Jinchang told his father that he could just go back and that he would be fine. He might as well go dig the ground quickly. The work in the field could not be delayed.

"Okay, you can definitely go home after you're done."

Father Jin left, and about half an hour later, the doctor came to the hall.

The two people quickly asked how they were doing, and the other party replied that it was nothing serious and they would wake up soon.

The two of them finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The secret guard decided that he would go to Kunlun Mountain to investigate again and see why they did this? Just let Jinchang guard here.

By the way, I asked Jinchang to get some medicine quickly.

Jinchang also agreed.

After the secret guard left, Jinchang said that he also had a headache.

"Okay, I'll give you some medicine."

Early this morning, Cao Pi received a letter from Zhang Lu.

He felt puzzled. Zhang Lu had already publicly said that he would not be with him. Now that he was sending a letter, what was going on?

After asking his servants to check it, he found that the letter was non-toxic, so he opened it and read it with confidence.

However, when he saw the content of the letter, his lungs almost exploded with anger.

How dare Zhang Lu speak like this?

This is simply unreasonable.

He slapped the table: "This Lupif, he is simply bullying others too much. How dare you humiliate me like this."

After that, he immediately tore the letter into pieces.

Then, he was ready to send troops immediately, but the letter just now really made him anxious.

He held his forehead with his hand and soon passed out.

The secret guard came to Kunlun Mountain again and this time, he also showed up openly.

When he came to the mountainside, he was questioned again by the little Taoist priest, but he ignored it and knocked the opponent down with one punch.

When he returned to the pharmacy, he found that the man named Wen Xiangzi had disappeared. He was probably carried away by other Taoist priests.

So he came to the room of the old Taoist priest who received Xi Yu yesterday.

He asked where Wen Xiangzi had gone.

The old Taoist priest was stunned: "Who are you?"

The secret guard said that he came with Xi Yu, but the old Taoist priest said that he had not seen him at all yesterday, which seemed strange.

The secret guard also revealed his identity.

The old Taoist priest was suddenly surprised.

"By the way, what on earth is going on with the actor?"

"Such a big thing has happened. Don't you still know?"

The secret guard then explained the relevant situation and asked specifically where Wen Xiangzi had gone.

"Who is Wen Xiangzi? We don't have such a person here at all." The old Taoist priest said decisively.

Anwei's teeth were itching with anger.

"Asshole, you don't admit it. It seems that you are deliberately trying to cover him up."

If they disagree, they will take action.

The two men started fighting immediately, and the Taoist priest said that this was not a place for him to act wild.

Since he was dishonest, he could only teach him a lesson.

"Your place is clearly a place where filth and evil are hiding."

The secret guard also understood that he could not engage in a violent fight with the other party.

Because Xi Yu also asked others to do things, but their attitude made him very dissatisfied.

So now it is a last resort.

After Jinchang took the medicine, he asked the doctor to boil it for him and then drank it here.

The doctor knew this would happen a long time ago, because he still wanted to stay with Xiyu here.

So I brought it up. Decoction is possible, but you have to pay extra.

Jinchang said there was no problem.

After the medicine was cooked and he finished drinking it, Xi Yu finally woke up.

"Player, great, you finally woke up."

Xi Yu felt that his head was still a little dizzy. When he saw that his injured part had been bandaged, he realized that he had arrived at the foot of the mountain.

"What's going on? Have you found out?" Xi Yu asked.

"The secret guard has already taken me to Kunlun Mountain once to investigate the situation. Mr. Xi, can you tell me what's going on?"

Xi Yu shook his head. He didn't know why the other party was crazy.

Or does the other party have a grudge against me?

At this moment, the doctor came in. He heard the conversation between the two people and felt particularly strange, so he asked Jinchang.

"What did you call him just now?"

"I call him Xi Gong, what's the problem?"

The old doctor was suddenly stunned. He said he didn't know it was the opera master who came here, and quickly bowed to Xi Yu.

"There is no need at all. This is not my territory."

But the old doctor said that if he had known that the director was an actor here, he shouldn't have asked for more money. Now he doesn't want anything.

Xi Yu said there was no need at all.

The old doctor seemed to have remembered something and asked the two of them to wait here while he went home immediately.

Since Xi Yu is here, please show him your home.

He's also not afraid of losing things.

Xi Yu asked Jinchang if he had a cold too? Have you already taken the medicine?

"Yes, and the old doctor fried it for me, and I have already eaten it."

Jinchang asked Xiyu to take a rest first.

On the other side, after Cao Pi fainted, he was discovered by a few soldiers after a long time. They felt very strange.

Then he immediately lifted Cao Pi to the bed and asked the doctor to come over quickly for diagnosis and treatment.

It just so happened that Xi Zhicai had something important to tell him, but he was surprised when he learned about it.

Accompanying him right next to the hospital bed.

He asked the doctor what was going on, and the doctor said that it was because of his anger and that someone must have made Cao Pi angry.

So, Xi Zhicai began to investigate who wanted to do this.

Later, a soldier provided clues. Someone once came to deliver a letter. It was probably after Cao Pi read the letter that he became like this.

Xi Zhicai came to the scene to look for the letter, but found that Cao Pi had torn the letter into pieces.

However, he found a relatively large fragment. Did he find any clues on it?

Forget it, let's wait until Cao Pi wakes up.

He stayed by the hospital bed.

After a while, Sima Yi also heard the news, and he came to accompany him.

"Mr. Xi, what is going on?"

Xi Zhicai talked about what he knew.

"There is such a thing, so who sent the letter?"

"I don't know yet. I can only wait until Mr. Cao wakes up."

On the other side, Xi Yu said to Jinchang, there is a bed here, so just lie down and rest for a while.

"It's okay, Mr. Xi. When I was at Meng Huo's place before, I would get better on my own when I got a cold. I never took medicine. It doesn't matter if I just hold on."

"It's better to rest for a while."

"No need, I'm willing to talk to the actor in the same room."

Xi Yu laughed and said that there was no need for the other party to talk about subordinates and Xi Gong, it was just a matter of you and me being compatible.

This can bring you closer.

"Drama Master, how can this be allowed? That would be too trivial."

Xi Yu also knew that over-emphasis on this point with these ancient people would not achieve good results.

Because they pay special attention to the Three Cardinal Guidelines and the Five Constant Rules.

Although at this time, Neo-Confucianism had not yet flourished.

But the relationship between father and son, monarch and minister, is insurmountable.

Suddenly, they heard footsteps coming from outside.

Jinchang looked and saw that the doctor was back.

He also brought a young man with him. The man was very thin and tall, with a nose that was like an eagle's.

It gives people a heroic feeling.

Jinchang told Xi Yu what he saw, and Xi Yu nodded.

The old doctor quickly led the young man into Xi Yu's room, and then told the young man that this was Xi Yu.

The young man immediately bowed respectfully to Xi Yu.

Xi Yu was a little unhappy. This old man had casually leaked his identity. What was going on? He didn't tell himself in advance.

But out of politeness, he smiled and told the young man not to be so polite.

The old doctor also said respectfully that this young man had always wanted to serve his country, but he was infertile and had been living in a small mountain village.

The person he admires most is Xi Yu. If he were asked to seek refuge with other people, he would not be happy at all.

Xi Yu carefully considered what he said. Is it correct?

If you want to seek refuge in yourself, why not do it yourself? Just like Jinchang.

Jinchang was also full of vigilance at this time.

The young man said that his surname was Chunyu, and his single name was Tian.

Next, he didn't know what to say, but the old doctor said that Chun Yutian was not good at talking, so he hoped that the actor would not take offense.

"If you have anything to say, it doesn't matter. Since the old doctor asked you to come here, you must have something to say."

Chun Yutian said that he was a descendant of Chun Yuyue.

Xi Yu was stunned for a moment, but Jinchang had no idea who Chunyu Yue was.

But he didn't ask, but just listened quietly.

Chun Yutian said that his ancestor Chun Yuyue always hoped that Qin Shi Huang could implement the enfeoffment system.

But this led Qin Shihuang to think that scholars had too many eyes and too many thoughts, so he burned books to embarrass Confucians.

Therefore, many Confucian scholars also insulted their ancestors. If he had not made such a suggestion, maybe Qin Shihuang would not have such an idea.

And he has always hoped to implement the enfeoffment system. He thinks this system is very good.

He hoped that Xi Yu would implement this system in the future when he took control of the world.

When he finished saying this, the whole audience became cold.

The old doctor was startled.

"Child, how can you talk like this?"

Isn't this a particularly embarrassing situation to be caught in a drama?

The old doctor believes that everyone knows this well.

Xi Yu will definitely become the master of the world in the future, but he can't say it directly. After all, there is still an emperor. This is a treasonous statement.

But Chun Yutian said that he would say whatever he wanted and he wouldn't mind anything.

Moreover, he believed that Xi Yu was not an indiscriminate person and could not punish himself.

It's impossible for anyone else to hear this, and it doesn't matter if they do.

Anyway, that’s the kind of personality I have.

Xi Yu was also stunned, but then smiled again.

"You two, don't just stand around, sit down and talk carefully."

"Drama Master, he is just a child and knows nothing. You must not take this to heart." The doctor quickly apologized.

He really didn't expect that Chun Yutian would speak so directly.

He is slightly related to the other party.

Knowing that the other party has always admired Xi Yu, I brought him here. How could I have thought that he would cause trouble for me?

Xi Yu said, "Don't be nervous. If you have anything to say, please sit down first."

Only then did the two people sit down.

Xi Yu then asked Jinchang.

"Do you think what he just said is right?"

Jinchang was particularly embarrassed. He said that he had no idea who Chunyu Yue was.

He also told Chun Yutian not to mind, he really didn't know.

Xi Yu also understood that although he was from the Central Plains area, he had always followed Meng Huo.

Meng Huo never pays attention to cultural literacy, so it is normal not to know.

Xiyu smiled.

"Chun Yutian, do you know why you think the enfeoffment system is good? It is because of the enfeoffment system that the Emperor of Zhou was emptied out."

Chunyutian said that he knew this was the case, and that was because many people had a disobedient heart.

If every minister and prince respects the king, nothing will happen.

As long as everyone can obey, it is guaranteed that the enfeoffment system can continue.

Xi Yu felt that this person was just a nerd, too idealistic.

"My child, please stop talking nonsense. What you are talking about is not realistic at all." Lao Langzhong immediately scolded him.

Xi Yu said, just let the old man go out and they can talk alone.

The old doctor had no choice but to walk out first.

"Chun Yutian, don't you feel that what you said is very unrealistic?"

Xi Yu also gave his own example. Just now, Chun Yutian also said that he would become the master of the world in the future.

So is it right to oppose the emperor himself?

If the royal family declines and the people are in dire straits, then someone will rise up. Is it right or wrong?

If he obeys what he said, then he must honestly allow the world to fight and remain indifferent.

But is this possible?

During the time of Emperor Zhou, many princes used the excuse of serving the world to satisfy their own selfish desires. This situation was also common.

But what the other party said about obedience obviously didn't work.

Like an enlightenment, Chunyutian was immediately shocked.

Yes, are you thinking too simply?

He has been in the wrong for a long time, and no one around him has warned him. Many people even think that he is a liar.

Unexpectedly, Xi Yu actually raised this question today.

"So you think about it, are there any inconsistencies in what you said?"

Chunyutian nodded.

Xi Yu also told Jinchang specifically about the burning of books and the entrapment of Confucian scholars.

Including how this matter is related to Chunyu Yue.

Only then did Jinchang understand what was going on.

"I don't know what to say about burning books and humiliating scholars."

Xi Yu sighed and said that this was indeed a cruel act.

But many scholars at that time did not obey Qin Shihuang's rule. In order to better govern the country, they could only do this.

He said this in the interest of the ruling class.

Of course, he was also thinking in his heart that if he got the country, he would give others freedom.

Especially freedom of speech.

After the implementation of the county system, centralization of power could be strengthened, and Qin Shihuang's approach also pioneered future generations.

At the same time, Xi Yu thought of many things in history.

The feudal system of vassal kings and the separatist system of vassal towns in the Tang Dynasty were all bad systems.

Because all this brings hidden dangers.

So for now, the county system is pretty good.

After that, Xi Yu used his profound knowledge to communicate with Chun Yutian.

As for the Tang Dynasty, Xi Yu couldn't tell him, but he gave him an analogy.

Because if this is the case, it will end up like this sooner or later.

Xi Yu also talked about Cai Long whom he met in Luoyang.

Originally, the exclusive power of foreign officials was a cancer. However, the eunuchs were used to defeat the foreign relatives, and the eunuchs were reused. As a result, the exclusive power of the eunuchs became a cancer again.

Chun Yutian was particularly moved. He felt that Xi Yu was really too knowledgeable.

"Master Xi, today I finally understand that listening to you is worth ten years of reading."

He admires Xi Yu even more now.

So he hopes to follow Xi Yu, but he doesn't know if Xi Yu will agree to him.

He said that he had also learned martial arts and could protect Xi Yu's safety, just like a personal bodyguard, always by Xi Yu's side.

But Jinchang said it was completely unnecessary, because there were secret guards around the actor, and he should have heard of this.

"I've heard about this, but I still hope to follow the actor."

His pleading eyes looked at Xi Yu.

It seemed that as long as Xi Yu didn't agree to him, he wouldn't be able to live anymore.

Chun Yutian also said that he had always admired Xi Yu and wanted to follow him.

I also planned to go to Xi Yu's place to find him, but then I felt a little inferior.

Saying that, he immediately knelt down, hoping that Xi Yu would take him in.

"If you really follow me, I might take some risks. Are you happy with that?"

The other party was overjoyed when he heard this, which proved that Xi Yu was willing to let him follow.

He immediately said he didn't mind.

He is even willing to sacrifice for the other party.

"Okay, get up. If that's the case, then follow me."

Chunyutian was overjoyed. Immediately, the doctor also walked in. He was also very happy after learning about this.

Jinchang didn't expect Xi Yu to be so easy to talk to.

Xi Yu asked Jinchang to show him his martial arts. Jinchang said that he couldn't do it here and wanted to go to the yard, but Xi Yu seemed to be feeling a little unwell.

The actor said that he could get out of bed, and although walking was still a little uncomfortable, he could go outside.

At his insistence, Jinchang helped him to the door of the yard.

Chunyutian immediately showed off his martial arts. He started playing with a spear gun, jumped into the air, and turned several somersaults.

It gave Xi Yu great visual enjoyment.

"How about it! Mr. Xi, this relative of mine is good at literature and martial arts."

"Very good, and thank you for recommending a talent to me."

But he also said that loyalty is the most important thing. If he is found to be unfaithful in the future, the consequences will be serious.

Chun Yutian said that he would definitely be loyal.

Xi Yu nodded, and then let Jinchang quickly help him into the room.

"May I ask the actor, why are you here?"

Chunyutian asked. (End of chapter)

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