Jinchang opened the door and saw that he was the neighbor next door.

"What's going on with you guys? Why are you so noisy?"

Xi Yu immediately apologized to them, saying that he did not live here, but he still had to deal with some problems.

Then, he said coldly to the two people: "It's best to explain it quickly, otherwise, I won't be polite."

Because now it has affected others’ rest.

Xi Yu said: "Otherwise, let's get the two of them out into the wild, so that they won't disturb others' rest."

Jinchang also nodded immediately, and then went to catch two people.

Those two people just wanted to shout.

Jinchang caught the two of them like an eagle catching a chicken.

They walked outside the living room, and the waiter who had returned to the counter expressed helplessness.

Xi Yu once again apologized to his neighbor and hoped that he would have a good rest.

If it really disturbs his rest, he will also make some compensation.

The neighbor was originally aggressive, but seeing Xiyu's good attitude, he stopped caring.

Once outside, I could finally let go.

The two men looked at each other and seemed to understand each other.

One of them said: "You'd better let us go. The strength behind us is something you can't afford to offend."

But Xi Yu had already seen their panic.

They were just bluffing.

At this time, Xi Yu also walked out and asked him again: "Tell me what is going on."

"What else could happen? We are all here to serve the actors, and the people behind us are actors. If you offend us, you will have to bear the consequences."

Xi Yu saw that the snow had stopped.

The two of them stayed in the snow, feeling a little cold and shivering.

They then insulted Xi Yu even more.

Xi Yu shook his head.

"Why didn't I say that I want you to serve me? And I never knew you at all."

The two men were stunned for a moment, and finally one of them burst out laughing: "It made me laugh so hard. It seems like you are a showman. If you say that, then I am the Jade Emperor."

Xi Yu glanced at Jinchang, and Jinchang slapped the person hard.

"It's simply a matter of life and death."

"Why, if you dare to hit me, I will fight for you."

That person is going to resist.

However, Jinchang sneered.

"Really, it's like you can beat me. It's ridiculous."

Xi Yu said: "Although I don't like to torture people, but seeing two people so angry, I can take some appropriate measures against them."

"I understand, Mr. Xi." Jinchang saluted Xi Yu respectfully.

The two people were immediately confused. Could it be that this person was really an actor before?

Jinchang said that he was originally at Meng Huo's place. As for how to deal with it, he naturally had many methods.

Now it's for these two people.

At the same time, he said to Xi Yu that it might be a bit cruel.

Jinchang still hopes that Xiyu can rest somewhere to avoid contaminating his eyes.

Xi Yu also nodded.

However, after Xi Yu took a few steps, the two people panicked.

"Spare us, spare us."

They raised their hands in unison.

It can be seen that they usually have a special tacit understanding.

Xi Yu then sneered: "What? Don't you dare to do it now?"

The two of them had no choice but to admit that they were looking for many women around here.

Then they were taken overseas to earn illegal commissions.

"But we are not controlling any women now. They have just signed up. They will come to us when the time comes and we will take them away."

Xi Yu also came back immediately. What they said was the same as what the secret guard had investigated.

A man asked: "Are you really an actor?"

Xiyu nodded.

So, the two people quickly knelt down to Xi Yu and said that they were all confused because they were short of money, so they had to make this move.

They said they were also affected by the disaster and had seriously ill family members to support.

"Master Xiu, we were wrong. We will never dare to do this again."

Xiyu sneered.

"You may have countless reasons for doing such bad things, but you have to understand. This is not the correct way to solve the problem."

But Xi Yu felt that they were just perfunctory and not sincerely remorseful.

Perhaps it was because of their position that they did this, or maybe it was Jinchang's ability that forced them to submit.

Next, the two of them kept kowtowing.

Xi Yu said that the two of them were quite honest.

"Take them back to the inn."

Jinchang asked: "Player, which inn should you take them to?"

"Just stay with them. Ask the waiter for a rope and tie them up. We'll open another room tonight and we'll talk about anything during the day."

Xi Yu had no choice but to agree.

I told these two people that it would be best for them to leave obediently.

If you let yourself take action, the consequences will be disastrous.

The two men had no choice but to leave obediently.

When they came to the counter, Jinchang asked the waiter to prepare a rope to tie them up.

The waiter was suddenly embarrassed.

Jinchang asked: "What? Do I need to find it myself? If I find it, I will tie you up too."

Then, Xi Yu walked in with his hands behind his back.

The waiter in the shop saw Xi Yu's extraordinary bearing.

Then he saw that the two men looked like pustules, so he had no choice but to bring them ropes.

Jinchang let them into the room and tied them up.

Then he asked the counter for a room, and he asked Xiyu to stay in the room. As for himself, he would stay with these two people.

"They are already tied up and can't make any waves. Why don't you come to the room with me and stay with me? I think the bed is big enough."

But Jinchang felt that this was not possible. He might as well stay on guard, what if something went wrong again?

Xi Yu still wanted to speak, so Jinchang said: "Master Xi, you have a distinguished status, so don't say anything. Leave everything here to me."

Seeing what he said, Xi Yu had no choice but to say nothing more.

Soon, the next day arrived.

Xi Yu told Jinchang that in order to avoid more people being deceived.

Let both of them publicly confess to everyone today.

The two people then asked Xi Yu what they should do.

"Where are you planning to go today? Does everyone already know?"

The two men nodded.

"Then go there."

The place the two of them went to today was the village adjacent to the place where the Earth Temple was located yesterday.

When the four people got there, there were already a lot of people.

Many girls are waiting enthusiastically.

Xi Yu thought to himself, it seems they arrived before dawn.

Although it was very cold, they were also in full swing, and a section of the road had already been cleaned by them.

When the four people came to them, several girls started talking, could this be the person who was recruiting?

But shouldn’t they be on the table? Why didn't you bring anything?

Xi Yu asked: "Are you all here to sign up?"

They all nodded.

Xiyu told them.

"You have been fooled. There is no such thing."

Several girls started talking in low voices.

One of them asked why Xi Yu said that.

Jinchang said: "Because he is the actor."

At this time, several girls seemed to have seen a ghost.

Jinchang then said to the two people: "Aren't you going to explain it to everyone now?"

In this case, the two people had no choice but to tell the truth. When everyone knew about it, they were very angry.

But there are also many women who feel lost.

Unexpectedly, they would encounter such a situation, and they would be deceived.

In the early morning, there was a family who was very poor.

The old man at home was particularly happy when he learned that his daughter was going to register today.

"That opera master is a good man. Dad will be very happy to serve him."

As a daughter, she will definitely send money to her father every month.

But today we got up very late and the weather was very bad, so the old man pushed his daughter on a wooden cart and arrived quickly.

When they arrived, they happened to see four people from Xi Yu arriving, and they realized it was a scam.

The old man looked at the two people fiercely, then picked up a pile of snow from the ground and hit them suddenly.

"I'll fight for you two."

The old man suddenly realized that he could not hit the opponent with blood, so he picked up stones from the ground.

When he did this, many women began to do the same.

Xi Yu did not stop this situation.

Because these two people must be punished.

At this moment, Xi Yu suddenly felt something was wrong.

Because he felt the aura of that ninja again.

He still looked around, his eyes particularly sharp.

Although he couldn't see the other party, he knew that the other party must be nearby, so he had to respond with his eyes.

He also understands that if the other party knows that he is close, he will let him feel it, but he still does it, which is obviously another provocation.

This is simply unreasonable. But he thought of Lin Yang again. Although Lin Yang was more of a shadow, he could be regarded as getting along with him day and night at that time.

He must avenge this.

The ninja smiled contemptuously in secret and left quickly. After all, the New Year had passed, and they were now back with Cao Pi again.

At this moment, Cao Pi received a letter from Zhang Lu. Zhang Lu clearly told him that he wanted to surrender. Cao Pi almost overturned the table.

"This is unreasonable, Zhang Lu, you are going too far."

Cao Pi immediately summoned all the generals to discuss how to deal with this matter.

Most people support a suggestion, which is to attack Zhang Lu quickly, because Xi Yu's soldiers have not been sent there yet, otherwise it will be too late to regret.

"Okay, in that case, let's gather the troops to attack Sichuan and Shu."

Since you want to betray yourself, you must give him some color.

On the other side, two people were beaten violently.

Xi Yu said: "Okay, don't beat them to death."

At this moment, several women let go.

But a woman asked Xiyu.

"Are you really an actor?"

Xiyu nodded.

If you don’t believe it, you can follow them to Youzhou when the time comes.

The old man said why he didn't believe it, these two beasts had already admitted it.

The two people also felt very miserable. They never expected that they would meet the real Xi Yu in the middle of the journey.

Xi Yu also said that he would not do such a thing.

I hope you will never be fooled in the future, and don't be tempted by the sweetness.

After saying these words, Xi Yu and Jinchang continued on their way.

Xi Yu also asked Jinchang if he felt a little tired, as he probably didn't have a good rest last night.

Otherwise, it’s better to take a rest before rushing on.

But Jinchang said that the matter was urgent and he should leave quickly without wasting any more time.

"That's good, because I felt the presence of that ninja just now."

Xi Yu specifically explained the situation just now, which shocked Jinchang.

"Why, are you a little scared?"

"It's not that I'm afraid, it's just that I've never heard of it before and it feels a little weird."

Xi Yu said he didn’t know if going to Kunlun Mountain would have any effect.

Jinchang comforted him.

"Don't worry, Mr. Xi, the experts there will definitely solve the problem."

"You don't need to say so absolutely to comfort me. I just feel uneasy if I don't go, but if I really go, there is really no effect and no way."

But Xi Yu always believed that since he came from time travel, God would never let him fail like this.

At this moment, Zhou Yu had already led most of his troops on the road.

Xi Yu had already explained before leaving the territory that once Cao Pi learned that Zhang Lu had surrendered to him, he would definitely send troops to attack.

So he went secretly with an army.

But when they go, they hide first, so that Cao Pi thinks Zhang Lu is weak. When they attack, he will catch turtles in a jar and catch them all in one fell swoop.

Zhang Lu had already received a letter from Xi Yu, telling him that reinforcements would arrive sooner or later regardless of whether Cao Pi attacked or not, and asked him to wait patiently here.

In fact, Jia Xu hadn't completely arrived in Youzhou at this moment, but after completing the mission, he had immediately sent a letter to Xi Yu Feige.

Therefore, Xi Yu already knew the news that Zhang Lu had surrendered to him.

At this moment, Zhang Lu had just finished reading Fei Ge Chuan Shu, and then handed it to Ma Wenbin beside him.

Ma Wenbin said: "Yes, Mr. Xi, you are so considerate."

Zhang Lu said that since Xi Yu had designated a missionary territory for himself, after this incident, he would immediately start preparing for missionary work.

From now on, all matters in the army can be handled by Ma Wenbin.

"General, no, it's up to you to take care of everything, I'm just a hand in hand."

"But I really have no interest in managing Sichuan and Shu now. I really want to focus more on missionary work. I hope you will agree to it."

That night, Zhou Yu's army had arrived.

Following Xi Yu's instructions, they hid in the deep valley first.

Anyway, there are many such deep valleys on this side of Sichuan.

Zhang Lu was relieved when he learned of their arrival.

As for Xi Yu, he stayed at the inn again at night. He calculated his itinerary and expected to arrive at Kunlun Mountain around tomorrow.

Although there was no navigation in this era, Jinchang lived near Kunlun Mountain, so he was very familiar with the roads.

Let Xiyu avoid many detours.

Xi Yu then said that after arriving at Kunlun Mountain tomorrow, let Jinchang go home first and then go up the mountain alone.

"Master Xiu, actually I really want to go up with you this time to see what's going on."

"That's okay, let's go see your parents first, and then go up the mountain."

"If that's the case, that would be great."

Although I live very close to it, I haven't been to Jinchang for so many years. Mainly because I feel that the people there have a very weird temperament.

The next morning, both of them were very excited. Because we are getting closer to Kunlun Mountain.

It ended an hour later when they arrived at Jinchang's home, where Jinchang's mother was feeding chickens in the yard.

There were some chickens chirping and grabbing food from her hands.

She threw some rice grains into the ground.

Suddenly she heard footsteps. She quickly looked towards the door and found that it was her son. She could hardly feel her eyes.

"My son, why are you back?"

Jin Mu came over and saw the person her son brought last time again.

She suddenly remembered that her husband had said that this man was an actor.

She immediately saluted Xi Yu.

Xi Yu immediately helped her, and she must not give such a big gift.

Jinchang asked his father where he was, and his mother said that he was farming in the fields.

Let the two people enter the house quickly.

And Jinchang also specifically said that living with the actor was particularly nourishing.

"Son, that's good. Your father also said that the actor is a very good person."

Xi Yu also specifically mentioned that they were coming to Kunlun Mountain this time, and he couldn't stay at home for long.

"It doesn't matter. Mom can understand that men should make a career outside."

However, Jinchang wanted to see his father very much, so he wanted to tell his mother that he could see him when they went down the mountain.

"Don't worry, go up the mountain. I'll be in the fields in a moment."

After a while, Xi Yu asked to go up the mountain quickly.

It doesn't snow here, so the road is very easy to walk.

Jinchang sighed again.

Haven't been here for many years.

When I was a child, I once climbed a section, but I was too weak at the time and did not climb to the top.

When they came to the mountainside, Xi Yu met the little Taoist boy from last time again.

But this time, the little Taoist boy was very polite to him.

He didn't ask who Jinchang was. Since he came with Xiyu, he must be in the same group.

Xi Yu asked Taoist priests Qingfeng and Mingyue if they were here.

The little Taoist boy replied that it was really unfortunate that the two Taoist priests went outside and did not know when they would come back.

If something happens, you can find other Taoist priests.

However, Xi Yu expressed that he still hoped to find the two Taoist priests. The little Taoist boy asked them to go to the house to rest first. It was possible that the two Taoist priests would come back today.

Of course Xi Yu knew that he was trying to comfort himself. He had no choice but to give up halfway after running such a long way, so he had no choice but to wait here.

As for other Taoist priests, he had never dealt with them before, so he was a little worried.

Unless the two of them really don't come back. (End of chapter)

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