On this day, Wang Mingyang and Guitian Jun finally arrived in Persia.

Along the way, the two became completely good friends.

In order to better gain Wang Mingyang's trust, Guitian Jun made up a story.

He said that his family had encountered misfortune and was bullied by a bully.

The bully wanted to take over his family's land and his own sister.

He really took possession of it by force, but luckily he ran out.

I heard that there is an expert here in Persia, and you can get a medicine from the expert, and then you can deal with others better.

But Wang Mingyang really believed this sentence.

Wang Mingyang was filled with indignation and said that he would definitely help him to the end.

Seeing Wang Mingyang like this, Guitian Jun was just secretly happy.

In the evening, two people stayed in an inn.

Wang Mingyang said that he had to do business tomorrow. Should Mr. Guitian go find the expert by himself, or should he go with him?

"Otherwise, I'll wait for you to go with me. I may need some of your money by then."

Wang Mingyang patted his chest and said there was no problem.

Now the two of them are good friends. If you need anything, just ask.

The next day, Wang Mingyang went to discuss business.

Guitian Jun stayed alone in the inn.

By noon, Wang Mingyang came back. He said that he really made a lot of money this time. It must be Gui Tianjun who accompanied him along the way, which brought him good luck.

After eating, they immediately went to see the master.

And asked Guitian Jun if he knew where the master was.

Guitian Jun said that the master lived in a very remote village.

But Guitian Jun said that this person may have a particularly weird temper, but he just heard it from hearsay, and he would rather believe it or not.

Therefore, Wang Mingyang must be asked to help him.

"What do you think I should do to help you?"

So, Guitian Jun told him his plan.

Just spend some money.

The two people got into the carriage and headed to the village where the expert was.

The master is an old man who usually lives with his granddaughter.

The two men quickly found the village.

He also quickly found the place where this expert was.

The architectural style here is very different from that in the Central Plains.

Two people were lurking in a secret corner, observing secretly.

After a while, I saw a girl coming out of the house.

Guitian Jun glanced at Wang Mingyang and whispered: "This is the family, we can take action now."

So, the two people left temporarily.

Next, they will spend money to find a few people to kidnap the girl, and finally blackmail the old man.

Originally, according to Guitian-kun's idea, after kidnapping the girl, he would be a hero to save the beauty and impress the old man.

But Wang Mingyang told him that he could just blackmail him directly.

Anyway, as long as you can get the medicine.

Guitian Jun thought for a moment and realized that this was also the case. So in the end, he agreed to this request.

There must be a brave man under a heavy reward.

Soon they found a few thugs.

Half an hour later, they finally returned here.

The thugs went directly into the old man's house.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Mingyang and the two heard the girl's scream.

An old man with white hair walked out of the house. When he saw this scene, he shouted loudly: "Why do you want to arrest my granddaughter?"

A few people didn't speak at all and left with the girl.

The old man fell down while chasing him.

The man soon came to the two men.

Immediately, Guitian Jun appeared next to the old man, helped him up, and then smiled on his face.

When the old man was about to give chase, Guitian Jun said: "I asked them to take the person away, so you must listen to me next, do you understand?"

At this time, Wang Mingyang hurriedly came over to translate for fear that the old man would not understand.

"Who are you? Why do you do this?"

Guitian Jun directly asked for a medicine.

The kind that can make people lose their true nature and go crazy.

Or make people fall asleep forever, as long as you confirm that the medicine he gives is real.

He would release his granddaughter immediately. Of course, he would do an experiment.

The old man was extremely angry.

"Are you going to kidnap my granddaughter just to get the medicine?"

At this time, he found that several people were taking his granddaughter away.

When he went to chase him, two big men grabbed his arms.

Guitian Jun said: "It is impossible for you to disobey my order. Now I advise you to be wiser and obey quickly."

The old man had no choice but to agree to them.

"Can you let my granddaughter go as long as you get this medicine?"

Guitian-kun nodded.

The old man said: "Then come with me."

After that, they took the two people to a room in the west, which was full of medicinal smell.

After the two people went in, their stomachs couldn't stand it anymore and they kept coughing. The old man quickly brought medicine.

"This is the medicine you mentioned."

Guitian Jun took it over and was very excited.

He said he must do an experiment, so why not start with the old man’s dog now?

The old man was not happy, but he thought of his granddaughter, so he had no choice but to agree.

Guitian Jun was overjoyed and immediately came to the dog.

Then, he jokingly said to Wang Mingyang: "Why does this middle-aged man have a different skin color from outsiders, but why does this dog look exactly the same?"

Wang Mingyang laughed.

"Isn't this the same cry?"

"Well, we hear the same calls, but maybe they actually sound different, and we need to translate them."

Both of them laughed at the same time.

At this moment, they were all speaking the language of the Central Plains. Although the old man couldn't understand them, he knew they were definitely not good words.

The dog was dishonest and barked crazily.

Wang Mingyang strangled his neck, and then Gui Tianjun forcibly stuffed the medicine in.

Then, he asked the old man when the dog would react.

"Don't worry, it will take one hour at most. Can you let my granddaughter go now?"

"Nonsense, of course you have to make sure the dog is completely okay before you can do it."

The two of them went to the old man's room and sat down directly, as if they were the owners here.

Today, Xi Yu felt that her feet had improved a lot.

After all, my feet were burned and not stabbed with a knife.

Jinchang then asked: "Master Xi, what should we do next?"

Xi Yu didn't seem to hear it. He recalled a dream he had just had.

I dreamed that Ouyang Linlin and Sun Shangxiang were playing cards with me.

The two people also specifically said that he had returned from Kunlun Mountain with great success this time, so he wanted to celebrate it properly.

Jinchang then asked again.

Xi Yu was stunned like a demon.

"You said dreams and reality are opposite, or the same?"

"Master Xiu, what are you dreaming about?"

Xi Yu told the story in his dream. If it was the other way around, it would be bad.

"It proves that this time we may not be able to complete the mission and go back."

Jinchang comforted Xiyu not to think too wildly.

He understood that Xi Yu was a very intelligent person, but he was thinking wildly at this moment, which proved that he was really anxious.

Xi Yu was thinking that the old doctor had already been there last night, so it might not be appropriate for him to go up the mountain again today.

Jinchang said that his cold was almost gone, so now he was going to the intersection to see if the breeze and the bright moon that Xi Yu mentioned would appear.

Xi Yu shook his head.

"It may not be effective. I have to stand there for a whole day in the freezing cold weather. What if I can't wait for anyone to come, so I'd better not go."

"Master Xiu, there is nothing we can do just by waiting here."

Xi Yu felt as if he had entered a dead end.

He decided that he had to climb a mountain today, which shocked Jinchang.

"Master Xi, even if you can walk, how can you really climb a mountain?"

"The secret guards and Chunyutian are both in trouble because of me. I don't know what hatred that Wen Xiangzi has for me, but since they want to attack me, I am willing to go up and exchange them for the two of them."

"Master Xi, even if you go there, it may not be effective."

But Xi Yu insisted on going there.

The doctor heard about this and came to persuade him.

Xi Yu said: "Okay, none of you need to persuade me anymore, my mind has been made up."

Jinchang sighed: "In that case, I will carry you up the mountain on my back."

Xi Yu said, "That's a lot of work."

On the other side, Wang Mingyang and Guitian Jun looked at the dogs in the yard carefully.

After a while, the dog really became crazy, jumping crazily and barking wildly.

Wang Mingyang asked the old man to quickly untie the dog's leash.

The old man was a little embarrassed. If this was really the case, wouldn't he want to harm others?

Wang Mingyang said: "What nonsense are you talking about? You just want it to harm people. Only in this way can we know that your medicine is effective."

The old man didn't want to do this, but he thought of his granddaughter. He had no choice but to open the dog's chain.

However, the dog bit the old man.

The old man yelled, and then the dog rushed out quickly.

Mr. Guitian saw tools in the corner, so he said to Wang Mingyang that they should just hold the tools.

They went out to see if the dog hurt them.

The other party nodded.

The two men picked up the farm tools and walked outside.

The old man cursed at both of them.

The two of them seemed not to have heard anything.

After the dog came to the street, it started biting madly when it saw passers-by.

The two people looked at each other and felt very good.

It has now been confirmed that this medicine is indeed effective.

Soon, they arrived under a bridge at the entrance of the village, where the girl was being controlled by several people.

The girl kept begging several people for mercy, but they were completely indifferent.

Until he saw Wang Mingyang arriving.

Wang Mingyang said he could be released.

Only then did several people release the girl.

Knowing that the matter turned out to be related to the two of them.

But she didn't ask any more questions. Instead, she ran back home crazily. When she saw her grandfather sitting on the ground, she quickly asked what happened?

The old man explained the relevant situation.

"Grandpa, aren't these two bandits? They are actually from the Central Plains. Are we still afraid of them?"

The girl asked to report to the official immediately, but the old man shook his head and said it was useless. They both probably left.

This was indeed the case, and Guitian Jun thought it was similar, so they had better leave quickly.

On the other side, Jinchang carried Xi Yu to the foot of Kunlun Mountain.

Yesterday, Jinchang was not frightened at all.

But this time when I looked up at Kunlun Mountain, I suddenly felt a pressure.

Xi Yu said: "If you don't want to go, you might as well stay. You can go home and reunite with your parents. I can go alone."

"Absolutely not. Mr. Xi, how can my subordinates trust you to go forward alone when you are like this?"

Xi Yu said painfully that this time he came to implicate Chun Yutian and the secret guards.

At this moment, Jinchang will also be dragged down.

I have gained some weight recently, and my weight has also increased.

Jinchang will definitely be more tired if he carries himself on his back.

"Master Xi, please don't say anything, okay? Even if I die with you today, I will be willing to do so."

But at the same time, he said that he was a crow's mouth and hoped that nothing would happen to them.

"Don't worry. If God has destined that nothing will happen to us, we will be fine. If God really has destined that something will happen to us, we will not be able to escape."

On the other side, in Sima Yi's mansion, Sima Yi was still sad about Yun Feiyang's incident.

Even to the point where I don’t even think about food and drink.

It happened that Sima Yi's eldest son Sima Shi returned from abroad.

After hearing these things, he quickly came to Sima Yi's side.

Sima Yi thought that another servant came to persuade him to eat.

"Didn't I tell you? I won't eat anything, so you don't have to persuade me."

"Dad, how can you not eat?"

When Sima Yi heard the noise, he took a look and realized that his son was coming.

Master Sima is now tall and thick, with a particularly burly figure.

Recently, Sima Yi has been doing business outside and rarely comes back.

Sima Yi asked him if his business outside was particularly smooth.

"Everything goes well for my son. When I got home, I heard that my father didn't want to eat or drink. It's better for my father not to worry too much."

"Do you remember Yun Feiyang? You guys played together when you were kids."

Master Sima nodded.

Sima Yi said that he originally wanted to reuse him, but he didn't expect that he would be killed in the first battle.

Don’t you know how others will humiliate you?

Sima Yi knew that his father was not only sad about Yun Feiyang's death, but more importantly, he felt that this matter was very useless.

"Dad, will Cao Gong and Xi Yu have a battle sooner or later?"

Sima Yi has always wanted his son to join politics, but his son is not interested yet.

He asked doubtfully: "Son, you never cared about this kind of thing before. Today we suddenly care about such an issue?"

Sima Shi said that because he is doing business now, he also wants to pay attention to the situation.

Because once there is a dispute between princes, it may also have an impact on your own business.

Sima Yi nodded.

"You are right to do this. There will definitely be a stop. Of course, there is no guarantee who will win or lose."

Master Sima said, looking at the current situation, Xiyu has a high chance of winning.

So I hope my father also knows what he is doing.

Sima Yi sneered in his heart.

With the help of ninjas, it is not certain who will win, but he did not say this.

"No matter what happens, my heart will not change, and I will not take refuge in Xi Yu."

"By the way, Dad, this time the child suddenly heard something on the road."

"What is it that interests you so much?"

Sima Shi said that he met several people in the process of doing business.

When everyone was drinking together, they suddenly started talking about Kunlun Mountain.

"Kunlun Mountain, that's in the Western Region. What exactly do you want to say? You might as well just say it."

Master Sima said that through understanding, he heard that there were many Taoists there who were particularly powerful.

So you might as well let Cao Pi invite them to help.

Sima Yi said that he had also heard that Xi Yu had a special way of marching and fighting.

There are some formations or strategic strategies that ordinary people did not have before.

It can be said that Xi Yu is a genius.

"Dad, don't be angry when I say this."

Sima Yi looked at his son in surprise. He found that his son was hiding deeply.

I originally thought that he was just ignorant in business, but now I discovered that the other person thought about the problem so thoroughly.

"Not only will dad not be angry, he will actually feel very relieved. You really surprised dad."

"My child thanks dad for the compliment, so my child thinks it's normal for us to hire some capable people under such circumstances."

Sima Yi thought to himself that if what his son said was true, it would be okay to invite some experts.

Although they have ninja help now, it's never a bad thing to have more capable people.

And if Xiyu hears about this, he will also invite these people.

"Okay, son, daddy has written it down, and daddy will tell the actor as well."

"So daddy, you still have a lot of things to do. You must take care of yourself. You have to eat when you need to."

Sima Yi finally nodded and asked Master Sima to go back and rest first.

When Master Sima returned to the room, he happened to see his younger brother, Sima Zhao, who was in his early teens, practicing swordplay with several servants.

Sima Zhao also stopped quickly when he saw Sima Yi.

"Brother, you are back. Did your brother make a lot of money in business again?"

"How can I make a lot of money? I'm just barely making ends meet. I wonder how my brother's swordsmanship is going?"

Sima Zhao danced in front of Sima Yi.

"Very good, brother. In the future, you have to inherit dad's property, so you have to work hard."

"No, brother, you are the eldest son, so you will naturally inherit."

Master Sima waved his hand.

"But you also know that I'm only interested in business."

Then, Master Sima returned to the room.

Sima Zhao continued to practice his sword, and Sima Yi was finally willing to eat.

Self-study and reflection, victory or defeat is a common thing in military affairs, and there is no need to never let it go.

It can only mean that Yun Feiyang's fate is not good.

As for other people’s ridicule, let’s just say ridicule.

On the other hand, Yun Feiyang sacrificed his life for his country and should be praised by others. Such a person is a hero.

When he thought about it like this, he finally felt a lot happier inside. (End of chapter)

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