On this day, Master Sima was sitting in his study. He suddenly had an idea, so he hurried to find his father Sima Yi.

He said firmly: "Father, I have decided to go to Kunlun Mountain to find those experts."

Sima Yi frowned. He looked at Master Sima worriedly and said, "My son, Kunlun Mountain is a dangerous place. There will be many risks if you go there. I don't trust you to go alone."

Master Sima smiled and replied: "Father, I understand your worries, but this mission is very important to me. As long as I find that expert, my father will be more important to Cao Gong. I am willing to take the risk and do it for you." Dad is looking for a chance to survive."

Sima Yi sighed. He knew that his son was a person with firm beliefs.

He could not change Sima Shi's decision. He said softly: "Son, you have to be careful. You have to be vigilant at all times on Kunlun Mountain, and don't trust strangers easily."

Master Sima nodded solemnly, indicating that he would pay attention to safety.

He emphasized again: "Father, please rest assured that I will act carefully and I will complete the task successfully."

Sima Yi looked at his son's firm eyes, his heart filled with pride and worry.

He knows that Sima Shi has grown into a man who can take responsibility, and he believes that his son can cope with various challenges.

This is what he has always hoped for, not to do business all the time, but to think about the common people in the world.

So Master Sima prepared the necessary luggage.

He said goodbye to Sima Yi again.

Sima Yi said earnestly: "Son, no matter what difficulties and challenges you encounter, remember to maintain firm faith and courage. Father will always look forward to your safe return."

Master Sima felt his father's deep affection and he replied firmly: "Father, I will keep your teachings in mind and live up to your expectations. I will definitely complete the task successfully and come back with good news."

They shook hands with each other, and then Sima Shi walked out of the house and embarked on the journey to Kunlun Mountain.

On the other side, Jinchang carried Xi Yu on his back and trudged through the rugged road on the mountainside. They felt the mountain breeze blowing on their faces, and soon they heard the ridicule of several Taoist boys.

The little Taoist boys shouted mockingly: "How dare you trespass on our territory! You two are prepared to pay the price!"

Xi Yu was on Jinchang's back and he said seriously: "We are here for the common people in the world. Please let Chunyutian and the secret guards come out."

The little Taoist boys didn't take it seriously and continued to laugh and say, "Let them out? Do you think we will listen to you? You are so naive!"

Xi Yu looked at these little Taoist boys and knew that he had to take action.

He decided to show weakness and asked Jinchang to put him down.

Next, he actually made a shocking move

He knelt on the ground and expressed his sincerity and determination.

He said: "I don't know why I was murdered. Please believe that I am really here for the sake of the people of the world. I would rather be insulted and hope that you can agree to our request."

The little Taoist boys looked at Xi Yu kneeling on the ground. Faced with such a firm attitude, they began to waver.

They exchanged glances, seeming to be thinking about Xi Yu's request.

The wind on the mountainside ruffled their clothes, as if they were witnessing this conversation.

Finally, a little Taoist boy came forward and whispered: "You should leave quickly. It is not our decision to release people."

Jinchang felt very painful, Xi Yu actually knelt down for them, they were nothing.

"What do you mean? Is this still a place for cultivating Taoism? You are simply a bunch of beasts."

At this moment, they heard footsteps appearing.

The two Taoist priests Qingfeng and Mingyue hurried to the mountainside.

Seeing Xi Yu kneeling on the ground, the Taoist boys surrounded them. They were shocked and didn't know what had happened.

Qingfeng stepped forward and asked anxiously: "What happened? Why is there such a scene?"

Xi Yu turned his head and finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the two of them.

Mingyue also asked: "Drama Master, why are you kneeling on the ground? Why do these little bastards treat you like this?"

Xi Yu stood up and explained with a guilty look on his face: "Qingfeng, Taoist Priest Mingyue, this was the situation when we came to Kunlun Mountain. We encountered difficulties. In order to protect Chun Yuyue and the secret guards, I had no choice but to endure the humiliation and bear the burden. "

He also slowly talked about Chun Yutian.

Qingfeng and Mingyue were surprised again, so they scolded these little Taoist priests.

When the little Taoist boys heard Qingfeng and Mingyue's questions, their expressions couldn't help but be a little moved.

But they still insisted on their position. A little Taoist boy said: "Taoist priests, we are only acting according to the rules and cannot let people go at will."

Qingfeng and Mingyue exchanged glances, and they decided to find the old Taoist priest quickly to find out.

They took Xi Yu and Jinchang to the top of the mountain to look for the old Taoist priest.

In a quiet valley in the Kunlun Mountains, the breeze and the bright moon hurriedly walked through the winding paths, with angry and determined expressions on their faces.

They found the old Taoist priest who was practicing on the top of the mountain.

Qingfeng and Mingyue hurriedly asked him what was going on.

Why did he let the little Taoists treat Xi Yu like this?

The old Taoist priest sneered and didn't speak at all.

It turns out that Wen Xiangzi is actually Yuan Shao's subordinate.

When he saw Xi Yu arriving, he felt that the opportunity had arrived.

When Wen Xiangzi was injured by a secret guard, the old Taoist priest told Wen Xiang that they were father and son and hid Wen Xiangzi.

Tell the other Taoist priests not to reveal the matter and pretend that Wen Xiangzi never came.

On the other side, Master Sima accidentally met his enemy on the way, and the other party wanted to take advantage of him.

Their masked faces made it impossible for Sima Shi to identify each other.

Immediately, the two sides fell into a fierce fight.

Although Sima Shi resisted bravely, he was eventually captured by his enemies.

They took Master Sima to a secret basement and blocked all exits.

In the basement, several masked men were whispering.

They discussed the identity of Sima Shi and found out that he was Sima Yi's son, and Sima Yi was Cao Pi's subordinate.

Therefore, they believed that Sima Shi could be used as a bargaining chip to threaten Sima Yi and thus ask for more money from Sima Yi.

One of the masked men said greedily: "This man is Sima Yi's son. We kidnapped him and used it to threaten Sima Yi and make him pay more money to redeem him!"

Another masked man echoed: "Yes, Master Sima must have a lot of wealth, we can use this opportunity to get more money!"

The environment in the basement was dark and humid, and there was a heavy and depressing atmosphere in the air.

Master Sima listened to their discussion quietly, feeling a sense of alarm in his heart.

One of the masked men added: "We must keep it secret and not let others know that we kidnapped Master Sima. Otherwise, our plan will fail."

Suddenly, the basement door opened and a masked man walked in. He glanced at Master Sima indifferently, as if assessing his value.

The masked man walked up to Master Sima, smiled sinisterly, and said, "Master Sima, you should be very aware of the current situation, right? Your identity and your father have become a powerful bargaining chip for us to obtain money. "

Facing this mysterious man, Master Sima was filled with anger and helplessness.

He realized that he had to stay calm and not be swayed by the other party's threats.

He calmly replied: "You think you are threatening my father, and you are destined to fail. He is a smart and decisive man, and he will not succumb to evil forces easily."

The masked man sneered: "You are confident, but I believe we can force him. Besides, even if he refuses to hand over the money, we can use your life to force him to surrender."

Master Sima's eyes were firm and sharp.

"You can choose to threaten my father, but no matter what, I will never succumb to your evil deeds. I will defend my dignity until the last moment."

The masked man looked at Master Sima contemptuously, with a trace of ridicule flashing in his eyes.

"Okay, it seems that you do have some courage, but I will let you understand who is the real master."

With these words, he turned and left the basement, leaving Master Sima to face the dilemma alone.

Master Sima gritted his teeth and determined to resist to the end.

He knows clearly that escape and freedom will not come easily, and he must be ready to face any challenge.

Time passed by in the basement.

One of the masked men asked suspiciously: "Are you sure about Master Sima's identity? After all, we have no conclusive evidence."

Another person confidently replied: "We have no conclusive evidence, but we have enough clues and speculations. Sima Shi is Sima Yi's son, that is for sure. Moreover, Sima Yi and Cao Pi have a close relationship, and there is a close relationship between them. The conflict of interests cannot be ignored."

Sima Shi told himself that he must find a way to escape quickly.

He observed his surroundings in the basement, looking for any clues he could exploit.

The walls were covered with moisture and there were mottled water stains on the floor.

The windows were nailed shut, leaving no chance of escape.

The atmosphere in the basement became heavier and heavier, and the dampness on the walls filled the air with a gloomy atmosphere. Master Sima felt that he was burdened with a heavy responsibility and he must protect his own interests and those of his family.

On the other side, on the Kunlun Mountains.

Seeing that the old Taoist priest was silent, Xi Yu seemed to realize something.

"If I guessed correctly, then Wen Xiangzi must be your son, right?"

The reason why Xi Yu said this was because the old Taoist priest and Wen Xiangzi looked very similar.

At this time, the old Taoist priest was shocked.

Then, Qingfeng and Mingyue were also surprised. It seemed that this thing was true.

"So you want to hide your son and tell others that this thing never happened, right?"

Faced with Xi Yu's cold questioning. The old Taoist priest closed his eyes in pain.

It has reached this point, and there is no use in hiding it anymore.

He finally admitted it, and also specifically mentioned the relationship between Wen Xiangzi and Yuan Shao.

Qingfeng said angrily: "Old Taoist, what you have done is simply a stain on Kunlun Mountain! It is so unreasonable! I think you should die immediately and let Kunlun Mountain restore its purity!"

Mingyue also echoed angrily: "Yes! His behavior is completely unethical and has brought serious stains to Kunlun Mountain."

Qingfeng and Mingyue asked him to hand over Wen Xiangzi quickly and apologize to Xi Yu on his knees.

The old Taoist priest remained silent, obviously unhappy.

While they were arguing, Wen Xiangzi suddenly rushed into the room.

He said angrily: "You are talking about me behind my back and trying to force me to apologize to Xi Yu! I feel very ashamed and angry! I will never succumb to your pressure!"

Wen Xiangzi's words made the atmosphere even more tense.

Qingfeng and Mingyue stood their ground, while Wen Xiangzi firmly opposed their demands.

Wen Xiangzi looked at Xi Yu coldly.

"I feel very incompetent for not killing you."

"In this world, many people want to die. But I do all this for the sake of the world."

Wen Xiangzi started insulting Xi Yu. What does it mean to serve the common people in the world? He is clearly a person who is just trying to gain fame.

Several people were talking just now, but Jinchang had no intention of interrupting. At this time, he finally couldn't help it anymore.

"On the mountainside, the actor knelt down in front of the little Taoist boys. This was not a shame for him, but a profound understanding of justice. Who can do it like him?"

After Wen Xiangzi understood the situation, she laughed.

"This shows that he is a bitch."

Jinchang suddenly slapped Wen Xiangzi.

"You are worse than a beast, I will beat you to death today."

Qingfeng and Mingyue told the old Taoist priest that he should commit suicide quickly and stop embarrassing Kunlun Mountain.

Both the old Taoist priest and Wen Xiang already understood that no matter what, they would not be able to win today.

Wen Xiangzi sneered.

"It's impossible for me to apologize. Shi Ke can't be killed. I didn't do anything wrong."

He said that he avenged Yuan Shao, which was natural.

Afterwards, he laughed loudly, and a stream of blood suddenly overflowed from the corner of his mouth. He immediately fell to the ground, his eyes were broken, and he died.

It turns out that he has fatal drugs in his mouth and will commit suicide at a critical moment.

The old Taoist priest was shocked. He had never expected such a thing to happen.

"My silly son, why would you do this?"

He immediately ran to the other party's body, hugged the other party's body and burst into tears.

"Why are you? Why do you do this? We, father and son, have just met each other."

Seeing this scene, Xi Yu secretly shook his head, not expecting that Wen Xiangzi was so strong.

The old Taoist priest cried for a while and said that he had indeed sinned deeply. Now that his son was dead, he had no motivation to live.

He then told them where Chunyutian and the secret guards were being held, and then he committed suicide by talking about it.

Everything happened so suddenly, Qingfeng sighed.

"Perhaps death is the best relief for him."

Xi Yu and Jinchang quickly released Chunyutian and the secret guards.

When the four people met again, it felt like a new world.

Qingfeng and Mingyue ordered the Taoist boys to take away the two bodies.

Then prepare for a proper burial. No matter what mistakes they make, they will always be the people of Kunlun Mountain.

Qingfeng and Mingyue invited Xi Yu and the other four people to the room to drink tea.

Seeing the two Taoist priests returning, Xi Yu finally felt that the hardships of the past few days were not in vain.

Jin Chang spoke very quickly and had already told Chun Yutian and Chun Yutian about Xi Yu kneeling to the little Taoist boy.

"Player, how could you do this?"

Chunyutian felt very sad. A big prince was kneeling down to a few Taoist priests?

"At that moment, I was confused again because I really couldn't think of a better way. I couldn't leave you."

Xi Yu said that although Chun Yutian had just met him, he already regarded him as a brother.

Qingfeng suddenly seemed to remember something. He asked everyone to wait here. After a while, he brought over the Taoist boys who were on the mountainside and asked them to kneel down in front of Xi Yu.

And he had to kneel for an hour to relieve Xi Yu's anger.

Xi Yu did not object to this approach.

Next, Qingfeng and Mingyue asked about the ninja.

Xi Yu said: It is for this matter that I have invited you. I wonder what you can do? "

Two people said they had never been in contact with such a person.

It's not even clear that people like ninja exist.

"So I implore you two to come out again this time. I don't know what you think about it." Xi Yu stood up and bowed respectfully to the two people. The two of them were immediately embarrassed.

The last time they followed Xi Yu, it was to clean up the house.

But how long will it take to follow Xi Yu this time?

Could it be that if this ninja cannot be eliminated soon, will they always be by Xi Yu's side?

Didn't they become Xiyu's soldiers?

Xi Yu said: "I also know that doing this will make you a little embarrassed, but I still hope that you can come out to help me."

Mingyue immediately laughed and hoped that Xi Yu wouldn't be anxious yet. They had to think about this matter carefully.

Now that we have arrived at Kunlun Mountain, let’s stay here for a few days.

Xi Yu felt very disappointed with this answer.

This is obviously perfunctory, but if people really don't want to, he can't force them.

But since the other party made this request, he really wanted to stay shamelessly.

"In that case, I'll excuse you."

Qingfeng feels a little uncomfortable. Can't he hear good and bad words?

What he meant by this was clearly to tell him to leave quickly.

"In that case, please prepare a guest room for us quickly."

Xi Yu said that they should have a good rest.

The other two Taoist priests also had to prepare for the funerals of the little Taoist priest and Wen Xiangzi, and there were a lot of things to do, so I didn't bother them.

Qingfeng and Mingyue looked at each other, it seemed that Xi Yu was really going to get involved with them.

Guest rooms were immediately arranged for them. But Xi Yu told Jinchang that he could go home and wait, and there was no need to guard him.

"No, Mr. Xi, I still want to be with you. There is nothing going on at home."

"In the future, you will have many opportunities to be with me, but you will have fewer opportunities to accompany your parents. It's better to go down the mountain." (End of Chapter)

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