On this day, Xi Yu suddenly remembered what he said about going to Kunlun Mountain years ago, and he decided to act quickly.

Maybe we can solve that ninja's problem when we get there.

He came to the military camp, called Jinchang over, and then asked him how he was doing recently.

"Master Xi, I am living very well here, and I get along very well with my brothers."

Jinchang originally thought that the soldiers might bully him when he first came here.

But I didn't expect that this kind of thing didn't happen.

"I'm going to Kunlun Mountain soon. Do you miss home? If you do, come home with me."

Jinchang's eyes suddenly lit up. How could it be possible to say that he missed home?

I didn’t have the chance to go back during the Chinese New Year.

"Drama Master, do you think it's true?"

"Of course it's true. If you can, pack your things quickly and let's set off now."

Jinchang was particularly happy, but at the same time he asked Xiyu why he went there again.

Regarding the last time Xi Yu went to Kunlun Mountain, he later understood that it was to deal with the masters at Meng Huo's place.

So what is the purpose of going this time?

"I'll tell you later. You go pack your things first. I have to find someone."

After that, Xi Yu came to Song Datian.

Song Datian is chopping firewood.

"Old Uncle Song, that's enough. Your punishment is enough. From tomorrow on, you don't have to come over. You can just stay in my house."

Song Datian suddenly smiled and said: "I'm used to it, otherwise I'll still serve here tomorrow."

"No, it's over. If you are still serving here, how will others see me?"

Song Datian had no choice but to agree.

He was very happy.

Xi Yu knew what he was worried about, so he said, "On a lucky day, I will propose marriage to Meijiao."

"That's great, Mr. Xi. I'm so happy that my daughter can be appreciated by Mr. Xi."

Xiyu nodded.

After a while, Jinchang packed up his things, Xiyu prepared a horse for him, and the two of them went forward together.

Xi Yu said: "I feel very happy to have you as my companion on the road."

Halfway through, Jinchang thought that he should buy something for his parents.

"There's no rush for this. You can buy it when we get there soon, so our luggage doesn't have to be too heavy."

But the other party said that he wanted to buy some local specialties.

"Hey, this is pretty good. Why didn't I think of this?" Xi Yu said.

We happened to come to a village in front of us.

There happens to be a stall right at the entrance of the village.

The two of them were overjoyed. Sure enough, they had souvenirs. What a coincidence.

Jinchang finally bought some and saw a land temple in front of him. He wanted to go there and pay homage.

Xiyu agreed.

He asked: "Drama Master, would you like to go over and pay homage too?"

"No need, just go there by yourself."

As for Xi Yu, he chatted with the fellow villagers.

Jinchang came to the Tu Tu Temple, but happened to see two girls leaving after worshiping the Tu Tu Lord.

One of the girls said: "Being able to serve the actor really makes me feel very happy."

"Yes, our family has been prosperous since then."

Jinchang suddenly felt baffled.

Serving the actor, what's going on?

So because of this, he asked the two girls.

The two girls turned their heads.

"You're from out of town, right? Don't you know what's going on?"

"It's precisely because I don't know anything that I asked the two girls."

After the explanations of the two girls, they said that Xiyu was now sending soldiers to widely elect women.

Just to be able to serve the actor, just like the emperor's draft, as long as you are selected, you can become famous.

They also went to sign up that day. Before signing up, they paid homage to the Lord of the Land, hoping to bless them.

Jinchang thought to himself, when did this happen?

And it’s impossible for Xiyu to do such a ridiculous thing, right?

At this time, he had an extra thought.

"Two girls, I also have a friend who is at the entrance of your village. Can you let my friend go with the two girls? Because we also have younger sisters at home, we may need to sign up."

The two girls looked embarrassed.

"Are you afraid that our sister will have an impact on you after she passes away?"

The two girls did think so.

Jinchang deliberately showed a vicious look.

"But you two girls, since you have told me today, my friends and I will follow you, and we will know when the time comes. How about selling me a favor?"

The two girls looked at him with particularly scary eyes. They looked at each other and finally decided that Sang and the others should follow.

"Okay, in that case, let your friends follow us."

Jinchang was overjoyed, and immediately led the two girls to stand not far from Xi Yu.

At the same time, he blinked at Xi Yu, hoping that he would take a step to speak.

Although Xi Yu felt confused, she still followed him to the two girls.

Jinchang said: "Sir, these two girls said that the actor is currently recruiting beauties to serve. They went to sign up. We all have sisters at home. Why don't we see where this place is and let's go back and talk to our sisters."

Jinchang knew that Director Xiyu would definitely understand what it meant.

Sure enough, Xi Yu was shocked. Who did such a dirty thing in his own name?

Doesn't this ruin your reputation?

Xiyu immediately cooperated with him.

"Yes, in that case, let's go over and take a look. The two girls are busy."

Although the two girls were a little reluctant, they still took the two of them away.

Xi Yu didn't know how Jinchang persuaded the two of them.

The registration place is in a small stone house not far from the village.

Originally this was the residence of a hunter, but after the hunter died, this room became vacant.

At this moment, there are several soldiers-looking people sitting here.

There was a table in front of them with paper and pens on it.

And several girls have already signed up here.

The two girls just now also signed up immediately, and the "soldiers" registered them.

Afterwards, we watched the drama between the two of us.

"You grown men are here too. What do you do?"

"We are here to inquire about our sister."

"Then go home and call your sister. Don't be too old, and registration is only for one day, because we will go to other places tomorrow."

Jinchang immediately nodded and bowed.

"Okay, okay. In that case, let's go."

He glanced at Xiyu.

The two people came to a small forest in front.

Xiyu was particularly angry.

"It's totally unreasonable. Why don't you come out quickly?"

A secret guard came out immediately.

Xi Yu asked him to find out who these people pretending to be soldiers were and what were they going to do?

As for the two of them, they are not in a hurry now.

They were waiting for the secret guards in the inn.

On the way here, Xi Yu saw a Jun Lai Inn nearby and asked the secret guards to investigate and go there directly.

When he arrived at the inn, Xi Yu was still very angry.

He asked Jinchang how he discovered this.

Jinchang said that he only found out about this through a conversation between two girls he met in the Tutu Temple.

"Thank you so much. Jinchang."

"Master Xiu, you are too serious."

Xiyu clenched his fists.

"We only found out about this when we passed by today. If we hadn't come here, we wouldn't know what they were doing."

Xi Yu said to Jinchang, since you are here, you should have a good rest.

If the secret guard wants to check out the news, he will probably have to wait until night, because he can't alert the enemy now and must observe secretly.

Jinchang saw that Xi Yu seemed a little tired, so he just asked him to rest first.

On the other side, Jia Xu is still hanging out in Sichuan.

He would go back in the afternoon and then listen to what Zhang Lu thought.

You can go back tomorrow.

But he felt that Zhang Lu would agree to his request.

But I wonder if Ma Wenbin would turn a deaf ear to Zhang Lu.

At dusk, he returned.

"General Zhang, I'm leaving tomorrow, so what do you think? You might as well tell me now."

"Mr. Jia, I agree and am willing to submit to the actor."

Jia Xu nodded.

"very good".

Jia Xu asked him to tell the soldiers the news immediately early tomorrow morning.

And an announcement must be made to tell Cao Pi.

When the time comes, Xi Yu will also send troops here.

As for the missionary sites mentioned by Xi Gong, they will be gradually implemented.

Zhang Lu said he would make an announcement tomorrow.

At that time, Ma Wenbin was also in front of Zhang Lu.

He knew that Zhang Lu had made up his mind, and there was no need for him to say anything else.

In the long run, this seems to be a good thing, too.

Early the next morning, Zhang Lu summoned the soldiers and told them about the incident.

Many people were also very surprised, but some soldiers believed that they had already guessed that this would be the case, so this was normal.

On the other side, last night, Xi Yu finally waited for the arrival of the secret guard.

The secret guard followed the two men to an inn.

By eavesdropping on the conversation between the two of them.

I learned that they were going to send these girls to a romantic place.

And it is shipped to other places, and then you can make a lot of money.

And they will be recruiting in nearby villages these days.

Xi Yu was very angry.

"It's unreasonable that they dare to do such a thing in broad daylight."

Xi Yu asked the secret guard if he remembered the addresses of those people.

"That's right, Mr. Xi, I've written it down, but don't know what to do with it?"

Xi Yu said: "In that case, let's start taking action tonight."

They must be brought to justice.

Xi Yu decided to sleep with Jinchang for a while and take action late at night.

Because they can't recruit at night, there's no need to worry about them doing evil.

Jinchang is also full of joy because he can take action tonight, and he also hopes to make meritorious deeds.

But what Xiyu didn't expect was that it would snow heavily tonight.

Although the New Year has passed, winter has not passed yet.

Jinchang also discovered this, and then asked Xiyu if they wanted to continue taking action.

"We must take action, even if it means using a knife, we must get through."

But Jinchang said it was not necessary because it snowed heavily the next day and it was impossible for them to do anything.

Or if Xi Yu wants to go, it will be the same thing tomorrow morning.

Maybe the snow will stop by then.

But the Western Region still feels like there are some long nights and many dreams.

"No. Let's go tonight. If you don't want to go, stay here."

Jinchang immediately said that he didn't mean that, since Xi Yu really wanted to go.

Then I will definitely cooperate.

The two people found two umbrellas from the inn, and then went to the inn that the secret guard mentioned.

And the secret guard has also told them the room number, and at the same time, the secret guard will follow.

However, it had just fallen and the road was not particularly slippery. The footprints of the two people appeared in the snow, and there was also movement in the snow.

If after a while the wind started blowing, so the two people were covered with snow.

When they arrived at the inn, they felt shivering, as if they had shed a layer of skin.

The door of the inn was open, and a waiter was sleeping on the counter. When he heard some movement, he got up immediately.

He looked at the two people suspiciously, as if they were not in the store.

"Don't worry, we are not bad people, we are here to find someone."

"Who are you looking for?"

"Our friends are here. If you don't believe us, you might as well follow us."

The waiter smiled when he saw the two of them speaking so confidently.

"I believe you, please do as you please."

Xi Yu and the two came to the second floor.

The room of the two men pretending to be soldiers is at the top.

When they came to the door of the room, Xi Yu asked Jinchang to knock on the door.

Jinchang asked in a low voice: Could the "secret guard" have made a mistake? "

"Don't worry, he won't do it."

Jinchang thought to himself that it would be embarrassing if he knocked on the wrong door.

He knocked gently, but there was no movement from the people inside, so Xi Yu asked him to increase the intensity.

Because this matter is so important, even if it messes up the people around you, it doesn't matter.

Jinchang had no choice but to knock harder, and finally a sound came from inside.

"Who is it? Still knocking on the door so late?"

Xiyu just asks Jinchang to knock, no need to answer.

This time, the two people inside were annoyed, and they started yelling.

But one of them said it would be better to open the door.

Then during the day, ask the waiter who is causing trouble.

Finally someone opened the door and rubbed his groggy eyes.

When he saw it was Xi Yu and the two of them, he was immediately surprised. Didn't they just meet during the day?

"Hey, what do you two mean? I'll wait for you to sign up this afternoon. Do you think my sister didn't sign up?"

"There are some things I hope to say inside. After all, it's getting late and I don't want to quarrel with others."

Xi Yu said calmly.

Both of them were very angry.

You still know how to disturb others to take a rest, why did you come here at this time? It's just insane.

Xi Yu didn't discuss this with them, he just walked in with Jinchang and closed the door at the same time.

Xi Yu looked at the two of them coldly.

"Tell me, what do you two do?"

His aura was so strong that the two of them were a little surprised.

At this time, the two of them were not too sleepy.

"Who are you? Why do you ask us this?"

"It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is that you have to pay for your crimes?"

The two of them were a little panicked. Could it be that their behavior had been discovered? But it shouldn't be.

"What are you talking about? What are we paying for for our actions? You woke us up in the middle of the night to rest, and we haven't settled the accounts with you yet."

At this time, the waiter came. After he asked two people to come, he was always a little worried, for fear that something would go wrong.

As soon as I walked to the door of the room, I heard a quarrel coming from inside.

"Staff, it's nice of you to come, tell me what's going on."

Someone quickly asked him.

The waiter felt very aggrieved, and then asked Xiyu and the two of them.

"What do you do? If you have any grudges, how about we talk about it during the day? Don't make a noise that disturbs the peace of others."

Xi Yu told him that he had nothing to do with him here and that they were here to uphold justice.

The waiter said he had to think about the safety of his customers.

"It seems that you still have a sense of responsibility." Jinchang immediately became sarcastic.

The waiter said that if they continued to act recklessly, they would report them to the police.

Xi Yu looked at the two people coldly.

"The waiter said that he wants to report to the official, are you two thinking the same way?"

The two people became even more flustered, and one of them bluffed.

"Of course, if you don't leave quickly, we will report it to the official. If you leave quickly, we won't care."

Xi Yu then said to the waiter: "If that's the case, then go and report it to the official."

The waiter suddenly felt dumb. Why did he feel that two people seemed to be righteous, but the other two were objective but a little panicked?

What is going on?

When he went to see the two guest officers, he found that their faces were even more nervous.

It seems that there is really a big problem here.

One person quickly asked: "What do you two mean?"

"Didn't I tell you already? If you have done anything evil, please tell me immediately. Don't you understand human language?"

Xi Yu asked them coldly.

"Beast, it seems you are looking for death."

The two people attacked Xiyu at the same time.

The waiter quickly shouted: "It's too late, you must not make too much trouble."

Xi Yu asked the waiter to leave immediately, otherwise he would not be held responsible if he was accidentally hurt.

The waiter thought to himself that he had better not meddle in his own business here, since he was a little sleepy anyway.

When the shopkeeper asked tomorrow, he just said he couldn't control it, and he almost got beaten!

He sighed and left immediately.

Xi Yu stood still and didn't move at all. When the two people arrived, it was completely up to Jinchang to take action.

Jinchang had received professional training when he was at Meng Huo's place. Dealing with these two little thieves was a piece of cake.

Jinchang directly grabbed the two of their arms and pulled them. Their bodies immediately hit the wall.

They both let out a scream.

At this moment, a knock on the door suddenly appeared. (End of chapter)

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