This time Cao Pi dispatched five thousand elite troops to attack Sichuan and Shu.

The leading soldier was a relative of Sima Yi named Yun Feiyang.

This Yun Feiyang has never led troops to fight before

When he led the expedition this time, many people were actually opposed to it, but everyone knew that Cao Pi liked Sima Yi.

So use his relatives.

Yun Feiyang is in his forties. He is a typical burly man with a particularly dark appearance.

But this is a long-haired spear that dances particularly well.

This day we drove to a section of road, but suddenly it started snowing again.

Many soldiers felt that the depression at that time was a bad start, an ominous sign.

As a result, many people complained.

At this time, Yun Feiyang thought to himself that the time had come for him to establish his authority.

He knew that everyone had a bad impression of him, but now he had to implement military orders and convince them.

So, he stopped first and turned his head.

"Why are you saying these depressing things?"

Everyone immediately fell silent.

Yun Feiyang said: "Who was the first to mention it just now? Is this an ominous sign?"

He stared at many people with his sharp eyes, but no one dared to admit it at this time.

"Why, don't you admit it?"

Lin Feiyang said: "I don't believe there is no such person. If we don't find this person today, then let's go back immediately. After we go back, I will tell Mr. Cao directly that we don't need to fight this battle."

Many people discovered that Yun Feiyang's temper was not ordinary.

"You may not understand my temper, but I will definitely do what I say. I am now shouting from one to ten. If no one still speaks, then you can only start doing what I said."

After that, he started shouting numbers.

The few people who were discussing just now were a little at a loss.

They looked at each other, and the person who spoke didn't know whether to stand up or not.

Others were considering whether to report him.

Yun Feiyang shouted, and through observing his words and expressions, he already understood who wanted to do this.

But now he still acts like he doesn't know anything.

Finally, when he called eight, the first man to speak came out.

"it's me."

He said that he must not let himself bring trouble to everyone, and if anything happens, he can just blame himself.

Yun Feiyang appreciated it very much, and then said: "Okay, you are lucky. In this case, you must be punished."

Finally, he started to go on the line, saying that according to military regulations, anyone who makes casual comments and affects morale must be beheaded.

This military rule does exist, but generally speaking, it depends on what the coach does.

Very few people do this, but now he insists on holding this one, and no one else can refute it.

So many people began to plead for mercy.

"General Yun, he was just confused for a moment, and it's normal for him to complain, so I hope you can be accommodating."

"Yes, General Yun, now is not the time to kill your subordinates, otherwise it will affect morale."

Yun Feiyang sneered.

"He has violated military regulations and must be severely punished by law. Otherwise, you ask me how to convince the public next, so no matter who pleads for mercy, he must be dealt with by military law."

certainly. Others had discussed it, but he didn't care about it for the time being.

However, the person who took the lead must be dealt with.

Finally, he attacked the man with a spear gun.

Just cut off the opponent's head.

Many people knew that he was trying to make a warning to others to see who would still disobey.

Sure enough, when he continued on the road, many people did not dare to despise him anymore.

Zhou Yu, who was in the valley, sent someone to convey the news to Zhang Lu. It was not convenient for them to show up now.

So let Zhang Lu and others pay attention to the enemy's arrival at any time.

Let them deliver a message when the time comes.

Zhang Lu and Ma Wenbin discussed it. If they rashly sent soldiers to observe the enemy's situation, they would probably attract others' attention.

Finally, Ma Wenbin sent a message. He heard that there were many people herding cattle and sheep in a place.

Why not just let these people observe it.

Zhang Lu was immediately happy.

"What you said is a good idea."

Ma Wenbin soon found some cowherd boys in front of a hillside.

He saw a cowherd boy who looked particularly delicate.

But he is also extremely honest and is bullied by other cowherd boys.

"This is our place. If you don't want to herd cattle here, go somewhere else."

"Why are you driving me away? Isn't it okay for me to graze cattle here?"

"It's just not allowed. If you stay here again, we will kill your cattle."

The bullied cowherd boy felt helpless and had to leave.

When Ma Wenbin saw this scene, he felt particularly sorry for him.

"Little brother, would you like to go to a place with me?"

The cowherd boy had just received a scolding and felt a little aggrieved.

Now he saw someone greeting him with a smile, which made him feel very warm.

"Sir, I wonder what you want from me?"

Ma Wenbin motioned to him to go to a remote place to talk. When there was no third person around, Ma Wenbin asked him to do something.

After things are done, there will definitely be a reward.

And Ma Wenbin also revealed his identity.

The cowherd boy was very happy.

Ma Wenbin asked: "Are you willing to do this?"

"Okay, I do, I do."

It turns out that the grandfather of this cowherd boy died in the war. He had been homeless since he was a child, and he knew the harm of the war.

Like most people, he longs for peace.

So now that someone is coming to invade, he must support them without hesitation, and he also explained the reasons for his support.

Ma Wenbin was very moved and gave him some money first.

"Little brother, thank you. No matter whether there are enemies coming today or not, you have to go to the deep valley to report the news and talk to them. Do you understand?"

But the cowherd boy said that he would not be rewarded for his merits, so he should wait until he checked.

It's too early to give him money.

Ma Wenbin said just let him hold it.

The cowherd boy stopped being pretentious and picked it up.

Ma Wenbin designated a route for him and asked him to graze cattle in that place.

And the soil in that place is considered fertile, so the cattle can eat well there.

It's just a little far away, so that he can avoid quarreling with the other cowherd boys.

Second, even if the enemy does come, they think he is really just a cattle herder.

"May I have your name?"

"My name is Sun Wu."

"Okay, everything here is left to you."

Sun Wu just asked Ma Wenbin to rest assured.

Ma Wenbin went back soon.

He told Zhang Lu about it.

Zhang Lu asked: "Can this cowherd boy be trusted?"

"According to my contact with him, his grandfather also suffered from the pain of war. I believe what he said is correct."

Zhang Lu nodded and started writing.

Even without reading, Ma Wenbin knew that he must be writing something missionary.

On the other side, Xi Yu and Jinchang came to a certain hall.

The little Taoist priest asked them to settle down first.

After a while, an old Taoist priest came over and asked these two people what they did.

Xi Yu then explained his intention.

The old Taoist priest once said: "Are you Xiyu?"

Xi Yu nodded: "I heard Ming Yue said that, but they may not come back when. If there is anything, can we find another Taoist priest to solve it?"

Xi Yu also said frankly that it would be better to wait. If they really don't come back and find someone else, they may need to stay here tonight.

The young Taoist priest looks to the old Taoist priest.

The old Taoist priest said: "Since we are friends of Qingfeng and Mingyue, just let them stay here."

After entering the guest room, although Xi Yu's face was very calm, Jinchang knew that he would be particularly anxious.

So, he comforted Xi Yu, maybe the two Taoist priests would come back today.

Xi Yu came to the window with his hands behind his back.

He is now looking forward to the days before years ago coming back again.


"Because at that time, I put everything before the new year, just like the war, but when the war actually started, many people would still die."

Although death cannot be avoided in war, as long as one person dies, it will be very painful for Xi Yu.

"Master Xi, you really have the heart of a Bodhisattva."

Ma Wenbin compared Xi Yu and Meng.

When he followed Meng Huo in the past, Meng Huo didn't care how many people died. The key was to achieve his goal.

"I heard that Meng Huo arrived in Wuhuan. I hope he can do well there."

Xiyu nodded.

At night, Qingfeng and Mingyue never came back.

Xi Yu said that it was not feasible to stay here for one night, so he would have to find other Taoist priests for help tomorrow.

And it was at dusk that Yun Feiyang and others finally entered Sichuan.

Sun Wu had already discovered it, and they immediately drove the cattle away.

Following Ma Wenbin's instructions, he came to a deep valley.

Several sentinels radiating in the valley have heard about what Ma Wenbin told them.

When a cowherd boy comes, do not regard him as an enemy.

At this moment, the cowherd told the sentry.

A large army has arrived at the ruins, and it is probably Cao Jun.

The sentry thanked him and asked him to continue herding the cattle.

Soon, Zhou Yu was told about this in the cave.

Zhou Yu said: "Don't let them discover my existence. When they become complacent, we will immediately surround them."

Soon, the sentry also told Ma Wenbin the news.

Ma Wenbin told Zhang Lu again. Zhang Lu said that he was writing materials now and just asked Ma Wenbin to resist.

"General, we have reached a critical moment. Can you put it aside for a moment?"

Zhang Lu was not happy and said that he now wanted to write MLM materials.

"Have I already told you, even if you take my place now, it's fine."

Ma Wenbin was really speechless, so he quickly went to organize people to resist, and said that this was arranged by Zhang Lu.

Yun Feiyang and others continued to move forward happily.

Yun Feiyang suddenly felt something was wrong and immediately stopped his horse.

Someone asked: "General, why did you stop suddenly?"

"We met a cowherd boy just now, do you still remember?"

"Yes, a cowherd boy, what's wrong?"

"Why did the cowherd boy suddenly leave when we arrived? Is there something going on here?"

Everyone thought that they were worried about this matter.

"General, are you worried that he will report the news? Even so, what can we do?"

They were very confident that they could defeat Zhang Lu.

Although Zhang Lu successfully defeated Meng Huo, it was just a sneak attack and set a fire.

In terms of strength, he may not be their opponent.

And this time when they arrive, they will definitely not give Zhang Lu a chance to take advantage of others.

Listening to Yun Feiyang's analysis, the soldier also felt that this was indeed the case.

When they entered the city gate, the soldiers guarding the gate were very surprised.

"Who are you?"

Yun Feiyang felt even more ridiculous in his heart and said to everyone: "Did you see that? No one knew that we would attack. It seems that what happened with the cowherd boy just now really made me all soldiers."

Another soldier stuck his head out and said, "Are you from Duke Cao's place? I don't know why you are here. There has been no war recently, so why are you here to reinforce me?"

Yun Feiyang sneered.

"Do you have to pretend to be confused? Why are we here? Don't you know? Now that Zhang Lu has claimed that he has defected to Xiyu, he is treating us as enemies. Do you think we are here to help you? ?”

The two soldiers pretended to be panicked.

"In this case, you can never enter this city gate."

Yun Feiyang sneered.

"Are you the only ones who can trap me?"

At this moment, many archers suddenly appeared on the tower and shot at them.

Yun Feiyang was shocked, they had been prepared for it.

There was an archery man who was particularly fat.

He said: "It's best to get back quickly, otherwise, I will kill you."

The arrows were like a hail of bullets, seriously injuring many Cao soldiers.

Yun Feiyang had no choice but to order people to start retreating.

Then start attacking from the lane.

When they came to the wilderness and were looking for a way into the city, suddenly many strange soldiers appeared in a deep valley.

"Thieves, are you here to die?"

Yun Feiyang was shocked. According to the intelligence information he received, there was no reinforcement at all.

Why did so many people suddenly appear?

It turned out that they had been hiding in the valley for a long time.

Yun Feiyang shouted loudly: "I was fooled."

When he led his troops to retreat, he found that many soldiers also appeared in a valley behind.

"Now that you're here, why are you leaving?"

Yun Feiyang was so anxious that he was sweating profusely.

It's over. It was Sima Yi's recommendation for him to fight for the first time. He hoped to become more famous, but he didn't expect that it would turn out like this.

Soon, Zhou Yu walked out of the deep valley wearing armor.

He saw that Yun Feiyang had an unfamiliar face, and said loudly: "Ignorant boy, you dare to provoke me."

"Who are you? Tell me your name."

Zhou Yu signed up.

Yun Feiyang was shocked, but Yun Feiyang tried his best to tell Cao's soldiers that they were all outnumbered.

"We are all riding on horses, and even the horses' hooves will trample them to death, so don't be afraid."

I have to say that his words boosted morale in an instant.

Zhou Yu burst out laughing.

"Even if we don't ride horses, we won't be afraid of you."

Sure enough, after a moment, Yun Feiyang found that his side really showed signs of defeat.

Although the people on Zhou Yu's side are not at a numerical disadvantage. But everyone on Cao Jun's side seemed very nervous.

At this moment, Ma Wenbin has also led his troops to attack. After all, you can't just ask others to help.

Ma Wenbin also saw that the coach Yun Feiyang was particularly young, so he said: "Send your name quickly, I will not kill this unknown person."

Yun Feiyang only waved his long-haired spear and didn't speak at all.

So he was ridiculed by Ma Wenbin.

"I understand. You don't dare to sign up because you are afraid of death. So, what qualifications do you have to lead the army?"

Many Cao Jun also thought that maybe he was really afraid of death if he didn't sign up.

As a result, their morale dropped even further.

Yun Feiyang felt that the prestige he had established seemed to be disappearing. If he died here this time, he would naturally not be reconciled.

But if you go back in embarrassment, you still don’t know how to be laughed at by others?

Although Sima Yi stood up for himself, if he failed this time, it would embarrass Sima Yi and allow other people to find a reason.

However, the more nervous he became, the more he seemed unable to use any of his abilities.

Ma Wenbin then said: "If you surrender, I can spare your life."

"You bastard, you want me to surrender? How is this possible? Even if I fight to the end, I will fight with you." Yun Feiyang shouted.

Ma Wenbin sneered, he was really overestimating his abilities.

Ma Wenbin went specifically to fight Yun Feiyang.

Although Yun Feiyang is a bad person, there are still many people who are willing to protect him.

When Ma Wenbin really came, many people resisted.

Yun Feiyang then turned to deal with Zhou Yu's men. He killed several soldiers and felt very happy.

At this moment, not far away, an archer rode over and shot Yun Feiyang accurately.

Yun Feiyang immediately got off the horse.

Zhou Yu and several soldiers immediately came to his side and captured Yun Feiyang.

Zhou Yu said to Ma Wenbin: "General Ma, what do you think we should do with this traitor?"

Ma Wenbin said, just kill him directly.

"If you kill me, nothing will happen to you. Do you want to confirm this?"

"Why can't we definitely do this? What nonsense are you talking about? You should consider how to communicate with the Lord of Hell after you die."

So Zhou Yu ordered several soldiers to kill Yun Feiyang.

Then, Ma Wenbin shouted: "Your coach is dead, why don't you surrender?"

Many Cao soldiers knew that Yun Feiyang was dead, and their morale was even lower.

Although the group was leaderless at this time.

But many people are no longer willing to fight anymore.

Maybe surrender is really the only way out.

Ma Wenbin then shouted loudly: "Those who are willing to surrender should put down their weapons immediately, and those who are unwilling to surrender should just fight again." (End of Chapter)

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