The old man blew his beard angrily and stared.

"Little bastard, please stop lying to me. I know who the show master is, but you still follow him? Do you think I'm stupid?"

"He did follow the actor." Jin's father said.

The old man didn't buy it at all, saying that both father and son were liars. If they didn't exist, they didn't exist. Why would they say these things? What is the use of saying these words? Is it to win everyone's attention?

Next, he started talking dirty.

At this moment, Golden Mother happened to come over.

She was naturally very angry when she saw the old man swearing so harshly.

"You old man, what do you mean?"

Old Man Huang sneered: "What else can it mean? You and your family are so shameless."

On the other side, Sima Yi decided to take the money to redeem his son. Cao Pi should not let Cao Pi know about it, so as not to cause complications.

He secretly prepared currency and then went to that place to trade.

The place the other party mentioned was in a dilapidated temple.

As expected, he passed alone.

After he stopped his horse, he came to the ruined temple and found that the statues inside were covered with dust.

It seems that there is no incense here at all.

Today's weather was particularly gloomy, just like his mood.

The time has come, but the person with whom he traded has not arrived at all.

But no matter whether the other party comes or not, he himself must not leave privately.

After a while, he finally heard the sound.

Someone also arrived on horseback.

The man also wore a suit of armor and a hat, and held a sword in his hand.

He immediately dismounted, then looked at Sima Yi and asked, "Are you Sima Yi?"

Sima Yi nodded.

The man looked at Sima Yi carefully and found that he was indeed somewhat similar to Sima Shi, so he believed what he said.

"Did you get what I asked you to get?"

Sima Yi nodded, then came to the ruined temple and took out a baggage.

"Look, this number is just a lot more."

The man opened the bag, examined it, and smiled.

"Okay, you can go home. Your son can go home tonight."

But Sima Yi felt unsure. What should he do if the other party deceived him?

When his lips were about to open, the man pointed the sword at his neck.

"Why, don't you believe me?"

"Don't dare." Sima Yi is usually considered a wise person.

But at this moment, all wisdom seems to be far away from him.

The man snorted coldly, then took back his sword and rode away.

This time, Sima Yi once again felt unsure.

He felt as if there were a few stones in his throat and he couldn't spit them out or swallow them.

He also wanted to follow the other party very much, but he knew that the other party would definitely not let him follow.

Does he really want to go home?

He felt very useless.

The kidnapper quickly returned to his lair and shared his joy with his brothers.

"I didn't expect that Sima Yi actually listened to our words obediently."

"That's his son. It's normal for him to make sacrifices. In this case, let's let Sima Yi go."

After that, several of them came to the dungeon.

They have not tortured Master Sima these past few days.

But if Master Sima has not taken any action, they will definitely consider torture.

However, when they arrived at the dungeon, they found that Master Sima had disappeared.

They were very surprised and didn't know what was going on.

On the other side, in the Jin family's fields.

The three members of the Jinchang family and Old Man Huang became more and more happy as they quarreled.

Seeing their family of three being so angry, Old Man Huang felt very happy.

He felt victorious.

At this time, many villagers also gathered around and asked them what happened.

Old Man Huang pointed at Jinchang and said, "This brat also said that he was serving as a soldier with the actor. What kind of person is the actor? How could they accept him?"

A villager said, now I heard that it is impossible for anyone to go in casually on the Youzhou side.

If you want to join the household registration there, you still have to go through the procedures.

Therefore, bragging must be drafted.

"That's right, why is this kid so dishonest?"

"Lao Jin, you are quite good. How did you give birth to such a child?"

The family of three was scolded. Jinchang felt very sad when he saw his parents angry, and then looked at Old Man Huang coldly.

"Old Man Huang, why are you so slanderous? Everything I tell you is the truth, why don't you believe it?"

Old Man Huang said coldly: "It's like it's true. Why should I believe you?"

"Old man Huang, if what I say is true, what do you dare to do? I can make a bet with you now."

Old Man Huang was stunned. He didn't expect that the other party would actually bet with him.

"Okay, if I lose, I will give you my land as compensation, and I will kneel down and kowtow to you ten times. I'll call you grandpa."

"Okay, then it's settled."

Although the other party's land is not particularly valuable, it is always good to have more varieties.

For my parents, farming is their only income.

More importantly, he must regain this face.

Many people gave him sarcastic looks, looking at him and feeling like he was crazy?

You actually dare to make a bet, isn't it because you still have to be tough when you've obviously lost?

"I'm talking about Jinchang, it's obviously nothing, why are you betting? Aren't you just playing tricks on others?"

Old Man Huang smiled in his heart, this Jinchang is a complete fool.

Not to mention that he didn't follow Xi Yu, even if he did, how could he prove it?

Is it possible that he can still order Xiyu to come over?

So I must win this bet.

"You brat, don't worry about it now. What if you lose?"

"Like you, I will give you my land, and I will kneel down and kowtow to you."

Old Man Huang laughed.

"Fathers and fellow villagers, you have all heard it. I didn't force him to do this. He did it himself."

There was a middle-aged woman who was an aunt of Jinchang according to her seniority.

She said coldly: "You have gone too far, Old Man Huang, I think you are just looking for trouble and want to bully my brother and my sister-in-law's family."

She hurriedly walked towards Jinchang and said, "Child, don't be fooled by him. He can say whatever he likes. You go to work quickly."

After that, she said that she would make the decision for Jinchang today. No one wanted to harm their family. She had to pass this test first.

Jinchang said: "Auntie, why do you want to stop me? I still want their land and let him kowtow to me."

The middle-aged woman was quite puzzled.

I wonder if this nephew is crazy.

But when I looked at Father Jin and Mother Jin, I saw a very calm look on their faces.

He suddenly felt confused. Could it be that what Jinchang said was true?

Old Man Huang also told the middle-aged woman to mind her own business.

This is what Jinchang wants, what does it have to do with her?

Besides, she is not Jinchang's biological aunt.

When the middle-aged woman saw the Jinchang family like this, she had no choice but to step aside.

Old Man Huang asked: "Then how do you prove it? If you want us people to go to Youzhou, the fare and everything will be yours."

Jinchang smiled contemptuously.

"No need to go to such trouble, just give me a trip to Kunlun Mountain."

Everyone was once again stunned. Although Kunlun Mountain was very close, in the eyes of many people, it had become a taboo mountain.

Because many people will be beaten after going up, and they will not be able to get to the top at all.

At this moment, Jinchang made this request, which clearly meant to kill them.

"Okay, you Jinchang, how dare you play tricks on us like this."

Some people became indignant.

Jinchang sneered.

"I'm not playing tricks on you, Old Man Huang, do you dare to go up with me? Besides, it's best if a few people go up with me, otherwise, this old man will be playing tricks again."

Old Man Huang was stunned for a moment. Seeing how firmly he spoke, could Xi Yu really be on the mountain?

And is he really Xiyu’s soldier?

He asked directly.

"What do you mean by that? Is the actor really on the mountain?"

Jinchang thought that he must find a way to deceive him. If he was directly told that Xiyu was in the mountain, he might find a reason not to go.

He shook his head.

"The actor is not on the mountain, but someone can prove it. Do you dare to follow me?"

"What kind of place is this Kunlun Mountain? It's impossible for you not to know Jinchang, but you want to do this. What do you mean?"

"Who told you not to go to Kunlun Mountain? I even stayed there for one night. If you don't believe it, you can go to Masheng Village and ask the doctor."

Old Man Wang then said that he was too old to climb the mountain.

"Huang, what do you mean by pushing back and forth? You proposed this. If you admit defeat, you will fulfill your bet now."

The veins on Old Man Huang's face bloomed.

"You brat, how dare you say that to me? Well, even if I risk my life today, I will go up the mountain with you."

A few people are willing to accompany me up the mountain.

Jinchang told his parents to wait here.

The parents also nodded.

Soon, Jinchang led them to the mountain.

But this old man Huang is really exhausted.

By the time we climbed to the mountainside, we were already exhausted.

Jinchang said that he could wait for him. In short, it didn't matter if it was a little late, as long as he didn't back down.

Xi Yu has no idea about everything that happened here. He is just immersed in writing a book now.

Chunyutian stayed in the room.

He suddenly felt a little bored. Until now, he didn't know what Xi Yu wanted to do.

He understood that Xiyu was definitely not writing books casually out of boredom.

So what does he mean?

On the mountainside, several Taoist boys felt puzzled when they saw Jinchang coming again.

Because they already knew that Xiyu asked him to go home.

And why did he come with so many people this time?

The little Taoist boys know that no more people are allowed to go here because they are afraid that people at the bottom of the mountain will disturb their practice.

Even though Xi Yu's identity is somewhat special, Jinchang shouldn't just bring people here casually.

A little Taoist boy asked what was going on?

Jinchang then explained his intention.

Xiao Daotong thought that since he was playing Yu Yu, there was no need to go in to report, so he let them go up.

The old man Huang was stunned for a moment. Could it be that Xi Yu was really up there?

Otherwise, how could everyone let it go?

Jinchang said: "In that case, let's go quickly, old man. If you can't walk without dressing at this time, it's impossible."

Jinchang also told the little Taoists about the bet.

He said that he had to go up the mountain. If the old guy didn't leave, let the little Taoist boy punish him.

It took a few Taoist boys to understand what was going on.

Old Man Huang quickly asked: "Masters, tell me, is the actor really on the mountain?"

Before the Taoist boys could answer, Jinchang had already snatched the words away.

"So what if they tell you? As the saying goes, hearing is false and seeing is believing. It's best to go up there and take a look."

Anyway, Jinchang is in trouble with them, who wants them to live and die?

As if a hammer hit Old Man Huang on the head, he seemed to have understood.

What Jinchang said should be true.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, you should hurry up the mountain." A little Taoist boy said quickly.

Jinchang was very happy to see Old Man Huang's deflated appearance.

But at the same time he cursed again.

"Old guy, do you want to be lazy? I tell you, this is impossible."

Several villagers also realized that something was wrong at this time, but they were already riding a tiger and couldn't afford to lose this person even if they wanted to go back.

They had no choice but to follow Jinchang and go up.

After an hour, he finally reached the top of the mountain.

Several people were out of breath from exhaustion, especially Old Man Huang.

Chunyutian happened to be walking in the mountains and was a little bored.

It was particularly strange to see Jinchang arriving with a group of people.

Jinchang told him what happened.

Chun Yutian said that the actor is currently writing a book, and Jinchang also knows about it, so it is better not to disturb him.

Jinchang said that they only met once, but several villagers were so frightened that their faces turned pale.

Especially Old Man Huang.

These villagers themselves were all with Old Man Huang, just to see Jinchang's jokes.

Did Jinchang win in the end?

Chunyutian said to let them wait for a while, and he was going to ask Xi Yu.

While Xi Yu was thinking, he suddenly heard someone knocking on the door and felt very angry.

The other party said it was Chun Yutian, so Xi Yu let him in.

"Didn't I tell you not to disturb me? What's the matter?"

Chunyutian told what happened.

Xi Yu didn't expect this to be the case.

Chunyutian originally thought Xi Yu would be angry.

Xiyu suddenly laughed.

At this moment, Xi Yu suddenly had an idea.

When two people make a bet, isn’t the stake a field?

Maybe after returning to Youzhou, I can let Jinchang get more land.

Then give him some important errands.

Of course, if he still wants to continue in the military camp, then he can find someone else to do it.

"In that case, let them all come in."

After Xi Yu spoke, Chunyutian hurriedly walked out.

He told Jinchang that he could go in.

Jinchang smiled and said to several villagers: "You should feel honored. Come in quickly."

Several villagers stared at each other, and Old Man Huang's body was already trembling.

"Did you hear that? Why don't you hurry in? Is it possible that the actor will come to invite you?"

Several people had no choice but to walk towards the room where Xiyu was writing.

Xiyu has stopped writing.

He saw Jinchang walking into the room first, with a smile on his face.

"Master Xi, I'm really sorry to bother you."

After several people walked in, they looked at Xi Yu.

"What are you guys looking at? If you don't kneel down quickly, are you going to say that the actor is fake?"

Jinchang scolded him harshly.

Several people had no choice but to kneel down.

Old Man Huang actually really thought about it.

No matter who is inside, they insist on claiming it is fake.

But he really didn't have the courage to do this. How could he, a common man, dare to confront Xi Yu?

Although they had never seen Xi Yu, when they saw this aura, they already understood that the person in front of them was the real master.

Xi Yu asked, "Tell me what's going on?"

Although he already knew it, he still wanted to ask.

Old Man Huang told his story.

He said he was exaggerating.

You really shouldn't be so arrogant.

He never expected that Jinchang would actually serve as a soldier under Xi Yu.

Xi Yu scolded them.

Tell them not to be too arrogant and not to look down on others casually.

"Yes, Mr. Xi, your lesson is right, we will all remember it."

Xi Yu added that since he had made a bet, he was willing to admit defeat. He was not facing his subordinates, but because they won.

Jinchang was very happy.

"Old Man Huang, your land is already mine. Even if the people who come here don't bear witness to me, the Opera Association will make the decision for me."

In this case, how dare a few people say no?

Old Man Huang said that his land will belong to the Jin family from now on, but he will never own it again.

It's just that his mind is complaining.

If I had known this, I would never have dared to bet.

But he was just hot-headed at the time, and ended up losing the land in vain.

"And the second one. Kneel down and kowtow and call me grandpa."

Jinchang smiled and suddenly waved his hand.

"forget it."

Old Man Huang was stunned, thinking that he must have let him go, and was about to apologize.

As everyone knows, Jinchang said: "There's no point in kneeling down to me here. You'd better do it in front of the whole village, at least in front of my parents, so we can go down the mountain."

He turned around and bowed slightly to the actor.

"Thank you, Mr. Xi. You have done justice to me, but I have also disturbed your time."

"Okay, if you have nothing to do, go back as soon as possible. I want to continue writing the book."

Xi Yu didn't finish writing the book, he had to catch up.

Jinchang asked Old Man Huang and others to leave with him quickly.

Chunyutian was outside guarding the scene inside, and he had completely cleared it up.

He believed that the old man brought it upon himself. (End of chapter)

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