly felt someone staring at him. It was probably because Zhang Lu was worried about him, so he sent someone to watch him.

But he pretended not to know anything and let them follow.

At noon, Zhang and Lu had dinner with Jia Xu.

The other soldiers were assigned to other places.

Ma Wenbin said: "Mr. Jia, I drank too much yesterday. I guess I haven't finished speaking some words. I wonder if Mr. Jia can finish speaking now?"

Jia Xu nodded.

He said: "The opera master said that as long as General Zhang surrenders to him, there will be many policies that will allow General Zhang to spread the Five Pecks of Rice religion."

After that, he took out the map from his sleeve.

There were many circles in these maps, so I gave them to Zhang Lu to take a look at.

Ma Wenbin was very disgusted. He knew that Zhang Lu liked to preach, so he tried to seduce him from this point of view.

Jia Xu naturally saw Ma Wenbin's displeasure.

But it doesn't matter, he knows that the final decision-making power still lies with Zhang Lu.

Jia Xu then said that these circled places were the large missionary bases announced by Xi Yu.

And when the time comes, some special venues will be opened for him to facilitate his preaching, allowing him to develop followers at will.

Of course, this is a large stronghold, and small gathering points can also be discussed at that time.

For example, there will be a stronghold every few miles.

Zhang Lu was indeed very excited when he said this.

Ma Wenbin frowned. If he objected, it would definitely chill Zhang Lu's heart.

But if you support it, isn’t it a bit bad?

But in this aspect, Xi Yu really captured Zhang Lu's heart.

He did much better than Cao Pi.

"Did the actor really say that?" Zhang Lu was particularly excited.

Jia Xu said: "It is true, and during the fight between General Zhang and Meng Huo, do you know what Cao Pi was thinking?"

Both Zhang and Lu were stunned, not expecting that he would ask such a question.

"Mr. Jia, if you have anything to say, you might as well say it directly."

Jia Xu did not speak, but took out the letter.

"This is a letter written by Cao Pi to the actor. However, the actor was not at home at the time, so he did not receive it. However, when he replied later, the battle was over and Meng Huo had surrendered."

What Jia Xu meant by this was that Xi Yu was very strong. Otherwise, how could Meng Huo surrender?

Meng Huo also beat Cao Pi and Xi Yu, but in the end Xi Yu won.

Zhang Lu immediately took the letter, and Ma Wenbin immediately took a look.

Cao Pi said that he was very weak in this battle and hoped to borrow troops from Xi Yu.

Zhang Lu said: "This is normal, Mr. Jia, what exactly do you want to say?"

Jia Xu then looked at Ma Wenbin.

"Mr. Ma, I guess you already understand this."

Ma Wenming felt that Jia Xu's insight was so strong that he actually knew that he had probably understood it.

"Now that this is the case, let's speak openly on the mountain, General Zhang. As we said last night, Cao Pi even hopes that we will fail, and then seems to ask Xi Yu to borrow troops. This will consume Xi Gong's power."

Jia Xu stroked his beard and laughed.

"Mr. Ma, you are really powerful. Having you by General Zhang's side really makes him even more powerful."

Ma Wenbin was naturally humble. He felt that if Jia Xu dug holes again and only praised himself, wouldn't it make Zhang Lu particularly incompetent?

However, Zhang Lu didn't pay attention, he was just digesting what Jia Xu said.

What he said seemed to make sense, because mainly last night, Ma Wenbin also said such things to himself.

"Okay, General Zhang, I have said everything that needs to be said. Again, think about it carefully. In the end, whether you maintain the status quo or not, the actor will not force you."

But at the same time, he said that this was an opportunity given by the actor. If Zhang Lu did not seize it, it would be impossible to regret it next time.

When Jia Xu said these words, he had a completely condescending attitude.

Because Xi Yu's power is very strong, which is obvious to everyone.

"I will consider this matter seriously."

Zhang Lu said calmly.

But Jia Xu could see that he must have been a little shaken.

Xi Yu said that he couldn't stay here too long and would go back tomorrow afternoon.

If anything happens, you can contact me at any time.

After that, Jia Xu said goodbye and returned to the guest room.

Soon, several soldiers came to his side.

Several soldiers were also worried about Jia Xu's safety. Will Zhang Lu sell them and then tell Cao Pi the news?

If this is the case, they must protect Jia Xu's safety.

Jia Xu shook his head.

"You don't have to worry. Although this is the first time I've met Zhang Lu, I understand that he has been shaken now."

After all, Xi Yu had spotted his desire to preach, and the temptation for him was already great enough.

Xi Yu also believes that some things should be tailored to the situation, and you can seduce him on whatever you like.

What Zhang Lu likes is preaching.

Several soldiers explained Zhang Lu's analysis, but they still felt that they were not optimistic.

There is an accident in everything, especially the Ma Wenbin next to him.

After Jia Xu left, Ma Wenbin and Zhang Lu continued to talk.

Zhang Lu asked Ma Wenbin: "What did you think about it?"

"General Zhang, I guess you already have the answer in your mind."

"You are right, I am indeed a little shaken."

Ma Wenbin originally wanted to say that the actor was interested in your characteristics, so he treated you in this way.

But then I thought about it and thought, what’s the use of saying it?

Anyway, Zhang Lu is willing. Besides, it seems like there is no loss for Zhang Lu.

Because Zhang Lu didn't want to dominate in the first place.

Zhang Lu was also worried that Ma Wenbin might oppose him, so he said that he was a little tired and wanted to take a good rest.

Ma Wenbin also understood what he meant, and he didn't need to persuade him anymore.

Then again, it seems that there is no need to persuade, and it is a good thing to think about it carefully.

Whoever fights for Sichuan and Shu now may win in the end.

But if Zhang Lu really wants to be alone, it may not be possible.

If you continue to stay in Cao Pi's camp, you may eventually be destroyed.

Xi Yu took the initiative to send someone here. No matter what, they treated Zhang Lu as the same thing.

When he first walked to the door, Zhang Lu said: "Don't tell anyone about this yet."

"Don't worry, General Zhang, I understand everything."

But at this moment, everyone on the Shu Army side was talking privately.

This time Jia Xu didn't know what he was doing.

Eighty percent of the time, Zhang Lu was persuaded to surrender to Xiyu.

In the afternoon, Ma Wenbin also heard the whispers of several soldiers.

But he didn't object.

Although they didn't say it, it was normal for people to guess.

Besides, we’ll find out tomorrow afternoon.

At this moment, Xi Yu appeared in front of the window with his hands behind his back.

He calculated the time and by this time, Jia Xu should have arrived in Sichuan.

Xi Yu felt that this matter should be successful.

It is equivalent to giving Jia Xu a credit in vain.

Of course, if Jia Xu hadn't gone there, someone else might not have been able to succeed.

First of all, Jia Xu's eloquence is particularly good, and the most important thing is his conditions, which are indeed a great discount for Zhang Lu.

But I wonder if there will be any accidents in the middle that will prevent this thing from succeeding?

There is a map on the wall. Although he was already somewhat familiar with the terrain at this time, Xi Yu still read the map carefully.

One day in the future, all the places in the Central Plains will become his own. Thinking about it, he felt very excited.

He couldn't help but touch the map with his hand. (End of chapter)

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