"Okay, let's go home. Otherwise, your parents will blame me again."

Xiyu asked again.

Jinchang actually really wanted to be with Xiyu, but he was also really afraid of being accused of being unfaithful and unfilial.

"Okay, I'll go home first."

After Jinchang came down the mountain, Chunyutian said: "Master Xi, actually he doesn't want to leave. Why do you have to drive him away? Is there any other reason?"

"There is no other reason, just because I feel that he has finally come here, so he should go home and have a look."

Chunyutian sighed, and Xi Yu asked him what was wrong.

"Those two Taoist priests finally refused to agree to us. What's the use of just staying here?"

He wondered, is Xi Yu going to stay here shamelessly?

"Let's stay here first."

On the other side, Guitian Jun and Wang Mingyang finally left Persia, and they saw that they had arrived in a strange place.

Wang Mingyang said: "Finally left Persia."

Guitian Jun said with a smile: "Yes, you don't have to worry about anyone chasing you this time."

Guitianjun also thanked Wang Mingyang again.

Without the help of the other party, I really would not have gotten this medicine.

"Okay brother, you are too polite to say that. Didn't I tell you too? You are my lucky star. I am very happy to have met you."

Seeing that it was getting late now, Guitian Jun planned to find a place to rest with Wang Mingyang.

I will drink with him until we get drunk tonight.

"Good brother, we have been on the road these days, and we will not return until we are drunk today. It's up to you when you get up."

At this time, Guitian Jun had murderous intentions in his heart.

Because he felt that there was no need to keep the other party anymore.

In fact, he once hesitated whether to kill the other party.

In the evening, the two of them found an inn, and Guitian Jun asked the waiter to serve him good wine and delicious food.

While drinking, Wang Mingyang said that after a while, he would stop doing this business and would go to Youzhou to develop.

"Oh, why do you want to go to Youzhou?"

"Because that place is Xi Xiyu's base camp. Of course, I know it's not that easy to join Youzhou's hometown, but I will still find a way."

Hearing the name Xi Yu again, Guitian Jun was very angry, but he still kept a warm smile on his face.

Next, Wang Mingyang expressed his admiration for Xi Yu.

This made Guitian Jun even more murderous in his heart.

It seemed that he had to be killed.

"Oh, have you met the actor? Why do you say that?"

The other party said that he had never met the actor, but everyone in the world said yes, which proved that he was indeed good.

Mr. Guitian was thinking, just because he said these words, he dug your grave.

But don't take action tonight, at least until early morning after rest.

And when the time comes, the responsibility can still fall on the inn. When he thought of this, he had a smile on his face.

But this night, both of them were very drunk.

After returning to the room, they fell asleep without even taking off their shoes.

In the early morning of the next day, when Mr. Guitian woke up, he found that it was already three o'clock in the morning.

He saw Wang Mingyang sleeping very soundly on the other bed.

Forget it, it seems that we should do it while we are on the road.

Before coming to this inn, he saw a good place.

It was a small forest and there was a cave next to it. That was the most suitable place.

So for a while, we still led the other party to that place.

After half an hour, Wang Mingyang stood up and felt a little dizzy.

He said that yesterday's drinking was too strong.

"After you finish eating, go to a place for me. I promise you will be particularly satisfied."

Return to Tian Jundao.

He asked Guitian Jun where he was going.

"You don't have to worry so much now. You'll know when you get there."

On Kunlun Mountain, a new day has arrived.

Xi Yu and Chun Yutian were arranged to have dinner in a room by Qingfeng and Mingyue.

Qingfeng and Mingyue said that both the old Taoist priest and Wen Xiangzi had been buried.

But because they did something wrong, there is no need to hold a public funeral for them.

Xi Yu has always been curious, who has the final say on the entire Kunlun Mountain?

He asked the question.

Qingfeng said that since the elder died, there has been no successor. In fact, it is equivalent to everyone working on their own.

Whoever has the strength has the final say.

Xi Yu quickly got to the point.

"I shamelessly stay here. Do you two have anything to say?"

"Master Xiu, look at what you are saying. What do you mean by staying here shamelessly? We are very happy that you can be here."

"But you will never agree to my request and let me leave in disgrace in a few days, right?"

Qingfeng and Mingyue suddenly felt particularly embarrassed.

The other party said this directly without thinking about it.

Of course they understood that Xi Yu couldn't speak. It's just to enlighten them on purpose.

Qingfeng and Mingyue then laughed and stopped answering.

Xi Yu said, "Do you have paper and pen here? I'm going to write a book."

Not only were the two Taoist priests particularly surprised, but Chun Yutian was also particularly surprised.

"Drama Master, do you want to write a book?"

Xi Yu said that it was indeed true. It was very relaxing and inspiring in this mountain, so he might as well write a book by himself.

The two Taoist priests said it was a small matter and they would arrange it.

After finishing the meal, Qingfeng and Mingyue immediately arranged for Xiyu to go to a separate room.

There is plenty of paper and pens here.

After the arrangements were made, Chunyutian also entered the room.

Xi Yu said to Chunyutian, "Just go back to the guest room and rest. Don't disturb me."

"Master Xiu, what do you mean?"

"It's not interesting. Since no one else is around, I can't do anything, so I have no choice but to write a book."

Chun Yutian thought that Xi Yu must have a profound meaning in doing this.

But Xi Yu obviously didn't want to share, so there was no need for him to continue asking.

He had no choice but to return to the guest room first.

The book written by Xi Yu is the Romance of the Gods in later generations.

Of course, he couldn't write it all out, just a rough outline.

He sighed as he picked up the pen and paper.

In my previous life, using mobile phones and computers made writing very fast.

But when I come here, I can only take each stroke seriously.

On the other side, Guitian Jun and Wang Mingyang had another breakfast.

Guitian Jun thought to himself that this was the last morning meal with him.

After finishing the meal, the two packed up their things.

Wang Mingyang asked: "Where are you taking me?"

"Don't worry about it now. You'll find out when you get there."

Finally, he led Wang Mingyang into the small woods he said.

"Have you seen that cave? It is said that there is treasure inside."

Wang Mingyang was stunned for a moment.

"What? There is a treasure, why are you so sure?"

"Don't worry about it for now. Let's go in and take a look. I'm not a selfish person. If I have a treasure, I naturally want to share it with my good friends."

Wang Mingyang was overjoyed, so when he came to the cave, he walked in first.

Guitian Jun was very happy, but it was completely dark inside.

Wang Mingyang said with a smile: "If I had known earlier, we should have brought a fire certificate."

"There's no need to take it, and there's no use in taking it."

"Hey, how could it be useless?"

"Because after taking it, you won't be able to walk out alive."

Mr. Guitian is smiling.

At this time, his voice had changed somewhat.

Wang Mingyang felt baffled.

"what do you mean?"

"What do you mean, don't you understand? I just brought you here so that I could kill you."

"Guitian-kun, what do you mean?"

Wang Mingyang did not expect such a situation to happen.

Before he could react, the other party had already pinched his neck hard.

"There's no reason, I just don't like you."

"Impossible. I have no grievances with you, and you have been very kind to me along the way. You have to explain to me why you are like this at this time."

Guitian-kun's dagger has already reached the opponent's waist.

The other party yelled.

"Seeing that you are dying, I might as well tell you, do you know who the medicine I got from Persia this time is for?"

Wang Mingyang clutched his waist in pain.

He already knew at this time that the other party had been deceiving him.

"Who is it for? I don't know."

"That's the Xiyu you admire."

Guitian Jun laughed and said that he was from Japan, not from the Central Plains as he thought.

They must cause trouble in the Central Plains.

Wang Mingyang was shocked.

"What did you say? You are Japanese and you have no good intentions."

He felt that he was really confused.

Along the way, he actually treated the other person as a good person.

After that, he started to curse.

"You'd better save your strength and go communicate with the Lord of Hell after you die."

After Wang Mingyang said this, he stabbed the opponent's waist with the dagger again.

Wang Mingyang screamed several times and finally fell to the ground.

Guitian Jun checked his breathing and discovered that he was really dead.

"Beast, I also know that you can't tip off the news, but as long as you worship Xi Yu, I must kill you."

The air was filled with the smell of blood.

After Guitian Jun walked out, the wind happened to blow, and the smell of blood touched his nose again.

He felt very sick.

After a while, he seemed to remember something, and then entered the cave again.

He came to Wang Mingyang's body and took all his money from his sleeves.

After that, Guitian Jun rode his horse and quickly set foot on the road back.

On the other side, Qingfeng and Mingyue drank tea in a room.

Qingfeng asked: "Do you think we have to agree to his request in the end?"

Mingyue rolled her eyes at him.

"What? Are you shaken now?"

"I can't tell right now."

Mingyue said: "Whether he is doing it for the world or himself, it has nothing to do with us. Why should we care about this matter?"

But Qingfeng then talked about the old Taoist priest and Wen Xiangzi.

"Those two people did indeed do something wrong, but that doesn't mean we should compensate them."

"Well, I respect your opinion, so it doesn't matter if he is here every day."

From Mingyue's point of view, sooner or later, Xi Yu will leave.

He couldn't really stay here shamelessly.

After all, he still has a lot of things to do.

During these few days, they just treated him with courtesy.

Next, the two of them talked about the book written by Xi Yu.

Mingyue said: "Is he writing a fake book just to use it as a cover so that he can continue to stay here?"

Qingfeng felt that this was also the case.

Xi Yu was immersed in the atmosphere of writing a book.

He still remembered the general story of this book, but he couldn't recall the details.

So he wrote an outline and continued writing according to his own ideas.

He wrote so hard that he even forgot to eat and sleep when it was time to eat.

At this time, Xiao Daotong realized that he was really writing a book.

It's not just perfunctory.

Qingfeng and Mingyue soon found out.

But just do whatever Xi Yu asks him to do.

At dinner time in the evening, Xi Yu could tell Chunyutian that he would go down the mountain to find Jinchang tomorrow and tell Jinchang that after reuniting with his parents, he could just go back to Youzhou.

Because he wanted to write a book here, and he didn't know how long it would take to write. His words were meant for Qingfeng and Mingyue.

It will be impossible for him to go back for a while.

Qingfeng and Mingyue looked at each other.

Unexpectedly, Xi Yu was so determined this time.

Gui Tiantian also immediately agreed.

The next day, I went down the mountain and found Jinchang.

Jinchang said that he planned to go up the mountain today.

When he heard that Xi Yu was going to write a book, he felt so incredible that he was confused on the spot.

"What? The actor wants to write a book. What on earth is going on?"

"I don't know either. Anyway, the actor said that you can just go back to Youzhou when the time comes."

Jinchang said: "Since you want to be with the actor, I must also accompany him."

"How can this work? What if there are other tasks in the military camp?"

"Hey, I'm just a little soldier, and some tasks usually don't fall on me. Otherwise, I'll go up the mountain with you to meet the actor."

Xi Yu was writing a book when he suddenly heard a Taoist boy knocking on the door outside.

It was said that Chunyutian and Jinchang had arrived.

Xi Yu then put down his pen. Jinchang said, if Xiyu stays here, he will stay here, and when he leaves, he will leave.

Chunyutian said very helplessly: "I advised him to leave quickly, but he didn't listen to me."

Xi Yu said that he could stay, but it was better to live in the mountains.

"I'll call you when we leave. You can stay with your parents during this time."

Xi Yu also learned that a certain plant grows in this place in spring, so he might as well let him work on farming in his hometown.

No matter how good the conditions are on the mountain, it's not as good as being at home with your parents.

Jinchang wanted to say something else, but Xi Yu said: "This is an order, either go back to the foot of the mountain or go back to the military camp."

Jinchang went down the mountain angrily. He felt that Xi Yu was being unfair to him.

I am not as popular as the new Chun Yutian.

On the other side, Sima Yi received a letter.

It was delivered by the concierge.

Said the messenger left.

After delivering it, he left in a hurry.

I don't know who he is.

Sima Yi felt very strange and immediately opened the letter.

It turns out that his son Sima Shi was kidnapped, and now the other party wants to pay the ransom himself.

He was surprised. Sima Yi was finally willing to share some of his worries for him and went to Kunlun Mountain to find an expert. Who would have thought that such a thing would happen?

The letter mentioned an address and asked him to take the money here for transactions, and he was the only one.

The location of this transaction was not the same place where his son was kidnapped.

So let him never have any bad thoughts.

Sima Yi was so angry that he exploded. The person who wrote the letter completely regarded himself as a subordinate.

It’s like one wave after another.

But now that his son is in someone else's hands, he doesn't dare to act rashly. The key is, after he gives the money to others, does he really let his son be free?

No, he remembered that he should discuss this matter with the ninja.

Let the ninja hide in the dark, and you can get the whereabouts of your son.

But when it came to his son's situation, he didn't dare to gamble.

At this moment, he was a little confused.

Fortunately, the local government set a deadline for him to pass by tomorrow, so he could continue thinking today.

After Jinchang returned home, he was unhappy. Jin's father, who was about to go to the fields, asked him what was going on.

Jinchang told the story.

Jin's father said: "You don't have to think too hard. Since the opera master said it, then follow me to the fields to dig the ground."

"Dad, I always feel that I'm not as popular as the new Chun Yutian."

"Son, you don't have to guess what the actor thinks, but I think what he said makes sense."

With no choice, Jinchang followed his father to work in the fields.

But when Jinchang arrived in the fields, he found that many people were talking about him.

"Didn't you say that he went out to serve as a soldier? Why did he suddenly come back?"

"They must have been kicked out."

Jinchang felt very sad after hearing these words.

But his father said to him, just say whatever you like, just work hard.

After a while, another old man came over.

Moreover, the relationship between this old man and the Jinchang family is not very good.

I had a quarrel with Jinchang's father.

The old man asked with a smile on his face, "Isn't this Jinchang? What's wrong? You can't do well outside. You just come home to farm. How come you have no future at all?"

Jinchang threw the farm tools down and looked at him fiercely.

"Old Man Huang, what do you mean?"

"What else does it mean? It just means that you have no future."

"There is no future in farming. Aren't you a farmer yourself? If there is no farming, what will you eat? Besides, I am now hanging out with an actor. Do you know who the actor is?" (End of this chapter) )

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