As a result, many people put down their weapons.

There are still some people who are hesitating and haven't thought about it thoroughly.

However, seeing more and more people put down their weapons, they eventually did so.

At this moment, the sky has also turned dark.

Ma Wenbin said to Zhou Yu: "Hurry back to the camp now."

Zhou Yu immediately led his troops to Zhang Lu's place.

At this moment, Zhang Lu was still writing some materials.

He has a series of grand blueprints in his mind.

Since he is an actor, he has given himself a stronghold one by one. You must do your missionary work well.

Suddenly, he heard a sound coming from outside.

It turned out that Ma Wenbin and Zhou Yu came with people.

He put down the pen first, then looked outside.

At the front is Ma Wenbin.

Relevant information was reported to him.

Now that the enemy has been successfully defeated, and Yun Feiyang is dead, many soldiers have surrendered.

Zhang Lu nodded, and then said some kind words to Zhou Yu, thanking Zhou Yu for his help.

Otherwise, such a victory would naturally not have been achieved.

But Zhou Yu said that all these were fine arrangements and were what he should do, so that there was no need for the other party to be polite.

Next, Zhang Lu said to Ma Wenbin: "My eyes are hard to use. Please arrange for those Cao soldiers who surrendered to stand aside and stand alone in a row."

Ma Wenbin immediately gave the order.

As a result, the newly surrendered people immediately stood on the east side of the courtyard.

Zhang Lu then asked: "Your coach is dead, who among you is the leader now?"

At this moment, everyone shook their heads. There was no one in charge now.

"Does this mean that no one of you is your leader now?"

Zhang Lu asked the men closest to him.

The man came very quickly. He said that now that he has surrendered here, this will be his future territory.

Zhang Lu said again: "So don't you miss home? After all, this place is very far away from your home."

Ma Wenbin didn't know what happened to Zhang Lu and how he could ask such a question.

"General Zhang, since we have returned here, we will regard this place as our home from now on. We will not miss home."

As soon as this man said it, many people said the same thing.

"This is a good idea, but if you join us, don't you want to eat our food? I want to feed you for free, why should I?"

Zhang Lu then told Ma Wenbin to kill them all.

Ma Wenbin was shocked.

Zhou Yu was also stunned and said, "General Zhang, it's a little inappropriate to treat prisoners like this."

"Nothing inappropriate, I don't need them."

Ma Wenbin also advised Zhang Lu not to be like this.

And the soldiers were a little scared at the moment.

Some people were talking about it. If it didn't work, they would fight Zhang Lu. Even if they died in a fight with them, they shouldn't be insulted like this.

Therefore, the man who just spoke said again: "General Zhang, what do you mean? If you don't accept us, then we can just leave."

Ma Wenbin felt that Zhang Lu was going crazy.

Could it be that he was immersed in the knowledge of missionary and went a little crazy?

"General Zhang, what's going on with you?"

"What's going on? They still need to eat food when they get here."

Zhou Yu said that despite this, they could also increase Zhang Lu's strength.

As for the food problem, it can be solved by the opera master.

Zhang Lu shook his head.

"General Zhou, thank you for your help, but I am in charge here, so you can't order me casually."

Zhou Yu was a little embarrassed. He really didn't expect Zhang Lu to say that.

Zhang Lu turned to the soldiers again.

"Give you a chance to kill yourself. We won't send anyone to take action."

"General Zhang, are you kidding?"

Ma Wenbin asked knowingly.

"I'm not kidding, oh, by the way, otherwise, we can give them a chance to survive, but in the future, Cao Pi will be responsible for supplying food and grass. I will write a letter to Cao Pi now and ask him to pay homage to him then. Food and grass are supplied here.”

After saying this, he immediately returned to the room.

Zhou Yu asked Ma Wenbin.

"What on earth is going on? Is Zhang Lu usually like this?"

Ma Wenbin said that this is not the case. The reason why he is irrational now must be that he has gone crazy.

Then, Ma Wenbin told those who surrendered that they should not be anxious yet.

Just wait and he will find a way.

After Zhang Lu entered the room, he also started writing letters.

Moreover, the language he wrote was still so vicious, he directly asked about Cao Pi's eighteenth generation ancestors.

The language was just like scolding a shrew. The point was to ask Cao Pi why he was causing trouble when he had nothing to do.

Now that the soldiers are here, I am unwilling to feed them, so I must provide food and grass.

And Zhang Lu said that he was very polite in saying so.

According to his original intention, Cao Pi should come here in person and kneel down to explain the situation.

He finished writing the letter eloquently, but found that Ma Wenbin had already appeared at the door.

Ma Wenbin wanted to come in just now, but was afraid of disturbing him.

Finally I saw him putting the letter in the envelope and walked in.

"General, have you gone crazy?"

Zhang Lu was very angry.

"I didn't go crazy. I was normal. That's what I did anyway."

Ma Wenbin knew that in this situation, no matter what he said, Zhang Lu would not be able to listen.

Zhang Lu then asked Ma Wenbin to place the soldiers first.

We will wait until this letter arrives. If Cao Pi cannot supply food and grass, then these people will have to die.

"I already told him in the letter, don't think that these prisoners can bring me anything, I will not miss these few people."

After that, Zhang Lu ordered people to deliver the message.

Ma Wenbin was helpless.

Next, Zhang Lu said that Zhou Yu had helped him a lot after all, so he wanted to celebrate tonight.

Naturally, hospitality is required. And a cocktail party will be arranged for the singing girls to join in the fun.

At the same time, let all the prisoners kneel on the ground like dogs.

"General Zhang, is this too much?"

"What's too much? If they don't want to suffer such humiliation, they can just commit suicide. I will never stop them."

This time, Ma Wenbin was speechless again.

And these prisoners of war really suffered such humiliation.

Some people really committed suicide because they couldn't bear the humiliation.

The long night is at the top of Kunlun Mountain. Xi Yu and Jinchang sleep in the same room.

There happened to be two beds in that room.

The little Taoist priests brought them special quilts.

Tell them that it is extremely cold in this mountain. Although there is a stove inside, it still cannot block the cold air outside.

Xi Yu said to Jinchang: "Actually, you really shouldn't have followed me here. You are so nice at home."

Jinchang said it didn't matter, he was willing to accompany Xiyu, but his mother went to the fields to call his father, and his father must have returned home, but he couldn't see him. He didn't know if he would be particularly sorry.

And this is indeed the case. Jin's father and Jin's mother waited all night, but their son did not come back.

Jin's father said: "Since you are with the actor, there must be nothing wrong with you, so you don't have to worry too much."

"I'm not worried, just because you haven't met him."

"What does it matter? If we can't see you today, will we still see you tomorrow? As long as they come, they will come down."

But Golden Mother is still a little relieved, because after all, there are many legends on Kunlun Mountain.

Many people cannot come down at all after going up.

But he suddenly said that it was not necessarily true, because his son said that the opera master had already been to Kunlun Mountain last time, and also invited Taoist priests to help. It seemed that nothing would happen.

But despite this, they slept a little restlessly tonight.

Soon, the next day arrived.

Xiyu got up quickly.

And Jinchang suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

He touched his head and said, "Maybe I have a cold."

"How's it going? Are you okay?" Xi Yu also touched his forehead specifically.

I found it was indeed a bit hot.

Xiyu then felt guilty. He really shouldn't have let the other party come here.

"It's okay, Mr. Xi. I had a little cold before. I just need to rest for a day and it will be fine."

At this time, a little Taotong passed by outside, and Xi Yu asked the little Taotong if he had any medicine or anything.

The little Taoist boy said that they have medicine on the mountain, just in case of emergencies, because once a Taoist gets sick, it seems that it will be very troublesome to go down the mountain.

Since there are patients, they must quickly prepare the medicine.

Xi Yu said, "That's a lot of work."

Xi Yu saw this little Taoist boy with delicate features and handsome face, so he asked him what his name was.

"The dharma name of the poor man is Wen Xiangzi".

He told Xi Yu not to be polite here, just wait.

Jinchang felt that he was causing trouble to Xiyu.

Xi Yu said: "You came with me, how can I abandon you? So don't say anything to anyone who troubles anyone, otherwise I will be angry."

At the same time, he asked Jinchang to lie down and rest for a while, waiting for the medicine to be cooked before talking.

Xi Yu nodded. He was thinking that if Qingfeng and Mingyue didn't come today, it seemed that they would have to find other Taoist priests for help.

After a while, the little Taoist boy named Wen Xiangzi sent someone to say that the medicine had been finished and asked Xiyu to come over and bring it.

Because Wen Xiangzi had other things to do and it was inconvenient to bring it in person, Xi Yu followed the little Taoist boy.

The little Taoist boy brought him to a place in the back mountain. There was a smoking place, which was the destination.

He just asked Xiyu to go in alone.

As soon as Xi Yu entered, he smelled a strong medicinal fragrance, which was a little bit irritating to his nose.

He coughed.

Wen Xiangzi said: "I have to trouble you to come in person, because Pindao has other things to do."

"It doesn't matter."

Xi Yu saw a pot on the table and asked if it was this one?

"Yes, Mr. Xi, that's the one."

"Do you know that I am Xi Yu?" Xi Yu was very strange.

The other party nodded and said that he heard it from an old Taoist priest yesterday.

Xi Yu thanked him and then picked up the medicine.

"Wait a minute, Mr. Xi, let me tell you some precautions and how to take this medicine."

Wen Xiangzi approached Xi Yu and asked what the medicine was made of?

Xi Yu actually had no interest in this, but he understood that he now owed Wen Xiangzi a favor, so he thought he had to listen to it in order to appear particularly polite.

Then at this moment, something unexpected happened.

Wen Xiangzi immediately took out a dagger from his chest and stabbed Xi Yu in the waist.

Xi Yu ah yelled, and then he naturally let go of the pot.

As a result, a lot of medicine flowed on Xi Yu's feet.

Xi Yu's feet were burned again. At this moment, the secret guard suddenly appeared from the corner to deal with Wen Xiangzi.

The secret guard grabbed Wen Xiangzi's neck and asked him what was going on.

Wen Xiangzi laughed.

"I've long heard that there were secret guards around him, but it's a pity that I didn't kill him."

There was a ferocious look on his face, completely different from before.

The secret guard looked at Xi Yu painfully and said that his reaction was too slow today.

Xi Yu covered his waist and said in pain, "It's not the secret guard's fault."

The main reason was that the other party moved too fast, and it was all his fault. He relaxed his vigilance and asked himself to get the medicine, so he came to get it.

But he was fooled.

The secret guard tortured Wen Xiangzi and quickly told him the answer.

Wen Xiangzi said: "Just kill me."

The secret guard really wanted to kill him, but Xi Yu said not to kill him, but to keep him alive and interrogate him later.

"Take me down the mountain quickly now."

With no choice, the secret guard knocked Wen Xiangzi unconscious, and then had to carry Xi Yu down the mountain.

But Xi Yu suddenly said that he must give Jinchang an explanation and let him tell Jinchang.

"Master Xiu, what time has it been? You still care about others."

"No, he will be impatient."

With no choice, the secret guard had to return to Jinchang's room.

When Jinchang learned about this, he was surprised.

He said: "In that case, I will accompany you down the mountain. What if someone tries to deal with me again?"

Xi Yu said painfully: "Can you go down the mountain like this?"

The other party said that there was no problem at all, since he had the strength anyway, and besides, he was not feeling well anyway, so it would be a good idea to go down the mountain to see the doctor.

Xiyu nodded.

At this time, he finally couldn't hold on anymore and fainted.

When the three people came down the mountainside, the little Taoist boy guarding the gate felt strange when he saw them like this.

"Master Xiu, what are you doing?"

Only then did he realize that Xi Yu had fainted, and then went to ask Jinchang.

Jinchang said: "Get out of here quickly, don't delay our journey."

The little Taotong was very angry, but in the end he didn't get angry.

He will go to the mountain later to ask what happened.

After arriving at the foot of the mountain, the secret guard asked Jinchang, "Isn't he from the local area?" Where is the doctor? Please go and give directions.

"Just follow me."

As he continued walking, he suddenly saw Jin's father going to the city with a hoe.

He saw his son was very panicked.

"Son, what's wrong with you? I didn't expect to see you in this situation."

So, he talked about the relevant things.

Jin's father was also shocked when he learned that Xi Yu had an accident.

"Son, if that's the case, then take him to see the doctor quickly, or I'll go with you."

"Dad, what's the point of going? You'd better go to the fields."

After that, Jinchang and the secret guards continued to move forward.

Father Jin sighed.

However, he was relieved to learn that his son was fine and that the doctor was in a neighboring village.

The secret guard thought to himself, don't worry about anything after going there, for example, the doctor is not at home or is very busy.

Because he was walking in a hurry, Jinchang accidentally fell on the ground.

The secret guard said: "Why are you so worthless?"

Jinchang was also very unhappy because of what the secret guard said.

However, he also knew that the secret guard was doing this because he cared about Xi Yu, so he spoke so openly.

Finally, we arrived at the medicine shop owned by a doctor from a neighboring village.

The doctor had just gotten up and was having breakfast. Fortunately, there was no one else here.

The secret guard also breathed a sigh of relief and immediately asked the doctor to quickly treat Xi Yu.

When the doctor saw that Xi Yu was injured, he quickly asked them what was going on.

The secret guard then said: "Don't worry about the reason for now, whether this situation can be treated or not."

The doctor nodded and asked the two of them to put Xiyu into a room inside him.

after. Just let the two of you go out first, and leave everything here to yourself.

After the two people walked out, the secret guard asked Jinchang: "Didn't you catch a cold too? Why don't you ask the old man for some medicine."

Jinchang said that it didn't matter to him. The key issue was that the actor just needed to get better.

He then asked the secret guard what was going on. Because she had been on her way just now, she never asked.

The secret guard immediately felt very guilty and said that his reaction was too slow.

After hearing what happened, Jinchang said that it was not his reaction that was slow, but that the other party was too fast, so he did not have to worry about his conscience.

"When the actor recovers, I will plead guilty to him and hope he can destroy me."

Jinchang understands that the degree of focus these secret guards have on Xi Yu cannot be replaced by ordinary people.

On the other side, the little Taoist boy on the mountainside immediately came to the top of the mountain and asked what happened.

And many old Taoist priests have never heard that Xi Yu has gone down the mountain.

They felt even more strange when they learned that Xi Yu was still unconscious when he left.

But they also said that it was good to have Xi Yu here, and they didn't want to care about what happened.

The little Taoist boy had no choice but to return to the mountainside.

Jinchang and the secret guard stayed in the hall.

After a while, Jinchang saw his father coming with farm tools.

"Dad, why are you here?"

"By the way, son, when I saw you this morning, I heard something was wrong in your voice. Do you have a cold?"

"Yes, it's a bit cold in Kunlun Mountain, but it's just right for me to come here to get medicine."

"So how is the actor doing now?" Jin's father asked. (End of chapter)

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